Waseem Hendricks – Jumuah 18 Ocrober 2024
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The importance of Islam in personal and political events is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to be prepared and aware of potential consequences. The segment also touches on the depression of the country and the importance of staying true to Islam to avoid damaging one's life. The speakers emphasize the need for forgiveness and the importance of learning for children to teach parents. The segment ends with a discussion of mental health and depression in Israel.
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Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahi na'maduhu wa nasta'eenuhu wa nasta
'hdihi wa nu'minu bihi wa natawakkalu alayhi wa
na'udhu billahi min shururi anfusina wa min
sayyi'ati a'malina man yahdihi Allahu fala mudhilla
lah, wa man yudhillahu fala hadhiya lah wa
nashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah wahdahu la
sharika lah wa nashhadu anna sayyidana, wa nabiyyana,
wa habibana, wa shafi'ana, wa sanadina, wa
maulana muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa
sahbihi ajma'een amma ba'd rabbi shrahli sadri,
wa yassir li amri, wahlul uqda tam min
lisani, yafqahu qawli subhanaka la ilma lana illa
ma'allamtana, innaka anta al alimul hakeem I
greet everyone with the most beautiful greeting, the
greeting of Islam as well as the greeting
of Jannah assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi ta'ala
wa barakatuh alhamdulillah wa shukrulillah how fortunate we
are jama'atul muslimeen we are gathering in
Allah ta'ala's house in a house whom
Allah ta'ala mentioned it is the greatest
places on the surface of the earth what
a ni'ma this is, what a favour this
is and who brought this beautiful religion to
us none other than the best of Allah
ta'ala's creation Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam this is the nabi that Allah ta
'ala mentions on his hujjatul wada' that al
yawma akmaltu lakum deenakum that today I have
perfected your deen for you wa atmamtu alaykum
ni'mati and I have favoured you with the
greatest and perfect of ni'ma, of favours what
is that?
Islam Islam is that favour that I gave
you and when we are of those who
do what?
calling ourselves Muslim we surrender ourselves to the
will of Allah ta'ala Allahu Akbar how
fortunate we are last night in our masjid
after isha hidayah came to two people's hearts
in a time where the world is trying
to portray Islam to be this boogeyman this
barbaric religion Allah ta'ala takes people from
the southern tip of Africa to see the
noor and the light of Allah and the
noor and the light of Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam what is this deen?
al yawma akmaltu lakum deenakum wa atmamtu alaykum
ni'mati it's a favour that Allah bestowed upon
us wallahi we need to say alhamdulillah for
this gift for there are many that Allah
gives guidance and there are many that Allah
ta'ala * away the guidance from them
and we say ya Allah let us return
to you in a state that is beautiful
and that you are pleased with us we
ask Allah for a husnul khatima this is
the greatest gift that Allah can give an
individual that when he lays on his last
and who will appear in front of him?
shaitan our enemy will stand there and he
will try to * your iman away from
you with his waswas and you must remember
if you are a person that entertain him
throughout your life then you will entertain him
at this moment as well and Allah protect
us Allah grant us a husnul khatima, a
beautiful death if there is one worry in
the world that we should have muslims don't
worry wallahi muslims don't worry we say alhamdulillah
for every single occasion for every hal and
condition that we find ourselves alhamdulillah that is
from Allah but one thing that we will
worry about and we should worry about is
the day that we are going to close
our eyes the day when you lay there
and if you were one that slander and
hate and perpetuate violence and dispute and quarrel
and you know tafriq separate people from one
another then that's going to be a day
that you are going to be separated from
Allah there will be no la ilaha, not
learn the quran because there is going to
be too much stress in this life for
him and there is going to be too
much stress in this life for her because
she spent too much time, wasted time, 3
years la hawla we can't sacrifice 3 years
for Allah no no no no you must
be a doctor and you must finish your
matrik at 18 otherwise how is people going
to look at us my child only finished
matrik at 24 who wrote that law where
is that law Muhammad s.a.w. went
to grade 10, grade 11, grade 12 wrote
matrik and then he went to university for
12 years doctors now, 7, 8 years of
his life and then only after that you
must first do your practical for another 2
years and then you are an old man
and you only want to get married and
the ladies say no no no we want
the younger guy then you are depressed because
the younger ladies don't want you now you
are even depressed because I didn't really want
this lady and your whole life has become
a depression I actually wanted her but she
didn't want me what's the sunnah when two
youngsters see one another they are happy, they
come from good families Rasul s.a.w.
