Walead Mosaad – Maliki Fiqh Tadrib AlSalik Class 14 Prayer Sunnahs & Recommendations
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The speakers discuss the importance of reading the entire book and reciting audibly during prayer. They stress the sensitivity of sharing one's name during prayer and the importance of keeping one's identity from culture. They also discuss exercises and practice groups, including a bouncing musician's practices and a shuffling musician's practices. The importance of staying in a spot for a while to avoid getting into trouble, avoiding reciting anything, and not taking over the prayer or doing anything by oneself. The practice is meant to prevent reciting or doing anything by oneself, and is recommended for those who want to pray in a certain time or setting.
AI: Summary ©
of the sub orthodontist, the myth, hello my brother.
So continue to read in the group ascetic color Galatic apamin
mosaddek Malik, a brief treatise on men can fit. And
remember, Hinshaw said Malik, in the LS module,
we have reached the chapter dealing with prayer, then we had
finished the obligations or the follow up of the prayer, and now
the author moves on to the salon, or those acts that are highly
And also that we consider to be those things, if they are omitted,
for whatever reason out of forgetfulness, then they generally
are going to have to recommend it or required, what's called to do
to settle or frustration or forgetfulness, which we'll not
talk about now. But this will come up in a later chapter specifically
about what to do when one of these Sunan are missed, or omitted out
of forgetfulness. So generally, they would not be omitted at all.
There will be things that we would, we would do and not omit,
even though they're considered not to be obligations.
So it says rahamallah was when I knew her. The prayer that is
in our body at a team would kill that will be bad if it had to
leave with this it will be it will motiva Aechmea Rousselot.
So, the first Sona in terms of what we would probably do after
reading the Fatiha, which is an obligation, he says go to a URL
body a
reciting a verse For part of verse of the Quran with the stipulation,
it didn't look at that will be he bothered Fatiha.
Right so rather Fatiha is actually not referring to that part. Yet,
Tim okay, that will be in other words, that it completes a
sentence or completes the meaning intended in the verse.
That's important because you can't read part of a verse and then the
meaning is not completed. So if you were to read a verse, for
example, or Mahayana seminar what you went, Oh, stop. That's
actually the opposite of the meaning and we have not created
the heavens and the earth, you have to continue the verse will
not hide up in a seminar with you and Allah has there been, we have
not created the heavens and the earth in vain. Now the meaning is
complete. So it has to be a full as something like a two car seat
for example, verse of the thrones would be baccara is a full area
that can be read after the Fatiha or part of an A where the meeting
is complete.
Yet didn't we couldn't be bothered Fatiha fee to service our Robbia
and not in the third and fourth units of prayer. So the third and
fourth units are only going to have to look at how they're not
going to have a sutra or another chapter that is recited after
we're learning about a command with sudo. So no DB means not. So
now, but it's recommended that you read an entire school, rather than
just part of a chapter. So you'll find people who are very,
I would say strictly adhering to the Maliki school, they tend to
read the shorter sutras. And it will come up and as mentioned that
was covered in a little bit about which particular chapters of the
Quran to read, depending upon which priorities, we're not gonna
go over that now it's gonna come up in a little bit. So they tend
to read entire sources that will come generally from the last two
judges of the most half of the last 230. If the Quran is divided
into 30, equal parts and the last 230 parts,
the 29th and 30th shows generally they'll read from that because you
can read an entire score, I wouldn't take that long. And it's
obviously talking about the fault prayer, in this particular case,
which are going to be a little more strict,
no effort, which our prayers that are voluntary are going to have
slightly relaxed rules, like being able to sit down and as we saw
when we talked about the fibula, not having to face in the prayer
direction if you're traveling, if it's enough in prayer, and more of
those details will be forthcoming. So the first Sunday then, to read
a chapter preferably or a verse, or part of a verse that competes
in meaning after sort of the Fatiha in the first and second
rockhouse so that would be for the software both of our cars because
it's only two and then the load on us would be the first two of each
method will be the first two not the third and then they shall be
the first two
were generally
According to a new smell many filled Joomla it was so hey, what
were they in MongoDB Malaysia.
And Job, which is to read audibly, to recite audibly Jaha audibly,
according to the minimum that we consider to be audible. And you
smell many early.
