Walead Mosaad – Tadrib AlSalikMaliki FiqhClass 30 Halal Slaughter & Permissible Foods

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The history of Halal culture is discussed, including the use of animals as carriers and cutting methods. The use of cutting tools and proper nutrition is emphasized. The use of animals for hunting, hunting bird, and hunting birds is discussed, along with the use of animals for transporting goods and eating them. The speakers also touch on the use of Halal and non-traditional foods, the potential danger of cluttering large territory, and the use of animals for transporting goods and eating them.
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Bismillah R Rahman hundreds at lobby datamine Allahumma salli wa
salam O Allah catalogo skyrocketed. I mean, so you didn't
know have you been quality Agrippina Mahajan, English have
you and what they mean? We're saying the one who doesn't want to
hang up in their wallet or something? Well, yeah, from that
so hamdulillah we're continuing to study the fifth of Imam dal Hijrah
Imam Malik Ibn Anas mother lon who, via the book that we've
ascetical Quran, according mosaddek females have been given
the Malik law, the law. And we have reached the chapter dealing
with ritual slaughter, or the get. And this chapter came right after
the chapter about hedge and old here. And usually that's
quite normal. Because there's similar subjects. So when we
talked about hedge, we talked about heady and we talked about
the sacrifice of an animal as part of Hajj and then old here, which
would be the sacrifice an animal for those who are commemorating
eight on the same day. And now we have reached fab with a cat, which
tells us how to properly or whether the conditions were
properly slaughtering an animal and what types of animals and what
types of methods of slaughter can be used.
So he says web feeds the cat. So this is a chapter dealing with the
cat and to that key, which means to slaughter the cattle. He has
several highly accurate Haiwan and very well anois herba.
So it says that the cattle ritual slaughter is the sub here, he
means the legal reason that makes something Halal to eat. And what
we know about legal reasons is if you don't have the legal reason
present, then the ruling is not present. So if you don't have the
slaughter present, then you can't eat that animal. And he's going to
tell us what types of animals they're hilly to make Halal Achill
higher when eating an animal Albury a land animal. So we also
gather from this, that animals in the sea do not require the cat.
And this is the ruling in the medical school. So any animal that
lives most or or its entire life in the sea, which includes all
types of fish, whales, sharks, crustaceans, so crab lobster, all
of those things. If they are living in the sea, they do not
require the cat to be halal to eat
will allow her Alba, so literal slaughter of land animals, those
is of four types.
And oh, well, the first the poem. So the first he calls Deborah, and
it does mean slaughter as well. But here specifically, it's going
to mean slaughtering in a particular manner that he's going
to describe, which he says will plateau and we'll may use in
muslimin Okita vegan lid on Comey while we're Janey winning at her
magic thriller when the COO Mustafa Remo had it in memory to
the first one that said we have their own set.
So this is a type of what we call a Qatif and he's giving what's
called something that is comprehensive, so that all of the
particular cases will fit into this and all of the particular
cases that do not fit do not fit. So, he says if Dubba which is a
slaughter or collateral and it is a cutting of a Muslim who is
moving he is moving is means not pubescent, but could be pre
pubescent, but of the age where they are discerning. And generally
we say this is about seven or eight years of age beginning with
seven years of age, then we can say that they are discerning so a
young boy or even a young girl, as he says here can do the slaughter
Okita vegan all from Al Kitab someone who is a Jew or Christian
also, so could be a Muslim, or a key Tabby or Jew or Christian. Lil
hongcun. Well, when Jane so there her cool is the windpipe or the
the pipe that which
you breathe from or an animal breeds from. So cutting off oxygen
to the lungs. When wet, Janie and the word Jane are the jugular
veins that supply blood to the from the heart to the brain. So
they're on either side of the throat and you have the herd home
and you have the
esophagus or larynx in the middle. And if you've ever done it, the
esophagus is kind of an A sheep anyway. It's circular. It's
probably not that big in diameter, and it's white. And so for a
proper ritual slaughter to occur. The knife has to cut deep enough
that you're cutting both jugular veins and they're suffering them
and you're also cutting the front cool or you're cutting the
It sounds difficult and it sounds like much to think about.
But for someone who is properly trained and knows how to do it,
it's not all that difficult.
