Walead Mosaad – Maliki FiqhTadrib AlSalikClass 8 Ghusl & Khuff
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Well the satellite with them just honestly you
reading from
Celtic Coronavirus, mosaddek females and in any magnetic volume
or angle in the jurisprudence of the Maliki school
laws, Sinhala
pleasure be upon all of the items
of that school and other schools. And we have reached the section
dealing with the MUJI bat and was for our
follow up was for someone who was so we had mentioned previously,
that there are two, three types of evolution, one in the state of
ritual purity, so I was able to pray to touch the pages and almost
half, and to circumvent the gala for finncap.
And we have gone over and modal, which is the one that
people generally have to do the most, probably several times, then
more major type of evolution is required, under certain
What he describes here as Mooji vet, in other words, that which
necessitates the purificatory, bath, or the list.
And we will describe the list when we get to the section about its
obligations, and its recommended acts. But first, he goes over the
moves, you bet those things that necessitated.
So we learned that in
and had us in Alaska, for minor ritual impurity, things are going
to be of three types, there's going to be a high def, things in
of themselves, that would necessitate mobile, which is
generally anything that exits from extra mental fluid from the rear
or front private parts of both men and women.
And also things that are as bad things that may be causes to that
like deep sleep, like unconsciousness, or like a man
touching his organ with his bare hands. And then we have things
that don't fall into the category like doubt, some are doubting
whether they have to do more than I do after I did use the restroom,
or which order and so forth. So here we're gonna go over those
things that necessitate a loss, but for the bath, as we said, so
he says, like my whole life he was you have to mostly wait for it, he
was on any first chapter or subsection was up to an hour or
minute hide while with us.
So the first one that he mentioned is purity, from menstrual flow,
and postpartum bleeding are flawed as well.
So a woman is not required, nor is it valid for her to offer the
ritual prayer while she is still on her monthly cycle. Or she's
still in the period of postpartum bleeding after giving birth. And
there's a separate section about that, that's going to come up in a
little bit. But here what concerns us is that once that has ceased,
and she has determined that her period is over or her she has
determined that her postpartum bleeding is over. Now she has the
gray. And since she has to pray, she also has to be in a state of
the heart. So it's not simply enough that there's a cessation of
bleeding, but there also has to be a specific was or purificatory
bath. So once that is determined, then she can do the host and then
she can pray after that and obviously also fast as well.
Because fasting also is not prescribed for women who are in
their menstrual cycle or postpartum bleeding. So that's the
first one while genever
and Janessa is a word to describe the state that one is in after
having sexual relations.
And there are two types two major causes that will cause jenever and
he says, whoa, I know I
know what the lads want badly harsh Ephrata who feel foreboding
I will do boring. While I'm in Zachary I will behemoth
The first type is penetration so obviously penetration of the male
and bear the other right someone who's supposed to be investing.
Hachette who this means the glands penis or the head of the penis, so
it doesn't have to be the whole organ but just the front part
three covered in outdoor.
So the COBOL is what would be the forward private area of the woman
or the *. Oh do boring for the * while omens occur in our
Email, even if it's another male or even an animal.
Now, this is one of the things here will people, they might read
something like this, and they'll take it as
does that mean that those things are permissible PhD, ality or
homosexuality? No. But if it does happen, in case it does happen for
whatever reason, or happened previously, or someone became
Muslim, and whatever the reason might be, then if there was
penetration of a woman, either from the front of the back, or if
a man obviously only from the back, or an alum,
then the last one becomes obligatory upon the person who's
doing the penetrating,
it also becomes obligatory and the one who is penetrated.
So that would include the woman, in most cases, or cases,
obviously, and
not the animal. But if there was a homosexual act in demand as well,
even though it still remains to be prohibited or Hello.
That also doesn't mean that * * is,
is allowed. There's a consensus amongst automat that aim of * in
any form is prohibited. But if it does happen, then then versal is
required in order to resume praying or fasting or praying at
least for both men and women.
So that's the first type which is penetration, and what we've
described of Ginebra or sort of post sexual relationship type of
state, a thin the second type halogen many of you know me,
how will the other tea in a Harada, beloved in Matera will be
hugging each other when our HeZI that cut them out there was dead,
then had the answer will love Allah He was sad, he will do
The second type is * Corojo many.
And here in this sense for either man or woman, while asleep, while
sleeping, what Lachlan was locking means
for whatever reason, so they woke up, and they found, you know,
wetness, and they determined that it was many, that it was sexual
fluid or seem in terms of the manner of sexual who in terms of
the woman, then in this case, they will be required to do the horse.