You smell and it means that if someone is praying next to you or
behind you, they hear what you're saying. That's the minimum of
what's called Jehovah to read audibly, when you're going to read
audibly in the Juma prayer. So the two of us that come after the
football or the sermon, you're going to read audibly, and that
the Slovak prayer, and just as a note here, I'm going to use soba
from here on in and that treasure, because in the Maliki school will
read say the morning prayer.
That's far that's obligation we say so. And when we're talking
about the recommended prayer that comes before we say pleasure, so
people usually say salted treasure, and they mean the
obligatory prayer, but in the Maliki school, it's a little more
specific. And we say silver for the father and treasure for the
nephew. So So my prayer also is an audible prayer.
We're already and the first two raka has of MeasureUp and Asia.
This is where the Java or the audible reading will be.
So for men, it will be loud enough that someone who's praying with
you can hear you what if nobody's with you, you still read just as
loud, just as audibly, but that's the criteria. For women, it's
enough that they can hear themselves
enduring and obviously, she's not going to leave the job Ah, but for
the soba and the first two records of mother and Aisha, that would be
the case. So what you do everywhere else, and to sarin,
sarin means that you read,
but not very audibly.
What is the minimum for sovereign, they said, Turkish everything to
move to to move the lips. This is an important part because
sometimes people tend not even to do that. And they read or they
recite, and it kinda is going on in their head, and they're not
really moving their lips. So they'd have to there has to be a
movement of the lips. That's the minimum for the CF, what's the
maximum? Well, it's the maximum for the for the silent prayer is
the same as the minimum for the audible reading. So only to hear
That would be the maximum
for up to seven, right? So it's like
that's kind of the maximum we do for Su. And then for Jehovah,
what's the maximum for Audible resuscitation, there is no
maximum. In the Haram, you have loudspeakers and it could be heard
for miles away.
So there's no maximum.
But I would say we would still have
kind of a sensitivity to
not making it too loud because people are not actually involved
in the prayer. There is no nothing meritorious about having them hear
people praying. So sometimes you have in some Muslim majority
countries where they have the loudspeakers on the prayer was
going on audibly where everyone else around them can hear this is
not a recommended thing even though it may be a practice in
some places.
It's just enough to for the people in the congregation inside the
machine to hear it is what's required.
That's the second one, the third one.
So that that is a tech view. Liberal quarry was to Julie was a
rough I mean, who will include me Natasha hood.
So take me outside of the community from which we went over
last time, when you say Allahu Akbar, and you follow what's
called tikkun olam, you've entered into the the sector of sanctity
SAMCRO sanctity of the prayer, the inviolability. That's what the
* all mean. The Halal haram is inside the sacred space of the
prayer, you say Allahu Akbar to signify that that's obligatory.
All the other ones that are going to be said during the movements of
the prayer are going to be sunnah. So there are a few one a tick via
rook war. So when you in going in a standing position, and you go
down to the barrel position, or you say, oh, Allah will pick you
up. What's sujood and also,
when you come back up from the Aqua, and you say something along
and how many there which is also a sunnah, which is the next one. And
then you go down for the security you say Allahu Akbar, whether I
mean who and also coming back up from sujood you also say Allahu
Akbar, what didn't clear me minute to share with and also if you're
in the middle of sitting or the shahada, once you finish
The test suffocation of faith and you're setting up for the Third
Rock, calm the third unit, you're also going to say Allahu Akbar as
you when you stand. So, for the turnip bullet, or for the
movements between different intervals of the prayer, you're
going to say Allahu Akbar and all of them, except one, which one,
the next line will call blue semi along with Hamidah, email me with
fed V feel Rafi Miller of war.
So saying something along with Hamid Allah, here's the one who
praises him. So it literally means you are to say that when you are
rising from the bank position, so you don't like this. And then you
come back up, you say so me on level even having to for whom
And fifth, will email?