The chef a method I believe also adds a fourth
component to that and that you also have to do the
the food pipe I don't know the proper biological term for that
also should be cut. This is the Shafi school this is not a
stipulation in the medical school. So you only have to do the jugular
vein and the
or is it the esophagus I think is the food pipe so the jugular veins
and the windpipe so that which applies oxygen to the lungs and
that which applies blood from the heart to the brain. Those have to
be cut completely Mazzy Karela ma Vic Rila also remembering Name of
Allah, which is saying Bespin la Houma or Bismillah R Rahman Rahim
oneness ya know most of our if you forget to say it, he says it's
most of our which means it's forgiven. So forgetting to say
this forgiven, obviously for a Muslim
be Mohammed didn't mean really to leave us with something that's a
sharp instrument. So generally a knife but anything sharp enough to
do that mean lady totally false, but without taking a long
interruption. So what that means is when the knife is placed on the
throat of the animal,
in this case, a goat or a sheep
and you cut and then you lift the knife and you have not cut the two
jugular veins completely or you haven't cut the windpipe
You are allowed to go back and finish the job but without totally
false. Totally false. It means that without a long interruption
there is a case they said mmm, Bob, he gave a fatwa that they
were one slaughtering a cow, a large one a bull, and it got up
and ran away, and they didn't finish it. And it ran like 300
yards. So they caught it again. And then they finished it. So that
they say that's what the default is something like that, you know,
long time where you can an animal could run away and so it's that's
where to happen that that will get up and run away, especially if
it's a sheep or a goat.
But genuinely it should be done in a way that you are cutting on one
one swipe, not multiple swipes. One swipe and you're cutting the
jugular veins and the the windpipe to learn it's the esophagus which
is the food pipe as I said you don't have to. But even though
it's much in the Scheffer school,
and that is the way that you would do it for sheep and goats, and
cows, what's called
a Thani The second way to do it, or the second method, not very
well thought, I don't believe
so camel, camels and other long necked animals, you can't
slaughter them that way. They have a long neck. And so if you were to
cut them above, right where the head is throat, it wouldn't be
feasible to do that. So they have something called an Aha. Which is
actually to stab the animal, usually while standing and one leg
tied so it doesn't run away. And this is a camel which has a strong
animal and to take the point of the knife the blade and get it
what's called in the lambda, which would be for the camo where its
neck meets its chest, kind of that open that pocket in here which you
can fill in yourself a stab right there, and that usually kills the
animal instantly.
While you're dizzy Ophelia Bukhari malerkotla. So this method and
know how to stab in the you know, the collarbone neck area is
permissible in cows, but it is disliked its macro. It's not
optimal any other way is Lubba. Like you would do for sheep and
goats. Well, jazz I'm at Dow theory, that room use barrel wax,
and it is permissible
by tahsil, which means if for whatever reason, you're unable to
do that, that get which is cutting the throat and the jugular veins
and the windpipe for the cow and the sheep and the goat to do the
opposite, if it is impossible to do it the other way, but generally
speaking, I don't I'm not a put this in here, but I'm not aware
of, of how that actually would be. That scenario would be would be
conceptualized. So with sheep and goats, you have to cut the throat
and cut the wood with Jane, the jugular veins and the larynx or
the windpipe and with camels and other long necked animals, maybe
like a llama.
We would have to stab it in the collarbone area. And obviously,
that would take someone who's trained you wouldn't kind of try
to do it the first time on your own and say, let me see if I can
do this. That would be
inhumane and unethical. I think
So those are the first two types of fellas
are cruel, washy or solid.
So the UK is actually another word to say, an animal a wild animal
that is hunted. So the accrue and washy which means wild animal, or
solid and in other words, it's always been a wild animal
WinToFlash Nevada and the animals in
be Mahajan
will have to be born local resource will be jarhead.
Meanwhile, alum mean Kelvin I'll tell you in our cellar who mean
Yejin beanie yeah
so awkward washy or Salatin is an animal that is normal lives in the
wild, like a deer.
wild buffalo like bison, something like that, you know, that's not
that it's not a domesticated animal. It's not normally
domesticated. Then in this sense, you have the permission to hunt
it, right. And he's going to talk about what you hunted with in a
second window Akasha, about that unasyn.
