Walead Mosaad – The Journey is the Destination The way of the Arifin Class 15
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AI: Transcript ©
Ramadan Amin Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik
ala al Amin. So you didn't know have you been no quota you need to
call into hygiene What's your feeling was to being sad when
Muhammad and Abdullah while early was hobby as Where do you want to
monitor the body he was still in the vicinity went to Hajj and even
within Daraa can Mahajan obey Law Legal hochanda Howdy her lawyers
around Hadler helicobacter. So Hamdulillah I apologize for the
slight delay. As you can see, we are trying to upgrade the
connection to an HD camera that we're working with. So hopefully
we'll have all the
kinks worked out by the next time within eight hours.
So as I mentioned, those of you who are in the WhatsApp group I
did send out about half an hour ago, a handout
outlining, outlining what we'll cover in this session, eschatology
or a semi yet and this is considered traditionally to be the
subject or issue or a broad set of issues that we study in Islamic
theology or creed or Elida, beginning with India yet, so
things that concern divinity and the divine attributes. And then
over the past few sessions, we will went over the wet, which are
the prophetic attributes. And now we will look at a seminar yet,
broadly defined as that which we would have no knowledge of, unless
we were informed by a
source that is trustworthy here, in this case, the source being the
Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. So
these are going to be things concerning
the realms, or the realm of the unseen things that we cannot
normally perceive. So it's often going to talk about things from
Ireland, and Melaku, or Ireland, in life, things of the unseen
things of the sovereign dominion of Allah subhanaw taala. And many
of these things exist as we speak, as we will, we will go over and
some of them do not some will come to exist later on.
And there is obviously, those of us who've already begun
gone on to their island labor element mela could, what we call
it higher and bonza. So the Vasa, which is kind of the life between
the two lives, so between the life of the dunya, that me and you and
everyone else who's speaking and hearing right now, this is the
life of the dunya. And then there's Adam as well as us, which
is in between, which is the life of the grave, the life of waiting
for the resurrection and the events in the beginning of your
monthly ama the Day of Resurrection, the only nursery
woman bath also known as
So, as we are taking our evidence for these things that exist from
authentic sources. And there is a distinction then between what we
know from a seminar yet in terms of epistemology, in other words,
how we know what we know. So, when we talked about the existence of
which we did in the beginning sections of the book, cultivate it
And remember the ledger he stated that
talk lead or just imitation and following in this regard, in other
words, taking authority to report is insufficient for commanded Eman
for a complete sense of iman. In other words, he mentioned that
people should be Mr. He doing people should be the believer
should have their own
way and methodology that they arrive at their personal
conviction for the existence of God or of Allah subhanaw taala and
this is the bedrock This is the foundation of Amen. Otherwise,
there is type of a circular argument if we say well I believe
in Allah because the Quran says so. And then you will say well,
why do you believe in the Quran? Because I believe in Allah and
then it's a circular argument. So even the Quran directs us to the
way by which we can have a further and certain conviction in the
existence of a last man without and we mentioned this before in
the previous sessions. Phenomenal lunar lander on either MDK for
wholecloth weightless center ek Philadelphia to llg Valley K for
mostly but what are the K Fossati had further gear in NEMA
intermolecular stylee him the most lighter. So tell them how do they
not see the the way that the camel the the ship of the day?
desert has been created in its perfection and how the sky and
heaven has been raised and the mountains have been upheld. And
the Earth has been made.
Flat, not after a flat globe, but the Earth itself is softer, has
been made flat and all of these there's a sign. And then it tells
the province for asylum,
law styling and we will say, right, you are not someone who's
going to compel them, you are just a motor carrier, you are someone
to remind them. So this task here then, is something that we should
actively engage in. And that's how we used to say to each other,
there are other movements, you know, let us go, you know, Jed did
Amen and or not men sad, let us renew our faith, or let us have a
strong conviction, our faith. So there's always things to be read,
and there's always signs to be deciphered. And they're always
mani and meanings behind the Madani behind the facade, and the
exterior, outward projection of things that will give us a greater
conviction of Allah subhanaw taala. And it need not be
something that's like, an amazing, extraordinary occurrence, and say,
Oh, subhanAllah, this person, you know, defied all the odds and what
the doctor said, and they survived the accident Anyway, look at that
a lot that happens to any of us. It could be in something as simple
as you woke up this morning, and the sun rose in the east, and you
have yet another day, to breathe and to live and to know your Lord,
this is as just as we could say, extraordinary as the things that
we think, defy our exponential, customary.
