Waseem Hendricks – Jumua 06-12-2024

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The history and implementation of the Prophet's teachings during oppression, including subhanab district, and the importance of protecting people and making it easy for them to be of the greatest people. The speakers emphasize the importance of showing the truth in one's life and the benefits of showing the truth in their life. The segment also touches on the negative impact of fear and fear on society, and the importance of not being afraid of people's views. The segment ends with a discussion of Halal friendly practices and the importance of protecting people and making it easy for them to be of the greatest people.
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I seek refuge in Allah from the evil
of our souls and from the evil of
our deeds.
Whomsoever Allah guides, none can misguide him.
Whomsoever He leads astray, none can guide him.
And we bear witness that there is none
worthy of worship except Allah, He is alone
and has no partner.
And we bear witness that our Master, our
Prophet, our Beloved, our Intercessor, our Sustainer and
Guardian is Muhammad.
Peace be upon him and his family and
his companions.
I greet everyone with the most beautiful greetings,
the greetings of Islam as well as the
greetings of Jannah.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi ta'ala wa
Alhamdulillah, how is everyone doing?
Mashallah, beautiful weather outside, alhamdulillah.
Allah bless and shower us with these mercies
and inshallah, may we inshallah benefit tremendously from
these mercies.
Allah grants our crops to grow and to
be beneficial for us and for the animals
to benefit from it inshallah.
And if they benefit from it, we will
benefit from it.
And this is the beauty of the cycle
and the sunnah of Allah subhanahu wa ta
Jama'atul Muslimin, today we have a beautiful
hadith that we want to discuss and obviously
the verses of the Qur'an may Allah
substantiate what the Prophet Muhammad subhanahu wa ta
'ala mentioned.
And it is obviously where Sayyidina Jabir ibn
Abdullah, he mentions that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam, he says that, beware of
committing oppression.
Allahu akbar.
If we look in the times that we
are living, we know in the time of
Nabi Ibrahim alayhi salatu wassalam, what was prevalent
in the time?
Idol worshipping.
And that's why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
sent verses, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sent
signs, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sent the
messenger Ibrahim alayhi salatu wassalam, Khalilullah, in order
to fight what is happening in the time.
And he stood up against the tyrants, the
Taghut, very clearly that he was thrown into
a fire.
Can we imagine this?
And Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala shows the
power and the Qudra of Allah through that.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala allow that, Allah
says, say to the fire, Be a means
of salaman, peace and tranquility and joy.
If we are being thrown into a fire
now, there will be nothing left of us.
But Allah show us his Qudra, that our
deen is not based on logic.
Our deen is based on what Allah desires.
If Allah desires something that's harmful to be
beneficial, it will become beneficial.
If Allah desires for something beneficial to be
harmful, it will be harmful.
And this is what our history teach us.
And here, we find people living in today's
time, not taking Ibrahim lesson from what has
transpired prior to us.
And that is why, what Allah has done
with Anbiya prior to this, it does not
mean that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala can
give us the same.
If we stand for the truth and we
stand for Haqq, then Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala will aid and assist us, like Allah
aid the best of Allah ta'ala's creation
that lived on the surface of the earth.
Sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
What was prevalent in the time of Musa
alayhi salatu wasallam?
Exactly the same what is happening in today's
Fir'aun thought nothing of human life.
He thought he was the lord, that people
should worship.
Although, Frikan sounds nicer.
I'm with toilet to khan, I can say
toilet to khan.
To think that our lord Allah must use
a lavatory.
How can we even think of Allah like
We can't even perceive Allah ta'ala doing
things and acts that we humans, this shows
our defect, this shows that we cannot be
We are only but the creation, but our
creator he is ultimate.
He is divine.
He explains to us that he is nothing
like us.
But somehow, some of us think today that
we can be like God.
And Allah says there is no likeness to
Not even like Allah can we be.
Let alone Allah.
And Allah protect us from such thoughts.
And they think that they can rule the
world and they can make decisions on behalf
of others.
Our lord is Allah.
And we have complete trust in our lord
And that is what make us as Muslims
unique and mu'mineen unique.
You can do to us what you want,
but we know what's waiting for us.
We have not been created for this world.
This world has been created for us.
To work and to toil and to worship.
But ultimately we have been created for the
year after.
And strangely Allah don't leave us in limbo.
Allah tells us what the akhira is about.
There is a great reward waiting for you.
Great reward subhanAllah.
And may Allah allow us all to be
the inhabitants of Jannah.
