Waleed Basyouni – Working Outside And Fasting – Ramadan 2017

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the benefits of breaking one's fast during work or during school holidays, as it is harder to attain the physical activity required to attain a healthy balance. The speaker also warns that breaking one's fast during a stressful time like summer could harm health and success in work or school.
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We know that this month coming in holidays in many places in the world, summer, and sometimes people ask me this question when they go work or the nature of the work require from them some physical activity, would it be a sufficient or this be a good reason for them to break their fast? Because it's very hard or it's long days, and they can dehydrated? The answer is no. Basically, the rule goes like this. If you get sick during the fasting, and you reach to a level which is not it's not safe for you too fast, you break your fast. So for example, a construction worker in the street, you didn't break your fast because it's too long of a time or a day, or because it's too sunny. It's

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because you are sick and sickness is a valid reason for breaking your fast. Same thing if you take exam you know exam is not a reason for you to break your fast but if you get tired and sick and you cannot physically it can harm you. This will be a valid reason for you to break your fast now like separate from all of us and give us success.

Can You Break Your Fast Because You Work Outside

Sh. Waleed discusses common mistakes made in Ramadan.

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