Walead Mosaad – The Journey is the Destination The way of the Arifin Class 22

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The importance of recognizing the presence of God and the value of the Prophet Muhammad's love for women is emphasized in a series of segments on self-help, love, and clotting. The speakers discuss the negative impact of people not being around for a long time on one's bodies and memories, and the importance of fasting and healthy eating. They also emphasize the need to address one's own needs and bring complaint to others, and the importance of finding one's mind to be in a state of poverty and marriage rather than just wealth.
AI: Summary ©
Mr Heyman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa
sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad
So we continue to read in the book coach ally riffin.
Up Robin, costume and luxury, all the alarm
and we're on the second set of chapters looking at spiritual
define spiritual refinement and spiritual discipline.
And this is the way of Meriva of a faux pas shahadi Meriva have a
more immediate and
profound knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala beyond just the
intellectual acknowledgement of the existence of God, but also to,
to live the dictates, knowing that Allah exists, so in our deeds and
our words, to be,
as the Quran says not
to be careful that
the asker is coming, the next life is coming and this is just a mere
proving grounds for us and so to take all of those things into
consideration, when we think about that, we will face a reckoning,
and at the same time, to have hope, to have
put all our aspirations and dreams
into pleasing Allah subhanaw taala. And then we may also find
something of the agenda XR, RF, which is the agenda of this life,
the paradise of this life which is to feel close to Allah subhanaw
taala and to feel that you are from the macabre been or to seek
from to be from amongst them according to being those that
ALLAH SubhanA draws close. And this is also connected to the love
of Allah subhanaw taala and the love of the Prophet Muhammad Salah
Salem. And it's not like the love in the conventional sense when we
think about personal inclination. Rather, it's a love predicated on
a recognition of the worthiness of the beloved, to be loved, because
of all those things that are lovable, or worthy to be loved
about the beloved. So we recognize in Allah subhanaw taala has
attributes of JLL and Jamel is attributes of magnificence and
attributes of beauty. And we owe everything that we are to him and
he has given everything that we have requested and needed for this
life. Tech woman Coronavirus to move into our dunya Mata Allahu La
Suhani has given you everything that you have requested. And if
you are to even try to enumerate the one blessing of Allah subhanaw
taala you will not be able to even enumerate the one blessing and
similarly with the prophets are selling his sole mission in life
was to show us merely how to be how to be the best versions of
ourselves how to be human beings how to interact with others, how
to be benevolent, how to be kind, how to be generous. And in fact,
he said in a memorial to Tamanna macadam and of course, Allah had a
flat feet away, and I have not been sent except to perfect the
character traits, the beautiful character traits. So in NACA Lada
Halothane, Azeem and you are upon a great character. So we want to
emulate that we want to avail ourselves of that. And we want to
follow the path of those before us that Allah has bestowed upon them
the path of Meriva and the path of muhabba. The path of love and the
path of
divine knowledge. But such a path does require some sacrifice does
require some struggle, and does require us to prioritize Allah and
His Prophet. So I set them above all else.
So in the next section, we had looked at the section before that
looked at the
seeing the dunya the world as a proving ground, and he mentioned
some of the adab. And then in the last section, the last paragraph,
as it were, he talked a little bit about the dab of with Allah
subhanaw, taala, and the adab, with Hulk, and with creation, and
also the adapter, the etiquettes, with the neffs with oneself. And
so he begins with the adab with oneself, and we live in an age now
where it's almost become sort of a cottage industry.
This idea of self help and love, love thyself and prioritize
yourself. And we have people now who are professional life coaches
and professional gurus and they help people
at least ostensibly to try to reach that particular goal. So
let's see what one of the classical interpretations of this
great dean of ours has to say about that.
So he says it on the lawn who first May at the federal women
Adobe madness that which is
I don't remember how to translate it in the handout.
that you had you had a firearm that which branches off from the
motherboard the etiquette with the neffs with the soul with a photo,
Adobe Neff see glycerol ml behove you know Zulian multi Belvita whoa
yes talk to your bill agile. What the fuck goofy, Sarathi factum,
and medulla waqif again and fernet Paladin fee monthly lumen.
