Waleed Basyouni – Where Do Childrens Souls Go When They Die

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of staying patient and not losing one's wealth or lives. They also mention the loss of children and the importance of staying true to Islam. The speaker emphasizes the need for patience and staying true to Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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And we will surely test you with something

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of fear, and hunger, and losses of wealth

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and lives.

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And the hardest test when you lose some

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of the lives of the closest to you,

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which is your children.

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There is no doubt losing a child is

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a trial,

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which cannot be tolerated except by a person

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who is a patient believer,

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who is content with the degree of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and I'm amazed by how

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the parents dealing with that.

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His stepdad from Bresno.

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was in the process of death. So Nabi

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saw his son like

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died in front of him And Nabi was

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in tears. Ibrahim Naouf asked him,

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This is a mercy. Allah put it and

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compassionate, then Allah put it in the heart.

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Then he said,

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the eyes weeps

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and the heart grieves,

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But we see only what our Lord pleased

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And we grieved over being separated from you,

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O Ibrahim.

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It is sad, it is hard to be

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separated from your child.

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But as Ibn Mas'ud said,

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there is none of you except

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that he is a guest,

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and his wealth is borrowed

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and the guest

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will always depart

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and what is borrowed must be returned to

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who it belongs to.

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And we will surely test you with something

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of fear and hunger

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and losses of wealth and lives.

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And the hardest test when you lose some

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of the lives of the closest to you

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which is your children.

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But Allah give a glad tidings to those

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who are patient. Those who say we belong

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to Allah will return to Allah.

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A woman came to him,

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buried 3 of my children.

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You have a thick partition from hellfire.

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Anyone who lost 3 of his children before

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they reach the age of puberty,

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go enter Jannah, and that person is patient.

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He said 2.

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1, he said 1.

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When your child die,

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the Exalted, asked His angels whether they have

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His servant's child.

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They replied that they have.

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I had said, he said

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that Allah will tell the angels,

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you have basically

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have taken the fruit of his heart.

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This is said, you know, the fruit of

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his heart.

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Then he said

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that the angels say, yes. Then Allah will

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say, what did my servant say? Then they

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They basically

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upon the replying, they have praised Allah and

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said, we belong to Allah and to Him

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do we return.

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Allah said build a house of praise for

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in my paradise.

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told us that these children who depart today,

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what will happen to them?

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said, These children from the moment, even if

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it is a miscarriage,

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so not even born yet.

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What will do these children in the day

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of judgment?

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The child will drag his mom

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with his court

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to the jannah, if the mom delayed in

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entering jannah.

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These children will pull their parents to jannah.

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And Ibn Nabi

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a man used to attend his gathering and

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his child comes with him.

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Child died and the man was depressed. And

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told him, if you wish, I will pray

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to Allah to return your child to you.

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And if you be patient, you will see

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your child on the Day of Judgment,

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calling you to enter Jannah from any gate

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you want.

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This what happened to the children of Hazra,

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waiting for their parents to invite them to

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enter jannah from whatever gates they want in

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told us the moment they die,

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the moment this child die,

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any children of the believer when they die.

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He saw dream and the dream of the

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Prophet are true.

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And he saw what happened to children when

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they die

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and where they go when they die.

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We came to a very green area,

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many bushes,

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it's a big garden,

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have so many colors,

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beautiful colors of that spring.

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A man who is very tall, I can't

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even see his head, he's very tall.

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And around this man so many children.

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Then he asked the 2 angels with him,

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who is this man and what is the

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This man is Ibrahim

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These children are the children who born upon

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fitra and die

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while their child were their children.

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Any children, even the children of the mushrikeen?

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He said even the children of the mushrikeen

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reported by Bukhari.

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Anil Imam Ahmad reported

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that there is a special area in Jannah.

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When the child die,

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it's a mountain

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or a *

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and it's so green like a garden.

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said, Ibrahim and his wife Sarah

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are the one in charge of children until

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they meet

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their parents.

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And when the day of judgment comes, they

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are responsible to make sure that they reconnected

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with their family.

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You wonder what happened to the children?

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Their souls are cast inside

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birds. They fly and they enjoy paradise.

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basically they return to nest right

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by this throne of Allah

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said to Abu Huraira and once Abu Huraira

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somebody asked him, said I have a child

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who died. What will happen to my child?

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Then Abu Huraira said,

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I'll tell you something that it will bring

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comfort to you about your losses.

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And the losses of these children are our

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when a child die, they will

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means the someone who freely enter any place.

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The moment the child die, he is in

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Jannah allowed to enter any place. Never said

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no to him. Even if it's not his

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status or rank in Jannah. He can go

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like children can go everywhere and they open

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every door, you know. Ask Ali Mudid, child,

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old friend, go to his office all the

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time. My office No. Nobody's the children like

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that. In Jannah like that, they go everywhere

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they want

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until the day of judgment comes

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and they will be waiting at the gates

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of Jannah, looking for their parents.

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And when they see their parents, they go

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and they grab them

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take them to Jannah.

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That's what happened to them.

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Children, yes, children.

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And the moment they walk into the Jannah,

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the ulama rahumala debated and the strongest opinion,

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the moment they walk into Jannah, Allah turned

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them to the age of 33.

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Because everybody in Jannah will be in the

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age of 33.

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But you see them in the age that

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they lost

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until they walking through the Jannah. As Ibn

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Abbas said,

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It's been reported that the Prophet said in

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the thirties they enter. And that concept even

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the hadith maybe is not the most authentic

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in the term meaning, but the concept is

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something agreed upon between the companions of radiAllahu

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