Waleed Basyouni – Jumuah 17 Rajab 1446-17 January 2025

Waleed Basyouni
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AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses the struggles of people returning to their country after returning to Islam and acknowledges the importance of strong and contributing to one's beliefs. They also talk about struggles of achieving goals and the importance of being a strong person. A man from Pakistan shares his experiences in learning the Quran and becoming one of the most famous voices in execution. The speaker also mentions his successes and importance of helping others, including a woman who was murdered and assaulted by her own family but is not upset about it.

AI: Summary ©

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			I would like to talk to you about
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			someone from Pakistan.
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			Someone who many people don't know him much.
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			But this man has contributed a lot.
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			But before I take you all the way
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			to Pakistan, I would like to take you
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			to Baghdad first.
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			I would like to take you not only
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			into Iraq, but I would like to take
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			you back in time.
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			On the time of Imam Ahmad.
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			Imam Ahmad for 20 years, he was tortured
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			by rulers.
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			He was under house arrest.
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			He was arrested.
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			He was threatened to be killed.
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			He was prosecuted unfairly.
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			He was not allowed to teach.
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			He was not allowed to speak.
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			And he was unbelievable the amount of difficulties
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			that he had to deal with over the
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			course of 20 years.
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			Imam Ahmad after that, he became one of
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			the most recognized names.
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			To the extent it was said by some
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			of the ulema, Allah have saved the deen
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			after the Prophet ﷺ twice.
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			يوم الردة بأبي بكر ويوم المحنة بإمام أحمد.
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			The day of الردة when people after the
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			Prophet ﷺ passed away, many Arab tribes left
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			Islam, and Abu Bakr brought them back.
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			And many people have deviated from the Sunnah,
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			and Imam Ahmad brought them back during the
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			Abbasid times.
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			Imam Ahmad was watched carefully by people.
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			So one time people noticed that he always
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			mentioned a man, his name Abul Haytham.
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			He would say, اللهم اغفر لأبي الهيثم.
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			اللهم اغفر لأبي الهيثم.
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			Their son, Abdullah said, يا my father, يا
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			my father, I always hear you talking about
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			Abul Haytham.
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			مين هذا أبو الهيثم؟
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			كل شوي تدعوله.
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			في صلاتك, في صلاتك, in your salah, in
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			random time, you pray for him.
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			Who is Abul Haytham?
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			قال أبني هذا رجل من الأعراب لم أرى
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			This is a bad one, that I didn't
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			even see his face.
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			What do you mean?
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			He said it was one of these very
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			dark nights.
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			And you know in jail, it was so
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			dark, no light.
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			I didn't even see who was there.
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			But I know in the corner, there is
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			a voice of a man who told me,
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			I am Abul Haytham.
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			And I'm well known in this prison.
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			Because I always get caught up.
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			He steal things and you know, and do
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			like break the laws.
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			And he always like, ماشاء الله يعني a
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			customer to the prison.
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			زبون دائم في السجن.
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			Everybody knows me.
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			By Abul Haytham.
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			I had a lot of bad things and
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			always caught.
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			Sometimes drinking, sometimes robbing people, terrorizing people, gangs,
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			You name it.
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			أقطع الطريق وأشرب الخمر.
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			وإني جلدت في ديوان أمير المؤمنين ثمانية عشر
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			ألف جلدة.
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			Over the course of the years, I was
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			lashed 18,000 times.
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			A lot.
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			Means he was caught a lot.
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			And he said, يا أحمد أنا I'm so
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			strong, I don't bend my back, I deal
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			with these guys with full confidence.
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			And I'm upon the falsehood.
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			وأنا على الباطل.
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			I don't show them any kind of weakness.
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			And I'm upon haram.
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			I'm doing things which is wrong.
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			يا أحمد you are upon the truth.
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			يا أحمد you're holding up the religion.
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			You're holding up the sunnah.
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			Don't show them your weakness.
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			Be strong.
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			They're gonna torture you.
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			There's jail known for that.
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			Be strong.
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			Then Imam Ahmad said to him, لكني أخاف
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			I mean the skin.
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			I'm afraid that I can't bear it.
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			Imam Ahmad's body is very light.
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			He said, What concerns me the most, I'm
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			worried about the lashing, the hit.
