Walead Mosaad – Session 3 Prophetic Ethics
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Salam Alaikum 119 Aloha Sunday, we're settling with Eric and the
Roshi rockmart in the Al Amin, so you will have you know, covered
the quality. The hygiene issue here was even
worse anyway, the other monophosphate 401 Abdullah, while
early was Harvey, he went well.
Some of them are from my mother.
So how do
we are reading from the 20s book, or 20th Chapter of inevitability
of Mohammed, law, the law and who, the great polymath scholar of the
fifth and sixth century of the Hijra. And
this particular chapter, as we have mentioned before, is often
referred to as the heart of the collarbone area. For the reason
that it falls right in the middle of the 20th book out of 40. And
also it is the chapter that deals with the wet as he named Devin
Marysia. Worthless in the Wawa. So the book of prophetic ethics and
courtesies of living.
And memory was only mentioned early on in the chapter that we
have already went over, that he wanted to include this chakra sort
of as a way to wrap and bring everything together from all the
other chapters in the here. So the different sections of the head,
namely four major sections deal with in the first section deals
with things of
him and yet, things that one is required to
believe in and to hold to be true. And it also has
sections about some of the event that about the sorority, that
about the secrets of the event that the second set of chapters,
looks more at debt, which are things about, like this chapter of
the last chapter in that set of 10, chapters dealing with
either of magnesia, and there's a dab of eating and an ebb of
friendship, and so forth, then the next two sections,
and Molly get with Mooji, as somebody kept on looking at vices,
and how to identify them in one and then Mooji is looking at
virtues and how to inculcate and embody them within one's
character. And, of course, the most important aspect of all of
this, as our Prophet Muhammad SAW said, so
we want to get back to a section that we're reading from, and we
see the approach of it as any in this shimmer in sort of chapter
which means it's dealing with credit characteristics. After the
introduction, then he looks at the specific way of the relationship
between the last panel to Allah and the Prophet Muhammad SAW
Center and the Prophet SAW Selim is reported to have said at
Devaney Robbie for Ascena dB, My Lord has taught me are inculcated
with within me at the these ethics and these compartments for US
Senator Devi, and he has perfected this within me and the Prophet in
turn Solarstone and he said about his relationship with our Hulk,
his relationship with those who he calls to Allah in Nima Boris to
Tamar macadam II, have not been sent except as
means and to,
to perfect character traits. So this Haluk, as we've mentioned
before, from the poor of hook, which means inward character
trait. So perhaps unlike a more contemporary and modern
understanding of ethics, even though there are many, many
branches, and perhaps virtue ethics would be closer to our kind
of mainstream traditional understanding of ethics, but
in contemporary
sort of understanding of ethics and the, you know, required
philosophy behind it, ethics is seen more as moralizing behavior,
so to have certain behaviors and certain situations. And so you
have branches of this that extend out to like bioethics, you know,
the ethics in terms of Biological Sciences and study and research or
perhaps even in medicine. You have ethics of the workplace, certain
behaviors that should be enforced or expected within people working
with one another in an office, and things like this. So, it's more
about do's and don'ts in terms of how
One Acts how one behaves. Whereas if we look to the kind of
traditional Islamic understanding of it, the word hook comes from
characteristic, and it's related to the word Hulk. So Hulk means
outward character, trait. And hook means inward character traits. So
the whole of them is something that is kind of part and parcel of
what you are of who you are, that then informs your behavior, it's
not actually the behavior itself. So you can be Kadeem, you can be
very generous, and not have a penny to your name. But if you
did, then you would most easily and demonstrably spend it
the poor on orphans and those who are in need. So it's not about the
actual behavior that then comes out of it, but it is the in is the
more of a semi permanent or less quality than permanent character
that one has attained themselves. And this is an important
distinction to make, because one may engage in something that we
would call unethical behavior, or to make a mistake or a sin, but it
does not make the whole person unethical. So you could have you
could exhibit some behavior that is, we could say the whole thing
that is not very in line or in tune with Aflac, harmless or s&m.
But that doesn't mean that you are completely devoid of the right
even in that specific thing. So your anger may get the best of you
in a particular situation. But that does not make you irascible
doesn't make you as a permanent trader from our even though that
there may be an occasion where that may get the best of you.
So as we mentioned about Kareem and we mentioned about, you know,
to be generous, and also in terms of devices. So why is that
important? Because it's it's important, so we don't lose hope.
When we do kind of
fall or steer off course a little bit. We do make mistakes, we can,
you know, act in a way that's not commensurate with what we know is
the best way to act, so forth, but there's always the path to path
back towards redemption. And that's important thing. So Giselle
is going to talk about this particular section, even with the
Prophet Muhammad Selim, even though it's at a much higher
level, and certainly anything that was
an aspect of D, but of the privatizing inculcating and of
within him was not something that he was doing that sinful, but
something that was to be seen as a McCombe of the new Ebola. So there
was a therapy, there was, you know, Allah Subhan Allah,
encoding this and cooking this edit in the Prophet palletised
center, so that he would even be the best of creation. So let's
look at what that chapter says.
it says, The military says Rahim, Allah, Allah, how are we doing? I
mean, then the DA will lie to Allah Habiba, who was a few
Mohammed Sarson and Bill called n. So on account of the refinement by
Allah Most High was beloved and chosen Mohammed by way of the
Quran even though the translator did not include that part by way
of the Quran, but it's in original Arabic.
