Waleed Basyouni – How To Live Longer

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary ©
The importance of protecting oneself from harm is emphasized in Islam, including the use of deadly drugs and deadly weapons. The speakers also discuss the need for people to live longer and fulfill their dreams, as it is a gift from Allah. Prayer is crucial in achieving a full year of fasting and prayer, and is discussed as necessary to increase productivity and live longer. The church will have the church parking as many people will be filled up into Korea.
AI: Transcript ©
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as heard

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Miguel rasuna on

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Are you

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hey y'all

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Hey y'all

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all work

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Alhamdulillah hola the hola como tal Hayato Lee Avila Kuma you can

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accent or Amira Al Hamdulillah hola deja vu Matthew and Nora was

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a Horsham. So we'll come around Iman or either a cara or the Shu

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Cora Alhamdulillah Allah da da da epidural. Worker Dara aquat Anna

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Jelena Watarrka Farah b autosol, Tina, Amana an afro or how to NARA

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hemato? Well, Amara, Tina baraka to a certain he referred Lee for

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Allah who medical him to help and Hapa what I call him due to a

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Buddha worry, or Salatu was Salam o Hara Ashraf al Anbiya even more

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saline will help the Ultramarine Nabina Muhammad Anwar. He was be a

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drummer in all that. All Praise to Allah and praise and blessings and

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peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his

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family, his companions and his followers until the day of

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judgment. I bear witness that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the

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only one worthy of worship and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam his last and final messenger to natural things that

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we as human would love to live as long as we can. And people are

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attached to this life that's something that ALLAH SubhanA wa

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Tada put us in the heart in a very human being. That's why we're

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always looking at to protect ourselves from what can harm us

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and to be connected the thing that will allow it enable us to live

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longer and to live a better life. But the question is not that

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question for the two should ask ourselves, why would I want to

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live longer? Why would as want to stay alive? Remember to read until

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age 100 And your age where you will hear Ohmori

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but why

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is it like what ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says? Well, Latina cafardo

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Yattaman Tarun our Kelowna Canada Kulu Anam one now Roma through

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Allah whom the disbelievers those who have no faith, they live like

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cattles to eat and to drink and to fulfill

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Older desires and they end up in the Hellfire What I didn't know I

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had was a nurse Jana hair. I mean Alladhina Ashura Kuya What do I

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had him low your Amara alphas Anna warmer who will be Musa Z him in a

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ladder be a Yanmar wala who Basu long be my I'm not doing ALLAH

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SubhanA data says that those believe

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it last month I said you will find among them

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among the many is raw even

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those who would like to who do care so much about life any kind

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of life doesn't matter what as long as you let me live

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and among the disbelievers would love to live 1000 years of the

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can. And even if you live 1000 years that will not save them that

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their destination will be to the hellfire.

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The Muslims and the believers they love life. Life is good. Life is

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something that we appreciate. Life is a gift from Allah and we

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cherish and we care for it. And we protect it and ours life, our

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lives and the lives of others as well. That's why those who save

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lives. Allah subhanho wa Taala reward them tremendously. When he

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died he can live enough alone Ottawa Hannah's human hiring nurse

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woman here Africa and nama here NASA Jamia that's why killing a

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human being an ending alive of someone is something terrible and

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one of the most severe crime in Islam

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well then it kind of cut through Ottawa was I

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mean are gonna do move your camera if it Islam. I can only Ebro

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cannot fall and Nabil Salah disa lymphie, Hadith Kurata another

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journal Talia rasool Allah, a UNESCO higher. Carla Montoya

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Oumou, Hassan Amaroo for the university Shahrukh Khan among

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Tala Omar who was Amaroo Oh, holy man, Muhammad he was gonna do

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that in nebi, Salah Salem was asked who's the best person who's

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the best. He said those who will live longer, and they will able to

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do more good deeds, who are the worst, don't who live long life.

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And Allah Subhana Allah give them opportunity to live longer.