Take on things. So in all of those things, there is a Glory to Allah
subhanaw taala. And there is a means by which to know him and
have a stronger conviction. So that's in terms of Allah and His
attributes. And then we also mentioned the prophets and the
Prophet Muhammad sauce, and specifically and his attributes.
So similarly, we arrive at a conviction for the four reasons
that we mentioned before that we went over in the previous session.
And some of them include the miracles of the Prophet saw some
of them some of them also include, as I mentioned, seeing the
prophetic properties in attributes and other people. And knowing that
it could have not come something of their own volition. But such
perfection and character could have only come from an exemplar
that was sent by God and so forth.
But a semi yet, which we're discussing now, can really only be
known by way of authoritative transmission. And here, this is
when we get into the details, a little bit of what is a moto
attic, how about and what is not moto letter, so moto letter,
something that has been verified by many, many authoritative people
and chains of transmission, such as that we would ordinarily find
it inconceivable that people all these people would have conspired
to lie about it, sort of just like, we may believe in a far off
land that we've never been to, you know, like, if you've never been
to Cambodia, or Botswana, or Australia, or New Zealand, or
whatever it may be, but you believe it exists nonetheless,
because, you know, for certain that so many people who have
talked about it, they could have not lied about it, or something
that's historical. So we know the existence of our profits are
seven, this is mortality, right? This is something that could not
have conspired that they made up this person called Mohammed, or
they made up this person called Jesus or they're made of this
person called Moses and so forth. So by the same token, we know the
summit yet those things that are known by
authoritative transmission. So if it's mentioned in the Quran, then
immediately it becomes from
the absolutely certain about because the Quran itself is
multilateral, the Quran itself has been transmitted by many, many
chains of transmission. If it's mentioned in the Quran, and
Hadith, same thing, if it's only mentioned in the Hadith, then we
have to take a
more discerning view and look at well, is it multilateral? Or is it
merely just a had a had being a singular chain of transmission, or
maybe a few people but not to the level of iron clad absolute
This also will form part of our theology, but not in the same
manner as things our motto letter things that are done with our
letter, you have to accept it as a Muslim. Otherwise, your Islam can
come into question if you deny it, if you deny something that's
So I didn't want to spend too much time on some of that technical
stuff. Let's look at some of the
things from the handout. And the order here is not a particular
order, how they actually happened. This was the order that amendment
30 which I was referencing in it that behavior is how he mentioned
them, so I went in that particular
so the first one the reckoning or the hyssop.
All humans will stand
Before long the gathering, or the mash out, which is going to come
after this and hushed, where they will be judged upon their actions,
words and beliefs. They will hear him Yanni Allah directly in a
matter commensurate with His Majesty. Or they will hear the
angels or they will hear both Allah and the angels, these are
differences of opinion amongst the parliament. So certainly there is
a he said, There was a reckoning, but in terms of how exactly that's
going to be, is Allah subhanaw taala going to speak to us
directly and then we are going to hear him not by sound and not by
letter but in a manner that's commensurate with His Majesty like
when Allah Ivana spoke to Musa and he said I'm or spoke to Mohammed
Salah Salem and the night the night of the Mirage, something of
that nature, Allah Allah or it could be the angels or it could be
both alone the angels who are doing the the reckoning or the
HiSET and we also know the reckoning will different or the
hisab amongst people some it will come with ease for so for you has
47 Yes era so some people have his app. Yeah, see
was over your house over here seven, I see Ron some will have us
here. Some will be difficult, some will be done secretly. In other
words, only between you and God no one else knows the history of no
one else will see what you did or what you didn't do. And some
openly right some will be like a folly ha and some will be you may
get humiliated openly. For select group, led by Abu Bakr Siddiq,
there will be no formal reckoning, or Levine as karuna, Janita,
minerais. He said, the ones who enter into paradise without he
said without any formal reckoning, so this group will enter paradise
without one. And the Hadith mentioned that there are 70,000 of
them. This number 70,000 Generally speaking, we say it's doesn't
necessarily mean exactly 70,000 because 70 and 707,000, any kind
of multiple of that is seen as just a large, complete and perfect
number in Arabic language. So it could mean something more than
that, like in the same way, when Allah smart Allah says in the
hadith of footsie a CMOD wanna edge Zb Illa several minutes the
that the fasting is for me.
