Waleed Basyouni – Is Organ Donation After Death Permissible in Islam – Ask The Imam

Waleed Basyouni
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The speaker discusses donating organs after death, including organs from one's body, heart, and brain, as it is allowed in Islam. They also mention donating organs from a deceased
or someone who is not a Muslim. The speaker emphasizes the importance of donating organ organ for research and development, as it is considered a "has been used for research and development."

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			As-salamu alaykum, Shaykh.
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			We have a question about donating organs after
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			What does Islam say about this?
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			Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim.
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			This is also one of the modern issues,
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			and I'm glad that you said after death.
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			Because before death, you're allowed to donate organs
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			with the following conditions.
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			So, kind of give both scenarios.
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			So, before death, anything that you're going to
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			donate from your organs, it has to be
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			donated, it has to be an organ that
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			if you donate it, it will not cause
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			death to you, obviously.
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			Like, you don't donate your head, you don't
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			donate your heart.
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			Also, it will not cause disability.
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			Like, somebody will not be able to walk,
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			will not be able to move his hand
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			again, you know.
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			Also, and it will not put your life
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			in danger.
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			Like, make you high, high risk of death.
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			That's why you're allowed to donate, for example,
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			part of your liver, part of your, or
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			one kidney, or partial of your lung to
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			be, maybe something like to be used to
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			build, like, implant.
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			I don't know, like blood, you know, blood
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			cells, stuff like that.
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			Also, they said, you have to do it
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			Also, you cannot sell it, it has to
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			be donated.
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			Also, you are not allowed to give it
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			to someone you know that he will use
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			this to fight Islam.
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			Like, somebody who is not hostile against Muslims.
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			He can be non-Muslim, but is not
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			somebody hostile against Muslims.
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			Some of these rules will apply also to
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			donating organs after death.
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			So, after death, it has to be something
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			you agree on it to be given.
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			Like, you're giving a permission for this after
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			your death.
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			Also, before your death, you write in your
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			will, or you've been taking, you know, permission,
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			giving permission to do that.
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			Number two, it has to be donated to
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			someone who is not hostile to Muslims.
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			Even if he's not a Muslim.
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			Because, non-Muslim, you can donate to them,
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			you can give them.
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			You remember the hadith, when she came to
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			the Prophet, and said, my mother is not
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			a Muslim.
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			You can be good to her, you can
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			give her, you can donate to her.
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			So, they are eligible to receive these kind
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			of, any type of donations, or any kind
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			of act of kindness and help.
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			So, you are allowed to do that.
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			Also, the ulama, the fuqaha, may Allah put
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			a condition, you cannot donate an organ that
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			is responsible for reproduction.
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			Like, a woman, you cannot donate, for example,
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			a womb, or ovaries, or *, or
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			prostate, if that's what produces *.
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			They said, not allowed to donate that.
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			The Muslim, also, new Muslim jurists, or the
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			Muslim jurists in modern days, also they said,
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			it should be done in a way, there
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			is no humiliation to the body.
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			Like, for example, he will not be cut
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			off, and like, disfigured, and left like, you
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			know, pieces, and cut in pieces, and it
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			will be treated with disrespect.
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			It has to be done in a process
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			that also maintains a level of dignity to
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			the deceased.
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			With these conditions, the Muslim jurists, and one
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			of the biggest councils of fatwa in the
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			Muslim world, Majmar al-Fiqh al-Islami, allowed
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			donating organs after death, with these guidelines.
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			And I would like to say, this is
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			different, different, than what we have today, they
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			call it, donating the body for science experiments,
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			or research lab.
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			So, some people say, my body, I donate
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			my body for research lab.
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			And this research lab, they take the body,
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			and they start doing some research on it.
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			There is a lot of interesting documents made
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			about these kind of research labs.
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			Many of them are not regulated, many of
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			them, they use this to sell organs, which
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			is not allowed.
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			They don't have any kind of respect for
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			the bodies, and I don't believe a Muslim
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			should do, or basically donate his body to
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			such thing.
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			You know, there is enough non-Muslims can
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			do that, even for a proper search lab
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			So, the Muslim body should be protected, in
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			my opinion.
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			But, donating an organ through channels that it
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			is trusted, where I can save somebody else's
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			life, that's fine.
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			You know, and by the way, people say,
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			so if you donate my heart to somebody
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			else's heart, does that mean he became mu'min,
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			he became kafir?
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			No, because the iman and kafir are all
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			related to your soul, not to the flesh
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			and the body.
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			Does that DNA affect the new person's DNA?
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			Would he be impacted by some of your
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			DNA, and morals, and behaviors, and characteristics, and
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			stuff like that?
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			Would there be any connection between the two?
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			I don't know.
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			Not knowing this, will not change the rules.
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			Because the rules in Islam are based on
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			the appearance, the zahir.
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			But that's an area, still an area of
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			research, there is a lot of interesting research
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			about those, that people change after, you know,
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			receiving a new heart.
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			Yeah, they start experiencing different memories.
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			Stuff like that, or brain, or stuff like
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			So, science will bring a lot of interesting
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			things in the future, but the Muslim hafuqa,
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			rahimallah, endures in modern days.
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			They didn't fully make these issues a determined
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			factor of halal and haram.
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			A final point, there is many scholars don't
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			allow organ donations after death.
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			And they say because it is kind of
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			humiliation to the body, and cutting the bodies,
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			and stuff like that.
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			And that's also an opinion that exists.
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			For me, I think the fatwa of the
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			majma' al-fiqh is a stronger fatwa.
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			It is something that is permissible, and you
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			are allowed to do if you think.
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			You live in a place that they will
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			respect the rules, they have some ethic codes,
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			and moral codes, and that it is good
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			to save somebody else's life, alhamdulillah.
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			May Allah bless you.