Who is the Imam, the one who's leading a prayer is going to say
something along with having to further the means one spring as an
individual by themselves? Who's left that's not included in that
those two categories, what we call the moon, and Moon is the one
who's praying behind the email. So does he say send me a loved one
having to like the Imam? No, he's actually answering that. So when
we say Allah, here's the one who praises him, then we say are benna
like a hammer or a Bella where they can hunt. And our Lord to you
is do all praise. This is for them. That is not us enough,
because if you miss it, and you're them at home, there's nothing that
you do, you don't have to do a prostration of forgetfulness. So
it should come up in the mental bed. And what's considered to be
the recommended X but not to the degree that if you leave them out
that there's going to be some sort of explanation for it, or sudo,
the cell
type. So we said, the Kurata Surah, we said the audible reading
one, it's called to be Audible. Audible, the tech could be used as
a third. So my lord Hamid is the fourth, the fifth at the show,
hood and a well
so that the shack would means the test of justification of faith in
a more than two o'clock operator. So that would be all the prayers
except the so by prayer. So the harassment of women I show the
middle, or the first specification of faith after you complete two
units or two markers. When you say at the half of that zero here for
that you go to the nurse, and I'm like and you want to be on Upload
work ethically locally. This is called the shout.
Well, julu salehoo
and sitting down for it. So it's two separate things to separate
songs. So that the shuffling, which is the actual words that you
say, and sitting down while you're doing that the shower allows you
to have
what the shahada Thani and also the second Dasher hood, which
comes in the third and archive method or in the fourth in the
world and also and Asia while Judo solo and also sitting down for it.
So those are all Sunday
so that's five we're not we're not the six one what to sell them
Allah may Allah sad and Sharika houfy Raka and also to
say the salam to the one who is on your left,
if there's someone on your left so this means if you are a moon,
right if you are someone who is
praying and then someone on your right and then someone on your
left, so if you're by yourself or you're the Imam you would not say
the same to the left. So for the Imam or the one praying by
themselves, they say I said I want equal without a lot or Birgit who
was the medical school just once and you would say a semicolon to
the left if someone is on your left
up until the point where we talked about that chuffed with all of
those would be the ones that will be considered in that if you miss
them where you will meet them you need some type of frustration
situation or you will be recommended to do with depending
on how many of them you missed. The ones from here on don't don't
have that. So rather Sam to your left if you forget to do it.
There's no explanation for that there's no such thing as
the next one after that that's also not a Jehovah Witness limited
which means being audible when you say the first sentence whether
you're the imam or you're the metaphor as equal, so to be loud
enough that you hear yourself is a song
was Yeah, that's right. I thought that to my Nina Phil Okay.
As the other two are called to met Nina krill, okay, so to meet Nina,
we said is an obligation which is to remain motionless, right
without movement in each integral of the prayer in only a moment.
That's an obligation. He says Ziad Allah polytrauma in so to even
Stay a little bit longer, then what's obligatory is also
considered to be a sun. Right? So it's not just thinking for a
second but seeing a little bit longer is a Sunday it's better to
was sutra to live in Miami? Well, for the in half, man, Jamar Clark,
clicking over to the right will remove room pain. Whether you ever
do an accent, I mean seriously as a war.
Sutra is what's considered to be sort of like a, something to
designate the prayer area in front of you where you're going to
exclusion. There's a hadith in Bukhari,
province or salaam, that he said that if someone tries to stop us
from national cross in front of you while you're praying, then you
should prevent them from doing so.
And it's also something to take a sutra to indicate that. So the
sutra is going to be an object that you're going to put it in
front of you. And here he describes it, he says that a man
will fence in half manual. So it's only something that if you're
afraid someone's going to pass in front of you, in kapha, manual,
someone's going to pass Welcome to How To Lose your art
within the room. So in terms of
you know, the space in front should not be the minimum should
be at the rock, which is about an arm spans length. And it should be
not more than three, if you're going to do it within normal, and
it should be something that stands up not just something that is flat
on the floor. Like, you know, the least the
the thickness of a spear, you know, something like that.
And that's only if you feel someone's going across the front
of you. It's not something that the province I said really did.
This idea of so.
And generally I would say if you're bringing a masjid and you
are by yourself, then you try to have a natural one like a wall or
a column or, or something like this. If you're going to be in a
mission where that's really impossible, like Masjid Al haram,
like the mystery of haram in Mecca, you can't, you cannot have
an expectation that those that come across in front of you. So in
that case, this is an exception, we don't worry about people
crossing back in front of us back and forth, even though you will
see people see people insisting and pushing people back and so
forth. And if someone even if you put a software still courses in
front of you
don't misinterpret the Hadith,
right? That NFE consists for your call to finish a thought, you
know, then fight him because he has a short time, it doesn't mean
that you're kind of like doing karate moves and Kung Fu moves to
keep the guy from crossing in front of you. It means that he's a
distraction. So fight him as a distraction. Like he would fight
this thought. And in other words, don't worry about him passing in
front of you. It's okay. The if there's an FM, right if there's a
sentence upon him, and the Hadith privatize him said, it's better
for someone to wait for the something though, that Oh, we
didn't indicate with us for two years or weeks or days, whatever
it might be, but some period of time, then to cross in front of
someone who's praying. So it just means there's kind of a sacred
space there that's in front of people, and it should not be
easily violated.