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So they care and they will do more, but

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they will do more about so don't ever been. Don't ever be tempted

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or deceived by someone who survived death or someone who live

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long life. That means you know God in my sight.

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Or it means that you know what I bombed loved by God.

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No, that's not necessarily the case. It depends on how you behave

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and how you act.

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And don't think that somebody their life cut short and die. It

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means that they are not loved or cared by Allah. That's not

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necessarily the case. It all depends on what you do and what

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kind of life that you leave behind you.

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As he said, saw Solomon the worst and the one who will live long and

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will do more bad deeds. Carnaby Saul Salim later man Letterman had

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Akumal Mount Laguna Celebi don't ever wish for death because of

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calamity and hardship that you're going through

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if you must say something say Allahumma Heaney my damaged hair

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to hire Lee with our fairy Madame Madame ad refer to hire only

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the if there is a very very hard situation you're in you say oh

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like give me a live keep me alive as long as life is good for me

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and bring death to me as long as death is better for me

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it'd be so solemn used to pray every day hola hola. Medina be

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asthma in our website in our what Tina? About the Mahayana which

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determinate? Yeah ninja and Maya car, mana it Allah multimode

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Hector Kandhamal yet

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he over to Seminole bizarre well after

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that in the piece of Salem used to pray that the person stays strong

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with all his sensors or her sensors until the moment of their

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The problem is that people don't really live very long comparing to

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the thing that we have to fulfill in our life.

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The ordinariness of Salah Mohammed Almighty Medina 16 Wasabi, most

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people die in their 60s 70s at the end, very few who will go on the

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late 80s and 90s. Comparing to the number of people will live the

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problem sentence the majority of my OMA will die in this ages.

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And if you just look at 70 years old, 70 years of life, and what

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goes 15 years in your childhood

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If you work eight hours a day that's 23 or 23 years of your

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life, if you sleep, you know

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that six hours that's about 17 years of your life gone

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just these three that 55 years from your 70 years gone

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that's why it's never was about the number of days in your life.

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It's about the how much life you have in your days.

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That's what really counts.

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In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his time two people

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became Muslims.

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One of them die in the battlefield and the other person die later on.

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And in the base of Salem, was told that someone saw a dream that the

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one who died later a year later in a higher level and didn't even

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though the one who die later died in his house, not as a Shaheed

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in the they'd be so solemn said that dream was true. They said,

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How come your Salah this person dies Jane this person dies Oh,

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he said the one who lived longer a year he prayed he fasted one

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Ramadan and he prayed one more year and he added to him Subhan

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Allah Alhamdulillah Allah and Allah Allahu Akbar for a whole

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year making dhikr that have elevated him higher than the first

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my brothers and sisters, when we look at the book of Allah Subhana

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Allah we found something concept interesting what Allah Tala

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polyethylenes me in Nila community rubine enabled hola hola Topo Hua

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to your own, yellow for Leko Mindomo become while you are here,

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Camila agilely Musa MA in Agile Allah He either J

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Lo come to Tala moon, Caleb Naka Thea, you a hero, Camila agilely,

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Musa amo to fiat Americom we know how to use Salam told his people

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if you obey me and you asking Allah's forgiveness and you

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possess, possess top law, Allah will delay your time even Kathy

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said it means he will allow you to live longer.

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And Allah says what are you modeling more Mary What are you in

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costume in

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your caddy according Huneck IT Department has said if I

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want to move a city in and I'm in Manhattan area who am I you I'm

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not only more I'm marrying a miser Doofy Romani I had a young person

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that Allah says another verse and sort of father that there is

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people Allah will increase their life and people their life will be

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decreased. Yeah and when Allah have ordered the NGO when you are

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in your mother's womb to live, for example, 60 some people Allah may

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change that and made them live 65 or 70 or 80 live longer

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or some might be cut short.

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And then no matter how Allah debated among themselves, what

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live longer means.

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And there is mainly three position you see.

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One they said literally they will live longer like what I just said.