So here's not clear but intoa harsh about the animal sin, which
means if it becomes wild after it was originally domesticated, in
other words, the same animal not that species itself. But if you
had a
shot a sheep or a goat, and it got away and we're up in the
mountains, and you're unable to get it and capture it, the mature
of the madhhab is you're not allowed to hunt it that way, you
have to capture it first, and then do the double. You can't hunt it
with bone hour or the shotgun or something like that to,
to, to hunted. However, if you do injure it with something and it's
immobile, and then you do the cat, and then you do the slaughter of
it, then this would be permissible, but not to hunt it or
kill it by the methods he's going to describe here. So before had
mean something sharp.
So that could be generally in their time to talking about bows
and arrows and arrow, a sharp arrow will have to be but also
included in this boondock resource. So any firearm, that the
bullets and I would say probably shotgun pellets too, if they're
large enough to obviously pierce the animal and Pierce and you
know, cut in the same way and kill them the same way. That a that a
bow and arrow would. So that would be include rifles and and long
guns in general.
Oh will be Jonathan. Meanwhile, law or men, Calvin Otalia. So are
you have a trained hunting animal, and he mentioned two types here,
either a hunting dog, or a hunting bird and usually the hunting bird.
And this is especially in the Arabian Gulf, you find this the
Falcon. So the Falcon can be trained to go and hunt small prey
like rabbits. And you know, other small animals that are healthy. So
a rabbit can be haunted because a rabbit is generally not a
domesticated rabbit, but a wild rabbit, or a dog as well. So the
dog can go and hunt a wild duck or turkey or something like that.
Where they can watch them while law means like The Quran mentions
that you have taught it, it's trained. Not that the dog went and
killed it by itself without instruction from its trainer, or
its owner.
That's where he says here are sallahu mean he hadn't been a
year. So it has to have been sent by the owner. So if I'm walking
with my hunting dog, and all of a sudden it takes off and runs and
goes after a goose, a wild goose
wild goose chase. No pun intended, but he caught the he went across
the goose and killed it. But without my instruction. without me
telling him I won't you know, go and I gave him instruction to go
kill that goose I can't eat the goose.
If he kills the goose, if he injures the goose, as we said, and
he's still alive, and if I were to leave it, it would still live. So
it's not a life threatening injury.
Then I could slaughter it by my hand.
Otherwise, if I send the Falcon or I send the hunting dog, and they
go and kill the goose by themselves and it's halal to eat,
because it was by my instruction by my hand.
That's where he says he'll be shocked to lend me
the baton moseyed what that means yet he wasn't St. Raleigh Hebrew
lady or Ella jasola Shaq confy Moti he Amina Milan Mercede Away
we go we'll call a Phil Murphy by the year he won't come ashore
Ducati lady mistakenly shoot. So here is outlining some of the
scenarios where it would not be Hello
Because unlike slaughtering an animal,
when you hunt an animal, it doesn't you don't just hit it with
your arrow or with your, with your rifle or the dog and goes and
hunts it, and then you find it immediately you have to actually
go search for the quarry, you have to go look for it, and maybe find
a blood trail because it may run after.
So he said the condition be shortly let me be able hatin
Massoud one, you're looking at this animal for far away. So you
have to have to have intended that I am hunting this animal. And it's
permissible to eat.
Not that I was hunting something else because it was, you know,
you know, let's say you own a farm. And you have wild coyotes
around your farm. And, you know, the authorities stipulated that
it's okay to to dispense with them because they're attacking your
flock. And so
you have a shotgun or you have a rifle and you take aim at the
coyote and you kill it, and then you go up to it. And it turns out,
it wasn't a coyote, it was a deer. Can you eat that deer? No, you
cannot. Because when you shot at it, and when you're hunting it,
you didn't think it was a deer. You didn't think it was something
that was what he says you're a battlesuit Charlottesville,
there'll be a baton lawsuit means on the condition that you believe
the thing that you're shooting at, or the thing you sent your animal
after is halal to eat. What that means it right and it has to bleed
out. While the Michelotti he believes he this is referring to
the hunting dog, or the
the Falcon, so let's say you see the deer or you see the rabbit,
and it's running, and then you send your Falcon after it or you
send your dog and then it goes after it but then it actually
doesn't go after that rabbit it goes after another rabbit.