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			I'm worried that I cannot take that.
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			After a while I will give up.
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			I'll tell them what they want to hear.
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			He said, يا أحمد لا تخاف الصوت.
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			Don't worry.
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			إنما هي أول ضربة.
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			The hardest one is the first one or
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			maybe the first couple of ones.
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			And after that your skin will numb.
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			Don't worry.
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			That's the easy part.
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			يقول إمام أحمد رحمه الله, فما صبرني الله
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			Imam Ahmad رحمه الله said, I did not
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			have anything have given me support like this
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			No one supported me like this man.
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			No one have brought me strength like this
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			So always I remember, I am doing this
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			for the sake of Allah.
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			And he was doing it for the haram.
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			And he was patient and strong.
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			So I will be more strong.
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			It's just the first couple of hit.
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			It's just the beginning.
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			And after that it will get easier.
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			And that's how it is.
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			My brothers and sisters, I'm not suggesting, but
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			if you can be Imam Ahmad, at least
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			be Abul Haitham.
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			But don't steal.
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			Don't be a thief.
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			In other words, if you can be Imam
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			Ahmad as a famous person, Imam with all
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			this knowledge, at least be that person who
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			At least be that person who feels that
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			I can contribute.
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			Don't ever look down upon yourself.
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			Don't think that you cannot do and you
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			cannot contribute.
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in the
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			Quran, وَقَالَ رَجُلٌ مِّنْ آلِ فِرْعَةٌ مُؤْمِنٌ مِّنْ
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			آلِ فِرْعَةٌ يَكْتُمُوا إِيمَانَةٌ A believing man from
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			the family of Pharaoh who concealed his faith.
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			Do you kill a man merely because he
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			says, my Lord is Allah?
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			Who is that man?
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			Nobody knows.
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			And in surah Yasin, Allah sent three messengers.
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			Yet a man came from the midtown or
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			uptown, however you want to translate it.
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			From the town and he said, he supported
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			the three messengers.
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			He didn't say, you know what, they have
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			three messengers.
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			Who needs me?
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			And now let's take you to Pakistan.
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			A man in Pakistan decided that he will
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			dedicate his wealth, his money, his time to
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			spread Al-Quran in Pakistan.
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			He said, I want to take the level
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			of teaching Quran to another level.
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			Where I go, where I find, I find
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			the Quran in the place where Quran was
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			So he goes all the way to Mecca.
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			Looking to get teachers from Mecca to go
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			to Pakistan and to teach Quran.
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			And he said, I will pay whatever it
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			I will provide whatever they want.
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			He goes to Mecca and at that time
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			the Imam of Mecca is Shaykh Abdul Zahir
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			Al-Samh, from Egypt.
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			He was the Imam of the Haram.
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			He was sick, he did not show up
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			that day.
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			So he found someone, like a random person,
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			led the Salah.
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			So our man was praying behind that Imam.
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			He said his Quran was terrible.
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			He said he made so many mistakes, that
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			I didn't remember praying behind someone who made
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			that many mistakes.
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			I said, I came to Mecca for Quran
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			teachers, and that's the kind of Quran teachers
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			they have?
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			What a shame.
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			So I'm going to start with Mecca.
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			So he decided to start a very solid
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			program to teach Quran in Mecca.
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			And he went back to Pakistan to one
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			of the Shaykhs that he knows.
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			His name is Shaykh Khalil.
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			Khalil Qari.
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			He goes to Shaykh Khalil and Shaykh Khalil
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			said, No, no, no, Mecca, I'm in Pakistan,
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			I'm not going to go to Mecca.
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			Mecca has its own.
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			He said, No.
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			I want you to go there and to
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			start teaching.
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			Such a shame that in Mecca, the land
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			of the heart, and we don't have good
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			Quran, and you're an excellent Qari.
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			You're the best Qari in the country.
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			He convinced him until he agreed.
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			And he moved him and his family to
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			And he became the Imam of a Masjid
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			by Bin Laden's family.
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			Not far away from the Haram.
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			And he had one of his students who
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			became so good, and learned Quran very quickly.
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			And that man was no one other than
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			the head of all the Imams in Haram
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			later on, Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Isbail.
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			Who became the head of Shu'ul Haramain.