And, you know, we should also keep in mind, in the Maliki school, for
example, after prayer, that it's not actually a Sunday to get up
and do the similar prayers immediately.
It's actually better to wait a little bit have some fun. This is
contrary to the Hanafi school, the Hanafi school says you should
immediately the Maliki school says you wait a little bit, one of the
reasons being that you allow people to leave when you to leave,
especially on Juma and in fact the medic ESA especially on July it's
not that recommended to offer some repair right after because the
Quran kind of indicates that we have the Salado fantasy roof we're
not hooked up on 14 that if the prayer is finished,
then disperse and seek out of Allah's Bounty. In other words, go
back to the things that you were doing, whatever the the you were
doing, and if the prayer has been finished, so we should not get too
obsessive about this idea of sutra. Some people do that very
much to a degree that's very offensive. I think.
It should be something that if you think someone's gonna pass in
front of view, it's okay to put something you know to indicate
that like, stand in front of a wall or put a chair or something
like that, but generally speaking, it's not something we will do
regularly to worry about too much.
Second, after that, we're in salt with macdaddy Phil Johari. We're
in la misma. Eman who.
So we looked at it or more is the one was praying behind the Imam.
So in the jaw
out when he's reading audibly, you should not be reciting anything.
And you should.
Insult means try to listen to what he's reciting even if you can't
hear him if he's too far away, and you can't hear but you know he's
reciting it's better to to just try to listen to what they're
well has to do with Alinea. Again you work with any also during
condominium where you will also know PLF.
Messiah now Salah
and prostrating on the hands don't want to do the frustration. This
is Giuliani and the two knees
and the balls of the foot. So the other main is that where's your
where's that persona, the mature is that so in other words, the
dominant thing to do that, that we had all of those body parts while
we're doing such as we talked about earlier about the forehead,
and the nose and if that he missed the nose, it's not an obligation
but it's a strong signal to have the both the forehead and the
nose, prostrating
touching the ground when you do that. So that concludes what he
calls a sin like the very strong swing. And as we said the last
five or six we mentioned are not the ones that we need to do so to
do so. But they remain some that anyway. Then he goes into what's
called and men do bad men do bad or recommended acts.
So the first one you mentioned 508 Are your daily huddle, huddle.
Well, Jehovah tech can be Alrighty.
So raising the arms when you do Allahu Akbar in the beginning, the
Arab so it's actually one should do it while they are are saying so
I say a lot up. So you do have the Allahu Akbar, lasting throughout
the NGO putting the hands up and putting them down.
So it takes up the whole time that Allahu Akbar and then you move
your arms along, I came up
and generally you want to raise them to about shoulder length,
shoulder heights or like this more or less, some people call it this
but more kind of have your hands on 45 degrees more or less facing
towards the ground.
While general we've tried to do it
to karate sorry, and also saying that all of the Allahu Akbar
saying that some women do that. Whether it's a silent prayer or an
audible prayer
well thought we'll colitis for soap Hey Coronavirus Okay, well,
for reported zero Have we lost one Muslim? What was sort of Malaysia?
This is what I alluded to earlier about how much should we recite in
terms of the second chapter after the fact behind some of the
prayers. So he says will pillar so it should be longer for Sohei in
the morning prayer and the love of prayer. He doesn't mention here
but the subwoofer is longer than the morning. The Morning Prayer is
longer than the lower prayer than in prayer.
What oxy Raha philosophy will not live and shorter recitation in us
and memory. What was so to finish it and something in between for
Santa Lucia like what he says Pinto? I didn't know Hassan.
Right. So from the longer short tours
we have the horror, they assign what's called an Mufasa. The when
Catherine fosse so the chapters that are in the last two chapters
of the Quran, more or less, are actually three.