As opposed to earlier further while awake, there is going to be
some qualification to that either financial Be Loved it in whatever.
If it comes about as a result of *. In other words, something
that is associated with sexual pleasure.
Will they'll be happy the gentleman or has the dead fathomed
them or doesn't have the answer even, for example, we can hear
from apartment in case of a man, if
there was a type of an HR scab or something, and he wasn't intending
to do that. But by rubbing the scab, it caused an *,
then this is still what's called the Morteza or a normal force of
*, that in this case,
they would also have to do the most
Oh has this ad between Fatima Adamantite sin or hearing gives
another example that's kind of a pre modern example. But
nevertheless, someone's riding on the horse or their camel and just
the the going back and forth, and there was a rubbing, and then that
caused that to happen, then also, that would require
what in left the rustle as it would. Otherwise, if it's not in
that way, it doesn't come out as a result of *. But if someone
some of the examples, they sometimes give him someone stung
by a scorpion,
or prodded with an electric prod,
obviously, it's something that not likely or probable, but just for
argument's sake, and then there was an * that was not
accompanied by an *, there wasn't any pleasure, and it was
just sort of, you know, a physical sort of shock to the system. And
that happened, then this would not be considered necessary to do most
of that work. So he says, We're either otherwise rather he was
sad, he will move forward. Otherwise, you would just watch
the area. And you would only be required to do Google in that
case, and you would not have to do that.
So that's in terms of the movie that I would also add to this,
someone who's learning Muslim should it's better for them to do
those, because most likely they would have had one of these, if
they're positive percent, certainly woman would have had
that. And a man likely
if they have previous sexual relationships, or if they had any
sort of white dream or *, then they would have to do the
worst in order to pray even just after becoming Muslim.
So those are the Moochie baths briefly, that which necessitates
then he moves on to the follow up the obligatory or
the horse, and it's actually quite simple, probably simpler than the
woowoo. So it says for who and Nia. So the first is the
intention. So the magic is for acts of ritual purification are
considered to be acts of worship as well. That means that they must
be accompanied by an intention by Enya. And so the intention should
be something like Raphael had to raise one out of the state of this
habit in Kabbalah, or this major state of impurity, or to
doing an obligation because no one is required to pray that in terms
of looks to, or so that one can perform a father. So, if you need
to perform some obligation, and there's something that is in
between to get that obligation, they need to be in a state of
purity, then that becomes an obligation as well. So the first
thing is in media, and this has to precede the, the beginning of the
washing of the body. So if you had like wash your upper half, and
then you remember, oh, wait a minute, I'm not just taking a
bath, then you would have to repeat the part that you washed
without intention.
So Nia, the intention will Tammy move ahead and just said we met.
That means, the outside whatever showing the outer part of the
body, all of it has to be covered with water, water must reach
every, every
skin, fold every crevice, you know, and they say, particularly
that one should look for things like behind the knee. And you
know, small of the back and things were maybe not very easy to get
through for some, but nevertheless, it's required. For
for those.
What do they do shoddy? Well saw that originally. So this includes
also, even if you have a heavy beard, remember how we talked
about in Google, if you haven't had a beard, then it's enough just
to get the outside of it. That's not the case it was in the water
has to penetrate the skin. So for men who doesn't have a beard than
yesterday to feed, which is to run his fingers through his beard like
this to make sure that is penetrating the skin. And the same
holds true for the hair of the scalp.
There has to be definitely and so that penetrates and gets to the
scalp. And it's not we're not rinsing the hair. We're Washington
to him.
Well, I saw about with Janine, and also in between the toes.
Remember, we said earlier and although it's only recommended,
it's not an obligation. But here most of it's going to be an
obligation. So anything that's from the outside, and that
includes also the same aspects of the face that we had discussed
earlier, and then washing off the outer part of the year. And we
won't, we're just kind of rinsing. But you need to get the back of
it. And now the part of it everywhere. As much as one can. I
mean, one shouldn't be obsessive about it much in the same way we
don't try to be obsessive about it. But to be aware that Tamim
Vahana just said, so a general washing of the whole outer part of
the body.
What denco will be Radiohead while meanwhile, and just like in a
loop, we have that we have Robin as medic defined, thus, washing,
as including Lauren yet, washing, moving the arm back and forth,
will not be ready yet. Even if you if you can't reach with your with
your hand or your arm, you can use something you can use felt or
cloth. Or you can use a sponge. Or if you want to get the middle of
your back and you have something attached to a stick. To do that,
that's all fine.