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			The heads of the whole entire two Haramain,
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			the Mecca and Medina, and the senior Imam
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			One of his students, Shaykh Khalil's student.
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			He made him to help him to memorize
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			the Quran, to recite the Quran.
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			Then after a while, a Yemeni young man
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			loved his recitation.
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			And that Yemeni young man learned with the
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			And later on he became one of the
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			most recognized voices that ever led Salah in
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			Shaykh Ali Bajabir rahimahullah ta'ala.
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			And one of the most incredible people in
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			They said, you can't even, you can't count
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			in less than, not even by one hand,
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			how many times he made a mistake in
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			Over the course of 40 years of his
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			life, leading.
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			Anyway, then another family came to him, and
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			they said from Burma.
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			And they said, we have a son, who
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			we would like to invest in him.
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			And we heard you're the best Quran teacher.
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			And they brought their son to him, and
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			he studied with him.
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			Until he became one of the most recognized
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			voice in leading Salah in Medina later on.
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			Rahimahullah ta'ala.
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			And he became one of the Imam of
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			So you have from his students, from his
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			students, people who led Salah in Mecca.
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			Led Salah in Medina Al-Haram Al-Madani.
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			And thousands and thousands of Imams.
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			All this by the grace of Allah subhanahu
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			wa ta'ala.
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			And also that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
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			have made that man to dedicate himself to
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			teach the Quran.
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			But what's so unique is about the man
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			who we don't even know his name.
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			And when this Shaykh, Ali ibn Jabir ibn
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			Isfair and others, they talk about who taught
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			them the Quran?
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			The Shaykh, Shaykh Khalil from Pakistan.
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			They give him the credit.
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			And not only that, one day he was
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			in Mecca, then they said to him, we
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			would like you to supervise the Halaqat Al
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			So if you ever go to Mecca, you
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			will find Quran circles in the Haram.
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			He's the one who started that.
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			And it became now official and legislative and
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			have like an official structure.
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			And replicated in Medina.
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			And one day he visited Medina to make
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			sure that the Halaq Al-Quran and the
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			circle of Quran is organized.
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			And guess who heard him teaching?
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			Egyptian scholar.
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			And he said to him, that's a beautiful
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			I love your Quran.
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			Then he started talking.
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			He said, come with us to the hotel.
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			So he take him to the hotel.
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			And he said, brother, I didn't get your
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			He said, my name is Muhammad Siddiq Al
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			And he took Shaykh Khalil to the house
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			where he met Shaykh Abdul Basit and Shaykh
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			Ismail, the greatest Quran in Egypt.
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			And he praised him.
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			Just a businessman who want to invest in
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			the right way.
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			Let's have that year, the year of 2025.
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			You know what?
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			I want to contribute.
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			I want to put a seed for something
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			Sometimes you can reach that high goals in
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			Jannah through your deeds.
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			But Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made another
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			way also.
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			Is through, you know what?
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			Helping others.
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			To help you in your akhira.
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			To be the means of goodness.
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			May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us
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			among those who hear the speech and follow
00:15:28 --> 00:15:29
			the best of it.
00:15:29 --> 00:15:32
			أقول ما سمعتم أستغفر الله لي ولكم فاستغفروه
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			الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا
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			نبيه وعده وبعد Make sure, my brothers and
00:15:41 --> 00:15:43
			sisters, that we be among those who make
00:15:43 --> 00:15:43
			things happen.
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			Not just those who watch things happening, or
00:15:47 --> 00:15:49
			even worse, those who said what happened.
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			You don't want to be among those.
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			You know what?
00:15:55 --> 00:15:56
			Love the truth.
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			Love the khair.
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			Even if you are so deep in the
00:16:00 --> 00:16:00
00:16:01 --> 00:16:02
			So deep in the wrong.
00:16:02 --> 00:16:03
			But you know what?
00:16:03 --> 00:16:03
			Love the khair.
00:16:04 --> 00:16:04
			Don't lose that love.
00:16:05 --> 00:16:06
			Because that's the rope that you will hold
00:16:06 --> 00:16:08
			to it one day and it will pull
00:16:08 --> 00:16:09
			you out.
00:16:10 --> 00:16:13
			Don't ever make doing the khair a justification
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			for you to continue doing the haram.
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			Not because you're doing the haram, you said,
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			okay, I'm gonna donate a thousand dollars.