And then Sayyidina Jabir he went on by
mentioning about the prophet he says that for
oppression will be darkness on the day of
Some of us when we young, when we
small, we are happy and joyful, we see
everyone they hug us, our mothers are with
us, they surround us.
But when we were young and they put
us in a dark corner, what happens?
We don't know what is happening around us.
There is no light.
Some of us we are adults today, we
sleep with the light on.
Even today some of us when it comes
to darkness we are afraid and scared and
some of us depend on others when it
comes to that.
Mommy please lay by me, I don't like
the dark, leave the light on.
Our children?
It's happening subhanAllah.
Can we imagine the day that count the
most in the life of a believer.
The day of resurrection.
Where our wudu will be a testimony for
Our good actions will be a testimony for
Our salawat on Nabi Muhammad will be a
testimony and a light for us.
That day when we depend on that light,
there is only darkness in front of us.
Allah protect us from this.
That is why jamaatul muslimeen the words of
Muhammad ﷺ must be internalized and understood.
Look at the signs of Allah around you.
It affects us.
If it's very hot, ya salam.
How I wish it was cool today.
We're never grateful.
Although that heat should remind us of Allah's
And when it's too cold, we wish it
could be hot today.
Never satisfied.
Innal insana lakafoor.
Allah says, insan has been ungrateful.
Imagine Allah tells us, you are ungrateful.
I'm giving you so much ni'mah.
That's why when the sun come out and
some people don't like the sun, then what
do they do?
They go inside their homes and they sit
in front of the air-con like a
dorkish place, mashallah, because we like that.
And if you look at them, Allah smile,
Vitamin B lack.
There's nothing.
Although what the sun will do to you,
the sun will give you the necessary nutrients,
and you'll be like me.
You'll just smile, subhanallah.
But some of us, we hide away from
that ni'mah, the ni'mah of the sun.
Everything that Allah ta'ala prescribes, there's benefit
in that.
Even that sun that is so scorching hot,
we benefit from it.
Who would have thought that the sun can
make you happy?
We don't think about the ni'mah.
If the sun is not there, subhanallah, what
will happen to us?
A lot of things will happen.
Pigmentation, photosynthesis won't be able to take place,
we won't be able to breathe because of
the plants.
It's a whole cycle that takes place.
We don't see the ni'mah of Allah ta
Can you imagine the day when we stand
in front of the Lord of the Worlds,
the only thing that we see is darkness?
Allah protect us, jama'atul muslimeen.
And the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam says,
committing oppression.
Committing oppression.
Oppression will bring darkness on the day of
So oppression happens everywhere, but in our lives,
we can monitor ourselves.
We have certain people that are working beneath
us and below us.
And we know who we are.
And we know our attitudes towards the creation
of Allah, towards the brothers and the sisters
of Muhammad salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
Remember what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam
calls you and I?
He said, You are my companions, but those
who come after me, they will believe in
me, although they did not see me.
That is the brothers, Rasul salallahu alayhi wa
sallam call us his brothers and sisters.
Can you imagine how we speak to the
brothers and sisters of Rasul salallahu alayhi wa
We oppress them.
We don't care how they feel.
We hurt them.
We harm them.
We speak behind them.
Eat their flesh.
We don't care.
Because we did not understand the reality of
the words of Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam.
The heaviness of those words.
When we speak about this, it's very difficult,
because we all err.
We have somebody beneath us, under us.
We love that.
Afterwards, he says, Allahu Akbar.
The heart of that believer means more to
Rasul salallahu alayhi wa sallam than the Kaaba.
Will you speak like that, in that manner,
in front of the Kaaba?
Call the Kaaba out?
Half of us will do that, because we
deemed it to be sacred.
We will, mashaAllah, look beautifully at the Kaaba,
and we will cry tears of joy in
front of the Kaaba.
Because Allah allowed us to stand there.
But when it comes to something more sacred
than the Kaaba, we don't care.
Does it make sense?
Oppression is something hated by Allah.
It's despised by Allah and His messengers.
That is to say, that the one who
commits this act, the Day of Qiyamah, there
will only be darkness.
And when there's darkness around you, the only
end result will be the fire.
May Allah protect us from the hellfire.
Oppression is rife today.
But also for us who are complacent, who
say nothing, we fall under the same category.
We need to voice ourselves.
Speak against this.
Allah Ta'ala despise it, believers despise it.
And we're not scared for no one, but
They are the believers.