And even another person can do that too. So it doesn't have to be
you yourself. But a duck has to be done for for the entire body.
While meanwhile, more or less is continuation just like we had in
Moodle. So if you only did like the upper half of your body, and
then you went and left the bath, shower to answer phone calls,
okay, and you came back and you came back at such a time that your
body normally would have dried in normal conditions, then
you would have to renew that again, because you cut off.
Otherwise, if you come back, we're still within time, then you can
just start where you left off.
That's what's called an Wailea or continue continuity within it.
Those are the four rocket those are the obligations for soon and
who the recommended x this will get you any in alkaline.
So washing their hands beginning with until the
risks one mother rinsing the mouth since the mouth isn't, you know
the inner part of the mouth is on the inside. It's not on the
outside. It's not an obligation. What is then shuffle isn't up,
which is blowing up the nostrils and back out again that's inside
not outside but the outer part of the nose. Yes.
Well, this whole CMF was winning that also the inner part of the
ear here. So the outer part is why
Washing but if you want to rinse the inside, then that is
a Sunda are highly recommended. And then the virtuous parts of it,
as we said, are a little less degree than so no but nonetheless
virtuous to do anyway. And football is a test Mia saying
Bismillah at the beginning, just like we have the logo, and that
will be exhibiting other and just study.
Some of us law Rati
from others who are here on originally referred out it was one
of the early on a mini he was asleep for ROTC, hopefully that
will not give you the head. So that further is actually
describing the way you would do it in the most
meritorious way. That was the way the prophesy centum in the order
that he did it. So you've been with us, Mia, when that will be
inserted. As Daniel just said,
You begin by removing
if it's as a result of a cessation of menstrual postpartum bleeding,
or post sexual relationships, that whatever fluid, blood or * or
whatever it is that you have in your body should be washed off
That's what it means is that it's
so much better us our TV, right and then washing the rear and the
front private parts. So Allah will do he will eat then, to perform
the loo like you normally would except you would do each body
limb, washing it only once, not three times. So you go about it,
washing your hands, then you do a mother is in shock is in fall and
then washing the face just once the washing each arm just once and
then actually rinsing the hair just once and then the ears and
then washing each foot just once some of them say, to delay washing
the feet until the end, especially if you're standing in a place that
it's may itself or they may not be tired, may not be in may have some
measures, right? If it's and this happened a lot in the pre modern
era, and in rural areas where you would have in Kenya, or the time
of the the place where people no toilet, for lack of a better word
in the same place as where the shower would be. So if there's
some doubt about the area, then you wash the feet the last thing
because we're used to kind of touching them just if there's a
fear of that, otherwise, you can do the feat. At the same time that
you do do the overview
from Alba will be working on this day in front of us as we said both
of them will actually or may I mean,
and there's two schools of thought about how to wash the body. Now in
terms of order. One says that you do the right side completely
beginning with
Allah, this is where he goes by it. So you know right shoulder,
back, collarbone so forth the pectoral all the way down to the
foot, the right side first, and then you go do the same with the
left. That's one way of looking at other said, though the entire
upper body first.
So to like the waist type of body first, back, shoulders, chest, and
then the lower body. Right left. So either you're going like
1234, or you're doing 1234
Either ways, okay.
Well fill it with needs without see. And also washing the hair
washing there actually didn't say here, but it should be done before
you get to washing the body. So washing the hair three times,
which includes air of the beard. And then you do the body.
Well, could it be law had and also to use a paucity of water not to
use too much water bill without designating exactly how much water
that is people have different body sizes and so forth. But only use
as much water as as one needs as one requires. And I would say even
in the shower, you can get away with a little bit more than a
trickle and you'll still be able to do to do that.
Sometimes people have a question, well, what about if I soap opera
bilateral first.
That's fine. Especially if the water is running from the
showerhead, because the water that's coming down and is getting
to your body is is met with luck, right? It's unqualified water.
However, be careful about using soapy water.
Which if you don't have access to a shower, sometimes the bath will
be prepared. Like if you get in your bathtub, and you use soap to
make soap it up bubbles and so forth and you just immerse
yourself and then you come out of it and say well, I can't wear a
cover on my body. I should be good. It's not good.
Because the water has been changed, remember, we talked about
the properties of water, so certainly not the same color, it's
not gonna taste the same and it's not gonna smell the same. So all
three properties of the water will change because it's been mixed
with the soap.