So he begins with something that usually I don't think the self
help coaches and the gurus are going to talk too much about. But
he says you have a phenomenal Adam and can be understood or branches
off or the fruits of this comportment are adequate with
Allah with a with an EFS. Number one to several ml. And we saw this
before ML is having false hopes, thinking that you're going to live
forever Are you going to live at least to a point in time where
then you can start to get getting straight, and you still have time.
So he says, I will share the first thing because ml be healthy, new
Zulian multivalue. So have not not false long hopes, but realize that
death can befall you, anytime, instantly. You know, and perhaps
the events of the past few months with the COVID 19 pandemic has
come made this come more real, I think too many and you know, every
once in a while every week you read about someone who didn't
think they would get COVID. And they were young, and they didn't
think that anything is going to happen to them. And then they pass
away within a few days or even a few weeks
of that model. And they never thought that they would be one of
those people. And the thing is, we're all going to be one of those
people, we're all going to pass away. That's, that's a happy
o'clock. And like I said, there is a way that you can live with the
reality of death that incapacitates you and makes you
not want to do anything and makes you depressed and that we don't
want to do. And then there's the other way that will enliven you
that will treat every moment as precious and as important and as
an opportunity and as your main capital that Allah has given you
to work with. And so this will cause you as they say, the
cashmere, roll up your sleeves, and to get busy with good mama
Scheffer. He said enough so quite alum does will have Belhaj
inshallah Shakalaka will shatter your soul if you don't visit with
good then it will busy you with evil. So we want to busy our time,
not with busy stuff, but things that insha Allah that will are
either good enough themselves or lead to the good.
So have a solid ml don't think you're going to live forever,
worried labial agile and know that the agile, the coolie ajilon,
Kitab, everyone has an expiry date, what the fuck roofie Surah T
fuck the main level. And just think about the people that have
passed. Right? Many of us know people are fast just in the few
past few months, perhaps even in the past few weeks, perhaps in the
past few days. And most of the time, when you look at somebody's
obituary takes like a paragraph two, maybe three.
Even if you look to the hagiography of the great automat
that have passed, if you look in the top a clot, literature, maybe
if they are someone who's very noteworthy, they might take a few
pages. But most of the time, they could be summarized in a paragraph
or two. And likely for the vast majority of us our life when we
die will be summarized in a paragraph. And so think about all
of the people who have passed. And then as time passes and as the
years pass, then most of the time people don't really talk about
them anymore think about them, or their exploits.
Okay, if I can offend a party then the mask will Omen, right? And all
of the almost all of the communities before us think about
how annihilation was something that was inevitable for all of
them in the destruction of this earth. And so if it come, it can
come to whole nations like add and remove and coal manure, then
certainly you can come to the individual such as myself and you.
Were the Federal Minister of EMA and FCI. Yvonne Hubbs, who have
you incisional Connerty or volcon Bebi Alia be awfully left
Wakata Ruta who said Paula will help us for riddle I Will Smith is
because he will actually we will do the Sakuni was simply automatic
Nina in the FIP diversity withholding Massa with
you said also that branches out from or what is considered to be
important from the Edit with that EFS
is Hubzu half decisional Connor.
So here it literally means to imprison it in the prison of
Or I would say
contentment with your circumstances. While while cool
there we are
They have been carefully left right and to close the door upon
this particular prison with the lock of a FISA, what should we can
loosely translate as
Though it sounds like a little bit of a antiquated word people don't
usually say chastity, except if they're, you know, talking about
some sort of 18th century Puritan
setup in Salem, Massachusetts but
chastity or if someone who has faith means also that they are
Mazoon right they maintain themselves and they don't seek
outside of that which is not going to bring good to them.
So this is in Santa Fe all EFA. So
how do we go about doing it kind of alludes to it in next phrase
we'll cut off the who said to Tala will help so the Theresa is kind
of the the machinations and the flooding of the soul the ego that
leads you to tama to covet things and hers and to want to hold on to
things that are Fanny hold on to things that are fleeting, and they
are not meant to be hold on hold on to to begin with. So if you are
a thief, right and you close the door of tama, you close the door
of covetousness and
hips, right and lack of scruples in in maintaining or obtaining the
things that you need to live your dunya
then you can be in sha Allah and not just what he calls a surgeon.