They say, we don't fear no one but
But when we're trialled with that, it's not
so easy.
Because I'm going to lose my job.
I'm going to lose my family member.
Because I speak against him, I'm going to
lose my people's going to say this about
me and that.
It's okay for that.
But imagine Allah in front of you.
Allah don't want to hear that.
Allah want to see how steadfast we are.
That's why we sometimes make the du'a
Allahumma hutna bi taqwa wal istiqama.
Our taqwa and our istiqama is important.
When are we going to face Allah?
That person is going to stand there and
say, Allah, this man and this woman oppressed
me in the world.
They put me so down.
That was the omen of the deceiver.
This is the extent that people go today.
We don't need to look far.
It's live TV every day.
Social media, every day it shows us what
oppression is.
So we know what is oppression.
But we still do it.
And then we cry at night, Ya Allah,
set free our brothers and our sisters from
Palestine but I treat my brother here the
Ya Allah, free me but I'm doing the
same to my brothers and my sisters here.
What sincerity is there in that?
Allahu Akbar.
Allah forgive us Jama'at al-Muslimin.
We are all of the people who are.
And Allah Ta'ala recognize that.
The point is, do we recognize that?
Are we willing to make a change?
Allah grant us understanding.
And then the Prophet Muhammad goes on by
saying, Beware of greed.
Yes sir.
What we will do today for power, for
might, for people to see and to acknowledge
What we will do?
They dangle the carrot in front of us
and will sell our souls.
Allah Ta'ala says, I've prepared for you
Ajran adheema.
What ajr can we compare to the ajr
of Allah?
With the Prophet shallallahu alaihi wasallam going on
by saying, Mada'inun ra'at.
If you think this, that they present to
you is so wonderful.
You know what I've prepared for you, Allah
It's a billion times greater than that.
They present things in front of you that
is so flawed.
Example, they give us crops.
Farm full of grapes.
Look here, sweetest grapes you have.
Mashallah, you make money.
You sell that grapes on every market.
You send it to Makkah also.
The people in Makkah eat it in front
of the Ka'bah.
So you get loads of reward, mashallah.
And then the next year, what Allah test
you with?
I take everything away.
And now?
Mashallah, they dangled it.
Allah says, my ajr.
No eyes ever see.
That grape that the guy ate in front
of Makkah has one taste, man.
Come to my Jannah, I'll see what taste
you will taste out of a grape.
First one remind you only of the world.
Second one is better than the first taste.
Third one are crazy, ya Salam.
At least I would mention it.
Because what's happening?
At the end of the day, a titi
will come out of that pit of that
You know who's that titi?
What we call that titi?
No eyes ever witness the beauty of a
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam lowered his gaze.
Because he saw Umar idlal ta'ala and
one of his maidens of Jannah.
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam had to lower his
And Umar asked, what's happening?
Ya Rasulullah, what's happening?
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, if I had
to look, Umar became, Subhanallah, is that really,
ya Rasulullah?
Allah Akbar!
You've never seen mochis like these mochis.
And the ladies, Allah said, no eyes ever
And the ladies, don't worry.
The men, your husband, you look at him
In Jannah, it's called Souq al Jum'ah.
The shop on a Friday for Jum'ah.
Only a breeze comes.
And that man becomes your, I don't want
to say your haram name, but your Muhammad.
Wow, beautiful.
Allahumma salli alaikum.
You go home.
And she look at you and said, wow!
You've never called any babes.
Lovey-dovey babes.
What happened to you?
Your nose is more pointy, your eyes are
so beautiful.
I don't know, something, just a breeze that
came and something happened to me.
I actually feel like a young also.
This is what happens in Jannah.
Can you imagine, every Friday you look more
beautiful and more beautiful and more beautiful for
your wife.
And now, mashaAllah, the wife says shukran Mawlana,
you mentioned at least something about us today.
But it's the truth, it's the haq, it's
how the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam he
tried to give us common sense, to try
to understand what Jannah is about.
And it's way beyond that, because who prepared
it for you and I?
Not Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
It's beyond that.
We cannot fathom what Jannah is about.
No ear has heard.
You think you heard beautiful sounds?
You thought you heard Abdul Basit, mashaAllah rahimahullah,
may Allah elevate his status.
He read the Qur'an so beautiful.
You think that that was the most beautiful?
You never heard recitations in Jannah.
Imagine Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam reading for
you and I.
La ilaha illallah.
Imagine Allah.
His own kalam.
Ar-Rahman Allama al-Qur'an How does
that sound?