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And they use the Hadith in Nabi SallAllahu Sallam that Allah

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subhanaw taala in southern ABI Dawood, when Adam Alayhis Salam,

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Allah Subhana Allah have literally added to his life to the life of

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his own Adams in Europe who is this among his children. He said,

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This is your son that would and he said how long he will live. He

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said that we will live basically 60 years. Then he said I would

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like him to live that amount of years and it would add it to that

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Woods live and he lived extra 40 years or something. Oh come across

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America Jeff and Hadith and in the Vsauce Allah and no Xad Allah who

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fear Oh, Merida, would Leisha it Adela

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so he said, That's very clear that he lived a number of years longer

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than what originally was decided for him. Some other said no, it

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means Allah increased so much Baraka so the accomplish in a

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short period of time, what people you need yours to accomplish? Like

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somebody like no, he died in his 40s but he accomplished so much

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that people live years double that age to be able to accomplish what

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he did.

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And some scar said now in the mosaic of your Emory had been

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declared Jamil Yeah, and he UPCA is smooth. I thought Oh, hi. Yeah,

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by the motor can know how youth carwash you can shop? Well, to

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ensure more hassle. They said no, it means when somebody died, his

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memory and his name his legacy will continue alive after their

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death as if they are alive. Usually people after they die.

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They're not mentioned much.

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And you don't mention them as much as you used to when they are alive

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when they are around.

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was so Hey, and now the 30th a cooler

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and the strong opinion that all three applicable to this a hadith

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and verses that people can literally Allah is going to

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increase their life span and Allah subhanaw taala put so much Baraka

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in their life as they live longer, and Allah Subhana Allah keep their

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met legacy and names survive after their death.

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And let's look at some of the thing that can increase your life.

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Find an abuse of Allah and salam sera to rent as easy to fill Omar.

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If you had any premenstrual Marfan, what are you the man Sir?

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Who Anoop SatoLA who is where you insert hula hula fee agilely yawn,

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your failures Rahima How do you epidote NDFB arriraw The Allah and

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that didn't me So Solomon this to Hadith, he said those who connect

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to their family members, those who are care about their kinship,

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they reach out to their cousins, their uncles, their aunts, their

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maternal aunts and uncles and paternal

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aunts and uncles who are unwell mmm well dad what I thought well,

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well Taraba let he also Rahima Yun settled over you agilely also in

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Nabi SallAllahu sallam said, We hurry they are Asia. Tyler in the

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home in North America earlier help the whole minute dunya and akhira

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was Sudha to Rahim wa horsnell Hello Wahoo small ger you are

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Mirani Dr. Why is he done if Mr. O Imam Ahmed will be happy

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officially. Let him be so Salam also mentioned something else in

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this heavy hitting Asia that having an possessing a good

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manners and being good to your neighbors, one of the reason for

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Allah subhanaw taala to let you live longer.

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And there is another way also to live longer by by not literally to

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increase the number of days but to increase the number of life and

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productivity in your days.

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You need a little more Tassili a little a Yama Lian, like in my Yun

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can and your qumola Xenia Yamamoto Holly to waffleh sabich can

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accomplish that. Then there is certain things in Sharia if you do

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Allah subhanaw taala aren't so much to your life as if you live

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that long.

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Maybe example will make you understand fully what I'm saying

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for instance, and Nabi SallAllahu Sallam told us that if you pray in

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Makkah, the Salah is multiplied to 100,000 Salah so if you traveled

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to Mecca and you spend two days that's half a million salah the

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word of half a million prayer.

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You need to live 548 years to be able to pray for half a million

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for ILA

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to pray five times a day, the five daily prayers to be able to do a

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five unit you have a million Salah like that you need 548 years.

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Nobody lived that long. But you can accomplish that into into in

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48 hours.

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Nobody saw Salam said you praying in Jamar it's multiply 25 times

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some of that heavy 23 times

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25 times double any as if you prayed for her 25 times as if you

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pray Asia 25 times all this add you didn't live 25 nights to pray

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Alicia but it will add to your account

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and in the view sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Jaco Salah to Raju later

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Wuhan heyfield IRA who nurse Dino salata who Allah nurse comes in

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when Shireen officially a few Muslims, the Obeah and arahi

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Mahalo to Allah.