Then that wouldn't be halal. That's Adam is still Holly Hebrew
lady. Right? Because it wasn't the one that you intended. Well, yeah,
so the shotgun, shotgun, female tea, I mean, unmercifully over at,
or you and your friend are both hunting in this scenario. And
you sent your animal off after that a wild turkey and so did he.
And you're not sure which of it was your Falcon or his dog that
killed the turkey?
So there's a check
what killed it, or
you sent your Falcon or your dog after it? And later you find the
animal dead, but you're not sure it was your animal that did that?
Or did another animal come into that to it? Because of the time
lapse perhaps. So any type of check, write any type of
doubt about what killed it? If it was your animal, something else
then that's not allowed to eat?
He gives another example global Korea if it met bad in Georgia,
right? Like if you shot at it, or you send around laughter and then
it fell in a pond or a lake.
And then you find it dead. So did he die from the injury received or
die from drowning? So there's a check here, if you die from
drowning, it's not hard to eat. So in this case, because of the
you would not be able to eat from it.
Oh, moussaka, the lady musta come and shoot
or you like we said in the earlier scenario, you have someone else
with you, who doesn't have all of those conditions and they sent
their animal they didn't know what it was or that it was not properly
trained and they kind of participated with your animal in
getting the prey
or the hunted animal then this case also not acceptable for the
charlatan lamb yokel in Russia, who laid them and foods and
MacDaddy for that guy who.
So this is important to
establish shorten law, Mukul so as we mentioned earlier, if one of
these conditions is not met, however, you get to the animal
right so either you thought it was a coyote and it turned out to be a
deer or you sent your your hunting dog after it, but it caught
something else. But if you get to the animal that's why one of the
conditions also within mentioned here, but one of the adab is you
have to hurry up and don't wait a long time you have to go after it
immediately. So if you get there and you find that it's injured
Laderman foods in McDowell right layman foods, that means but not
with a life threatening injury. In other words, the animal could
probably recover from it. So not something that
you know, pierced a life threatening organ so you didn't
when you shot it with your with your with your rifle or if you're
going out you didn't get through the heart. You injured its leg.
For example.
and render did kind of immobile and but it's still alive and we'll
probably live with that but a live limp.
In this case, that's why it's important to have something with
you like a sharp knife or hunting knife, that you can slaughter the
animal need be if you get close enough. So, he says in this case
if you find it in this condition and then you slaughter it, then it
becomes valid to eat even though you injured it in a manner that
was not completing of, of the conditions that we mentioned
earlier for,
for ritual hunting, or for or two for the conditions for a hunting
animal or hunting weapon. One Makati Lu Muhammad was a Catholic.
So when he mentioned here, what are the Makati? What is life
threatening engineering? Mahalo zakat, so like any of its if it's
windpipe, it's jugular vein. You know, if your dog grabbed it by
the throat and cut its jugular vein, then that's men foods and
McDonald's. It will die from that so you can't do ritual slaughter,
even if you even if you slaughter it before it actually dies. This
is an important point. So in the Maliki school, if it's already had
one of its Makati, which he says here, which includes the Khalifa
cat, so jugular vein windpipe, but our new Ha, right which a severe
brain injury, nothing to demand while haShoah or you find brain
come out of already already, or Nashua or intestinal injury to
degree that it's been ripped out, or that will Masrani the
intestines are katawa. So if they've been pierced, or the
animal that you sent, you know, ripped out its intestines already.
All these things it wouldn't survive with that. But if it's
still alive,
even if you slaughtered in that way it's not halal to eat. This is
the Maliki school that says that other schools may say different
especially the Schaeffer school, but the medical school says you
have to find it in a condition that it would not die from.
If you did not complete the conditions as we mentioned
Wilma Oh yes, I mean hayati heat the model the Tamil movie hits the
in shefa demo how to how to like a club do the math.
