Waleed Basyouni – What Should I Do If I Missed The Sunnah Before Fajr

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The speaker discusses the importance of praying for the upcoming sunrise and the importance of not missing the chance to pray. They also mention the need for a voluntary prayer after the sunrise and the need for a careful planning process. The speaker emphasizes the need for planning ahead and avoiding misses the chance to pray.
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Sometimes you come to the masjid and the
imam has already started the prayer, at Fajr
especially, and you joined in the prayer.
So what do you do with Sunnatul Fajr
if you have not prayed it?
I think it's important to mention first that
some people, they will pray the sunnah while
the imam is praying.
I noticed that, yes.
Some people go because they believe it is
wajib or must be done, but that's wrong,
what they're doing, because the Prophet ﷺ said,
إِذَا أُقِيمَتْ الصَّلَاةَ فَلَا صَلَاتَ إِلَّا الْمَكْتُوبَةَ When
the iqama is called, the only salah you're
allowed to pray is the obligatory prayer.
With the imam.
With the imam.
To the extent some of the ulema said,
if you're praying the sunnah and the iqama
called, the salah that you're praying will be
basically invalid.
And you have to leave it.
And some said, no, you finish it very
quickly and you join the obligatory prayer.
Because you started before the iqama.
But after the iqama, no, you should not
do that.
That's number one.
So you should establish a prayer, a voluntary
prayer, while the imam is praying the obligatory
So, what if I miss sunnat al-fajr?
Sunnat al-fajr is a highly, highly recommended
And Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam never missed
sunnat al-fajr when he's in residence or
when he's traveling.
When he travels, he will not pray sunnat
al-dhuhr, sunnat al-maghrib, sunnat al-isha,
but he will not miss sunnat al-fajr.
And Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, رَكَعَتَي
الفَجْرِ خَيْرٌ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا وَمَا فِيهَا The two
raka' of al-fajr, which means before salah,
here the sunnat al-fajr, better than anything
in the face of this earth.
Gaining these two raka' is more important than
gaining anything in this world.
And that's a great deal for the Muslim.
So, if the person comes and misses that
time, what he or she should do?
In this case, al-'ulamah, some of them said,
you're allowed to pray right after salah.
Because a hadith reported in Sunan Abi Dawood
that Qais ibn Umar, Nabi salallahu alayhi wa
sallam saw him praying two raka' after fajr.
So Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam said, مَا
هَتَانِ الرَّكَعَةَ And what do these two raka'
He said, this is the sunnat al-fajr
that I missed.
So Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam remained silent.
So al-'ulamah, may Allah have mercy on him,
the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam approved what
he did.
There is a debate over the authenticity of
this hadith.
Because also, we have in the other hand,
a very authentic hadith that Nabi salallahu alayhi
wa sallam said, when you pray fajr, don't
pray until the sun rises.
That's general.
When you pray asr, don't pray until the
sun comes down.
And you pray fajr, اَمْسِكْ حَتَّى تُطْلُعَ الشَّمْسِ
Until the sun comes up.
And al-Tirmidhi reported from Halit Abu Huraira,
I think, that Nabi salallahu alayhi wa sallam
said, if you miss raka'at al-fajr,
pray them after the sun rises.
So that's a text.
That's a text, but also there is debate
over this particular narration.
But Ibn Umar used to pray sunnat al
-fajr when he missed it, with salat al
So with salat al-duha means?
After the sun rises.
Combining the intention?
Yes, combining the intention or praying two raka
'at extra.
He may pray al-duha four raka'at.
Two of them will be sunnat al-fajr
that he missed.
So in my opinion, if the imam prays
fajr at the beginning of the time, and
there is still a great deal of time
between finishing salat al-fajr and the sunrise,
you are allowed to pray sunnat al-fajr
right away.
In fear that if you leave the masjid,
you may forget to pray it, or later
cannot pray it.
Because it became haram right when the sun
is about to come up.
But sometimes during the year, the time between
fajr and sunrise is very short, like 30
minutes and the sun will come up.
In this case, you should not pray sunnat
You should wait until the sunrise and pray
it before dhuhr.
Because that's one of the times that are
forbidden to pray a voluntary prayer.
So with this being said, you can pray
it any time later on in the day.
But what if I forgot?
I remember it after dhuhr.
The Prophet ﷺ allowed us when you missed
a salat, and you forget about it, to
pray it when you remember it.
So even after dhuhr, you still can pray
that sunnat al-fajr.
But you cannot intentionally delay it until dhuhr,
or after dhuhr.
I hope that explains.
JazakAllah khair.
JazakAllah khair.
Yes, very well.