Walead Mosaad – Tafseer & Reflection on the Quran Class 24 .mp4
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Smith comes in
a lot more sunny, Southern robotic.
I mean, so you wouldn't have been, you know,
calling Argentina Sheffield what was the mean? was sad when
Muhammad Abdullah, while he was hobby already he also realized
humanity the Big Western medicine
team. So I can't imagine they bought
one Hurlock some I'm
so tempted Allah, we remain with him last month, alone,
shattering on wall, chakra,
chakra car
or shorter later for
the month of
May not official.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to give us the fortitude and the
patience to continue with this blessed month and to
raise us in degrees and all of those who have departed
either recently, or less than recently male last month I forgive
them and accept them and enter them into his highest paradise
Jennifer loves that either. By His grace and by his generosity, by
His mercy in sha Allah. So we're in the 26th entering 2026 night
of Ramadan for those who started on Friday. So corresponding to the
26th 26th Jews of the Quran,
we will be reading from the very beginning of Surah two
in the 26 truths which corresponds to the 48th surah in the Quran,
beginning with the first verse and the whole data other data with the
image with all this
your local metal content, I mean, because no matter where you're at
many amateur who are they go do a consumer study when Soraka when
asked Ron Aziz.
this surah
is the surah that was revealed during the son of Davia during the
Treaty of Westphalia,
and this happened
after the Prophet SAW Selim had migrated a few years after it
migrated to
Madina Munawwara.
The Sahaba, including the Prophet SAW Selim intended to go to make
Amara to Makkah.
And they went, there was about 14 or 1500 of the companions with the
Prophet Muhammad SAW salah, going to Makkah, not intending anything
other than to offer the lesser pilgrimage of Amara. And so as
they made their way there, the Quraysh Mecca was still in an
adversarial or technically a state of war with the Muslims that they
themselves had instigated against the Muslims against the province
our settlement is nascent community in Medina got wind of
this and so when Muslims are so no problematize sediment and
companions, that camp right outside of the Medina at a place
called who they be, which was kind of a traditional rest area staging
point for entering into a Medina
from the,
from the
north side, south side of Africa coming from the north coming from
they got wind of this and they sent one of their emissaries and
they said that
actually what happened first of all, I said make camp there. Then
he sent his companion off man, I'm not a fan
of the law to Makkah to kind of negotiate an entrance for the
Prophet so I still have to go into Medina to go into Mecca, with the
companions to make the armor.
And a rumor has spread that off man, if not fun, was killed by the
boorish in Makkah, which would have been a completely grievous
and outlandish thing to do. Even in warring states when they send
ambassadors and emissaries and delegates to negotiate things.
It's just unheard of to kill such an emissary, you know, hence the
phrase kill the messenger. In that sense, it's just bringing a
message they're not the one
Who is seeking to, to to bring war to but seeking to bring peace. So,
it was not true, however, but this is because he was delayed in
coming back.
So this will not spread out and the prophesy son upon hearing upon
this then aka they'll be
which was called the elevator one.
So that was I sent him that took the day off from the companions
and you'll see that in the fourth verse or so
or actually the get ahead of myself
we get to it, it will be the seventh verse was so
tense verse of swords that hide now so that
so it will play out with wind and the province I said before this,
there were several other day are what is
it comes from a similar root word from the IBO but here is they are
moved by it and so that they are is an oath of fealty. So the
provincewide seven had done this before, specifically in Mina.
