Waleed Basyouni – What Are The Signs Of Puberty – Ask The Imam

Waleed Basyouni
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The speaker discusses various signs of puberty, including signs of sexual attraction, age, and puberty for men and women. They also mention the importance of hair growth and the use of it for financial reasons. The speaker emphasizes the need to wait until the age of puberty before adjusting behavior and avoid risk of embarrassment.

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			We have a question about, you know, signs
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			of puberty, reaching puberty for both boys and
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			When does a person become really Islamically accountable
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			based on puberty?
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			Is it in the beginning of the appearance
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			of these signs or which sign that is
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			the defining threshold for that?
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			The sign of reaching the age of puberty,
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			some of them are agreed upon and some
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			of them are not.
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			The one that is agreed upon for men
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			is that * or their ability to
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			* and * comes out.
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			You know, that's basically a sign that's agreed
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			upon by all the scholars.
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			And for a woman is when she starts
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			her period.
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			She starts her period.
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			They said another sign, also she gets pregnant.
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			I think that's too late to figure that
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			out, but I mean, you know, but that's
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			something mentioned in the book.
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			These are the two things that were mentioned
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			in the books of fiqh, sorry, that's what's
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			been documented in the book.
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			So these are two signs that are agreed
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			upon between all the scholars.
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			Then you go to an area, also there
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			is another sign which is age, reaching the
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			age of 15.
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			Majority of the fiqh, not agreed upon, but
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			majority of the fiqh will say the age
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			of 15 is reaching the age of puberty.
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			Some made the difference between, I think in
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			the ahnaf, between men and women.
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			So they will have certain type of debate,
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			but you know, the one that back up
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			by a lot of evidence is the age
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			of 15.
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			Also some of the fiqh, debated over or
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			another sign which the fiqh debated over is
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			the growth of, the growth of the hair.
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			And when we talk about the hair, we
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			talk about the pupic hair, the hair that
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			grows around the private area.
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			And the private area, that hair must be
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			thick and curly, is not the soft hair,
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			because even kids like in a very early
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			age can grow soft hair in that area.
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			That will not be considered.
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			It has to be curly, thick, you know,
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			hair, that it needs to be shaved.
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			So when it is like that, that when
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			some of the fiqh consider it, not all
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			of them, consider it a sign of puberty.
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			Like the Hanabilah, because the Prophet ﷺ considered
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			this a sign of puberty for the Bani
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			And also the famous opinion among the Malikiyah,
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			and I think it is also Abu Yusuf
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			from the Ahnaf said the same thing.
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			But you will have the Ahnaf and the
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			Hanafi and some of the Malikiyah said, no,
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			it's not a sign at all.
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			Thick or not thick, a lot or little,
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			doesn't matter, it doesn't, does not count as
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			a sign of puberty.
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			The Shafi'iyah made more tafseel, I mean
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			by tafseel they say, it is a sign
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			of reaching the age of puberty for non
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			-Muslims but not Muslims.
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			And they have a reason for that, because
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			they said, it is an explanation about that
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			Muslims will not want to be responsible, mukallaf,
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			you want to delay that.
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			Also they said, because Muslim parents are trusted,
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			so if you ask them, nobody is going
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			to check, but if you ask them, they
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			will not lie, you know, about the age,
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			you know.
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			But I believe this kind of differentiation, there
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			is weakness in it, but it is something
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			that some of the faqah said.
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			The bottom line is, I do believe, also
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			some of the faqah said, the hair can
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			be a sign of puberty when it comes
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			to financial responsibility, but not ibadat, act of
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			So if you grow that, that means he
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			is old enough to be responsible for his
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			financial actions, selling, buying, you know, stuff like
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			Also in front of the judge, stealing, treated
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			like adult, going to war, but he will
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			not let obligated him to pray, obligated to
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			So also, there is a different range of
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			Wallahu alam, for me, is that if the
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			pubic hair grows in a thick, curly manner,
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			in a very early age, okay, like nine,
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			there is not any other sign, basically, no,
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			anything happen like that, or no, period, I
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			will not consider a sign of reaching the
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			age of puberty.
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			And when it comes to the age, I
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			go by the 15, as a maximum age,
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			not to wait the 15, because if somebody
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			start period before 15, all the scholars said
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			the age of puberty started, or have a
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			* before that.
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			But if nothing, if the period or the
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			* did not happen until the 15,
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			and 15 comes, khalas, 15 is a cut
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			-off line for me, and that's the Madhab
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			al-Hanabira, rahimahullah, and some other faqah as
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			well, and many of the sahaba have considered
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			that to be an age.
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			Some faqah even said no.
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			We wait until the hayd or the wet
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			dream take place.
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			So that's when it comes.
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			There is also sign, al-'ulamah consider them nothing,
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			like underarm.
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			Some people think the growth of the underarm
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			hair is a sign of reaching the age
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			of puberty.
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			It's not.
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			Or voice became thick, or changing the voice,
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			or the appearance of, for example, breast for
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			a woman, or the growth of the private
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			area of man.
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			That does not mean that the person reached
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			the age of puberty.
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			All right.
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			JazakAllah khayr.
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			JazakAllah khayr.
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			Thank you.