But I think it's also a type as you mentioned earlier, there's an
LT says there is a pleasure in
taking only that what you need and leaving out everything else. So it
actually becomes like just I don't think a prison I think it becomes
agenda, it becomes a type of paradise to be safe to six Allameh
were riddled with Smitty Acerbity, Phil SLB will do the sukoon. And
also to be content with that which Allah has already decreed for you
even before you were created in terms of your your material
acquisitions and your circumstances. So know that
anything that you're supposed to get, you know, that
particular investment that you made that didn't turn out the way
that was supposed to, but it turned out better for other
That was never meant for you to begin with. It wasn't yours to
begin with. And that thing that came to you and didn't come to
others, it wasn't theirs to begin with. So female hazard is an Jani
so why should we be envious and jealous of one another? When we
are not the ones who are determining who's getting what and
who's not getting what, that's what Allah Subhana Allah
determines. So we have we should have real law, contentment with
this plasma, right with this decreed
a lot mint that everyone will receive, and no one can take it
away from you. And no one can increase it and no one can
decrease it. It's determined by God. Fill as well, right? Here's
that word LSL. In that time, before time, we will do the sukoon
So how should we what does this riddle discontentment look like? A
sukoon right stillness, tranquility Serenity was city and
sincerity. What toma Nina right spiritual easiness even and the
fact that risky while holding the house even when we lose something
of our sustenance, or we perceive we do something of our sustenance
was the whole
Almansa with and even when things that could be upsetting and
unsettling, manifests themselves so certainly for many of us we're
living in uncertain times
concerning our health, concerning our finances concerning even when
we may able to be see to see loved ones who maybe live in another
part of the world and we can't travel. So there are Maha with
right but all of this was decreed by Allah subhanaw taala and the
way that we can
reach this place of Canal of contentment or the signs of it are
sukoon like serenity and sit and trust in the decree and in that
which Allah subhanaw taala knows best and knows better than what we
women should also connect it I don't claim that we'll get their
email we'll do the email surfing humility analytic 30 minute is
teamed up with matambi Well mercy will be called in lava muscle hija
the scholars of the past they realized that there was a
proportionate relationship between how much we partake in bodily
pleasures and are inverse really inversely proportional
relationship between how much we partake in bodily pleasures, and
how much we can avail ourselves of
Spiritual openings and spiritual understandings. Right and in terms
of modify. So he said from amongst the conditions from the shoe route
of Kanye, to be content with one's circumstances
is clotilda that Mao was you the right so in other words, to be
economic in even the food that you eat. So you may have the ability
to eat plenty and eat a lot. But even with that, to still be
economic to be judicious in what you eat, not just for physical
health, but also, your spiritual health is predicated on how you
how you acquire the funds that you use to buy your food. So the halal
income is one aspect of it, and also, what you actually eat, and
how much you eat and the manner that you eat. All these things
also have a direct relationship. And I usually like to think of it
as kind of the first gate
to spiritual refinement. In other words, to really contend with
one's relationship with food and drink is important for to have
more of a spiritually kind of disciplined outlook. But I think
that's the reason why that which is prescribed for everybody and as
prescribed for communities and nations before us, as the Quran
states, with the radical Muslim claim equity, ballerina and public
coolala Contact the whole, namely, fasting
is because it is that kind of first gate, and when they talk
about fasting, and they talk about the formula, or general fasting
for everybody's fasting from food and drink, but then there's the
muscles, right which is to fast from sins and to fast from all
things that are contrary to the Sharia. And then also some muscles
are the most elite type of fasting and to some uncommon Mercy of
Allah azza wa jal to to fast from everything except Allah the
relationship with food where he says when truth and clarity I then
pull it together email God himself with him at 30 minutes into when
matambi will well Betsy will be in Nevada muscle hijo de la. So, the
ancients and the pre moderns and has been prescribed in the Quran.