And if you have an animal that's terminally ill or it looks like it
was going to die, but it's not dying quite yet the cat works you
can slaughter it in Chicago a demo alcoholic as long as the blood
flows right so it's not so sick that even it's barely has a pulse
and the blood doesn't flow when you slaughter it. So if the blood
is flowing, it's moving
the club dia didn't map at the head right or it's still moving
you know the nerve twitching afterwards is still life in it and
when you when you slaughter it, then that means
you can eat it otherwise if it's already almost dead, and then you
slaughter it and you don't see a difference in its condition by
slaughtering then there's there's a doubt about that so you
shouldn't eat it
well if you lay it in muddy that you actually CLN and an animal
that's healthy that's not sick, it's enough that the blood flows
so in the first condition, and the first one if it's a sick animal
Shut up at them there's blood or to how to record animals moving
right then in that case, it's enough for if it's a sick animal,
but the blood has to flow freely and completely if it's a healthy
animal, the CLn which is more than just
shut up
with a cat will Giannini the cat to owe me for your Caillou in
tema. halco? Who will never Tushar Rahu in how does your high end
have to clearly the Curtin Illa and you've already ruled out
if you slaughter an animal that was pregnant
then the slaughter of the mother is enough for the Janine or for
the baby inside the the mother of the cow or the sheep or the goat
to be eaten for your cattle in timber hudco Who, right so it's to
be eaten, if it is completely formed, right? Like it's almost at
the end of the period of the gestation to be born whenever the
shabu and one of the signs of that is that if it has,
you know the hair on his body already.
For in Hello Joe Hayden. However, if you can't open the stomach, and
then the animal comes out alive, then you can't eat it. If Tokina
does the keratin, then it has to be slaughtered in the new value
whole mouth except if it kind of comes out and dies instantly.
That's different. But if it comes out and it's living, it's running
around, you can keep it let it grow. Or if you want to eat it,
you have to do that. And one thing I should point out here, it sounds
a little bit harsh and rough. And there's not saying that you
slaughter a pregnant animal. But I'm saying he's saying if you do
happen to do that, then this is what needs to be done. Generally
from the Debian the advocates, we wouldn't slaughter and pregnant
Animal, we would, we would slaughter animals that have been
specifically raised for that purpose. And even from kind of a
a monetary financial perspective, it doesn't make sense that you
slaughter a pregnant animal because you're going to have
another animal that comes out of it. So most, I haven't come across
any sort of slaughterhouse Muslims that, you know, seek out pregnant
animals to slaughter to eat the baby. So this is a manual effect
of law. So it's telling us if this scenario comes about, this is what
we do.
So those are the three ways of eating something of it being
halal. And then the fourth we kind of mentioned already in passing on
Robert mail you move to Maine Kulu very inland if Saddam Hussein Isla
Cal gerat will be culture religion in our in court in Vienna.
And the fourth type is all those animals that don't have a proper
what he says your Lanuf Salah who said Illa why I will translate a
circulatory system. So not a mammal. And this will include
johaug which are beetles or insects. So Hatillo will be called
originally I will call it infinity, right? And whichever way
that you slaughter it, it's fine. If it's an insect, or it's an
animal that's not a mammal that has a circular flow system and and
blood flow.
What are your Lumads? About how will kita be you? mela your hula
hula Beshara Rena Minzy aloof Rekall Emily? Well, I was, well
matakauri This idea while I'm at Yahoo. muslimin fee, Mr. Henley
So here he's citing some conditions of what the non Muslim
can can slaughter and Kitabi. So in the medical school,
we can eat anything that wouldn't be normally Halal in their Sharia.
So in the ancient Sharia of some of the Jews and the Christians,
they couldn't eat animals that were hooked.
So like have like a cat camel or a goose. And that which they also is
not to be in that which they make an intention. Little cuddle bit
availa. So if the window Allah Allah will is sort of they say in
the name of
the Son and the Holy Ghost, when they are slaughtering the animal,
then we can't eat that animal.
Or if they slaughter the animal, not saying that, but they had
intended it as, let's say, an animal to be sacrificed for a
feast like Christmas or like Easter, or something that's other
than Allah subhanaw taala then in this case, we're not supposed to
eat it either. Well, my lamb Yeah, homos demon fee, Mr. Halen, Mehta.
And also, they added the condition that for the Kitabi, we should be
able to they slaughter in front of us,
if they're doing it on our behalf. So if they're slaughtering for us,
something for us to eat specifically for us, then we
should see them slaughtered versus if they're slaughtering in general
and they're selling the meat, then these other conditions apply. So
they have to do it in the way that we do it. And that's that's
supposed to be something that's haram in their show. Yeah. And
they can't mention something other than Allah's name upon it or
intend other than Allah's name. So for these reasons, we're fairly
comfortable in saying that most
packaged meat that you can buy in any supermarket, in
non Muslim countries, it would be safer to stay away from that,
because we have no idea of any of these conditions are being met.