says let them get married no no no
you can't get married the father can sustain,
the mother can sustain them but you are
not going to get married and now, zina
you brought shame to our family and the
depression, the mother can't love and the father
can't love and there is problems because now
they force him to get married to that
lady but they don't like that lady because
she is the one that took my son
and she is the one that opened her
there is nothing wrong with my son and
on the opposite side, oh he is the
guy he is the one that did this
he is not good for my daughter and
now the two families that came together is
in conflict all the time and we go
in a state of depression and that family
breaks up and the children is lost la
ilaha illallah and this is the state of
the ummah Allahu akbar jamaatul muslimeen wake up
ya ummat al islam wake up ya ummat
al islam our depression is who is going
to be successful the end of the life
that's our depression that's a valid depression that's
the depression of Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam
how can it be that today I'm living
15 years next to my neighbor and we
didn't once speak about Islam this guy has
got no intention of learning or know anything
about Islam that's fine with us?
no depression for him no no no but
we only worry about ourselves as long as
we are fine la ilaha illallah this was
not the way of Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa
sallam what is that one?
that was everything about us how we conduct
ourselves how we speak how we interact how
we integrate how is South Africa, Cape Town
so successful because we integrated and we integrated
well ok let me rephrase that our predecessors
integrated and integrated well Sheikh Yusuf of Makassar
didn't come here and say you know I
must worry about myself he looked at Cape
Town and he said he has work to
do a lot of work to be done
here and he worked from Guru came here
and did not say I'm worried about myself
although incarcerated into a jail, into a prison,
locked up writing an entire Quran by hand
work must get done my friends, prisoners who
are with me here I need to give
da'wah no matter what you have done
Allah will give and shower his mercy upon
you if you accept Islam I worry and
concern for everyone how do we live today?
how do we eat also?
how did the Rasul Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam eat?
they say enough to what?
what is the hadith saying?
to straighten his back just to straighten if
you have pain, stomach pain so eat something
just to straighten his back why?
because it must give him enough energy to
worship Allah better that was the reason for
eating and that should be the reason for
eating our reason for eating is I'm not
going to comment because I'm one of them
I love eating pick my mouth my mouth
is straight because my chest I'm still fulfilling
the sunnah some of the brothers are a
lot of work here Allah bless the depression
today is what?
let me, subhanallah Allah speaks about this and
Allah says when will Allah allow people to
become depressed?
and depressed for what?
depressed in this life when will this happen?
Allah says this
should bring shivers down our spines because everything
we do today is for us to benefit
it's because of myself it's because I achieved
it's because I've done and do you know
who I am?
we all know that question but Allah warns
us and Allah says if we remember Allah
do we think that we will be in
a state of ghafla?
powerful words from Allah whoever he is turning
away from my dhikr Allah says they are
not in my remembrance Allah says indeed he
will have a depressed life he will have
a depressed life so it's an amazing thing
because I've mentioned now the other night in
one of my talks after maghrib I said
in my marriage seminar course that I had
a few weeks ago I've mentioned that if
married couples argue it gets out of hand
isn't it?
ya Allah I know about married couples subhanallah
the words that come from the mouth no
matter if the imam said it and the
imam is watching the boxing match it's nice
you know they come in they are imam
we want help ok khair I'm explaining ok
I'm going to help you inshallah but this
is what I require please you know you
can explain yourself and then inshallah you know
I will respond and I will give you
the sharia and mashallah yes yes we agree
and then suddenly after two minutes they say
but it's you whoop say ya salam allahu
akbar mashallah and I watch the boxing match
and after that I say so why did
you come?
to come and show me how beautiful and
how bristol and how is that why you
you can leave and you can go fight
outside I'm no referee you didn't come here
for that ajeeb how husband and wife can
carry on and I gave advice and I
told him if that moment arises between husband
and wife what happens?
and you start your argument and if it
is happens to be the male that is
in a heated state at that time his
khal is not good and the woman stand
on the other side and all she need
to say to him is what?
ittaqillah my husband fear Allah is this how
you carry on?
fear Allah and Allah indeed says innama al
mu'minoon idha dhukir Allah wajilat quloobuhum Allah Allah
Allah say when my name is mentioned it
brings a tremor to the heart of the
believer what is Allah saying?
not the Muslim?