So, he says the messenger of God, sola seldom cathedral there are
well if he had or was very imploring and sublet Kotori,
perpetually beseeching Allah Most High to beautify him with the
refinements of ethical comportment with other and the nobility is of
character, for he used to sing supplication from Omaha sin,
Huntley will hook up or Allah beautify my physical form, and my
ethical character. So this relationship between Hulk and
Holyoake, as we mentioned, and another way that I recall on
mahasin hood of the camera has sent a healthy or perfect, my
whole of my inward characteristic as you have perfected my outward,
right you have created me of sound body and physical form. And so we
he besieged the last one without also to grant that to his hook,
right, his inward characteristics.
And he would also say, Oh Allah make me shun wicked character
traits so long as your nickname won't go out of luck
and so Allah Most High responded to a supplication in realization
of his statement, glorified, exalted be He call upon me and I
will respond to you. Are there only a statue block and we know
that the Prophet SAW Selim was Stasia a tower, which means that
all of his supplications are answered affirmatively. By Allah
is fine
Allah so Allah granted him this supplication.
So then he revealed to him the Quran and refined him with it and
thus his ethical character was the Quran. Sadhguru Hashem said I
visited our Isha will be aligned with her and her father. And I
queried her regarding the ethical character of Allah's Messenger. So
Lauren southern more punchy, said, Do not read the Quran. So he
didn't live he was a TV side of the nation. He didn't see the
Prophet SAW Selim directly. But he's asking Aisha who was the one
who was perhaps at the time most acquainted with the character of
the Prophet Muhammad SAW seven. And she asked her he asked her,
What was he like? What was his character and how did he respond?
I'm gonna talk about Al Quran you're not read the Quran? I said,
Indeed I do. She said, the ethical character of God's Messenger of
God bless him and Greg and peace is the Quran.
So, there are varying ways to interpret that particular
hadith of
isharo the law and here it is, and he goes into his interpretation.
He said the Quran has indeed refined him by such statements of
Allah Most High as when he recounts some of the verses in the
Quran that will read in the Arabic for the blessing and the baraka,
holy life what more will have were added and even
take the course of forgiveness and command what is righteous and turn
away from the ignorant ones will follow who in the lie will be
loved you will get certainly either either quarterback, when
hand in fascia he will carry well badly
and his statement and so forth, and very, God commands Justice and
magnanimity and giving to the near kin and He forbids immorality
wickedness and infringement.
Well hold with the eye that
was Elena Saavik in the becoming Azmi Oh boo while an Saba will
refer in the vertical I mean as we all are all who have one Messiah
in Allah your Hebrew mercy Nene Well, yeah for while your struggle
to hit Buddha and young Hola Hola, como Pablo? Welker the mean Eliza
Well, our fina Ines follow him and my Sydney Mycenean while COVID
Who's standing book fu Amina Vaughn inner Battle Bunny is
Manuel FHSS, where they have the baboon Baba. So several verses
from the Quran, all centering around this idea of
moral fiber and character, and show forbearance over what befalls
you for verily that is of the most resolute recourse in resolving
affairs. And Allah statement as well. And indeed, whosoever shows
patients and forgives, that is surely the most resolute recourse
in resolving affairs. And so forgive them and overlook them.
Verily God loves the magnanimous and his statement and let them
excuse and pardon Do you not desire that God forgive you.
And the statement fend off with what is better, for there upon the
one between you and whom there was enmity becomes as a bosom friend,
and his statement and those who control their anger and forgive
people and God loves the magnanimous and his statement,
avoid much of suspicion, for indeed, some suspicion is a sin.
And do not spy on that let it be that some of you backbite another.
So all of these are exhortations to moral behavior, to how one
deals with other people. And if we had to
pick out at least one theme that kind of
is common amongst all of these particular verses that already
mentioned. It's really about the patience and forbearance in
dealing with the perhaps, unethical or
hurtful, damaging behavior of others was because we see things
about forgiveness and forbearance and pardoning and things of this
sort. And it's actually one of the most difficult things to do
is to contend with other people's what you would seem to deem as
troubling behavior because it's sort of trying to temper
justice with mercy.
Met with us for honey and other books that have as Eddie was aware
as the hero that talks about a flap says that these are kind of
the two pinnacles of society upon which society rests justice, and
mercy. They complete one another. So without one, you can't have the
other end. If you don't give one it's right then the other one also
does not get it right. So you're
Justice must be tempered by mercy and then also mercy must be
informed by justice. So it's our sense of justice then that we feel
that well, this person wanting this versus and oppressive, this
person, you know, should have a certain
stance about how we deal with him and how we interact with him and
so forth. But here we see all of these exhortations of the Quran,
that the more noble path is to forgive and to pardon and to
look the other way as it were, and to find excuse.
