Waleed Basyouni – Mental Health vs. Jinn Possession

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The speakers discuss the importance of protecting one's mental health and finances through the possession and use of the ruqya, Q activation, and ruqya, Qayshaim. They stress the need for professional help for mental health issues and the potential forDRDR (prescriptioned reality) to affect one's health. The speakers stress the importance of seeking professional help for mental health issues and the potential for rebuilding the power of the shaitan.
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Assalamualaikum Shaykh.
So this question is related to the difference
between gin possession and mental issue.
So in this case this family is asking
about a member of the family who has
been diagnosed with schizophrenia but then that that
family member is exhibiting strange behavior and they
think that it could be possession by gin.
How can they distinguish between the two?
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
That's a very good question because I have
noticed a lot of people mix between the
mental health issues and sometimes physical like diseases
and the issue of being possessed with jinn
or magic done to the person or evil
eye or thing of that nature.
And I wanna say, first of all, when
somebody has a multiple personality disorder, will exhibit
strange behavior.
It's a normal thing.
When somebody have uncontrolled, for example, reactions, they
will start moving their hands and like their
heads or things that that's not a normal
So that does not take me right away
that this is a jinn possession, okay?
It has to be somewhere where we, if
it is diagnosed and it is officially diagnosed
this way, we understand what is the problem
is and we start dealing with it.
I have two points here.
Number one, can these kind of diseases and
other diseases caused by jinn.
Can they be caused by jinn?
I can confirm and I cannot not.
In Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, in some ahadith,
he mentioned that the plagues caused by the
jinn in some of the ahadith, you know?
So we know that they put this, like
that's why the Prophet also said, cover the
The jinn will not be able to uncover
Can they cause harm, physical harm?
Yes, it is possible, okay?
So, but if they cause this damage to
you or they cause this imbalance or they
cause this damage in your brain or in
your muscles and ability to move your hand,
that's possible?
Yes, it is possible.
Like when they do this damage, how can
you reverse this?
You reverse this by balancing, again, the chemical
in your brain, taking the medication and balancing,
you know, fixing the problem in the nerve
by surgery or whatever, and a person can
go back to normal.
That's possible.
You know, for example, Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
said the hadith about the bleeding of the
woman, raktham rakathat shaitan.
So we know that the extra bleeding that
the woman might experience can be caused by
the jinn as well because they hate humans.
They would like to harm, and I talk
about jinn, the shayateen, the disbelievers among them.
So they might harm the person.
So that's possible.
But is every mental health issues, everything caused
by jinn?
It is rare, but it is possible for
me that this happens.
And the way to cure this is by
going to the route of medications and, you
know, treatment, and also by going to the
issue of ruqya, which is part of our
religion and part of the teaching of Muhammad
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned in the Quran, mentioned
in the sunnah of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Qul a'udhu rabbil falaq, qul a'udhu
rabbil nas.
Nothing was but a ruqya.
It was a ruqya to the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam.
Jibreel taught him how to protect himself.
By reading that, Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used
to make ruqya to his children, you know,
grandchildren, al-Hasan al-Husayn.
U'iduk ma bi kalimatillahi tammat min sharri
ma khalaq.
When he is residence and when he's traveling,
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, as well.
So, and Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam was asked
about ruqya.
He said, urqu, lakin la turqu illa, ya
'ni bi kitabillah, using the Quran, using the
names of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
La ba's bi ruqya ma lam takun shirkan.
As long as there is no shirk, no
associating other with Allah, no praying to jinn,
no praying to, using like unknown words and
names and stuff like that, it will be
So, in this case, we say to the
person, that's fine, you can have your, you
do the ruqya.
Which one is the ruqya?
To read al-Fatiha.
Qul a'rabu al-falaq, qul a'rabu
al-rabbi al-lah, ayat al-kursi, the
last two verses in Surah al-Baqarah.
Bismillah alladhi la yadurru ma ismi shaykh wa
'l ardi laf samayah wa'l sam'yih
al-'alim wa'iduka bi karimati Allahi tammah.
This hadith that came in the du'a
in Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the morning adhkar,
the night adhkar, okay?
And the most powerful ruqya ever is al
The most powerful.
A lot of people go to a long
list of things.
It's shifa.
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam qal inna shifa.