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			And make sure that this is...
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			It's like, this is, I call it drugs.
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			You drug yourself.
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			You think, okay, I'm doing this just to
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			avoid quitting the haram.
00:16:29 --> 00:16:30
00:16:31 --> 00:16:34
			That some of the salaf said, quitting usury,
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			one dirham from usury, from riba, from interest,
00:16:37 --> 00:16:39
			better than doing 70 hajjah.
00:16:39 --> 00:16:40
00:16:43 --> 00:16:44
			So that's not...
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			I'm not saying this should justify continuing doing
00:16:47 --> 00:16:48
			what's wrong.
00:16:48 --> 00:16:49
			But no, I'm trying.
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			But while I'm trying, this is not gonna
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			stop me to do something good while I'm
00:16:53 --> 00:16:54
			even involved in something that's not right.
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			Al-Hasan was there.
00:17:03 --> 00:17:05
			Then Mutarrif said, give an advice to people.
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			He said, I'm worried to say something that
00:17:07 --> 00:17:08
			I don't practice 100%.
00:17:09 --> 00:17:10
			He said, rahimakallah.
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			And who does 100% of what he
00:17:13 --> 00:17:14
00:17:14 --> 00:17:15
			We all try.
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			The shaytan will love that because he will
00:17:17 --> 00:17:20
			make no one speak, no one advise, no
00:17:20 --> 00:17:20
			one participate.
00:17:23 --> 00:17:24
			Everybody needs support.
00:17:24 --> 00:17:26
			Everybody needs advice.
00:17:26 --> 00:17:27
			Everybody needs help.
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			Even Imam Ahmed, rahimakallah, need the help of
00:17:30 --> 00:17:30
			that man.
00:17:32 --> 00:17:33
			We need to learn how to help one
00:17:33 --> 00:17:36
			another, especially if those people are oppressed.
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			And with this, I wanna mention in the
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			end of my khutbah, something that many masajids
00:17:42 --> 00:17:45
			speak about today, which is our sister, who've
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			been jailed for so long.
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			And regardless of the complication of her case,
00:17:51 --> 00:17:53
			but the amount of injustice.
00:17:54 --> 00:17:55
			She came, unfortunately, in the wrong time.
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			May Allah bring relief to her soon.
00:18:01 --> 00:18:01
00:18:02 --> 00:18:03
			She's miskeen.
00:18:04 --> 00:18:07
			Unfortunately, there's no political world behind her.
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			That's why there's so many Muslims today, if
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			you notice, have petition to Biden, President Biden,
00:18:13 --> 00:18:15
			before he leaves office, is to reduce her
00:18:15 --> 00:18:15
00:18:17 --> 00:18:19
			A woman reported that she was raped several
00:18:19 --> 00:18:24
			times, tortured, accused by things that, you know
00:18:24 --> 00:18:26
			what, and evidence that, I'm not gonna put
00:18:26 --> 00:18:29
			myself on the court, place, but at least
00:18:29 --> 00:18:31
			showing a little bit of leniency for someone
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			who is genius.
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			And it became a big political issue.
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			There is no doubt, there is people like
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			this deserve leniency, deserve to be helped.
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			May Allah make it easy for her.
00:18:46 --> 00:18:48
			But at least knowing that name and knowing
00:18:48 --> 00:18:50
			that this, the complicity of her case, maybe
00:18:50 --> 00:18:52
			you read about it, it's something that create
00:18:52 --> 00:18:53
			a level of awareness.
00:18:55 --> 00:18:57
			Not advocating for any kind of...
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			A lot of people, by the way, advocated
00:18:59 --> 00:19:00
			violence in her name, which is wrong.
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			And her own family basically criticized that.
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			If you remember not long time ago in
00:19:07 --> 00:19:08
			Dallas, somebody did that.
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			That's not the way to help.
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			The way to help through the legal means.
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			Inshallah, we will put in our, you know,
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			social media also link to ways maybe you
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			can support her through her legal counsel who
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			one of them lives here in Houston with
00:19:25 --> 00:19:26
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			In any case, my brothers and sisters, I
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			hope this khutbah inspire us to be always
00:19:31 --> 00:19:32
			part of goodness.
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			May Allah forgive our sins and guide us
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			to the best of speech and actions.