They're not that long. And so there's a lot of separation
between them, the separator is called first. So the first sign
means, you know, many, many chapters in a short amount of
swords swords. So the one on officer right when sort of cough
so if you go to the Jews were sort of cough cough of Quran Majeed.
That's the beginning of Fawad and Mufasa the longer Surah So cough
would be something like you would read in
a treasure, the soap opera, because it's from oil and the
fossil, either sort of Avocet
until Avocet, induce a hammer. All of those are called to one of
apostle. Right. So cough was sort of endeavor when marcionite and
all of those who are considered to be full on for some while wasa to
minha in Doha, then from opposite to So to sort of Doha, is called a
And then anything after Doha to the end of the most half, right,
like with Dini was was a tune
either journalists online or fat all of those interests amor, the
second half more or less, those are going to be called to solve or
the shorter sewers. So those will be the ones you'd read like in
Osaka and Madrid. And then the ones that would be anything
between Avocet and salata to hot, super hot and then from the longer
ones which is off all the way to other side which will you be
reading in the Volvo and the morning on the sofa. Again, these
are recommended things it's not you have to do them
sometimes you may go outside of this if you are caught it and you
have the Quran memorized, and part of your willed is to
you know, to do a recitation of the Quran in your fun prayers and
this is that's maybe better for you. Here we're talking about kind
of a general
a general case where that may not you know, you're not necessarily a
half as of grant but you're someone who's kind of tried to
follow the medical school in this particular bar then this is what
is recommended.
What else is men and men do bet at this be hopeful reguar was sujood
right this way I mean saying Subhanallah we are all the same,
so how that will be an add.
So Pamela will be handy so any of those work this will mean
something of this Subhanallah Subhanallah we'll have him in
rehearsal palette will be an artist fine Subhan Allah will be
handy Subhan Allah allow them also all good to be recited in the
these, the poor and the Central Americans don't have a particular
number that you need to do. Some of the other would have mentioned
three but you can do three you can do five you can do seven if you
want to do with which is an odd number, that's fine.
But there's no particular order we need to do we know that the font
of the obligation is that you will remain motionless at least and I
would say if you're praying follow then you're the Imam and you have
people behind you then you should take that in consideration. If
you're praying by yourself and praying enough in prayer and no
one is behind you then you can take as long as you want in the
surgery then in the in the record that's okay. But keep in mind and
I think it comes up in vivid remember
that that should be considered it should be a consideration
what do I owe fee
for being essentially thing
so the art fee he goes back to a suit so to add which is to make a
supplication during sujood not in the record. So what type of any
data you want to make over that if you do and it hasn't it hasn't
been off in a moment and that was good we're gonna validate that
we'll have no and we'll have so forth the conversion process never
take any right you want to make in the surgery is recommended
Well being a celebrity being a celebrity means you weren't for
frustration come back along I got the minimum you could say a little
bit fiddly, or how many automatic if you want to say for the HMI to
value when you are in the
the sitting between the two sujood
but again, there's nothing specific you can say anything that
you want
what's I'm keen on the idea you need mineral with any form of war
which means 10 keen and getting so when you're new Who are you want
to make sure that your your palms you know kind of rest or grab your
your knees. So that means you're trying to get 90 degrees or as
close to as possible. If you can't bend your back that much you're
not gonna be able to put your your hands on your knees. Again, it's
not an obligation. But to try to get as close to that as possible
is when I went to bed that's something that's recommended to do
that's what he means by thinking you know to have the hands kind of
security there touching the knees when you're in the reformed
what the engineer who fee with his surgery mouth a button he unfussy
right and to have them
in the hooyah judging means you leave a little bit of space not a
lot when you're going down to request or you're not having it
like this but a little bit of space
and in the suit as well. For women it's women should be the opposite
woman can should bring it in more manners can be a little bit out
Now for me I felt like the but also with the stomach
not touching the sides when you're when frustration or as best as you
can. So some people that's difficult to do. But it should be
to the degree where your back is kind of a little bit Archer,
you're resting and you're holding a weight up with your knees and
with your hands and then your stomach is not lowered so that
it's touching your thighs while you're doing that, but I'll find
We have a few things. So raising the stomach problem of the fact,
what I'll do when I when I when I can have these met when we were
fed, as we mentioned earlier,
when the man says something along Hamida when it comes back from
from require, then you would say, I'm not gonna
like our hand or you can say it's been a while I can handle it so
either without without it
didn't get more me welfares for the one who is praying by the man,
or the woman is praying by themselves, so the ones praying
for themselves actually going to say both. So you're gonna say some
y'all like Hamidah I've been when I could have both of them. And
then you say Allahu Akbar to go down into your sujood.