So make sure even if you're going to soap and lather up, that use
the water that's used to clean you off, is going to be metal o'clock,
right, it's going to be water that's coming directly from the
showerhead, and not mixed with with anything else.
As far as shampooing of the hair, same thing.
However, I would prefer that people do it. In the beginning,
just washing the hair, getting the hair wet first, obviously before
they shampoo it. And I don't think you can shampoo dry hair anyway.
So you get the hair wet completely and do the three times as long as
the beard for men, and then you've done the part of the hair you can
add shampoo after that and Washington.
Well done now Geneva and Geneva
prevents so it's not licit or lawful to do these things. Prayer
salon thought would go off when I say myself as we said. So the
ritual prayer, whether it's a smoker or obligatory prayers
mentioned for walk around the kava
whether it's part of a nominal part of the Hajj, or you're just
doing it as entering into the Haram either way, it's considered
to be like the bursary to be in a state of, of the Ohana almost and
most often not touching the pages of almost half as we said. So the
same three that go for
the minor ritual impurity also go for the major waves the valley but
in addition, the Hulu masjid, entering the mosque.
So both for one in the state of Geneva and one in a state of
menstrual bleeding or postpartum bleeding, whatever it will come
and also the recitation of Quran. However, that's only true for the
Genova for someone who is in the state of Geneva after a sexual
relationship. The medic er actually the only amount of that
I'm aware of that allows for someone a woman, obviously, who is
in postpartum bleeding or in height to recite from the Quran.
And a medic was asked about this, he said, is she supposed to bend
half her life for that reason, the caret
because the maximum period of menstrual bleeding is two weeks,
15 days in the Maliki school. So some women can have up to 15 days
of bleeding, that's half of the month, half of your life. So he
didn't imagine that a woman half of her life, she wouldn't be
allowed to, to recycle local, that's recitation not touching the
pages of the Most High. Unless she is a teacher or student, as we
said before, so teacher and student have the dispensation.
Unless you're in a state of Geneva, right, you have a state of
major ritual impurity as well as sexual relationship, because it
seemed that you have the ability to remove that state, a woman
cannot remove her state of postpartum or menstrual bleeding
until it actually stops. So even if she takes a shower, while she's
doing that, it's not going to have any effect. Whereas if they want
to fix a shower after sexual relations, then one is no longer
in that state of, of generic level. So
yes, and also entering the message is both for a habit, someone who
in the state of ritual impure, for menstrual bleeding and postpartum
bleeding or the state of genetic how
this applies particularly to
number one, those places that are their original work for the
original endowment was purely or solely for msgid. That's something
And number two, live pertains to the prayer area.
So like in some North American or Western massage, you have, you
have sunlight per area, and then you have like multipurpose room
and you have the hallway, you have other things. So that doesn't
apply. So she can freely go to any of those places. And the only
place that she has to avoid them will be the prayer area itself.
And the same thing for someone who's in a state of,
of Geneva. And the first one is there has to be specifically as
mosque because there are some places that were founded a
schools. Our teachers Consider, for example, us have in Cairo that
its original endowment was four or the endowments that made us are
what it is today is because it's a place of learning and not
specifically only as a mosque. So some of them consider that
happened. Someone in the same room also bleeding to enter us hardmask
without any issue, because it's not considered to be a mass proper
per se in terms of its endowment.
so that concludes the section about
that which necessitates here for Victoria bath and the nice way
about doing it the following then the sooner the next section plus
Moon feel merci beaucoup Fein section about wiping the socks. So
doesn't really mean sock
but it means foot covering. And we'll get to in a second what in
the medical school were particularly moved by that. So it
says Rahimullah Rufus earlier Roger union Wimmera 18 we have in
our server, Phil mastery Allahu Fany. Better than Minister legend
anything mobility, we are shortly showrooms.
So refacer This is an important word here, but officer,
it has been given as a dispensation
for a man or a woman, whether there are residents or whether
they are traveling to wipe upon the foot covering socks or shoes,
we're gonna get to in a second that they left us originally as a
substitute or instead of washing the feet in there, we'll do the
Astra tissue, but with 10 conditions.
Set that one will have. So six concerning the actual socket, so
we're here Golu children. Number one, it has to be loving.
Number one has to be leather. So that eliminates dress socks
You know, even those type of socks that Navy SEALs wear that are
impenetrable by water for the Maliki school. Unfortunately, that
that doesn't fly with us. You have to have leather, leather socks.
Why? Because Rothfuss it's a dispensation. So the Sahaba didn't
wear Navy SEAL socks, but they did wear something that was leather.