Fasting is seen as kind of an essential aspect towards spiritual
refinement and the Quran tells us that our Lakota tacos so that you
may find tacos and tacos in a sense is to help you in your
ability to avoid the prohibitions of Allah subhanaw taala and to
fulfill the commands of Allah subhanaw taala. So there's an
inversely proportionate relationship between how much one
actually partakes in excess especially of things of the dunya
especially food and drink. Here he also mentions Malibus, right?
acquisitions, things that we were things that we have our
possessions, the
very unhealthy consumerist ego is narcissist societies that we find
ourselves in.
You know, there's MOBA people are yet about Hoonah.
Catan yet, there is a
sort of, you know, taking pride in the things that you own and what
type of car you drive and what neighborhood you you live in, and
all these sorts of things. And all of these, while the 40,
the jurisprudence or the jurist of Islamic law may say, Well, if you
have the money, it's permissible to buy it, it's okay. But he's, he
or she is not too concerned with that particular effect of that
position on your heart or that particular way of eating on your
heart. He's just concerned that it's not outwardly McAuliffe,
outwardly, contrary to the principles of the Sharia. But
the spiritual doctors had a desk here, they would say, it may be
halal, but consider its effect on your heart, consider consider the
effect on your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala. And said
nearly he said about the dunya.
Hallelujah. He said, Well, * horombo Club, the dunya the hull
of it is he said there will be a reckoning. So it's something Allah
gave you, how did you use it? In what manner? Was it just for mere
indulgence and MOBA and to show off and ostentation? Or did you
use it for
you know, feeding the poor and taking care of orphans and taking
care of people's needs and
education and and so forth, things that add value and bring value to
to yourself to your community to your society? So that first gate
as we said, is tilde tilde that mousou D. So color tilde that
means to have some sort of
purposeful in our in our day
and age, I would say you'd have a purposeful or a kind of
methodology. And not just eat whatever's available, but you kind
of, you're more deliberate about when you eat and how you eat and
how much you eat. And now many, many people are concerned with
this for that for the obvious health benefits physical health,
but as we said, there are also spiritual health benefits to this
as well. So we want to eat like everyone eat halal. So we want to
get from the best sources. And we want to eat those things that are
nutrient rich, that are not just empty calories that are not just
merely there, and have been
designed and produced in some sort of lab. So most of the processed
and highly processed foods, that's where it begins. It's produced in
the lab and it's produced not with your health in mind, but it's
produced with profit with profits in mind. So the company whatever,
Kellogg or Procter and Gamble whoever they want to maximize
their profits, so if they can add some ingredient in cereal,
breakfast cereal or donuts or whatever it may be, that will make
you come back for more and not looking necessarily at the health
benefits then they will do so. And that's not our priority, our
priority is to
to take this Amana so our bodies are a trust Allah smart Allah has
given us and we also want to use it as as a means to also know
Allah subhanaw taala and at least to be grateful and not to use it
as a means by which we fall into sin and into error.
Woman shows that the item is not in factory because man should
walk literally shake at math to have any bit dunya if he actually
caught it on what Dishonored will fuckery headfort and moudgil this
Ruby he will fuck do new Fourrier and who can clean it are eight and
fakra Macmillan for call marhaba and Beshara Salah Hain where is
our ether Lena mobilen for zambon or juillet Rocco Beto.
So here now he's outlining very succinctly and briefly, how do we
deal with the up and downs of our livelihood. And anyone who's kind
of lived in the modern world has gone through periods where they
are working and they have a livelihood, and perhaps they're
getting more than they need and they able to save and then perhaps
other periods in their life they'll find they have nothing and
maybe they don't even have a job and perhaps they're reliant on
sick yet and more difficult period. So what should be our
attitude about that in terms of the modified terms of knowing
Allah subhanaw taala so we also says mature to the corner, right
to be contented with your circumstances amongst his
conditions, a sign auto factory, because manage it and it's a very
beautiful a bottle in Arabic dishonor to fuck because man, a
sheet that will cut or shake at math to how many with dunya for
you actually or Katayama. So it's another
means to kind of maintain your particular status if you're in a
state of flux, if you're in a state of need or even of financial
poverty, because man a shed, right by concealing the severity of it
gets man should Walcott or she gaiety, and also to cut off
complaining about it, not to how many but dunya Fiachra okatie
llama and also this whisk accompanied by that to her will be
dunya to not give much concern, and not think much of the dunya in
most of the times of your life. So
we often feel that misery loves company, and we just need to vent.
