Waleed Basyouni – I Feel Like An Atheist How Can I Strengthen My Iman – Ask The Imam

Waleed Basyouni
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The speaker advises the audience to focus on their energy, pray harder, and do more prayer to improve their health and life. They suggest not enteringtain the idea of a job or family, as it takes years to change one's behavior, and to focus on their deeds rather than their faith. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing faith and maintaining deeds, not just because of its various ways, but also because of various ways. He also advises people to pray more, not give up on prayer, and not to give up on prayer, as it may lead to problems and progress.

AI: Summary ©

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			We have a question by a brother who,
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			I mean it could be an obsession, it
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			could be a waswas, whatever it is, it's
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			that he feels like he's an atheist, that
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			he doesn't believe, but then he doesn't like
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			that, he doesn't like to feel that way,
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			and sometimes he doesn't feel the connection when
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			he prays, and sometimes when he misses a
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			prayer he doesn't feel guilty, so he's afraid,
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			and he doesn't want to feel that way,
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			he is really like, to him it's alarming,
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			what advice do we have for this brother,
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			and he's really asking in a very, very,
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			let's say, urgent way, that's how I felt.
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			Bismillah alhamdulillah, first of all I would like
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			to say, that feeling, you feel a sense
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			of urgency, you feel that this is wrong,
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			this is something wrong, it's a good sign,
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			it means your heart still have life in
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			it, when your wound is dead, when you
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			touch it, it doesn't hurt, it only hurt
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			when it's fresh and alive, so that means
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			these things and these thoughts hurting you because
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			your heart has Iman in it, and in
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			Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam Sahaba came and said,
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			Ya Rasulullah, sometimes we think of stuff, we
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			would rather to die, to fall from the
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			sky, you know, like a free fall from
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			the sky, to be smashed on the ground,
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			and not to speak of, thoughts, and Nabi
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			Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said, you have these thoughts,
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			they said, yes, and Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
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			said, that's a sign of clear Iman, why
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			because the Shaytan will not come to a
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			heart which is empty of Iman, the heart
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			that filled with Kufr and empty of Iman,
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			the Shaytan is not interested in it, only
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			interested in it, and he tried to take
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			whatever left in your Iman, so that's something
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			to keep in mind, another thing I would
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			say, that shows also weakness, so what I
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			would advise you is to start to strengthen
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			your Iman, make a lot of Dua, make
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			a lot of good deeds, stand up in
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			the night and pray, you know, things doesn't,
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			you didn't build the connection of Salah right
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			away, it takes years, it takes months of
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			sincere, real effort to connect, those who struggle
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			in our way, Allah will guide them to
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			the way, to the straight path, to the
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			path that will take you to Jannah, so
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			you put that effort, make a lot of
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			Dua, make a lot of Sadaqah, you know,
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			force yourself to come to the Masjid, pray,
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			you focus 10%, next time 12%, next time
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			13%, you go down to 9, that you
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			go back again, you know, sometimes that's an
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			advice, somebody gave it to me, he said,
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			I pray Asr and I pray Dhuhr and
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			I didn't feel like I was focused on
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			Dhuhr prayer, you know what, I make sure
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			that that day, I make extra volunteer prayers,
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			to make up what I missed in Dhuhr
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			and the focus that I didn't do in
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			Dhuhr, it patch the obligation, covers the shortcoming,
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			another thing for example will be, being a
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			good company, also don't entertain these thoughts, like
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			when the Shaytan comes to the atheist, no
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			I'm not, you just say that, you know,
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			oh you know, the Shaytan come tell you,
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			who created this, you say Allah, who created
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			this, Allah, then who created Allah, the process
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			of the Shaytan comes and tell you thoughts
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			like this, and blow on your left hand
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			side, 3 times and don't think about it,
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			don't dwell on it, you know, it's not
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			a debate, you know, Iman, it comes from
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			the heart, from the belief in the heart,
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			so you don't need to dwell on it,
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			and sometimes, oh I couldn't understand it, faith
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			is not always a logical debate, faith comes
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			because of many different ways, somebody said, I
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			saw the Prophet's face, and when I saw
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			his face, I knew that he's not a
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			liar, and I became a Mu'min, did not
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			start to establish through debate, somebody read just
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			verses of the Quran, and I became a
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			Muslim, and so forth, so what I would
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			like to say here, that it's important for
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			you to recognize that, important for you to
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			recognize that faith is established in different ways,
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			and that's why, don't dwell on it, you
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			know, if you have a real question, ask
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			the question, and if you have a real
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			issue you need to solve, you can ask
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			somebody to help you to solve that real
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			challenge you have, or issue that you have,
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			other than that, you should be able to
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			maintain your deen, read a lot of Quran,
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			enjoy your, have trust in Allah subhanahu wa
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			ta'ala, and make a lot of dua
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			as well.
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			And also understand that it's a test, that
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			Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is testing your
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			faith, sometimes if you feel like, I feel
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			like giving up on prayer, no, do more
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			of the prayer, if you feel not connected
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			to the prayer, pray more, if you feel
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			like a certain good deed that you've been
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			doing is not bringing any results, if it's
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			a good deed, continue with it, so, I
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			mean, that could be the shaitan's way of
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			stopping you from progressing, and progress doesn't take,
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			it's not like an overnight thing.
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			And I found that really what led a
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			lot of people to bigger problem, they dwell
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			on it, they start thinking it too much,
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			oh I'm not going to ignore it, no,
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			ignoring it doesn't mean you don't know it,
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			you're doing something about it, which is, you're
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			praying, you're fasting, you're doing a good deed,
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			that will change your heart, you know, and
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			sometimes you know what, I don't have an
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			answer for every question, I know for sure
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			there is, or sometimes I'm stuck with one
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			thing in religion that is confusing me, you
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			know that one thing, that one thing, should
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			not make you, logically should not make you
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			cancel everything else, that's why Allah told us,
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			there is certain things in religion, might be
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			mutashabihat, might be confusing, might be not clear
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			to you, it's clear to me, but for
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			you it is not clear, you know what,
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			you refer to what is clear, you refer
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			to what is stable, Alhamdulillah, and that thing,
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			that area that I'm not clear about it,
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			you know, put it in a safe, lock
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			it, take the key and throw it away,
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			say when I meet Allah, I will ask
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			him about it, and that's it, but when
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			you keep dwelling, the whole religion became one
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			issue, or the whole entire your faith be
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			limited in that area that you have an
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			issue with, and that's wrong methodology of dealing
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			with this kind of shubhahat, don't let it
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			go into your heart, Ibn Taymiyyah said, when
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			it comes to doubts and things like that,
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			don't be like the sponge, suck it in,
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			look at it the way you look at
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			things behind the glass, it will not touch
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			you, it will not stain you, and you
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			see it clearly from a distance, so don't
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			be a sponge, don't be a sponge, right,
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			very good, very good, thank you shaykh, JazakAllah
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			khair, JazakAllah khair.