So when we have a dispensation, the the us of the the juristic
principle in American school is you don't make the assertion that
you don't say you don't make analogous reasoning. You don't say
well, they had another when we have Navy SEAL socks, and they
both for him the water from entering. So they're the same
thing nor that same thing, because we're talking about a
dispensation. So a dispensation has to be conformed to exactly to
what the dispensation originally what how was allowed during the
time of the Prophet promissory.
So first, it has to be leather, that's number one. Here, it has to
be pure. That means that if you're going to wear
a leather sock, technically by the rules of the madhhab, it has to
come from an animal that was slaughtered properly.
Because in the Maliki school, as we went over the section about
Misha said, if you buy very nice leather booties from Prada, but
the animal didn't come from a slaughtered animal, right came
from Italy or came from wherever, then those shoes would not be
proper for him to work upon. Because the animal wasn't
slaughtered. So it's not considered to be thought. Yes,
there's another opinion of the school you know, most sad some of
the later scholars of the school and they said tanning, like the
shafr isn't 100 views they say tanning
the process of tanning that never goes through renders it pure or
thought hit. But if we go by the strictest interpretation of the
medical school even that's not a sucker work. So
So jailed for hip, leather has to be fewer.
My frozen, right? Will have it's in other words, it can't be just
like pieces of leather that you tied up together, it has to be
either using
stitched up or it has to be with
you know, fastened in a way that is not easily pulled apart. Right,
so you can just like slap a couple pieces of leather and tie it like
shoelace and then say that's a hole. So it has to be you know,
something like I'm wearing here like this, where it's
it's kind of stitched or solid and seamless like that and covers the
sector on the my hand in front covering the part that is going to
be the obligatory part to wash in the foot. So that means from the
toes all the way to help him to including the ankle.
So if it was like this below the ankle, that's not going to work.
So it has to be
this far of him to include the
young came out of the tub or will mess up either thing will happen.
And also that you can normally walk in them and what they mean by
normally walking that means that it's snug enough that when you
walk your foot is not slipping out of it.
You know, if like, if your issues are too big, then your whole your
current comes plumping out. And so it has to be, you know, it doesn't
have to be skin tight, like these are not skin tight. But it has to
be snug enough so that when I walk in them, my foot is not slipping
in and out of it. That's what it means to have a mesh. So it has to
be the right size, basically,
additive, and normally speaking.
So those are the six in terms of the leather of the sock one has to
be leather has to be pure, coming from a pure animal, not just hand
tanning process has to be sewn or stitch that's three has to cover
the toes to the ankle, that's four
has to be able to weren't able to walk in them normally, that's five
and then six here Billahi means that there shouldn't be stuff on
top of the leather sock itself, right like something that would
prevent normally of you wiping on top of it. So like
krazy glue or something spilled, or something fell on it like or
got stuck to it. And so the leather is not there and exposed,
then that's a type of hacking, just like Google, you know, any
washing arm and want to make sure that the skin is is, is exposed.
So those are the six in the whole water bottle for the master. And
for the person who's doing the wiping. In other words, the
we're here, number one and the investor who rather commanded to
have it in a year.
The first
is that you have to put them on after you've done a complete
Not Tamil is as for HANA met, so either right after Google, or
right after was
not after him.
And that means you have to have completed
let's say you are doing your will and you just finished the right
foot and then you put your right foot, your right leg the sock on.
And then you wash your left foot and you put your left other sock
on Is that valid. Now you need to complete it completely. So we wash
the right foot you wash your left foot you're done. Now you can put
on your socks
assuming you didn't lose your blue in the three seconds by the time
that you put it on so in order for you to be able to wipe over them
so command about the commodity high volatility. So you the right
after was right after World War One that you could put on a
freehand biopsy.
And also,
this one kind of more difficult to explain that the intention behind
wearing that is not offer here. We've got a free hand you know
it's not.
Yeah, and if you're just wearing them
just so that
we like the way they look or
so that you avoid
making although on your foot solely for that purpose.
Or that you
are where else could I think of?
Yeah, they said not including amongst alpha here is if you're
cold and you're wearing socks and a lot of socks, it's okay.
If you wear them at night because you want to get bit by mosquitoes
or scorpion or something like that. That's okay too. But it
should be something that's kind of more of a normal thing that you're
wearing them and you're not specifically just trying to seek
an officer and trying to get out of a washing, washing your foot
when you have the opportunity to do so.
Well, I'll see and complain and also you should be wearing them
and not
not violating another Islamic principle while you're doing it
you know another obligation. So the Muslim no one's homelessness
and Hajj or Umrah is not allowed to wear anything that covers the
ankle men that is not I'm not willing to bet men. And so if
they're wearing this type of leather boots, leather socks, and
then they go wipe on it, it's not valid, because they're not
supposed to be wearing that to begin with.
So now I'll see you so they shouldn't be assay. They shouldn't
be violating another Islamic principle by wearing gloves such
as someone who's in a state of huddle.
While I had the mid lip See he wound up wound as arhoolie
calendula and
There is no
there's no particular time limit
of how long you can keep wearing them, unlike the other three
schools. So the Maliki school said, technically, to perpetual,
you can work. And, and as long as you're, you remain in that state
of limbo, obviously, and you don't lose the ability to wipe on your
roof as we'll see in the next section. However, we end up desert
equilibrium, it's recommended to take them off every Friday.
Because Friday, at least, you know, you're supposed to do both
as well. So you can do mostly when you have your, your sock size,
way up to
and it is nullified. In other words, wiping out a lot of socks
no longer valid, what is it nullified, we have to be mutually
was number one
if you do something that would require you to make hosts. So what
we just covered in the last section, menstrual bleeding,
postpartum bleeding, sexual relationships, all of that, at
that point, you can no longer wipe on your other socks because you
have to make those. So it's not valid
will be to her rookie here, Kendra fulfill qaddoum.
We're in in DME, or bill clearly legit then in in fact,
also, if it gets torn, the whole color philosophy for a third of
the foot or more, right, so like, I get like a tear here and like a
third of my foot, or more is exposed. Right?
We're in in DME, right? Even if I tried to bring it back. So like it
can be a tear, right. And it's a tear all along, like say the upper
part that's more than a third is opened up at that point.
Even if it didn't open up, but it's just the tear all the way
through from the top or from the side, then I can no longer have Wi
Fi on it, I have to take it off, and I have to make posts, that's
when you buy in bulk, even if it's not opened, will be totally legit,
In fact, and however, if it rips, but then it's exposed, the footer
is exposed, so not just the tear, right? And it opens up, then it
doesn't require a third could be less than a third.
He said legit them in in fact, 100 that means like a very small tear,
you know, maybe like something decided you're thinking something,
but anything bigger than that, and it's opened up so that the food is
exposed, then you can no longer make wiping on the floor. If that
We'll be Herati allegedly he had the HEMA without you ever had
And also, by taking them off, or any one of them taking off here
doesn't mean it has to be completely off. But if the heel
reaches, like here,
if the heel reaches the sock, which is this part, so my heel
will say I open it up, and then my heel comes like that. So it's out
of the bottom part and my heel came up over here, then it's like
I took them off. And then at that point I would have to
take them off and make make will do or was on the foot itself
what a filthy mess.
As for how do you wipe you describes it here and yadda yadda
yadda I thought it will absorb it I mean Allah when you saw them
industrial or human human didn't care then. So basically,
you're gonna have it's it's wiping, it's not washing. So we're
not taking cups of water or getting our feet wet, but much in
the same way that your hands are a little bit when you wipe your hair
your ears, same on the whole and this one is to start from the top
here and then go
once we're at the top one at the bottom, and go all the way until
the ankle a little bit beyond the ankle. So just like
this part is obligatory to top
the bottom part is recommended to degree that if you forget to do it
and you pray like that, then it's recommended you do we do the
prayer in the time period. So you go back and wipe it again with
both hands and then we do the prayer within the time period.
But in terms of what's obligatory the tops
said now the very famously said look anything that can mess how I
mean that's when I will Amin al if religion was just by what we can
purely reason, then it would make more sense to to wipe the bottom
than to wipe the top because the bottom is the one that's feeding
the ground sensibly, that's the one that may be getting dirty. But
it's not just by what we can rationalize out of it
and he just brings it up way up to the top to Salah better kill Allah
so the prayer will be invalid if you didn't work the top. We read
the front of the intelligent as well and you repeat within the
prayer time if you neglected to do the bathroom or your crew and it's
dislike the Vosloo washing it because we're supposed to wipe it
what's that about we'll do a lot and also we're just rinsing you
don't have to get into your car like there's creases here and
crevices and you don't have to like get in between those things.
Just a simple like this
from shot
the next section is the emblem, which is kind of something
different so we're going to stop here. So Allah for this session
with hundreds
of salatu salam ala Satanists.
Oh ah