We need to kind of tell people what's going on I need to complain
and, and so forth.
Our teachers say when can I elaborate? If you really want to
complain, then why complain to someone who has no power
whatsoever to meet their own needs, let alone yours.
They have don't have any power over bringing any sort of
improvement to their condition at all without Allah subhanaw taala.
So why bring the complaint to them? Bring the complaint to
Allah. And then when you think about it, and you bring the
complaint to Allah, what are you complaining to a lot about? Well,
he's the one who put you in that situation. And so, if Ghana was
good, if you must, then you should ask Allah subhanaw taala to give
you the proper adverb adequate in dealing with your situation. So
yes, you can ask him to lift you out of your situation. And that's,
that's fine. And you could also ask him at the same time to give
you the corner, right and give you the contentment until the law with
his decree so that you don't even complain about your situation to
begin with. And
and that you can have this sort of contentment with it. And patience
and forbearance at the very least, knowing that Allah subhanaw taala
just as easily for him, he puts you in it just as easily for him,
he could bring you out of it. And then you have to think well, then
there's something that I can try to find a benefit in this
situation. You know, maybe this is a Cleany Allah who bothered
fuckery about the shitter had Rudy like, maybe he
let me taste of something of of difficulty and of austerity and
severity, so that I may return back to him. And for others, it
may be raising in degrees. So commensurate with one's Eman
commensurate with one's
level of commitment to Allah subhanaw taala you're also your
your video your ft let your tests and tribulations also might be
commensurate with that for MBA, a shadow patina. And so the prophets
themselves they had the most difficult of, of trials and
tribulations, with with people around them, sometimes with their
own families. Nurhaliza his own son, he had a tribulation with him
loot Alehissalaam with his wife. So
these trials and tribulations
should be expected. Look at California in Santa Fe Cabot,
right, this is how we've been created, been created in this
particular place. So we should expect if Tina Atwood covered
when Nikki bet, this is what, what it has been designed to do. So
it's designed in a sense to disappoint us so that we don't put
too much stock in it. And if you think about it, anything that you
take pleasure in the dunya, anything at all, it never lasts
forever. It never lasts for an extended period of time. Whether
it's food, whether it's drink, whether it's intimate relations,
no matter what. There's kind of a finite period of time where it's
fun and interesting. And then right after, it's not that
anymore, and you want to do something else. Whereas with the
knowledge of Allah Spano Tata and the leather of last year, and
insha, Allah the bliss of the next life, there is no such thing. So
one of the things that unique to the next life is, the more you
have something than the more you will be satisfied, and you won't
feel like it just fleeting, and it's gone. And we can't even
imagine that because we don't have anything like that really in the
dunya The only thing that comes close is this directive in Makkah
that is to be raised in rank and degrees and dystonia, based upon
your commitment to God and your patients and your forbearance and
your ability to deal with an Iraqi birth will live to the earth and
the difficult things that come in your life on the other side of
that you'll be quite a different person
and you'll be a better person for it.
he said if you have difficulty Heffington
now will you really be so even take Fokker you know, as you know,
here he's talking about physical financial poverty, but it's kind
of a means to spiritual property. So take it as a way of being and
find even happiness in it.
We'll focus in the 40 on who can heal
and also when it comes upon you don't say oh god here comes I'm
about to lose my job and this thing I'm going to be in a state
of poverty no say here's a test from Allah subhanaw taala Allah
smart Allah helped me through this test is more of the attitude we
should have
that's why he said some people said either it'll faculty
McQuillan for call but haven't Beshara Salah hain. If you find
that poverty is coming your way, then say welcome with the banner
of the solute, right of the righteous. And if you find wealth
coming to McClellan dunya coming to you then say zambon or Judah
Tokubetsu who here is a sin and its punishment is forthcoming.