And I will reward up to 700 times so 700 doesn't mean 700 could mean
7000 could mean 7 million. So that's why we also pray that we
are amongst those who are entered into paradise mean later he said,
Well, I tell what a cloud well I'm gonna push it to haisa So we don't
want Munakata of the HiSET we don't want to have this discussion
between a lot because the prophets are seldom said when when my no
question Fred herself or fibroids whoever is it's a type of torment
to have this Munna Akasha for last month, how to say why did you do
this and why did you do that? And why did you fail to do this?
And this will be the perfect reckoning. Right? The perfect
One other more was, you know, listen to the Omen piano, for that
will live on of some shape.
Right the moseying list list here. It means absolute, judicious,
without fail without any
iota of injustice, perfect justice. This is will be the
justice of Allah subhanaw taala? How will How can will.
And if our last month I want to deal with all of us just by His
justice, none of us would deserve anything and none of us would
enter into paradise. That's why we say we want to enter Paradise by
the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. Because if we were to depend upon
our deeds, our deeds shortly would would fail in comparison to all of
the blessings that Allah Subhana Allah has given us. So we want to
enter by the mercy of God and this
this doctrine is more or less recounted by the province, I saw
them in the hadith of a of a member of Benny Israelite Eve. And
this is something that will happen in the future. But the prophet saw
I sent him this for telling it, that he will come before God to
this man. And he will be asked how do you want to enter paradise and
he'll say, I want to enter by my deeds, and he was a man of worship
God for hundreds of years.
And then Allah will say to him, Well, let us weigh one blessing
against your deeds than the Zen right, which we're going to get to
later. So the blessings will be of eyesight will be measured against
all of his deeds and the blessing of eyesight will be heavier, and
then it will be taken off towards hellfire. And then the men will
interrupt and say, wait, wait, wait. Let me enter by Your mercy.
And then a low enter Him by His mercy.
The Sahaba asked even you rasool Allah even you will enter Paradise
by Allah's mercy not by your deeds and you're the prophet. He said
Hector enter it Allah and yet Allah Medina lava Rama T, even
myself, except that a philosopher envelops me in his all
encompassing and all enveloping mercy. So yes, the Quran says with
Hello Jen net
Have you met Quinton TAMIU? Right into paradise for that which you
have done and certainly there is a connection between our deeds and
our entering of paradise. But in terms of our internal doctrine,
what we want to depend upon in terms of how we deal with the last
call to Allah, not by our deeds, but by the mercy of Allah, because
the deeds themselves indeed, are also by the mercy of God. He is
the one who gave us the tofield the divine success to do them to
begin with. So there will be this ASAP and that's kind of one of the
main things of the next life, there will be the beginning of the
hisab or the reckoning. Before the reckoning. There'll be something
called Al hush or will mash or all will be gathered after the
resurrection from their graves to an area that Allah will create
specifically for that purpose. So something that there is another
opinion that says it's the actual Earth itself, but the majority
opinion is that everything will be destroyed as the Quran says,
Ghulam Ali Hassan, we have clouds we will have because of Gilani
what the Quran, so all of you destroyed and then all will be
resurrected and Allah will then resurrect this place, this plane
or all of humanity, all that have ever lived, will be gathered
specifically for the purpose to await to gather and to await for
the sad or the reckoning. And again there will be varying
degrees of tribulation and difficulty commensurate with one
standing with Allah. So people will be standing in their own
sweat naked next to each other even our Isha remarked how was the
soil Rasul? Allah He said, Yeah, the matter is bigger than people
worrying about who's standing next to whom and who's not wearing
clothes, that people will be much we'll be in a state of torment in
a sense, thinking about where am I going to be and what's going to
happen, and so forth.