Twice battle acclimate to hula with 70. So we know that when
delegations will be coming for Hajj and coming through Mecca,
this was before the hedger of the province, I said that would go to
the different will food, the different delegations that were
sending their pilgrims to Hajj, then at that point, it was
controlled by the machete keen, and it was, you know, Hydra was an
ancient ritual that went back to the time of Ibrahim of Abraham, it
said. So even though the rites the monastic, were more or less still
there, so to speak, that they were somewhat corrupted by
the idolatrous of courage. So the province was that I'm talking to
the most opportunity for the hour and to go and speak to the
different food, the different delegations that were coming
through. And one of these delegations was had come from
yesterday, or later to be known as in Medina. And so initially, there
was a they are and they have become Muslim. And they said that
they took this way as a commitment to is that, and it was not a big
island. It was not available for life, to give up one's life, but
they are to follow the tenants of Islam. And the first group was
maybe in the 10s. And then the second who came in, they numbered
about 7080, or so included some women that year after that. And
then a few years later, we have immigration of a province or send
them to an Medina and then coming to their way to Mecca, to
to have the intention for their for the ALMA. And so when you
heard this rumor about Ottoman being killed than they did, they
won and this was a very Island.
This was, you can say a more serious payout of fealty that they
took with the problem. So I sent them that they will now fight and
defend the prophesy centum and the dean, even sacrificing their life
if need be. So the province instead of actually was gearing up
to go into Mecca. And on with any I'm not talking about reaching a
negotiation or an agreement but you know, killing an emissary is
an out
flagrant and outright act of war.
Of course, before they actually were able to do that, then
automated nothing arrives back in camp, either who they be and also
coming arriving at camp was one of them shaky, and his name was Salim
Nam. And he was the negotiator, he was sent as a negotiator to
conclude some sort of arrangement with the Muslims. And so this is
one the treaty then Davia was
was, was ratified and agreed to, and it was between the prophesy
centum and Quraysh. And in terms of the actual negotiations, it was
a prophesy Salam and I thought it is cousin and son Allah, Karim,
Allah, Elijah, what are the law and who and then settler who was
negotiating on behalf of the machine key in the idolatrous and
Quraysh. And there's kind of a long story can say that that goes
along with that. But at the end, what was agreed to
is that they would not make armor that year. They will come back for
armor that following year. And so it was named Ramos called Ark,
which is what they did. And more significantly, this was a peace
treaty that was
length of treaty was 10 years at least ostensibly that was worth
putting down it didn't actually last 10 years, lasted two and a
half years and right before the conquest of Mecca but that was the
the intention apparently definitely on the side of the
province i Seven apparently on the side of the
machine and the most significant aspect of this treaty
was that Muslims and
To the Bucha, Keno now be able to interact
easily, you know going from backend to a Medina without threat
of war without threat of violence or aggression. And also
significant in the treaty was what some of the Sahaba had viewed as a
sort of capitulation or compromise that they will come back to next
year, they wouldn't make over that year. Any one of the people from
Mecca who migrated to Medina, if their their family from Croatia
asked for them back, they'd have to send them back. And so some of
the Sahaba eagles in normal school relative strength, we're a little
disappointed at the terms of the treaty and even sets of the
prophets I send them are we not upon truth, and they are on
falsehood. And this is one of the problems that went into his his
tent with Selma, one of his wives that had come with him. And she
had advised that
if the province or something were to go out, and then slaughter his
animal, and then shake his head, like he would have done after the
Armineh, then the companions will follow. And he did that. And so it
kind of brought a sort of conclusion to the whole event. But
here are the surah we'll get to right now in Natasha lockeford
Humble Vina the first day of the Surah, this fat, we have
production Aloka, we have given you an open for you a great
opening, or triumph,
or conquest. Here, the translator Ma is heavy him says it totally we
have opened up a path to clear try and for you profit. So this verse,
as we said, and the general principle, it's addressing the
prophesy center because it's in the second person singular. So
what was the FET? What was the opening a minority of university
in a minority of the Quranic scholars. So this is referring to
Fatima aka the opening of Makkah that was yet to come. So when this
verse was revealed, it hadn't yet happened yet.