Soothing to the heart, isn't it?
Imagine Allah say that.
Your heart will explode.
This is the gift that Allah ta'ala
is keeping for you and I.
He prepared it for us.
Why are we running after this world?
Why do we want to ruin ourselves for
somebody who dangles something that's only temporary?
Because it's here today, tomorrow is gone.
How do we feel?
MashaAllah, I'm 28 now.
I start seeing, you know what people say?
Astaghfirullah, I'm not 28, I'm 26 now.
But how do you feel?
You start seeing your eyesight is a bitchy,
Why is things blurring now?
So now and then it blurs.
And when you're 40, it blurs.
And when you're 50, alright.
MashaAllah, 500 milliliters.
And when you're 60, 1.5 old bottle
That's how it works.
You have to go through the cycle of
But in Jannah, it's different.
Very different.
There's no flaws.
Your eyesight will be the best eyesight.
You'll always see what you want to see.
Your mochi looks somehow, you just think, no,
no, no, she's like that.
Then she's like that.
That is Jannah.
You will receive whatever you desire.
But what will ruin it?
And we are being gifted with so many
things and we are becoming so greedy that
we will sell our souls, we'll sell our
brothers, we'll treat them badly, we'll even make
them lose their dignity, we'll make them lose
their jobs.
Because I want it.
I don't care.
As long as I get it.
Beware of greed, the Prophet ﷺ said.
For greed ruined those before you.
Listen to the words of Muhammad ﷺ.
Greed ruined those before you.
Look at Firaun ways today.
Haman, Qarun.
Allahu Akbar.
These were one of the wealthiest people that
ever walked on the earth.
One of them.
But Allah snatched everything away from them.
Because of greed.
And then Rasul ﷺ said, it caused them
to shed their blood.
Is it happening?
We see it's happening.
Blood is being shed because of wealth.
Because of greed.
It ruins us as society.
We are not even seeing human beings anymore.
We're not shy to say they're not humans.
We say it today with our mouths.
They are animals.
Who are they?
These are the creation of your Lord Allah
who created you as well.
No shyness.
No fear.
We say it.
They are the scum of the earth.
May Allah protect us from this.
It ruined those before you.
And it made them shed one another's blood.
And Allah Ta'ala says, Rasul ﷺ says,
and to make lawful what was unlawful to
La ilaha illallah.
Jamaatul Muslimin, year end.
We go somewhere.
We find an eating place.
Halal friendly.
We go.
There's no halal friendly.
There's halal and there's haram.
Don't go to halal friendly.
My brothers, I seek, I ask you nicely.
As your brother in Islam.
As your child in Islam.
For some little ones of younger than 26,
for your father in Islam.
He's asking you nicely.
Don't eat halal friendly.
You know what you place in your stomachs?
Our Nabi ﷺ say, don't go close to
these places.
Your Nabi that you love.
I'm sure if I ask now, who loved
Rasul ﷺ?
There's not one person in the masjid today
that will not raise their hands.
We love the Prophet ﷺ.
He asked us nice.
There's nothing like halal friendly.
There's halal as Rasul ﷺ say, al-halalu
bayyin wal-haramu bayyin.
Halal is clear and haram is clear.
And there's so little haram.
Allah made everything halal for us, except when
it's proven haram.
Everything on the earth is halal for you
except what is proven haram.
And what is proven haram?
Few things Allah mentions.
Chinzeer, liquor, liquor, liquor.
We say liquor.
Liquor is there.
The halal friendly is connected to liquor.
Allah says, haram, don't drink it.
It takes away your mind, you know.
Imagine you sit there and Allah decides now
is qiyamah.
And you sit there next to a bottle
of J&B, mashaAllah.
Day of qiyamah, Allah resurrect you.
You see, what is that next to me?
Ya Allah, I have never drank.
No problem, brother.
You are now of those people.
As you die, you'll be resurrected.
Who wants to be resurrected with a J
&B bottle next to him?
None of us.
But we find it okay.
Allah protect us halal friendly.
Please, brothers, I'm telling you and sisters, I'm
making tabligh now of this, you know.
I'm asking you to do the same.
Go out there and you also propagate this
and say, don't, my brother, my sister, you
know, from the bottom of my heart, I
love you.
Don't eat halal friendly.
There's nothing like halal friendly.
Support halal.
There's no questions.
We just support halal.
We don't want to support halal friendly.
You want to be halal?
Walk the step, brother.
We will support you full-heartedly, but do
the right thing, and then we'll support you.
Allah grant us understanding.
One of the things that ruined us for
greed is what?
It is that we make lawful what is
Be careful.
Allah even told the Prophet ﷺ, لِمَ تُحَرِّمُ
مَا أَحَلَّ اللَّهُ لَكَ Why do you make
haram what I have made halal for you?
We all know what this is about, about
his wives, that he said, you know, he
became a bit upset with them, and then
he took time out, you know, and he
just didn't go to them for a long
time, and people started speaking and saying, did
the Prophet leave his wives?
Then Allah said, no.
Oh, my beloved Nabi, why are you making
haram what is halal?
Go to your wives.
They are halal for you, but Allah gave
a warning to the wives, but it's another
topic, inshaAllah.
Allah allow us to be of those who
do not partake in oppression.
We are not okay with it, and we
will speak out against it.
This was the very journey of Rasulullah ﷺ.
Oppression was everywhere.
Little babies were buried alive.
They were very unjust in his time, and
the Prophet ﷺ came, and he abolished those
thoughts, and he brought something beautiful into existence
called Islam and Iman.
We have that.
We need to make very clear that we
stand for this, because our Nabi stood for
this, and what was the result of it?
This, that we see today, us with Iman
and faith.
So inshaAllah others will also see that, bi
Jazakumullahu khair and Allah bless, inshaAllah ta'ala.
Allah allow us understanding such a beautiful hadith
that can remind us, we can internalize it,
and inshaAllah we can become of the greatest
people once again in this life and in
the next, inshaAllah ta'ala.
Messages, inshaAllah ta'ala, our announcements will be
Masjid Love today, collection, inshaAllah ta'ala, please.
It's for Gaza, right, with heels and wheels.
Beyond, inshaAllah, we can make that happen, inshaAllah.
Everybody have intention to give, inshaAllah?
Everybody have intention to give, inshaAllah?
Jazakumullahu khairan.
Our brothers and sisters are oppressed.
We spoke about oppression.
We can help to make it easy, inshaAllah
ta'ala, for them, easier for them, inshaAllah.
Today also, the Ulanga Masjid, Gala dinner, on
our doorsteps, we spoke about that.
Let us aid here as well, inshaAllah ta
Details on the poster at the door there,
And then our Gaza demonstration immediately after Jummah,
inshaAllah ta'ala.
Whatever time we have, two minutes, five minutes,
let us go and show, inshaAllah ta'ala,
that we stand together for the liberation of
Masjid al-Aqsa and the people of Palestine.
Jazakumullahu khairan.
Wassalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Allah hu akbaru!
La ilaha illallah.
Allah hu akbaru!
La ilaha illallah.
Allah hu akbar.
The Majestic Mind also for us in Shaa
'allah Tomorrow will be our community's madrasa.
It will be the year-end function at
our Fairbairn High School inshallah.
It starts at three o'clock.
Our community, we want them to come and
see and we showcase our children there tomorrow
Please come and have a beautiful day with
us inshallah.
Fadaloo shaykh Tamam shaykh Hayyakumullahi shaykh Shaykh Shoaib
Tamam shaykh As
-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh As-salamu
alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Bismillahir
Rahmanir Rahim Alhamdulillahi Rabbil
Alameen Ar-Rahmanir Raheem Malik
Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka
Nastaeen Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeem
Sirata Al-Ladheena An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al
-Maghdoob Alayhim Waladdaal Salamun
Alaykum Bismillahir
Rahmanir Rahim As
-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh As-salamu
alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Fa'itha Farahda
Fansad Wa Ila Rabbika Farad Allahu
Akbar Sami'a
Allah Liman Hamidan Bismillahir
Rahmanir Raheem Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Ar-Rahmanir Raheem
Malik Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Na'budu Wa
Iyyaka Nastaeen Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeem Sirata
Al-Ladheena An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoob
Alayhim Waladdaal Salamun
Alaykum Bismillahir Rahmanir
Raheem Idha Ja'a Nasrullah
Wal Fath Wa Ra'ayta An-Nasa Yadakununa
Fi Deenillahi Afwaj Fasabbih Bi Hamdi Rabbika
Wastawfeen Innahu Kana Tawwab
Allahu Akbar
Allah Liman Hamidan As
-Salamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah As-Salamu Alaykum Wa
Rahmatullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah
Astaghfirullah Al-Azim Wa At-Tawam Al-Raheem
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Arabic Arabic
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Arabic Arabic