Allah don't say innama al muslimoon or innama
al mu'minoon if you call yourself a believer
that when my name is mentioned immediately from
that khal no matter where you are you
come down and you say astaghfirullah al azeem
ya my beloved wife I did not mean
that forgive me you starting on such a
beautiful note ittaqillah the name of Allah is
mentioned brings a tremor to your heart and
then you as Allah says that moment was
a moment of what?
a moment of anger right?
and Allah says walqadhimina al ghayth when that
happen when you feel like that you want
to blow up right?
Allah says the best thing for you to
do is forgive Allah's words look how Allah
teach us to get through depression Allah teach
us to get through that ugly state of
anger Allah says what must you do?
swallow your anger when it happens swallow it
say no fight your nafs and then babes
you know you've done wrong but I forgive
you or I've done wrong please forgive me
it's not right what we are doing and
Allah say after that what?
inna allaha yuhibbul muhsineen wallahu yuhibbul muhsineen and
by Allah He is the one who love
the good doers is that not doing something
Allah teach us everything in life Allah says
whoever among you are going to be oblivious
of the remembrance of Allah I will give
you a life of depression of hardship of
difficulty it's what you will face and Allah
protect us jamaatul muslimeen remember what Rasulullah S
.A.W. said there is one thing that
we need to stay away from and what
is that?
hubbud dunya the love of this world it's
consuming us it's using us like a cattle
of sheep it's steering us in directions that
we are not supposed to be in but
they're just steering us love the world how
do we teach our kids?
we're supposed to teach the first thing three
things that we need to teach our kids
the Rasul S.A.W. said what is
the first thing that you need to teach
your kids?
I've mentioned that all this also it's what?
first thing what do we think is the
first thing that Rasul S.A.W. said
that we must teach our kids?
hubbul nabi the love for Rasulullah Allahu Akbar
if we speak to our children is their
tears shed by our kids for Rasulullah?
wallahi astaghfirullah I drive with my kids and
I say what are you guys going to
bacha today?
there's my kids I said what do you
want to know?
they decided on the way to masjid they
wanted to do today they said Allah Allah
Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah
speaking about the people of Gaza sharrafakum Allah
honors you ni'ma al jihad the favor of
jihad is been bestowed upon you jihadukum bi
jujad Allahu sharrafa qadrakum.
Allah has honored you with this gift and
he gave you the ability.
Saifu lil quds.
The sword of quds is your sword.
Saifu qum protect it.
This is what my children chose.
What does that bring to your heart is
up here.
Ask your children, what would you love to
do for Rasulullah today?
What would you love to do for Allah
This is how the conversation should happen.
Because the Prophet said the best things and
the first thing to teach your children is
hubbun nabi.
Let them love Rasulullah.
If they love Rasulullah, automatically the second thing
comes in place, hubbu.
Ahlul baytihi.
The hubb and the love for his family.
And if they love them, once the love
of Rasulullah and the love for his family
is there, what will happen?
Look where the third thing comes in.
What's the third thing?
Karatul Qur'an.
Let them recite the Qur'an.
If they love the Rasul, he was the
living Qur'an, automatically they will be connected
to the Qur'an.
Automatically they will be connected to the book
of Allah.
Automatically they will become connected to Allah.
But our children don't know Rasulullah.
Are we not depressed about that now?
My child failed.
My child failed grade 1, grade 3, grade
4, grade 5, grade 6.
Ya Allah, what's wrong with you?
He's the one that must go like this.
But may Allah focus on the one that
knows his work.
That's the one knowing his work?
And mashallah Allah makes the child that you
looked at and thought is a failure, Allah
makes him the hafidh.
Who's better?
Who's better?
Where's our thought?
Where's our thinking today?
That the Qur'an comes second to anything
Ajeeb, ajeeb, ajeeb.
Allah says, you will have a depressed life
if you're outside of the dhikr of Allah.