And oftentimes, they don't actually slaughter most of many,
many often they kill them in other ways.
And so due to the, the continued doubts that we have about it,
especially with something like this, it's better just to stick to
how that butcher or that what's your story about its source.
What you're starting to feel and why or why it nearer to the cat
with equal Llahi elearning SEN. Well, to start off with a small
two minute kita Viva la alum. And it is a condition for the four
types near to the cat, right that we have the intention of,
of slaughter, even if it's insects, whichever way we kill it,
but we have the intention that we're doing it to eat it with the
Kulai and also to say Bismillah except if you forget whether to
start with the smear to mean Akita Viva la alum. And it is not a
condition for the Kitab the non Muslim to say the name of Allah
but they shouldn't say the name of something else. So there shouldn't
say in the name of Jesus, or the name of Mary, or in the name of
the Holy Ghost if they do that then that would rent or render the
the cat that they do Allah for for us.
Allahu Allah
so we'll continue with the next chapter, which is closely related
about and movie and this is just dealing with not just animals but
anything in general that what is lawful to eat the hula masonicare
Rama Hola, baboon, Finn MOBA
so he says the permit
suitable so literally means the permissible but here are some
specific about permissible animals to eat or permissible things to
ingest and move out good Lutheran lady moves in while I'm over
evenly lock
so he says here anything that is pure could Lupo here is a remote
within that is not harmful while I'm away even Linac and does not
affect us or is not mind altering. So mind altering here is talking
about all sorts of drugs and obviously alcohol and anything
that will put you in a pile on a sort of compromised mental state.
All of those things would be haram will very remote in right and also
not harmful. So like smoking of cigarettes would be included in
the Haram because it's harmful both to the person who was smoking
and to the one who is around them. While Buhari you were in Mesa so
and also that's Halal anything of the sea as we mentioned we make
that even if you find it dead or washed up on the beach, but it
lives in the ocean, then it's harder to eat what are you well Oh
Jenolan oh there mclubbe
And all flying animals
even if it's a Jalla Jalla means something that eats like
carry on. It's like you know like a butcher that will pick you know,
flesh from dead animals and things like that but it's a bird
technically. So if you want it to vulture Be my guest your it's
halal to eat doesn't mean you should eat it. But it is a bird
Oh, they're Muslim, even if it has claws or
they don't say claws with our Falcons they say
whatever the word is for
I don't know the word for mclubbe which you know what's your Falcon
has? Well Mariela you have 32 minute walk she cannot be in we're
out on up
and also animals that may not necessarily be hunted, but you can
eat them anyway like lizards and rabbits. Because you can grow
rabbits can be domesticated.
Well, crushershe Kushan Cahaya tin Gumina some some will have or
things that crawl around on the ground like a snake. As long as
you are safe from its from its some from its poison, right?
Because then it will be more easy than it will be harmful. So the
garter snake okay king cobra, probably not. If you're into that,
well Mariela Mata, who you can do in order to farm and volleyball
for intermediate region in Kerala, Matan, well, how you going to be
negative they get. And as we said, Madam Allahu those animals that
don't have a circulatory system like insects, you cuddle in
harlot, also, I'm gonna volume. And this is more like if it's
accidental. So you're eating and then you saw that there are a few
bugs in your food and you ate it anyway. Love is right, there's
nothing wrong with that, because it doesn't have a circulatory
system to begin with. intermediates are awful, IJA
incana maten. However, if you see it in your food, and it's dead,
right, because you didn't have the intention of the cat, as we
mentioned earlier, of slaughter, even though it's, you know, like a
beetle, then you take it out of your fruit don't eat it.
Well, how you Colombini it is a cat, right? And that was just
alive in your plate.
You know, then you can eat it
while it's alive with the intention that you are
slaughtering it at the same time that you're eating it. So if
you're into eating worms and beetles and things like that, and
you have a whole bowl of it, then you can go ahead and you know,
live your life and eat it.