So the waiting for the reckoning will be agonizing. And it will be
commensurate with one standing with Allah for some it will be
easy. For some it will be, they will have shade, right and the
Hadith of the Prophet that mentions that there are seven
types of people who will be shaded by the shade of God, we're on a
day that there'll be no other shade and the shade of Allah and
amongst them will be emammal ideal, the one who
advocated justly between people if they were in a leadership
To have been a filler, those who loved each other merely for the
sake of Allah, Rajan Coughlin with our London massage, it's someone
whose heart is connected to the message
to young people who grew up together and do so for the sake of
God the person who
is in middle of the night and and a moment of
epiphany, so to speak, the father tie now that they they weep
thinking about their situation with God. So these are all
indications of
complete sincerity, or utmost sincerity and upset. So these
types of people will have the shade on this day.
When they around a little bit like alphas, alpha sanity matter are
doing and even when we say it's a day, while the day in Allah's
hisab is like 1000 years of what we count. So this is actually a
whole nother life. That's why it's the life of the bottom of the
grave is a life by itself. That will may feel longer than the life
that you lived here. And then the life of the afterlife, even before
entering into paradise, or Hellfire is also a whole nother
type of life. So
this Smasher, then we will be waiting there, and all will
continue to wait until
people grow tired and weary. And they just want the reckoning to
happen, no matter what the outcome is. And then they realize that
amongst them are all of the prophets and messengers. So even
the progress and messengers will be further than Russia, they will
be in the gathering. And they will begin to seek out these prophets
and messengers and they'll ask them one by one, will you not
intercede on our behalf to Allah subhanaw taala. So the reckoning
may begin, and they will go through all of them. They'll start
with Adam Alehissalaam. And he'll he'll say something like, you
know, I ate from the forbidden tree and I don't think I'm in a
position to do that enough CFC, I need to think about myself. And
all of them all down the line will say the same thing until they get
to the last prophet. And he says another and this last Prophet is
Mohammed salah. And then he will intercede on behalf of all of
humanity. This is called a Shiva ultimate, or the greatest
intercession. And so there's not a single human being and also Jinn
who has been created except that they will avail themselves of this
mercy of the Prophet. So I said, Well, my son NECA Illa Rahmatullah
Alameen. We have not sent you except as a mercy towards Allah
Allah means towards for every one so included in this mercy will be
even the disbeliever and an unbeliever and those who ever
didn't even know Mohammed and those who are not even from the
Muhammad from the previous. So the people of Moses and
Jesus and of David and of Solomon, and
Joseph and others, all of them will benefit from the
intercession, the shafa of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.
So after that, we'll look again, this is not in the order, I'll
talk about that the end. The third thing I have mentioned here is the
other tab in general, or the torment of the afterlife. So this
believers and disobedient believers will experience a
torment in the grave. So this is the first kind of the beginning of
the afterlife that we'll cover in the gathering also the Masha and
we talked about how people will be standing and under the sun that is
unlike the Sun we have now and sweating and some of them up to
their ankles, some of to their knees, some of them will be
completely submerged in their sweat
and then also eventually in hellfire by both body and spirit.
So in all of those, there will be a torment of the body like a
physical torment and also a torment of the Spirit. And
remember that as Ali says, the torment of the Spirit is the
greater one.
He says that it is enough of a torment to have this clutter in
Qatar to order this board, to feel that you're outside of the Mercy
of Allah subhanaw taala. This is enough of a torment, even despite
the physical torments.