Was Sahaba use it as a ruqya, and
Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam approved it.
And he said, I wish that I have
a share with you, you know, for the
reward that they get for doing this ruqya,
for the man who was sick when they
were traveling and passed by a tribe.
Anyway, going back to the point, so question,
we as Muslim, aren't we supposed to do
the morning and the night adhkar anyway?
We as Muslim, we're supposed to do the
ruqya because the ruqya is not about healing,
it's about protecting too.
So regardless if I have something wrong with
me or not, so I should do the
ruqya, Qahari should do the ruqya, Abu Shabraim
should do a ruqya, my daughter should do
a ruqya, doesn't matter what happened to them.
So we do that anyway.
So I say, well, somebody have this, you
should do the ruqya for them, they should
do it for themselves if they can, okay,
and you do it for them if they
And in this case, if it is a
jinn or caused by the jinn, Al-Qur
'an is a healer.
And if it's not caused by the jinn,
Al-Qur'an is still a healer and
the ruqya is a form of dua and
it's a healing act.
So you win-win situation.
It heals the spirit, the heart and the
And the body.
So you're not gonna lose anything and that's
what you're supposed to be doing anyway.
But what I'm worried about that some people
get into the idea of it is jinn,
it is possession and go into a cycle
and a very dark cycle.
And I mean by dark because they never
gonna be finding an answer if it's truly
possession or not.
Is it really caused by a jinn or
You will never be able to do that.
And you will be all, maybe it's hasad,
maybe it's jinn.
So what happens, sometimes it's block you from
seeing the cause that you can identify and
you can treat.
Exactly, right.
So I say in any way, you have
to do the adhkar.
In any way, you have to make the
In any way, you have to make the
And in the same time, seek the professional
help from people who specialize in this area.
So we don't need to deny the influence
or the jinn ability to harm.
And we don't need to dismiss science and
treatment as well, especially when it comes to
mental health issues.
Yes, there is certain cases can be clear
case of possession of jinn.
You know, where you can identify that clearly
by signs and by evidence that it is
You know, for example, something I have seen
when person is possessed with jinn and the
person reading with him, then he said, then
speaking voices.
People can make voices even there is no
jinn in them, can make up them.
So when he said, if you truly a
jinn, I want you to knock that box
over there or bottle over there, which is
far away, like in a room like this,
and he knocked it.
You know that it's jinn, because this cannot
happen just, there's no earthquake, we were not
in LA or San Francisco.
You know, this is not like a wind.
This is, I just knock it.
You know, I know this is not something
normal or tells things that is absolutely not
Sometimes also something, sometimes I do, I will
take two bottle of water like this.
One of them, I will read Quran on
it and one not.
Okay, I will not tell the person, I'll
ask them to drink.
He will never touch the water that has
the Quran.
Offer to him, no, and if he drink
it, he will throw up if he possess
with jinn.
So these kind of very clear sign that
this is here not the normal things we're
dealing with.
But I want to say also some people
hear and read and look in YouTube a
lot about water, how the Quran in it,
how it react.
So psychologically, if they know that this has
water with Quran, psychologically, oh, and they start
acting like this.
So it's funny, it's one time, one time,
one time I did this and the lady,
oh, my stomach, I want to throw up,
and I said, just for the record, it's
not true that this water has Quran in
I just was testing you to see if
you're psychologically making this up or not.
And it was true, just regular water.
But psychologically, she just feel that way and
she acted this way.
And she was kind of, was that right,
I said, yeah.
I just want to show you how much
you believe in this stuff that you convince
yourself and you became actually sick.
So may Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la make it easy for those who have
somebody with a mental health issues because this
is like so hard, so hard to deal
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la make
it easy for everybody.
And also those who suffer from jinn and
suffer from suhur, may Allah protect all of
us and our family because these are very
hard things to deal with because you're dealing
with something you really don't know much about.
You don't have much control over it.
But I want to end with this.
I want to make sure that you understand
The power of the Quran, the power of
iman, the power of du'a is much,
much, much bigger, stronger than the power of
the shaitan, the power of the virus, the
power of the sickness.
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has
his wisdom and has his reasons.
May Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
give us sabr and give shifa to all
those who are suffering.
BarakAllahu Fikir.
AsSalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.