And as I said earlier, it's not really about wealth and poverty.
It's about marriage Malakal, Allah, for some people ease and
wealth will bring their hearts closer to Allah subhanaw taala
the fact would be too much of a trial and tribulation for them to
poverty, and for others trial and tribulation, this may be their
only way that Allah will give them a path to him and if they had even
a little bit more than their means, then they would go outside
of all bounds so Allah smart Allah who allegedly we're not gonna
learn every Allah is what Allah knows. And we are not the ones
that that know or or have any understanding of that.
Woman Charlotte O'Connor it
Alex De Soto aliquoted Colby May Allah azza wa jal well there will
be EGL that in Wareham if you have Amati he modularly or soulful him
at our Mansi where was Sol uncooled Lima zoos in Isla Farah
while they are holding Masoli in another really big like a dream in
your thought we will have to delay what is going on
member alert as the bid domain will cover every budget at
Mataram. Rommel does much, much better, who better than atoms who
don't want to delay? Gamma Tamotsu, Illa Aklan meter and
So here's talking about the spiritual corner, the spiritual
conviction and contentment. So he says, if desired, I'll call it
we'll call be May Allah azza wa jal.
So to see, the strength of your heart will come from Allah
subhanaw taala Dr. cerametallic right, it's not going to come from
anywhere else. So it's only going to be from Allah to Allah for
Allah and with Allah. So think of all the prepositions and then put
Allah subhanaw taala there. So you only want to do it for Allah. You
only want to do it towards Allah. You only want to do it with Allah
to help you and you only want to be with Allah right and Mallya
what it is, he says will be generated whammy. If you have a
particularly right and ill to death, right again, taking
pleasure, B E, gelatin wham. So let your imagination go or your
difficulty or contemplation go, let it loose release it in what
reality he was really he think about the Allama the greatness of
Allah subhanaw taala and his magnificence. I love equally Shane
to Dylan who is very there's a sign everything that indicates he
is the one. So we should spend a good portion of our contemplation
our Fick let's call it our mental emotional, spiritual energy. Just
thinking about the automa and the GLS that in of itself is a type of
a bad right it's a type of act of worship. So acts of worship are
not just physical things that we do get them over with like prayer
and then go back to whatever we were doing. They're supposed to
inform the rest of the time as you're going along. So not just
something to get over with but something to refuel you and renew
you as you complete your day you complete your month your week your
while some full humanity admin see where right and your hammer, your
aspiration should be nothing other than for your true aspiration
nothing other than for Allah subhanaw taala was so one cool
Lima losing Illa Allah that is Farah Billa, Yanni and to fast
from our pleasures except the pleasure that you have with so I
think it's a good place to stop insha Allah so we will stop here.
We'll, we'll save the questions for the next session tomorrow,
closer to the smuggler from Allah hemocyte because today I will talk
about what I felt was stolen besotted with Jimmy Urbina, it
never dunya Hassan
Hassan machina whatever no Robin Allah to the Kulu Bella bad
intellect and I will have learned along with an inner country will
have or when I have done and then I mean I'm lawyer or lawyer or
lawyer or Abuja as mayor
when we are in level two level Salah him in the house you know
for him about you know more
about worrying about it about it never was it my husband thought
you were Muslim I
mean, are you known as a critical geopolitical personality consider
going off on our feet in warfare today we're dealing with genuine
look at hundreds already
from the value of the dollar from locals in a pool that I have no
capacity to hold while I can help do hiraman Medical medical home to
adequately handle their islands surgery Minella tactical cetera I
know, you know for unethical and hydrocodone medicals schools and
alicona Bynum and offer to medical school in a corner of Africa La
ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam Allahumma
salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad Anwar Ali Ali
the Camellia cannoli to become Eric Subhanallah be corroborated
that you have now your cell phone was sitting in what hamdulillah
Robben Island me