And the Hadith indicate the levels and forms of torment vary
according to the sins of the aforementioned. So when the
Prophet SAW send them during this era in Mount Raj, he was given
glimpses into the people of Paradise and the people of
hellfire. And he saw that people will be tortured, or tormented
with certain things depending upon the sense that they did. So the
one who spoke who lied and said there are islands of they were a
scholar, but the misguided and misled people, their tongue will
be so big, they have to carry it on their back.
So all of those things that were in terms of money, right in this
life, then they will turn and then the money will become money, they
will become composite forms themselves in the next life, even
though they were only realized in this life in terms of meaning. And
that's one of the ways of the torment that will be there.
This obedient believers, however, will eventually be entered into
paradise. So
you know, whoever has mythical Hazara, if you call him an Amen,
even if you have just an iota of Amen in your heart, you will
eventually will be admitted into paradise. And a memorable hottie
narrates a hadith of the prophets, I sent him and he talks about the
last person to enter into paradise, the very last one. So
you can imagine what type of person will be the last one, this
has to be someone who did many, many sins, but nevertheless, Allah
subhanaw taala will bring him closer, you will ask him to
imagine he said ask for what you wish. And then he will bring him
closer and closer until he gets to the doors of Paradise. And then he
says to Allah subhanaw taala I just want to enter paradise. And
the man before had swore all sorts of oaths and taken all sorts of
covenants, he wouldn't ask anything else. But then he enters
into paradise. And then he says demand now than wish and then
anything that you wish you'll have 10 times more. So this is the last
person to enter paradise. So what about the ones who entered before
that? And of course, the first person to enter Paradise is our
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu.
just as there was torment of the afterlife, there's also bliss of
the afterlife Oh, throw up. So believers and will also experience
bliss in the grave, the gathering and eventual in Paradise by both
body and spirit. And Allah is oft forgiving, or full Rahim. So even
the most disobedient believer can be spared the torment of the
afterlife by Allah's mercy. So the way that we understand Allah's
justice is he may deal with us by His justice, but he is not
compelled to do so. Because the last month I was not compelled to
do anything. So we believe that if you committed you committed the
vile of sins,
anything less than chick, anything less than an actual denial of God
and or assaults and or associating partners with him. But you're
still a believer, but you committed all these vile things.
Allah subhanaw taala can forgive you completely and he can enter
you into paradise, even without hyssop even without a reckoning,
allow me to that. He can choose to do that. And there's nothing
preventing Allah subhanaw taala from doing that. And we know that
he's awful, that his pardoning is bigger than the sins that we
commit. But out of our comportment out of our elevar etiquette with
Allah subhanaw taala we do not just merely depend on his mercy.
We also seek to be faithful servants and that's how you know
why we're talking about this sessions that the sessions that
we've been doing. The journey is the destination of all these
The things Allah has blessed us with, than the least we can do is
be grateful and be thankful and do our best to uphold the commands
and avoid the prohibitions that Allah subhanaw taala has actually
instituted and meaning coming upon us, not for anything that returns
to Him, not for any benefit that Allah will will get out of it. But
all the benefit goes back to us. There's not a single thing that a
lot asked us to do, except there has benefited benefit in it for
us. And there's not a thing single thing that he asked us not to do,
except that is to avoid a harm. So we're Pella harm from us. So this
is the epitome of mercy. Our God is not a vengeful god, he's not a
wrathful God, he's the one who said Sebata Rama to rather be that
my mercy precedes my wrath. So we want to
depend upon His mercy. And we want to be optimistic, and we want to
look towards the awful the clemency of God but at the same
time, we should not lull ourselves into a false sense of security,
which would be the epitome of arrogance with Allah and think
that we can avoid
his hellfire.
Just because we want that to happen and we depend on Allah's
mercy. So the grateful servant also will not do anything to try
to displease the master to displease Allah subhanaw taala.
So after that, he then he talks about
the resurrection, our nosh our bath, so all human souls will be
resurrected from their graves, no matter what the disposition of the
bodies after death. So whether one was cremated, or whether one was
eaten by a great white shark, or whether you exploded in
an explosion, or if you're if you were
destroyed by atom by atom by a nuclear bomb, it doesn't matter.