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In the piece of Salam said in regard to the volunteer prayer,

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it's the opposite. Praying it at home or praying it in an seclusion

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where people don't see you. It will be 25 Time doubles if you

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pray it in front of people on the masjid

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and another way to multiply a reward we had it I will say it I

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was in Morocco and Annie Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and no

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con men Allah said I omen to Marathi Waterson well that

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chiroptical Well Masha Allah Murica well then Amina Al Imam us

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stemma Well, Emile well I'm yogi and the MaHA Salman Hulagu cannula

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who be cool you hope what in 280 You will miss Judea Emma Lucena

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teen edge Lucia me hello appear via

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the protocol Salam said in regard to Joomla are those who take a

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shower clean themselves and come early to the masjid and walk and

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did not write and came closer to the Imam and listen closer, not

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For each step that they take to the mustard Allah give them the

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word of a full year of fasting and prayer.

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I asked one of my teachers once What About Us Today we come to

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with cars he said I hope it count from your car to the Mr.

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To the masala because it made me so solid better condition he said

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in the Hadith well Masha Allah Miaka you walk and he did not

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right so whatever steps you take from your house to the car, from

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your car to the to the masala these are one little count. Even

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this this is not an easy thing I

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bet you anything because tomorrow we will have the church parking as

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much it will be filled up earlier

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Korea Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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masala federoff eternality into Makati and Corolla heterotic, la

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shims the masala Rakata in Canada hookah Jihad jet in Walmart in

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time, but in time, you will have had efficient and eternity. Those

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reports that that individual Salam said Those who pray Fudger and

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stay until the sunrise engaging in dhikr as if they have done ramrod

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If you do how many times you can do every year.

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I hope you guys know one. And most of us don't even

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know there's only 1% of Muslim intimate head

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or make making HUD. But anyway, so you can do this multiple times how

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long it takes you to make a camera a lot of time, but you can do that

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in the daily as if you add it if you plan to do how every year or

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every year now you can do it on a weekly basis on a daily basis.

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May Allah subhanaw taala put the baraka in our life for the Messiah

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to master of Allah Allah Allah convinced

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him to rely on there was salatu salam ala Medina via the Hobart

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among the things also add so much value to your life later. Peder

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hieromonk Alfie Shahar better than 1000 months of Evanna

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also Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam said I just had to come on

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Yatra Al Quran Surah Al Quran if you Leila Fisher Tada Erica Allah

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him paella, UT Delica rasool Allah, allah sallallahu alayhi wa

00:22:17 --> 00:22:20

sallam Allah Who Samad through through Quran presented by the

00:22:20 --> 00:22:21


00:22:23 --> 00:22:26

by Linda Musa Salam who can read 1/3 of the Quran in one night

00:22:26 --> 00:22:30

jasola That's too long takes too much time. He said Allah Allah

00:22:30 --> 00:22:33

will be equal to that. The reward

00:22:35 --> 00:22:38

you know, there is a concept in business they said there is two

00:22:38 --> 00:22:41

workers one who work harder and one worker work smarter.

00:22:43 --> 00:22:46

In Islam, you have to have combined both you work hard and

00:22:46 --> 00:22:48

you work smart to

00:22:50 --> 00:22:52

it Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hara German NT Julietta

00:22:53 --> 00:22:57

Mininova Kurata and heinous Allah subhanaw AFMs Lydia, Tamara Jabba

00:22:57 --> 00:23:02

now here Julissa to Infocomm Asante Allah Alhamdulillah tifab

00:23:02 --> 00:23:06

Tuki via palette Nam Paulo sallallahu alayhi wa sallam look

00:23:06 --> 00:23:11

at all tabacky herbal Calumet terra firma right le wooziness

00:23:11 --> 00:23:15

Bhima Ponte Mundo Leone there was an utter Hooni and he cannot fill

00:23:15 --> 00:23:21

ADGER Allah Mykelti Oh, you're caught in McEntee? Subhan Allah

00:23:21 --> 00:23:26

who will be handy either the Hulk whatever NFC was in Uttarkashi

00:23:26 --> 00:23:29

when he died the Kalamata or Halima Muslim Rahim Allah.