But it was, as we know, the Quran is timeless, and the words of the
last song are timeless. So things can be revealed, even before they
actually happened. And even as an affirmation of that, it's put in
the past tense, because this is in the past tense in an effort to
Hana like, like, it's already happened in the knowledge of God,
this thing's going down. But as I said, that's a minority of the
facility, the vast majority of them
over forget that even a slight or slightly smaller minority, say
that it's referring to any type of opening that was granted to the
promise by syndrome. So openings of whether it was a battle of
better or what was
the even the non military victories of avatars that have had
in terms of the Dow or any of these things is a fat hobby, and
it's a clear opening for Islam and Muslims. But the majority of
university they say that fat has been the clear victory and triumph
was the tree of academia itself. So the treaty itself represented
the fact represented the opening of the trial. And it was a type of
opening and trial where there was no blood was spilt, no sorts
no hostilities were pursued. No aggression was repelled, but in
fact, was quite the opposite. And the reason that it was a fad that
we know also historically from the zero is that more people entered
into a slam in the ensuing two and a half years after the Treaty was
concluded, than in all the years previous to that. So the province
are set and probably had a number of a few 1000 Muslims, between the
virtual hygiene announcer in Medina, when he entered into
Mecca, he had a 10,000 strong army, and probably as many people
left behind in terms of women and children in in Medina, so the
numbers drastically grew. And this was because the Muslims got a
chance to actually
or I should say, the machine dial has got a chance to listen to the
Muslims and listen about Islam and dissent about what this path is
and what and where it leads to and who the prophets are seven is
without the underlying hostility and aggression, and many of those
whose most staunchly oppose the power source and became Muslim in
this time period, like highly dependable leader and opened in
the last week or two of the main, especially when it was one of the
main military street strategics and architects who up ended the
awkward battle that almost ended in complete disaster for for the
province, our sentiment and the Muslims.
And they became Muslim in this time, so many of them emigrated.
And even the shaft even the condition of
that the those who were sent back to left back can go to a million
others were sent back even though some of them were sent back.
Licorice quickly abandoned that because they found that those who,
who came back was the more trouble than if they just stayed in in
Medina. And so
it was indeed a clear manifest
on opening or triumph for
For the prophesy sentiment for Islam and for this great teachings
that has been revealed to our prophets, our center, then the
next verse, the elf, you know, like a local Metal club demo and
then because no matter where you attend many metal Who are they
good idea. See, right and Mr. keema we also look at Lava Nasaan
as he is, so that God may forgive you for your past and future sins,
complete His grace upon you, guide you to a straight path and help
you mightily. So unlike
what the wording may appear to indicate the Mufasa rune they say
the fat hammer beam was not a
as the wording appears to say, a direct
cause or reason for Allah to forgive the prophets are seldom
the sins that came before in the sense that came after. So it's
more like this is it's ma'am in the AMA, right? So the completion
of the blessing of the grace of God, after the fact is that Allah
subhanaw taala also has announced to believers and to all eternity
and forever that the Prophet SAW Selim is infallible and sinless.
So then what does one make of this verse in the El Faro? La La
comenta, Devon made them bigger, well matter.
Well, the previous Surah which is appropriately Surah Hamad
that came right before this in order, which is also of the 26
The lowest quartile instructs the province or send them to seek
forgiveness for himself and for the believers. Or stop fooling
them because it will mean
we'll start with them bigger.
Well, meaning, so.
Just exactly.
Fathom Fatima
Allah, we're still filling them bigger, meaner and meaner
So verse 19, from Surah Mohammed sola, sola. So the verse here
saying Parliament nombre de la No, there is no God acceptable for
Allah. What stone fiddly them pick and seek forgiveness for your sin.
Well, and for the sins of the believers, the male believers and
the female believers, well, Laurie, I don't want to come with
web. And that's what Allah sees all that you do as well
acquainted, you are going to follow that almost work, that we
should change it from day to day, and that which is going to be your
mouth while your final of all. So this idea that there is a demo, or
there's some sort of sin, that the Prophet SAW said we could have
committed, How is one supposed to understand that interpret that
when this issue comes up in theology, comes up in Credo
theology and our theta. And
the theology is that the Prophet SAW I said that all the prophets
before him, are infallible and sinless, both during
and after they're confirmed prophet hood when they actually
receive the initial ye revelation from the archangel Gibreel. And
even before that.