Allah subhanaw taala always say you need to
come up with a weather model. Right He is the one who will bring
you back just like He gave you gave you life and put you together
to begin with. So everyone will have a resurrection, everyone will
be lifted from their graves and everyone then will make their way
towards, out and mash out towards the place where we all be
gathered. So even though we may be bones, and some of the Hadith
mentioned that the only thing that remains in the grave will be the
tail, and everything else is destroyed.
Except for the bodies of prophets and messengers and the audience.
So the bodies of prophets and messengers remained the same.
This is where it will Hadith and also there is much much anecdotal
evidence to indicate as much that the bodies of prophets and
messengers and heirs the true heirs of promises are messengers
that will yet that their bodies are not eaten by decomposition in
the grain the in their grave are low on
number six, the bridge or the sea rot. So the spirit is something
that will happen after the hush and after the reckoning the Masha.
So the spirit is a bridge that extends over Hellfire from the
gathering place to the ocean pond of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salam,
even though there's some difference of opinion about that,
does it actually go to the health? Or does it go to a Caltha which
extends from the house so we know that the the ocean pond or the
holder of the province or send them gets its water from NodeRED
Caltha which is one of the rivers in paradise, the other being
said Sabine and the other two being and Neil what forgot. So two
of the rivers in this dunya also have extension somehow in
paradise. They're the Ireland Euphrates and even for us, and
also the two that are let's say indigenous to Paradise, namely
California and salsa.
So everyone
traverses it, this is the Sirat it said in some of the Hadith that if
you were to actually just walk it, it would take you 3000 years to
get across it. Most of the parliament say that it can it is
as narrow as the swords edge.
It can be could feel that way as you're walking across it or it can
be as wide as will accommodate everybody depending upon one's
circumstance. Again, you know, the all of the things that we're used
to in the dunya don't apply to the afterlife. So Newton's laws of
physics are not going to have any meaning in the afterlife neither
in paradise northern Hellfire nor in the beginning of the sky, so it
can be narrow, and it could be wide at the same time depending
upon the person who's crossing it.
So everyone traverses it,
right and this bridge that extends over Hellfire from the gathering
place to the house. Everyone traverses. It's in some in the
blink of an eye in other words, the speed
It just blink your eye and you're already across others like a bolt
of lightning. Or there's like a gale force wind, some like a bird
or a hawk, others like a stallion. Others will run some will walk,
others will crawl and some will fall and get caught on the hooks
underneath it for years, they'll be stuck on the hooks underneath
the zero. And some of the automat say that they will cry out and say
well Mohammed, they will cry out for Mohamed Salah Salem seeking
His intercession to get out of this very tenuous and difficult
situation they find themselves in by their own doing and yet others
will fall into hellfire and spend eternity there
while others will be emancipated by the intercession of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW center. So, this will be another type of chef so the
chef ah the the intercession we talked about earlier is called the
Schiphol Ultima
when they these are some of the hosts Shafaq okra, he has other
other intercessions that he will do. Some that will raise people in
degrees in paradise some that will get people out of hellfire, and
some that will get people out of this torment of the Spirit if they
are the ones to get hooked on the hooks underneath.
The scale or the reason
the scales are experienced before the Sirat or should the scale I
should say, where one's deeds are weighed, though it is a literal
scale, how clearly again, not like a skill in this life. But somehow
it's literal. It's not just a metaphor for something. Because
the general principle is if we can understand something to be
literal, then we understand it in a literal way.
But we do not know its true nature.
According to the sounder opinion, it is one scale for all of
humanity rather than a set of individual skills. This is what
the Amendment did the reports even though some of the elements and
everyone will have their own scale. He states the solder
opinion that it will be one scale that all will be weighed again,
Newtonian laws of physics don't apply. Everyone can have a single
scale at the same time all will be applied simultaneously. It's
justice is exacting and absolute, with no deviation from perfection.
Prophets and Messengers angels and those who will enter paradise
without a reckoning will not be subject to the scale. So those who
are not subject to the reckoning are not subject to the scale
because the scale or the Muse N happens at the time of the he
setup or the reckoning
for my Bucha kita we are meaning he for so far, you have some of
his seven yesira Right so whoever gets his book from the right for
so for you has over a seven year zero then they will have an easy,
he said it's an indication so the Kitab here Kitab al Amell that was
weighed in them is n
number eight the ocean pond or the howled of the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Selim his milky white, sweet smelling surrounded by drinking
vessels all around a greater number than the stars you can't
see the end of it. And whoever drinks from it will never go
thirsty again. There are ocean ponds wherever we profit. This was
a moment of use opinion. But the greatest is that of the Prophet
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And then paradise and hellfire paradise in hellfire genuine not
are the ultimate destinations for all of humanity. Paradise contains
seven levels it's highest for the dose. That's why we asked for it.
For those we asked for the highest others have stated four levels, or
even one level but with different names difference of opinion, but
the sounder one is that there are seven distinct levels.
Hellfire also contains several levels but they extend downward,
so the highest which means the lightest in terms of torment, if
that which is reserved for disobedient believers, which is
called Johanna, who eventually leave for Paradise as we said
before, and once they all leave once the last person leaves this
Jahannam then this this particular part of hellfire will be no more
because it'll have no more use anymore. The only ones that will
remain will be the disbelievers will be there for eternity. Both
of them both paradise and hellfire are already existing. This is the
sound opinion of Arizona in an existence known only by Allah so
we couldn't construct a space shuttle or craft to go on track to
find paradise. It's an atom in Mallacoota in a sense that we
we cannot know by sensory perception in this life.
Other aspects just in general, one also believed must also believe in
the existence of the angels. And we know about Gibreel and Myka
Elan is sort of feeling rotten even attitude and mocha and
Nichiren not going to go into all of the different duties that they
do but they do different duties for last month Allah they do not
have the ability to disobey Allah. So they are not going to be taken
into a reckoning or herself and they are going to be also
permanent dwellers of bliss and Paradise and then the jinn who are
like us. Shaitan is from them. So amongst the jinn
and they have the ability to disobey
They gotta obey God, the Prophet SAW Selim was sent as a prophet to
them as well. And they also will have a reckoning and he said,
genuinely, we can't see them.
And generally, we avoid them like they avoid us. So the believers
amongst them avoid the believers amongst us. It's only one
viral amongst us anti viral amongst them seek to have a
connection or interaction or relationship between the two.
And I don't wanna talk too much about the jinn, it's kind of
overblown, especially in our in the Muslim world, in our
community. And people tend to blame everything on the jinn from
not being able to pray to not be able to keep their will do and not
being able to pray or worship Allah properly. And I think we,
you know, the were Muslim with Jin Jin or somehow Masoom that we
blame everything upon them, oftentimes it goes back to our own
inaccurate inadequacies and shortcomings. So also believe in
the messengers all the 25 that are mentioned by name in the in the
Quran and also to believe that there are more than 25 that we
don't know the names of, like we said before, also to believe in
the LDS in general, not to think a specific person is a wealthy but
there are LDS that Allah has given a special sort of,
sort of, you know, fussy says something special about them. They
have is the karma. They are,
you know, stable and, and fervent worshipers of God and daughters of
God and Allah may give them some thing of what's called a color
mat. Right? Something that is extraordinary. And we say the
greatest extraordinary thing is that it's the karma of good karma
is the karma to be upright, especially in the age that we live
And in general to also believe all that the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Santa has reported. So whatever that he has reported into sound,
Hadith, or that comes from the Quran, we believe it to be true,
and that he is the greatest of all creation. Salam O Allah, he was
hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. So I'm going to stop there. That was
a summary yet I kind of did it really in a summarized form. But I
just wanted to kind of complete our look at our Theta before we
move on to spiritual refinement and so forth. So I see quite a
number of questions. Let's even get to some of them.