As long as you intend, okay, I'm slaughtering this thing while I'm
eating it. It's alive. So not sure if they saw the Indiana Jones,
Raiders of the Lost Ark movie and
it's just covering all the possibilities because different
cultures have different
you know, different tastes and so forth. So some cultures they may
do that. So that's why you know, this, these teachings are
beautiful. We're laughing and we're making a joke but in
actuality it's it's quite a beautiful thing from
while mcru Elmo Teddy suminagashi We have the Cathedral, the
hermetic kelp. or Mr. Hill what what? What rune Yasu Elon ninjas.
So my crew and there's some he left here
and move talisman and washi so carnivorous animals that are land
animals like a bear tiger, lion. One opinion is that it's mcru it's
disliked another one that is haram to eat those animals. Well, after
a funeral the whole method can and
Many many movies said that eating dogs is haram.
Well, Mr. Google what what? And also bats will ruin Yasu, Elijah
and rodents that can reach as much as they eaten as Yes, like rats.
Not that you want to really indulge in that but
well, Mahato and that which is haram without qlf without any
dissent and sincere, so swine pigs, any variant of the wild
will homebrew INSIA and also domesticated donkeys, while
bizzarro can highly fill much who, what Dini what Robert Daraa and
also mules, horses feel mature, there's a little bit of training
but mules and horses, as well as domesticated donkeys are not halal
to eat. What do you know what to do with the data and also eating
clay mud and dirt live data? Because there is data because
there is harm in it?
What is McLaury accrual make it fresh now it has a word. And so
the one who is matar In other words, you're in a life
threatening situation. If you don't eat this thing that's
normally haram, you will die, then you're not only limited at 90 It's
not only permissible it becomes obligatory acclimating Mehta t so
to eat an animal that hasn't been properly slaughtered like a dead
animal that wasn't killed properly. So yes, well wait
there's a word and you can eat from it until you are full and
satiated. He mentioned this here specifically because some other
schools of law believe you should only eat what you need, said the
Rama which is just to
take the hunger pangs away but the medical school says no you can
once it becomes Halal because you're in the situation. Then you
can eat from it and it gets issued.
What to call demo other doll that enable
and this Mehta, this adult slaughtered
properly takes precedence over a
runaway camel. Runaway camel means it belongs to somebody it's not a
wild cattle belongs to somebody. So if you go and slaughter that
you took, you know the camel of somebody else illegally. So he
says you caught them. Yeah, and it takes preference. If there's
nothing but the runaway camel, then yes, you can take the run on
a camel and then you have to settle with the owner afterwards.
Well, Mariela Musa Minh cited him
and also here, the exception is if you're in a state of Iran, you're
in how'd you Ramona, generally it's, it's not allowed for you to
slaughter an animal or to hunt anything. But if you're in the
matado state, right, like you don't have a choice then you would
slaughter or hunt something rather than eat a dead animal that would
take precedence over that. Well I'm I'm in our cool Betty, you are
the mother her family.
And if
you have food from someone else, it's not yours. And you don't
think that you'll get in a lot of trouble by eating it. Then you're
allowed to eat that before you eat the dead animal.
What's the usual kahawa
coffee is permissible. And you're wondering what why is that in
here? Well, there was in centuries ago there was a discussion about
class one it used to be called hum and it used to be called the wine
of the of the Muslims.
And they thought perhaps because it was mind altering to a degree
but it's not so clear what is halal. Well one was to have a Mr.
Hubbard I think it's recommended in some of the automat they said
if you do it with the intention of staying alert and awake for dhikr
of Allah subhanaw taala or for studying or something like that.
Then it can even be the most to have
well if you do finally feel if he says that but that's not true.
This is all the book smoking there is no collapse smoking is haram
whether any he mentions whether you're pro due to JIRA will
automatically merge Shuhada minimoto Rottie will not Adam and
it's not his is that remote to say that it's haram because we see of
all the model rot all of the data, all of the things that are
associated with it that are
that are very harmful to those who who do smoke and those who
are around people who smoke
below thought our items are going to stop here and then we have one
last chapter left in this what's called Robert A Baghdad in the in
the quarter of acts of worship which is an amine when Nether
which are
taking oats and squaring by the name of Allah
or Monica la fuchal
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh