Walead Mosaad – Tadrib AlSalikMaliki FiqhClass 31 Oaths & Vows

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa
sallahu wa Sallim wa Barik I remember what I mean. So you
didn't have more than Oh, have you been?
up to date on? Well, I'm about. So we're reading from 13
OutDry basilica Aklavik Masonic Imam Malik are the law and who,
and we are reading from the books are the chapters that deal with
the acts of worship. And we have reached the final two chapters in
the what's called the robot by that or the first quarter dealing
with acts of worship. And the two chapters that we're contending
with, hopefully in this session, something called Le Amin, which
can be loosely translated as oaths.
one another which can be vows and they sound similar in English, but
in Arabic, they have slightly different connotations, as we will
called the Masonic Rahim Allah when the following is going to
mean Bab philia mean, so this chapter dealing with the amine
and here he defines it as the Amino Hollyfield and McHale Luffy
Allah is Betty Amarin Oh Neffe Oh Nozomi Enough sir, who are very
rare who be fair? I will tell Finn because I will tell you can Allah
kotoba Oh, * yes Ma. So he says the Amin making an oath or
sometimes we can translate as a custom because it involves person
which is swearing by God holophone so to swear and Luca Leff so
someone who is of Signatech leaf someone who is post pubescent so
that means any anything not in the definition doesn't fall under the
means of a child
says what law here a lot and you know says what law here I will do
this or do that then this doesn't apply to them even though from
kind of the perspective of child rearing that should not be
encouraged that they you know, they say well law here all the
So he says Hollywood McCann Luffy so the left one who's asking more
responsible if Betty Amarin so to swear on a matter that is is best
um so affirming an affirmation affirming something Oh Nephi or
negating something. I would presume we hear enough Sir Who
right or just worry about something that he will do already
Rahul or someone else right and action defend our talking Oh, not
to do something because some right Casa means to say well law he will
be left out Allah He any of the CFL Kasamh by Allah. Allah Allah,
Allah Cobra
which Talia means to make it conditional upon something and he
says conditional upon a quarterback, a cobra is something
meritorious like an act of worship,
our holy asthma, our holy asthma, which means to pronounce a
divorce. So this includes all of the
different scenarios that can happen. So generally.
And the mean, is going to be jet is going to be permissible. And
shifts or Luke said, one should neither do it too often or too or
too little. So somewhere in between. And the scholars of
Arabic language, say that when you preface something with a custom
like saying, well, Llahi then in terms of fossa in terms of
eloquence, you're talking to somebody who's most tankier, who's
Thank you, it means that they don't believe you. Or they they
have a hard time believing it or you suspect that they would have a
hard time believing it. You know,
so you would say in that emphatic way, you know, Wallahi muscle
festival classic Macedonia, something like unbelievable, just
a joke.
If you're by Allah, Egypt has won the World Cup, right? Because that
sounds amazing. So people will probably say you know what la had
something like this.
And the province said Lim
did use the custom. And the one that he will use most often as
reported by some level makan level for loop law or macro level. If he
was going to negate something he would say no, by the one who turns
the hearts or who's the hearts isn't in his possession. So it is
a rhetorical device it is used in language and it should be used
in the proper place in the proper time. Right. So when you have
someone in front of you, where it might might be advice to use it,
because what you're going to tell them might be hard to believe or
you think based upon the disposition of the person that
they may have a hard time accepting it. Then and
indicates that it should not be used casually.
It should not be used, you know, frivolously and should not be used
too often because this is a heavy thing, right? And there's a whole
chapter in fact about it. So we should take that into
consideration. So some of the examples like if met Nephi, like
affirming something or negating something
like Wallahi, Tomorrow is Wednesday, right? Which is that
some kind of a meaningless thing, because we know that but let's say
you have someone in front of you, who was, you know, unconscious for
days, and they're not sure what day it is, and, you know, little
stuff Friday, or like, Tomorrow is Wednesday, so it's better. Right?
So you're saying this is going to be happening in the future. Or you
say, well, like tomorrow is not Friday. So this is a negation
a user left so avoid over Euro will be found in Otakon because of
so here zoom means that you are
saying that I am going to do something,
an act or law here tomorrow I will go to work
or will lie tomorrow, my brother is going to go to work so that
somebody else or like tomorrow I'm not going to work or will lie
tomorrow my brother's not going to work. So those are the different
you can make it as an something that is
it's bad, which is affirming or negation.
alter the color palette color Cobra means that you are
saying if something happens a particular scenario, then you're
going to do a particular
Koba a particular act of worship.