This is also highlighted by the Hadith that was only mentioned
here, or the incident was offered. And he says, when his two teeth
were broken, the prophet palletize, Hanuman is wounded in
the Battle of our heart. And the blood began flowing down his face,
he worked it off while saying, How should the people be successful,
who stained the face of the Prophet with blood, even as he
calls them to the Lord? Where upon the last month, I'll reveal the
verse, You have no say whatsoever in
the manner.
Later, like I'm in Michigan, oh, you have it, in the whole volume
of which is the completion of that verse. So you have no say in the
matter, it is a loss of who can forgive them or so on as far as
who can take them to justice. So the statement of the problematize
and how these people how could they find for that I can define
success, and even the great MACOM of the Prophet and chromosome
seven, it's not up to him to decide if they're going to have
success in the next life or not. It's ultimately up to Allah
subhanaw taala and this is why we find other verses in the Quran.
Allah telling the prophets are sending in the intermolecular
styling him they will cite in Atlanta who that care. You are
someone who's a movie actor, you remind them you are calling them
you are inviting them, less starring they will say to the
styling, we will cite if you are not the one to
control what they're how they're going to react or what they're
going to do. Lisa, Lisa luck. I mean, Alisha year, earlier, Milan,
also, this exhortation from
Allah subhanaw taala to the Prophet Muhammad SAW said.
So, this was a type of refinement regarding the situation.
The examples of these incidents in the Quran in which he is refined
are innumerable. Also, we find that he's not mentioned here in
this book. One other example would be after the expedition of Tabuk,
which was during the hot summer months, and even though there was
actual military campaign that was waged, they returned before that
happened. There were some people who stayed back who sought an
excuse not to go. And this was during when the privatization was
in Medina, some of them said, I have my day plantation to tend to
someone who said it's too hot, and some of them made up an excuse.
And the province I sent them accepted their excuses without
recourse, any sort of penalty. And then last month, our appeal to the
court and in sort of October,
alpha, love it limit as Intel had database.
Had database.
Alpha like May Allah pardon you, why did you give them an excuse?
Why did you pardon them until you can determine the truth of their
excuse the truth of their statement. So that's also a type
of Quranic refinement for the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam
within within the Quran, or when the province is and then after
that, and he chose to take Sr. He took prisoners of war and
also there was a refinement of the Quran from Allah subhanaw taala,
about not taking SR have you finished will
you finish will not move until you are firmly established, it was
still a nascent community, in Medina. And so Allah Subhan Allah
revealed in the Quran, that it would have been better not to take
prisoners of war
door after the Battle of better as it were. So all of these things
together show you that there is this idea of deep and this doesn't
take anything away from the Mikado, Homosassa prophet, but
rather it only highlights it and adds to it and shows us the beauty
of the character of Muhammad Cyrus and them and also, it kind of
gives us an indication of how our own individual particular paths
can can take place that there are things we're going to realize and
things that we're going to sort of grow up into as we
move on through this life and hopefully we are tending towards
the better if we're on a
unintentional path of Sudak unintentional path of journeying
to a greater matte effect on
Understanding and spiritual cognition of the Divine of
Allahabad. So
this as we see a lizard is pointing out
and he Salatu Salam is the foremost person intended for
refinement and improvement and thereafter has his light shone
over the whole of creation, for he was refined by the Quran and in
turn the creation and how can you all of us, was refined by him. And
for that reason, he SallAllahu sallam said, I have been sent to
perfecting abilities of ethical character in Illinois studio with
me, Matt macadam, and Philip. Thereupon human chi was made
desirous of good ethical character, as we've expanded in
the book of training the self and refinement of character, and so I
shall not repeat it here. So, the whole actually second half, you
can say, of,
of the head, which deals with
more honey Catherine minjiang, those things that are vices and
destroys ones fo character, and then thus are to be avoided into
and one needs to study. You know how these things enter into one's
heart. And then the chapter of virtues. I will Manjhi yet, or we
could say they are the,
the virtues of salvation. That's what Mooji means.
Then, how does one encompass within oneself, all of the
beautiful virtues that are really virtues of Muhammad SAW I said, so
when we talk about gratitude, and we talk about forbearance, and we
talk about love and contentment, and all the rest that are
mentioned by buzzetti in the last 10 chapters of their hand, and
these are all 100 Indian origin and the prophets I send them was
the model of perfection the exemplar in every single one of
them and so that's why really the head is all about the Prophet
promises and the Quran
you know, taking this this director deep from the Quran from
Allah subhanaw taala and then in turn our deep us comes from
studying the life of the prophet saw Selim and trying to embody his
character traits. So we'll stop here for this particular session
and inshallah we will resume looking at this aspect of Quranic
deed for the Prophet Muhammad sai seven in the next session, how do
they remember that? I mean, what's going on why you got to get