And these are the true people now.
Let's make the analogy.
You look at what is happening in the
Do we think the Ghazans are depressed?
The people of Ghazan are depressed?
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.
They embrace, they embrace the situation.
They embrace the situation.
They say, Allah is sufficient for us.
No matter what you see.
No matter what you do to us.
Take away our pride, take away our dignity,
take away our homes.
Take away our children, take away our mothers.
Children say, Allah is sufficient for us.
What is sufficient for us, jamaatul muslimeen?
The wealth of the world, we're running.
We're running into a dead end.
Because we're going to face Allah.
We're going to face Allah.
What did you do when I knocked on
your door?
Allah is going to ask us on the
day of qiyamah.
What was the knock?
I don't have.
I'm in difficulty.
Say, I worked for this, you must go
and work.
Allah asks us, what should we do for
Wa akridullaha qardan hasana.
Give Allah a good loan.
How do you loan something to Allah?
How do we loan something to Allah?
Doing this help and aid the religion and
the deen of Allah.
If you aid Allah within his religion, Allah
will aid you.
Palestine is crying for our help.
And we're still living normal life.
We're still upset with one another.
Fight with one another.
Who's standing for salawat and who's sitting for
And whose finger is straight in the tashahud.
And whose finger is moving.
This is what we argue about.
Where did the ummah go wrong?
Allahu akbar our Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam.
Such a beautiful way that he loved.
He brought people together with his words.
We use that very words today to separate
Wa na'udhu billah, Allah protect us.
These words must bring us together.
The Qur'an must bring us together.
It shouldn't make us fight one another.
That is why we are finding ourselves with
remnants of depression.
But I want to tell you today, ummah
of Islam.
Never say that we the ummah or yourself
or your family is in the state of
Depression is not for us.
Depression is if you look at the Israelis.
What are they?
They're running after this world.
And it's never enough.
And they commit atrocities and sin.
And wrongs to achieve what they want to
and they think that it's right.
But if you look into their eyes, the
fear of Allah is prevalent in their eyes.
They know it's coming.
And now I'm ending off with the stats.
What is the stats?
2 million Israelis left Israel already.
2 million takbir.
This is what we should takbir for.
Don't listen to propaganda.
2 million of them ran out of Israel.
46,000 of their businesses have closed.
46,000 of Israeli businesses have closed down.
60,000 businesses are on the way to
Mental illness is an epidemic in Israel.
Mental illness is an epidemic in Israel.
Look at the Palestinians when they close their
Noor emanate from their faces.
Their lives have been taken by Allah.
Because Allah want to return them to Him.
And how do they return?
They return as shuhada.
What is there?
No depression.
What is there?
The ultimate ajran success is there.
Ajran adheema.
Ajran adheema.
That is us, the ummah of Muhammad s
.a.w. That is us, Jama'at al
There is friction and chaos everywhere.
Reservists do not want to take part in
their battles and fighting anymore.
They have to import who?
People from Africa who they look down upon.
They look down upon the people of Africa.
But now they have no other choice.
They must import the people from Africa to
fight for them.
Allah protect our people from Africa not to
stand with them.
And then lastly, their loss is 85 billion
dollars already.
Their debt.
Their losses.
Their losses is 85 billion dollars already.
Who can make this happen?
Humanity can make this happen.
We will not stand with the oppressor.
So Jama'at al-Muslimin, the question is,
Who is winning?
Who is winning?
Allah's Deen Is standing high and showing people
That this is how we should live.
This is who you should follow.
If you follow Muhammad s.a.w. If
you follow this Qur'an, You will never
be in a state of depression.
You will be the successful ones.
Allah will grant you the ni'mah and the
favor to close your eyes as a shaheed.
Allah grant us to die as shuhada.
Allah grant us to die as shuhada.
Who doesn't have the love in their heart
to die as a shaheed?
Every Muslim would want to die as a
This is one of the greatest honors that
Allah can give us.
Jama'at al-Muslimin, this is an emotional
time for us.
But such an emotional time that we are
actually happy.
Because Allah has turned the times of narratives
that was there.
And what?
Ya Ghazza.
A small little town.
A town, not a town.
What do they call it?
A prison.
A small little prison there.
They come and they wake up the world.
They wake up the world and they say,
This is what the Israelis are doing.
And people started actually looking and watching and
And the narrative is starting to change.
And millions and millions and millions in the
world is turning away from Israel.
And wallahi soon, soon the victory will come
Soon the victory will come.
And how sweet the victory is.
How sweet the victory is.
Even if we give our life and we
lost our life.
We lost lives.
This is the greatest gift that Allah could
have given to this ummah.
Allah is raising this ummah again.
Jama'at al-Muslimeen.
We were in a state where people looked
at us as barbaric.
And they looked at us.
Now people are looking at Islam.
And people are looking for a way out.
And the way out is only Islam.
Like I said last night, two people come
out of nowhere.
We want to embrace Islam.
What is the reason?
Something happened where?
In their heart.
Something happened in their heart.
We have hearts of Islam and Iman.
Nothing happened to our hearts.
Allahu Akbar.
Allah allow us to return to Allah independent.
And may Allah grant us victory.
Jazakumullah khair.
Jama'at al-Muslimeen.
May Allah bless you all.
May Allah grant victory to us as an
ummah insha'Allah.
And to humanity.
May we be of those whom Rasul s
.a.w. has yearned for.
That ummah insha'Allah.
That will show the people the truth.
And that ummah that have the concern for
everyone to enter into Jannah.
Ya Rabb al-Alamin.
Jama'at al-Muslimeen, our announcement for today.
We have obviously, this is the weekend of
the mahrajan.
At the castle, masha'Allah.
Make your way to the castle today, tomorrow
and Sunday insha'Allah.
Al-Quds conference today.
There is international scholars from Palestine.
There is people from overseas that's coming.
Don't let us embarrass ourselves.
And let us people come to numbers that
are little.
If there is anything that we have done,
you know, and have prepared.
Put it aside and go.
And go and listen and go and support
this great cause.
Insha'Allah ta'ala.
The mahrajan normally takes place in?
In Palestine.
But because of the situation, it can't.
Alhamdulillah, that she has in South Africa.
Let's make them proud in Palestine.
Are we supporters of Palestine?
Indeed we are, yes.
So let us make them happy insha'Allah.
By making them happy, we'll make Allah happy.
Amina Rabb al-Alamin.
Al-Quds lunch on?
You know, there is a great lunch on
Sunday insha'Allah ta'ala.
This lunch is not only for enjoyment.
This lunch is that every proceeds that we
make from here will be spent wisely insha
'Allah ta'ala towards Gaza.
Insha'Allah we have a Gaza demonstration today
at 5pm.
Come on insha'Allah ta'ala.
We are trying very long now to get
the numbers.
You know, I myself sometimes, you know, we
find ourselves busy as imams.
But insha'Allah, let us try.
Even if it is for 10 minutes or
15 minutes, we're coming to join.
Let's come insha'Allah ta'ala and let
us join.
May Allah bless you all.
Jazakumullahu khayran.
Wa akhiru da'awanahu.
Rabbil alamin.
Allah is the greatest.
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi Allah is
the greatest.
Astaghfirullah al-Azeem astaghfirullah al-Azeem astaghfirullah al
-Azeem At-tawabur raheem Alladheena ilaha illa huwa
alhayru qayyum wa naitoomu ilayhi wa nasta'nuka
tawbatan wa maghfiratan wa hidayatan lana inna huwa
at-tawabur raheem Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sallim وعلى آل
سيدنا محمد واصحابه وبارك وسلم اللهم أنت السلام
ومنك السلام وإليك يعود السلام حينا ربنا بالسلام
وأدخلنا الجنة برحمتك دار السلام تبارك ربنا وتعالي
تياد الجلال والإكرام سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك
المصير رب جعلنا بقيم الصلاة ومن ذريات ربنا
وتقبل دعاء ربنا اغفر لنا ولوالدينا وللمؤمنين يوم
يقوم الحساب رب ارحمهما كما ربونا صغارا ربي
زدنا علما وارزقنا فهما وألحقنا بالصالحين ربنا يسر
ولا تعسر وتمم بالخير وأنت الكريم الميسر سبحان
ربك رب العزة عما يصفون وسلام على المرسلين
والحمد لله رب العالمين