Like if you say, if you read this book or reread this chapter from
the Quran, I will fast tomorrow.
So and then you have to say well, why Allah and go to either GitHub,
so also more than that, it makes it a part of this chapter.
Oh, holy asthma, which unfortunately, in of itself, to
italic, right, which is to make a conditional, pronouncing divorcing
someone is haram to begin with. But if people do do it, then we
have to know the rules that apply to it. So like if someone said to
the wife, if you go out today in honesty, Leila and italic Mehsana
forgot today, then you are divorced. And, you know, I was
a friend Omar that
probably this is the most complex chapter one of the most complex
chapters in terms of all of the different scenarios that can be
thought of because unfortunately, people have made all of these
different scenarios. And so this underscores the idea that fifth is
dealing with legal issues. And so the FDA will then contend with the
issues as they come. And so you have all of these different
scenarios of how a man could possibly pronounce divorcing his
wife conditionally uncertain things occurring or not occurring
or certain actions of hers or certain actions of his or certain
actions of a third party. But one should not get the impression of
all these different scenarios that are listed in not in this book
that we're leaving from its matassa. But in some of them will
call that some of the longer encyclopedic sort of books are
filled, do not get the impression that that thing is allowed, or
that it's condoned by the Olivet know the legal scholars are
contending with the issues and answer people's questions. But if
you look to the books of Teskey and Aflac and character
development, they will tell you know decent Muslim, right who's
who knows his deen and is not ducky has Taqwa would do such a
thing would make
a lot more luck to make it conditional upon something. And
unfortunately, this maybe it's not so much a trend or an issue in
non Muslim majority countries or English speaking countries, at
least my experience, but unfortunately, is quite the issue
in many Muslim majority countries when other Arabic speaking or
speaking or Malay speaking. So
that's unfortunately something that is not going to be remedied
necessarily by there are some legal things that are being done
to to remedy it in some countries. But it also is going to take a
very concerted effort on the part of the moral being people who are
you know, training people and teaching them and educating them
that this is just simply not acceptable. So, along with that,
the next line will enter my usual kasungu This made me smile Hola,
como Allahu wa Rockman we'll call it obesity mesophotic I called the
local boy hayati will kill me well, it'll be a 10 minute Quran
and as far as the custom the swearing itself or to say by Allah
you can say one of the names of Allah
like Wallah he or Walkman or one Harlock Allah is the creator of
the Civitan means if at any because delay Oh,
Oh, with the by the power of a lot, well hayati, he
will tell me like his column his speech, what are we I mean our
Quran because the area from the Quran is
indicative of the meanings of,
of this speech of Allah subhanaw taala.
Some of the most have said now you may you ask them, right like well,
kava when most have
things that maybe not literally indicate a lot, but they are
understood to mean Allah subhanaw taala.
In some countries, they even say when Nebby which is worrying about
the profit. The Medicare don't particularly mentioned that but I
believe some of the Hannibal have allowed it because it's told him
of Allah subhanaw taala. So it's making that what Allah has made
great, which is the profits are still him also. So it's not.
You know, there's we laugh about whether you can say it or not, but
certainly, it's not an act of Schick to say when Nebby. Right,
that's that's definitely not the case. Especially we look at the
intent of the person. So
we could say It's haram, we could say it's more cruel, we could say
it's permissible, but to say the shooter can by seeing it you are
going to be outside of Islam, this is Gulu, this is an extremist
position that is rejected by them. By the Sunni scholars. They were
like a philosophy class. I mean, the lady lady Well, a female then.
And there is no Ferrara which is an explanation because that's why
this whole chapter we're talking about it, there's going to be a
certain explanation. If you make an oath, or you swear about
something and it doesn't come true or you don't do it, then you're
gonna have to expiate. So this is only going to apply it says lack
of all of your costuming does it lead? Not for a cause? I'm not for
swearing by other than Allah subhanaw taala? Well, a few more
than for by something that happened in the past. How would it
look like if it happened in the past? If you say, well, Allah, it
was either in advance or lie. So I was at yesterday.