So and this is based upon the concept, that if they were not
infallible, and they were not sinless, how could we take their
actions to be a Sunday? How would we be able to distinguish between
those acts that were sinful and those that were not, in order to
take it as 100 as a proof and as an example, example and demo as
exemplars to follow Allah and in turn following our law following,
following the Prophet by following Allah, my neutrophils, whenever I
thought Allah, the verses very clear, whoever follows the
province or send them, then has followed Allah subhanaw taala. So
hear them
is not meant to mean that them or the sin in the conventional sense.
We've seen in previous sessions, I've seen it, that Allah subhanaw
taala can speak to His Prophet in a manner that the believers can
not speak to the province or send them so
it's coming later sort of
attack cream. Allah says the round size adapted the metadata as well
as IQ Are you trying just really to fulfill them a lot to make to
fill your wives requests which is kind of an admonishment from from
a lot whose profits are center.
American and Astra had us cleaning out to redo our dunya or lovely
riddle F hero, sir
to landfill, it is not appropriate for profit to have a Seraph to
have prisoners of war. Have you seen a fill out until it's firmly
established in the earth Yanni firmly established as a community
to redo and out of the dunya? Allahu Allah, do you seek? Or do
the UNM seek the out of the dunya the trappings of the dunya. And
Allah seeks to ask him, again, in a manner this is a special type of
a trusted thought between Allah and His Prophet and the other
prophets. So, and even when he said, You know what happened with
a lot of mean, right? There'll be from those who are the author
Lindos or miss of God, when he asked about his son, who drowned
in the flood, and Allah had promised him that you will be
saved. And then he said, What about my son? He said, Listen, I
had a gun. No, I'm on the legal side. He's not from your family.
Really? No, I'm a legal scholar. He put himself outside of what we
consider to be family with his family, the saw that we said, so
we illegible out to an auditor. Also on the on the left. He said,
I will go to the high mountain and we'll be safe were protected from
the command of God. So this transgression and Cofer of the son
of lower of Rohan SLM for him outside of
the family and even described the wife of Noah and the wife of light
as their actions as he Anna, for HANA Tahoma. Right? The Fianna
here is that they were unfaithful, so not unfaithful in the
traditional sense of unfaithful in the marriage, but unfaithful to
Allah subhanaw taala to their god Raka. So
here, this them in the person sort of Mohammed,
just to make us Default means that which is between you and Allah
subhanaw taala, which is appropriate for the MACOM of Naboo
for the station of prophethood. So what a prophet might do is
considered not appropriate for the Muhammad for the Wawa nevertheless
would not be considered a sin in the traditional sense for the
believer like ours or whatever, and we'll write our Sabbath our
law when in tune came in, he's blind. And he wanted to ask my
boss I saw some of that something and you're sitting down with a
group of Quraysh, chieftains and others or whatever, right. He
looked away and frowned on the like Novick from didn't see that.
So there was nothing outrightly sinful about the act. But Allah
subhanaw taala in historically in his raising the prophesy send them
in degrees, speaks to him. So I sent him this way as a reminder as
a rejoinder. So hear them, let's not forget them. So every MACOM
has its
things that are inappropriate for it, and then one has to move
beyond it to something more appropriate. So even though Oh,
yeah, and we call the mafia goon, they're preserved. We don't say
that, you know, if they're preserved in that sense, then that
doesn't mean that they're infallible, they can't commit
sins, but generally, they would not commit a sin like fornication
or stealing or backbiting or anything of that sort. But perhaps
their sin is a sin that's appropriate to that particular
Lacan, which is not really a sin at all, we just use the same word.
So if they believe that they've reached a pinnacle and knowledge
of God, that's not appropriate for William and odia Allah, even
they're they're temporary state of their head can put them in a sort
of spiritual euphoria where they may think that and then Allah
subhana, Allah will give them rejoinder a reminder to so no,
there's still more ahead. Don't stop here.
You know, what you what you are looking for is a man back, right?
It's still coming, as I mentioned in some of the hiccup of the
So the elevator look a lot better than Mecca. What better? It's like
sort of a, you know, the crowning blessing the last holdout is given
to the Prophet. So I said, and what about what else were you Tim
min Airmatic. Right, this is what it means with him to complete the
blessing alayka where he aka Cr 10 mustafina. Because now at this
point in the career of the promissory seven with the Saudi
Arabia, everything after this point will be different, will be
completely different. And Islam actually enters the nation Muslim
community in Medina enters into a completely new phase that they
have not experienced before with when there are hostilities and
open hostilities between them and Quran. And so now this was the
beginning of the end, more or less, for the old ways of Mecca
and for the old ways of idolatry and for any of those old ways in
the holder of the peninsula. And this is the beginning of it. When
Sorek Allahu Nasaan, Aziza, right? This greatness is great victory.
Translate as guide you to a straight path and help you
mightily a strong victory.
So it has been said in some of the Hadith, that when this verse was
the Sahaba they asked, well, that's for you, yo rasool Allah,
what about us what to the rest of them
was get and then the next verse was revealed
where he says so gentle Hello Lizzy and Zola Sakina Tupelo will
mean he has the do Eman EBA. And even when you don't understand my
word you will or can Allahu Allah even Hakima you defeated me Nina,
Minetti, Jeanette integrity, human tactile and quality and if you
know you if you say to him, What can I say kind of what he feels
and I'll leave when he runs even when I feel you know when when I
feel called to Lucia Kinoshita scheduled for Nina Wagner. So, are
they going
to so you are worthy of Allah Who are they?
Your hand number was zero. Will you lead us
on level as he is an Hakima.
So, this in translation
it was he who made his tranquility descend into the hearts of the
believers to add faith to their faith. Amen, Imani. So more Eman
and here's another clear proof of Zia that an amen
that Amen increases so Eman on top of Amen. Or sometimes it's a note
on Allah newer, right or from the mahkamah till email. So you can go
from elmedia theme to idea came to heartily a theme, right? So
knowing the knowledge of certainty, intellectually, and
then going to either the Athene which is tasting it and seeing it
and then hopefully your team is actualizing that certainty or
going from the MACOM of Islam, outward acts of the deen to a man
which is the inward actualization of it, amen. And then to xn, which
is the perfection of
the Muhammad of Moshe had a witnessing and of vigilance of
war. As mentioned in Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad saw us and so it
used to email him, emailing him, adding faith to their faith. The
forces of the heavens and earth belong to Allah they learned you
know, the survival it was
okay and Allah wa even Hakima and a lot is an even Hakeem all
knowing and all wise, so as to admit believing men and women into
guardians, graced with flowing streams, there to remain absolving
their bad deeds a great triumph in God's eyes, and to torment the
hypocritical and iData idolatrous men and women who harbor evil
thoughts about God vileness, so, we'll talk about that in a second.
It is de who will be encircled by evil, who carry the burden of
God's anger, and whom God has rejected and for whom He has
prepared *, an evil destination. The forces of several
diverse forms of Heaven unhelpful, heaven and earth belong to God, He
is mighty, and all wise. So this Sakina that was sent, this was
sent and he mentioned how the prophesy send them slaughtered his
animal and shaved his head, as he would have normally done after the
lesser pilgrimage. There is also a Sakina or tranquility that was
sent into the hearts of the believers. So what was seemingly a
loss or capitulation or compromise as the as the last one time it
says in divorce Feldhahn Kobina in the Surah Fatiha will be a clear
trial of a clear victory, because it's not. You know, aggression is
only used sparingly to resist aggression to repel aggression,
that's not the objective. And so, if your objective, which is the
objective of Dawa and entering into people's hearts, and the stat
leaf banal floop as is mentioned in the Quran,
then there is no need for aggression. There is no need for
repelling aggression and even in facing aggression. The Quran
exhorts us to repel aggression stat which is better. It's
fabulous. You hear accent with a lady Bina Cobain or they will even
have you been wired in Cebu or Manila in the new housing Alvine.
So in fact, repel with that which is better then you will find the
one that there is Are there others enmity between the two of you, you
will be like the closest friend like the closest confidants
woman in UCLA in a Latina suburb, but who understands this concept
that people have sub that means there's a period of tribulation
and difficulty and bitterness, right? Not that you are bitter,
but the situation around you can be bitter, so too, and that's what
southern means is to work through the bitterness. And some of the
Sabra tree is the aloe tree, which is a bitter tree, that's where the
The name comes from. And so to forge your way through that to be
to be patient and forbearance. And then on the other side, it will be
through housing, housing, right and that means it needs now it
needs a special ena and consideration from Allah subhanaw
taala. Right, and
the most that we can do is try to
avail ourselves of that, either we are reaching for that or we're not
ready for that. But in sha Allah, our Eman and our our deeds that
are Allah met. There are signs that in sha Allah this will be
the final destination as it were, this will be where we are heading
to. Right as opposed to in terms of the believers and the Sakina.
And as the other to you man, man, amen and amen on top of the men
and more Amen. And then for those who do the opposite, as is
described in the verses here, there will be the opposite, so a
horrible a bow and a horrible ending. And may Allah protect us
from that. And just incidentally, these verses are called the verses
of why you did. So those things that are promised to the believers
in terms of Jannette and under the wind and things of this nature and
holder name and
let me tell you them in May as to one of the delights of paradise,
this is called Edward. So Allah promises this one will never do it
He, Allah will carry out his word. But we don't call the threats that
are made to people who do not fall in line as well because Allah
subhanaw taala in share, as the word Insha Allah, Allah can choose
to forgive, or he can choose to
deal with people by his heart, by His justice, so he would not be in
jest. He would not be unjust by taking people to task for their
transgressions, but at the same time, he may choose to forgive
them, he may choose to
let things to give them are for when to pardon them. And he's the
only man who understood this. And I'm certain that either because
this is what he said to Allah. When Allah said to him and Dakota
Wyoming either didn't even do it, they'll call it Subhanak Mahakali.
I will not say except that which you have asked me to say into our
demo for Nevada went up for number two in the county license.
Did you say to the people to take you as Gods you and your mother
from besides I was wondering so that's Hanoch awkward I such I
think I can only say that which you have revealed to me and for me
to say and then he said the manual says to his Lord into zip home for
now my bad. But now maybe if you choose to punish them, they are
your you're a bad.
You know, you own them so to speak, you can do as you please
and you will not be considered unjust. Wintel fit love. And again
tonight, we're talking about if you choose to forgive them, you
are the disease and the hacking. Right? You are the one who was the
Hakeem you are the most wise and you are the disease, right? You
are the most powerful and dignified in the way that you
carry out your judgments. So the use of the money I'm Jesus son of
Mary understood this. And he said, so when we read the verses of
Wade, by the verses of threats against those who do not follow
Allah's commandments and His prohibitions,
we should take note of that it should put some trepidation, yes,
and maybe a fear but a healthy fear of knowing that we pray to
Allah solidarity because a lot of those who do not, who did not heed
the warning signs.
Were lay and here he mentioned twice in the beginning of those
verses, what did they do in verse
seven, when he learned you to the seminar to go through a catalogue
of ICs and Hakima? So the first Junoon Are you knew that Rama,
they said, so these are the forces of mercy and Rama that's why the
verses about the believers came, and then the last verse seven, and
that's why it's also ICs and Hakima. This usually applies to,
like Alex was and the disbelievers. So these are the
four who are the forces of adult and in South the forces of justice
and of itself and taking people to task or their transgressions.
So my poor lawyers origin, then he says in also NACA Shahida, will
mature when at the era, he took me nobody else will be able to zoom
or to appeal to somebody who could see that in an arena, you know,
you hear the loincloth at him, for men. Because I've seen woman
life as at edge Iran, I'll leave.
We have sent you as a witness again, addressing the Prophet
sorry, send them a bearer of good news and warning so that you may
believe in God, the people and His Messenger, support him, honor Him
and praise Him morning and evening. So this verse,
here, the pronouns, go back to whom it's most appropriate for so
some of them said all of them go back to Allah, so that you may
believe in God so this is referring to the believers and His
Messenger right so the believers believe in God and support him
with a capital H. The only Allah subhanaw taala honored him Allah
and praise Him morning and evening and some of them said no, only the
last one praising morning and evening with to Sophia horrible
cloth and we'll see that this year.
We don't make this beer for the province I say to make this beer
for Allah subhanaw taala. So that clearly refers to Allah. And then
what was the who, what what we know who this can refer to the
province of SLM. But the strong opinion is that all of them go
back to
Allah subhanaw taala. So this was the mission of the prophets, I
send them as a witness and an omen, any witness against for the
communities or against the communities, right? All of them
are saying, No, we have been sent to have a shooting of you, but we
did not take heed. And our Alma itself is also going to be a
witness for all the other communities. And then the last
verse that I just wanted to touch upon briefly,
those who pledge loyalty to you are actually pledging glory to God
himself. So this is the pledging of loyalty or the Vega in
Alladhina, you may or may not get in NEMA you bear your own Allah.
You had a life author ad in
God's hand is placed on theirs again in you know, an allegorical
or not literal way, because we don't say that God has a hand in a
sense of that he has a limb but in in a manner that is commensurate
with His Majesty, but the meaning is that
the ones who give back to the province are seldom, it's not like
they are they are giving back to Allah. And some of them said, this
is the most
this verse in the Quran offers the highest praise for the prophets
why Selim and actually the highest praise for any human being at all?
Because the prophets why Selim is the one who was most praised.
Because there was no Cafetiere should be right there's no thing
it's like you gave their to Allah No, you have actually given back
to Allah, when you give them to the promised Art Center, when you
have a laugh, when you have sort of an alpha Allah, right in here,
there's even no set of en so in the verse woman you'll
have all whoever's followed the prophet has also or has indeed
followed Allah. So there is a like atashi Blimey, right there is kind
of comparison, at least alluded to in that particular verse, but
there's no illusion here. You know, a LW si and there's no
there's not gonna be alluded to literally the ones who give they
are, who pledged loyal to the prophets I send them have also
pledged loyalty to Allah. And anyone who breaks his pledge he
does so to his own detriment, God will give a great reward to the
one that has pledged to him. So that they are then was taken off
of it, they are totally one and
this they are remain the Sunnah afterwards, both in the political
realm and in the spiritual realm. So after the death of the
prophets, I said that there was a day after Abu Bakr Siddiq, and
then after him former middle Qatar, and then after for us
mended my friend, and then after him for us, not even that'd be
thought it and then after enforcing that Hassan Ali and then
there was a split, and then there was a split between the political
philosopher and the spiritual philosopher. So the political
philosopher went to the dynastic rulers of Benny omega and then in
our past and those after them, but the spiritual field after
that, in the bay, I was still continued, went to the true heirs
of the province are seldom the Arlen that and the LDS have both
of his companions and those from Elevate, and those are from a
household of the province. So, mela small town and make us people
are who are loyal and make us those who live the meanings of the
VR and live the meanings of the men, Islam or the men and new
Rhode Island or even or Sakeena via email about humanity. And we
also want our graduates to that as you grant us to those before us
and make us remarks those who
have been on your show
or hasn't