00:23:30 --> 00:23:34

They didn't know me so someone told you a year. He saw her in the

00:23:34 --> 00:23:38

morning, sitting making vicar. He went and he came midday, and she

00:23:38 --> 00:23:42

didn't move. He said, You've been making engaging in thicker on the

00:23:42 --> 00:23:45

outs since I left you she said yes. He said after I left you I

00:23:45 --> 00:23:46

say these words.

00:23:48 --> 00:23:53

If you compare them, mine are much heavier than yours. Whatever

00:23:53 --> 00:23:54

you've been doing all this time,

00:23:55 --> 00:24:01

I said after you Subhan Allah the Hamdi as many as his creation, as

00:24:01 --> 00:24:06

much as he's pleased with himself, as heavy as his as throne, and as

00:24:06 --> 00:24:09

many as his words subhanho wa Taala

00:24:12 --> 00:24:16

also among the thing that you leave behind you a continuous

00:24:16 --> 00:24:21

charity that even after you die, it will add as if you're alive.

00:24:22 --> 00:24:24

Teaching knowledge spreading knowledge,

00:24:26 --> 00:24:30

giving power to people everything that you got it someone to you

00:24:30 --> 00:24:33

still get the edge of that guidance after you're done.

00:24:35 --> 00:24:36

I think

00:24:38 --> 00:24:39

the main point of my football today

00:24:41 --> 00:24:44

that you should go home and think about a lot.

00:24:45 --> 00:24:50

How can I maximize my benefits from this days and nights and

00:24:50 --> 00:24:50


00:24:52 --> 00:24:56

and breath that have been time I'm taking every day because you

00:24:56 --> 00:24:58

didn't know when the time will come to depart?

00:25:00 --> 00:25:03

How can I maximize my opportunity from this gift from Allah which is

00:25:03 --> 00:25:03


00:25:06 --> 00:25:10

And I think about that day when this gift will be taken away from

00:25:10 --> 00:25:10


00:25:12 --> 00:25:16

May Allah Subhana Allah bless our deeds, bless our life and give you

00:25:16 --> 00:25:20

a long healthy life filled with iman and Taqwa and righteousness,

00:25:20 --> 00:25:25

and forgive those who passed among us. LaMalfa minion Rumi not when

00:25:25 --> 00:25:29

Muslim or non Muslim at Allaha minuman Ahmad la manera silica and

00:25:29 --> 00:25:33

Toto for b1 and Mr. La Vina Vilas Allah muslim Adam and Adam Ambala

00:25:33 --> 00:25:37

Maha Maha homea Alterra Lily Karim Allah Who manera Soroka and to me

00:25:38 --> 00:25:42

it him one time father on tester our right to him 1212 and two Oh

00:25:42 --> 00:25:46

turbidite Ruby him Allahu Allah konasana Arjuna Lucilla fina

00:25:46 --> 00:25:49

minion Muslim Ian if you could Lima can Allah Minnesota okay

00:25:49 --> 00:25:53

other Jalan economic Shiva our Afia locally Maria Warahmatullah

00:25:53 --> 00:25:57

equally may use any other general economic and transit Allina sobre

00:25:57 --> 00:26:01

on transit arena magical Baraka Attica. We had a mustard on the

00:26:01 --> 00:26:05

hypothetical and Teleflora Lana Dubrow a taxi run away Serafina

00:26:05 --> 00:26:09

via Marina Allah Who master the reality no hola then Oh Butina

00:26:09 --> 00:26:13

also Lilla humo sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad Muhammad Salah

00:26:13 --> 00:26:14

to Hungama

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