If you say that like, and you're pretty sure it was a that you saw,
and you say it, meaning that but it turned out not to be Zaid, you
don't have to do anything. However, if you were not sure, or
if you purposefully lie, this is what's called the near menials or
moose. Right, which is also if you did it in, like a court testimony,
it'd be called a zoo, which is very one of the connected, right,
which is one of the
grave or the deadly sins. So there's no Kafala for that, but
you have to do to help. Right? No explanation, but one has to repent
to Allah subhanaw taala because that is an enormity to do such a
thing, you know, to swore about something that you're not sure
about or that you know, is not true?
Well, that Hello, fellas, are you receiving SMS Lachlan worker for
an officer in Mali? We just said that
Cambodia tinfoil hat. So anyone who swears about something I'm not
sure about them. Certainly they're sinful when they do that. Nothing
on the clock on without condition. Worker fall off is a little muddy,
but you would have to do an explanation in the MALDI for
something that happened didn't happen in the past. So if you say
about something in the present, or about something that's you have to
come, then you'd have to do an exhibition. And he's going to get
to what that exhibition is what highly for the turkey Amarin
lejana to elaborate fairly a Euro Mokra
so someone who swears that heartleaf Allah Turkey Hamlin, you
know, to not do something there. Yeah. And as well hence means that
you break your oath in the family. Leila Makara
with Khalifa
Illa be funny. So if you say Wallahi I'm not gonna go out
if you didn't go out all day, then you're fine. You don't have to do
an expiration or
if you go out but he said you know McCullough, who are forced to or
compelled to go out.
Someone compels you, or your house is on fire. Or,
you know, it's untenable for you to stay in the house because of
threat of violence or whatever it might be. That's like a crock.
Right? That's like you were compelled to do so. And when you
made that statement, you didn't anticipate that to happen. So you
didn't go willingly you had to go because you were compelled. So
then you would not have to do an explanation in that case.
Woman Hala fella falen. Fear amino amino Hinson layer Yarbro Illa be
fairly Illa the man in LA une que la who failed and the opposite is
true. Man Khalifa Leia Fallon de cada that you're going to do
for you amino amino hence. So it is a broken oath. Les Yarborough,
he cannot
escape that in there be fairly except if he actually does it. So
if you say well, I am going out today.
Today I'm going out to the store in the man in the UK no fanfare,
except if there's a preventive that's impossible to do the thing
that he said he was going to do. So if you say, Well, I am going
out to
whole foods today.
And then Whole Foods burnt down, you didn't know that. Then you get
there, there's no Whole Foods. So let him can infer you can't do it.
So you don't have to do an explanation for that
way and fell for the testimony below here is this net, be in the
Anisha Allah.
So there's something where you can qualify, and he's going to bring
these qualifiers now you can qualify the custom or the
swearing. And the infallible means that it's taken into
consideration, and you wouldn't have to do an explanation. So if
you said, like Indonesia, Allah, Allah have gone to all foods Illa
Anisha Allah, I'm going to use acceptive Allah. If Allah wills
hollows, Allah didn't Well, so you wouldn't have to do a an
explanation. Why need to taxi Ceylon?
Commonly he will lie like I can't do Lachman when we lack MALBA car.
Like, if you make a general statement with your custom with
your swearing, but
you meant your knee or your intention was something specific.
Like if you said, Well, I'm not going to eat meat.
And what you meant was beef, specifically, not chicken, not
lamb but in your intention. So in this in this sense, if that was
your intention, then you don't have to expect if you wind up
eating lamb or chicken What uglydoll Mukluk Gaco li Allah he
lashed up to Lebanon, whenever called Iman
or duck lead and mclubbe which means you qualify something that
is are you specify something more specifically, are you quite I
should say you qualify it in a particular mode.
So you're not meat taking something general then make
something specific about that, that group that is generalized,
but now you're saying in a particular way.
This is what's called to lead in with luck. Like if you say, I'm
not going to drink milk.
But your intention was I'm not going to drink milk standing up?
No, we'll call Amen. So you can drink it sitting down and you
don't have to expect don't fall in love, right. These things will
will be considered if the words it could be interpreted this way.
Rather than the photography either
a solid what will the unit to have seen as a mocha wallet accepting
Right because we say divorce, if it loves us, sorry, if it is plain
and simple use the word divorce in English or the word dialogue or
whatever language that is meant for specifically divorce.
Intention doesn't help here. Intention only helps in divorce.
If you use a word that is general that could mean divorce.
Like, if one says to the wife or something
like if you go out today, you go back to your parents.
That could mean divorce. Or it could mean just go back to your
parents. So in this case, the judge or the faculty who would ask
the person what did you mean by that? But if you said no alive
today, you're gonna you're divorced. There's no in there's no
asking about intention. In this specific instance, because it's
love study, right? The word can only mean divorce, you couldn't
have meant divorce metaphorically, right or figuratively, it can only
mean that and this this is things that we need to be educated upon.
And after these chapters, we're going to go to the chapters about
marriage and divorce. And then we're going to talk a little bit
more about this specifically. So
well, Cafaro to now is gonna talk about savatya explanation is a
Halloween costume a biller are called Li, Allah yakka Felton I
will not do MOBE humps the letter to Anwar.
the explanation if he does not specify specific expiration, in
other words, it doesn't become an oath or a value any but we just
says, like we said, Allah if you do this, then I will not eat or I
will not sleep or whatever it might be. So is the Halakha right
if you
if you are unable to abide by the the oath that you made, then you
have to do an explanation and it's three types. What are they are
well, it amo Ashati Moroccan, the Kundalini Skene mood in the mood
the NABI SallAllahu Sallam or Maya como como Shagari milholland coot.
So the first is
feeding 10 People Ashati Moroccan right and so usually it would be
the people who would be deserving of zakat. The
miskeen someone who doesn't have all that they need liquidity
miskeen mood in every miskeen every person who is in need would
have a
so I should have showed this before but this is actually how
much your mood is.
That's about three cups, Imperial cups, this is a month. So
what you would have to do for each miskeen would have this other
staple like rice like beans like whatever it might be corn, so
All my Acoma calm who for Shibori inviolable quote, or that which is
can take its place are represented in terms of a meal. So they said
you can also feed the miskeen like lunch and dinner two meals. So two
meals you give them like rice and then it's also recommended to give
them some Edom e that means something with the rice or with
the beans or with the bread, like meat, right to give them a proper
Now you could Mikado fish should be a right that we will satiate
them for two meals when volume is good from that which is kind of
the staple of the place.
So this is these three here we're mentioning is a choice you can
choose one of the three
and I'm gonna say why we said that and it was in a second one no our
Thani kiss what to whom the rajulio Tommy Sumati is there on
Saturday Akima.
Who are you can close them Kiswa little gradually
armies which is just basically you have to cover them from shoulder
to toe shoulder to ankle. So like a fold like what I'm wearing, or
you know, a two piece you know, shirt and pants that's would be
Kiswa for those who well in Marathi did on Saturday and was
female as for the woman also the same thing but also she have a
female which would be hijab or a headcovering also from head to
the Lord has said this
to her hero competency unlimited minutes shaky when you became a
fifth the heart and this was in the age of people were held in
bondage you would have to free
a believing
person in bondage so for us the only the first to apply which is
defeat 10 Or to close 10
If you're unable to do those two, you don't have the means.
Right this is where he says here we had the philosophy while attack
here finances on her samatha Yeah, if you don't have the means to do
the first two, then you can fast three days. And they could be
together they could be split up but it's better to do them
While more local to Allah COVID-19 consolidating our SATA, Catania
lism, who either Hansa luck. And also, if there's something about
you make a conditional custom record button, something that is a
meritorious thing like prayer, or Sudoku or giving charity. You're a
designer who is a hairdresser. Now look, then you have to do that
If you break your expectation, the only another In other words, not
just expiate, you don't expect you have to do the thing that you said
you're going to do.
So if you say, I'm going to make hij rely I'm going to make Hajj
this year if
you know I get the promotion, well I'm going to make if I get the
promotion, so you got the promotion. So can you just press
three days in that do Hodgenville you have to do how much also and
you have to do how much? Because it's a quarterback right you made
a vow for something that is a meritorious a bad activity better.
But if you say if I get the promotion, you know I'm going to
go to Disneyland and you wind up not going to Disneyland then you
can do these things that he mentioned expedition or the or the
three days fasting
because then he can warlock who are the helenus Ma? Well, you have
one so JT he if he I mean in NC hat if I were in love your career
to be Agilent for SCADA he, when modern agile or lamea, firewall
hit for luck, and also the exception here if you do it with
divorce, as we said, so if you say something that's conditional, and
if you swear by it,
then if it's something about you're going to do something like
you tell the wife you are divorced
unless I
go to Disneyland
so that means he says here your call for one so JT, he is not you
shouldn't be with the wife during this time. Because technically
you're in limbo, because you have kind of what looks like a divorce
but it's not really divorce. Until
Do you actually go to Disneyland? And come back?
When let me tell you to be Agilent FET. Right? Especially if you
don't put the time in. Right? Because if you say okay, you're
divorced if I don't go Disneyland today, today goes away what
happens? Then she's divorced by at least one divorce. And I hope it's
not the third, you did something stupid like that.
We're in model agile, well, I'm here for I'll work on a thorough
right. And if the time passes and you didn't do it, then the divorce
becomes upon her, what will be left?
Foster infinity.
And now we're going to talk about the vow and north, which is a
little different than the mean. It means it's specifically in dizem
CORBA, which saying I'm going to do this good meritorious act. So
he says, and Neville enthusiam will call within beloved in Kerala
he eylea and also Leah Katha out of South Dakota together. So the
Sierra is different to how you say it.
So it's a it's dizem Cordoba so something that is
a an act of worship, like sadaqa likes, like fasting like praying
something like that. If you do something that's permissible,
then it's not a vowel. It's not something that is
that the added some IANA you don't have to be held to it. It's only
if you make it a quarterback you make it something that is
considered to be an act of worship to get close to a loss. That's
what COBOL means.
So, B loves him you have to say like
delay halaya cada Yanni I will do this for a lot that I will pray
this many of our cars or I will give this much in charity and so
forth, while women do boon in them yet ACARA it is recommended or
meritorious act the oath the vow itself in limitado except if you
do it repetitively, why because then you may get tired of it and
some of them they mentioned like one of the ways to make what is
normally a meritorious merely recommended Act into something
obligatory is if you make an a vow to do it, then it becomes
obligatory like fasting.
So you can fast three days a month,
a sunnah. Or you can say, no hallelujah can delay or for Allah,
I will, you know, I have also made a vow that I will fast three days
every month, then fast in those three days becomes obligatory upon
you. Mattson so
you know, some people said that that's something you can do to get
a higher reward because now you're making an obligatory act rather
than just a merely been Dewback. But you know, I would be careful
things like that because now you have made it obligatory upon
yourself to do that every month.
So let me attacker so it shouldn't be done very repetitively.
Whenever you are locked, either hustling booby get in chef Allahu
Madidi for ukara
what Well, yeah, well, yeah, homo in Africa. We hustled in Malibu.
By now Yes, you are the hill. This is probably the most important
part of this chapter right here. Because something people commonly
fall into.
So it's also recommended as long as LEM you are locked out hustling
maboob That you don't make a condition about something happens.
Like you say, well I Allah if you
give Shiva or healing to my loved one my son or my daughter, then
you know, I will fast 10 days this is my crew. It's disliked why?
Because you made it one look, you made it conditional Allah doing
something for you. So you made your relationship with Allah
Swatara transactional? You do this for me that I'll do this for you.
Whether you're Cara. When does it become haram? Yeah, home in
Africa, we are solely liable. If you believe you're twisting
Allah's arm so to speak verbally, by doing this, like okay, if I
tell a law that are faster 10 days and it has to heal my, my loved
one, then it becomes harder, because this is a violation of the
Ruby or Budimir relationship Allahu robinton
The law LaBute wanted up Allah's wants to be worshipped and you're
the one who worships Him not the other way around. You don't make
Allah do something. So if you know if they do it with that intention,
it becomes haram. Man we usually deal with that.
But nonetheless, you still have to carry out let's say you did that.
And your son or daughter you know got their health back at home
today. You still have to do fasting or whatever it is that you
said you were going to do.
One at a time. No love the Nazarene Ben Misu we'll call it a
day holiday your soul Moon o'clock. Our locker can shuffle
Allahumma do in FL Kedah Foley or soda soda. Coca Cola has a feud in
Beverly I mean, doesn't have to be exactly the same verbiage that we
said before. Like Tyrion loves when Daddy You don't have seen us
all. We don't say I make it
An oath or vow to do something, Miss Lu, something like it lokala
delay, Holly, you're so right for a lie, I have to do this, or for a
lie want to do this if you know this person becomes healed.
We're in Libya, if Al Qaeda family or South Africa and if I don't do
this, then I will pay this sadaqa. And he said that particular season
the last one, the formula, that's like a mean actually. So there's a
little bit of crossover between these two chapters. They have kind
of the same rulings. But the phrase is the way you say it is
Whenever you mess up the Lady Macbeth, I love womb.
if you make a oath, to walk to a particular masjid or place,
then it's level right? You don't have to do it. Nihilism in Lelli
in an leash in law, the Mecca except to Mecca. And one of the
stories that my chef told me chef
Rahim Allah, he said that there were two students of Imam Malik
number one didn't costume and I believe the other was ash had been
an ISIS. And they both Egyptian students of
Imam Malik and they both were teaching in the same mosque in
Egypt when they get back. So they both studied years and decades
with either Malik, they go back to Egypt to Cairo. And they both
teaching what they learned. And you could say there was a little
bit of friendly rivalry between the two.
they had a feel if they had a difference of opinion about a
particular issue in Medicare. So as Trump says, if you're correct,
and I'm wrong, then I'm walking to Mecca to make Hajj from Cairo,
which is, you know, crossed the Red Sea you have a big trip.
And so they, you know, the they they went and they, you know, got
to an answer and it turned out eshop was wrong and abdominal
costume was right.
So, our costume says, You know what, I'm gonna walk with you.
I'll go with you.
This was the way they dissented with one another. This is the way
the difficult one. But we'll see he was well Good for him. Let him
have the walk. He said I'll walk with you. I'll go with you.
Loma Linda
Kashia, the rally the Salatin fileted massages Aletheia Allahu
Allah. Also if you make an oath to pray in a particular message it
layers up right you don't have to do it except it's one of the three
messages so haram and lucky Masjid never wavered Medina and Masjid Al
Aqsa, Robbie algebrator Hungary, rebated Marcus. So those three
Jerusalem and Medina and Mecca, based upon the Hadith of the
Prophet, so I said them that they should do Raha Illa SLF. Some
people have interpreted this to mean that you don't make any
intention to go anywhere on a trip except to three massage it. That's
not the majority opinion, the majority opinions, specifically
messages. So the medical school, there is no particular virtue of
bringing one message over another except for these three.
So there's no virtue of praying in you know, the Masjid that is
closer to your house and you're further away from your house.
They're both Masjid except these three. So if you live in Medina,
and you can go pray in the prophet's mosque or you can go
pray in the mosque closer to your house. No, it'd be better to pray
in the prophet's mosque, because to shoot the rehab, you would make
the trip to go in extended trip, but in any other city, right, and
you can pray in the closest place, unless there's more than one
intention. So we're talking specifically intention for the
Masjid. But if there's intention, oh, wait over there. There's this
teacher that I want to see or meet or there's this person that I can
benefit from. And then there's an added intention. So it's not
because of the machine. It's because what's in what's there in
domestic. That's what they meant. Otherwise, you can make an
intention to travel, for business for, for car for tourism, for
You can make intention, you know, to even visit the Prophet Muhammad
SAW, I said, love them, specifically his grave. And I have
another story connected with that. And we'll end with this, shall we?
Who is the Imam of Egypt, Rahim Allah. In our modern times. He was
in Mecca. And he had told the people who was with who were from
Makkah at the time or from the Arabian Peninsula. He said,
Tomorrow I'm gonna go visit the Prophet. So I said,
and then they were of their interpretation. Like you don't do
that. You have to intend the Masjid. Not not the Prophet, not
the Greek. They said yes. Don't make that intention. You mean you
should go visit the mosque. So why would I do that? Here in Mecca? My
prayers worth 100,000 of anywhere else and in Medina.
It's not worth 100,000 Like here it's the prayer in the mosque in
Mecca is more meritorious. So why would I go visit cement and
bricks? I'm going to visit the Prophet Muhammad Sarson. So in a
moment of insha Allah is an article of Equinox
hosting environment of hostile luck, whether you had accent in
the last part of Allah in the holy with a liberal called early onset
Mr. Kumar