Well, default agenda set,
right, which is that
when you are sitting in the sitting position, the magic you
see it's all the same, basically, you're sitting on your left
backside, and not your foot is not going to be underneath your
backside, as in some of the other schools. So every sitting for the
medic ease, they will be sitting on the left back side, rather than
their left coming up, sitting on the left underneath. And that's in
the middle of the shower. That's in the secondary Shabbat that's an
every jetsurf in the prayer
that also make may take some getting used to snapper easy to
pull the first time it may take some discipline.
Well, what are you doing if he had a funny name or who said Asaba I
love it we're taking
and putting the hands when you're in that sitting position on your
on your thigh, it's like a little bit about the knees. Were also a
saga out of nothing. So it wasn't a saga which means the top of your
fingers will be reaching the knees. But you have your hands
your palms basically resting on the first part of your thigh.
Well fish dish to share Houdini he
wasn't a Giffy Madden, a celebrity energetic and have we are hungry
who had their Amen.
So when Natasha hood, the left hand is going to be like this.
The right hand,
you're going to take the three fingers, and you're going to kind
of curl them and you have the thumb coming out. And then you
have what's called the SEPTA or Mosambi has a nicer word. Right?
So that means you know the one that you're talking down to people
so Deborah cursing them or Musa, the one that makes this beer.
So it's kind of actually some sometimes they call it the 59.
Because you have a five, and then you have a nine. Here's the five.
Here's the nine. And when you hold it like this, and then you know
gently back and forth
while you're reciting that the shallot
what are the hustle now, that's something that you know, don't
don't don't take it overboard, don't like have like a, you know,
a frantic to how to rock just something that's not distracting
to you nor the others who are in prayer with you.
Where you have to go ahead that technique, why are you doing?
What's the last one in the resource in this autonomous AI
cell it comes in the second part of the Tisha hood. So that part is
meant to where's the first part is so
what do I finish
and there's a lot that you can say also, after you finish the second
shot with
anyone you can say
maybe we will put on the on the group Inshallah, we'll put some of
those written out and translated translated in English as well, for
each integral of the prayer that there has been recommended in
these particular parts.
What the one V Salem tally, tavern means turning slightly towards the
right, when you say a set ironical, and again, keep in mind
that in every movement of the prayer where we say something we
want the beginning of when we start to say something at the
beginning of the movement, and then the last syllable the last.
Yeah, the last syllable of what we're saying to be the end part of
the movement. So I don't say I said I want equal and then throw
my head. I say, I said, Morley calm. So the meme from a comb is
going to be pronounced when I have turned to the right. And the s 30.
Am I started off facing towards the imam or facing towards the
Qibla as more equal. Right. And that doesn't mean you have to turn
to the Lord as
just a little bit Damn, turn towards the right
well, good, well Mahalo for a few minutes.
When double jeopardy whoo hoo hoo are well this route will be or go
woohoo be heard lovable hola
so Knut then it's called the
it's a special type of dua that said
you know a pilot is the one who is standing you know in supplication
and fervently before last final data and generally means you do it
while you're standing. Right so this is a dua that said standing
the other way that have happened to the shuffling method also has
come and sweats specifically in the summer prayer the unique thing
about the mini Kia though is they say it before the core recommended
so not after the before like in the Schaeffer school, but before
the report so you finish reciting the second surah and then you say
the following do are include we had a love alumina stain Okona
stuff Europa Roddick when listening alayka Aquila when a
school Luca wanna cook well enough now the cover enough now when a to
whom and many were not to come in for Colombia you can argue with I
can study when I stood where uniqueness our Nafi Nahjul
automatically ofada Back in our the congestion and other rewear in
another Communication Center in Manhattan where we waited
more or less it's like that there's another way of pollute
that is in the Safaree but that's a little different than this but
this also was narrowed in water so they're both okay to say.
Again, we'll put that on the kind of group and transliterate for for
people to to recite
and that's only to be recited in the Slovak prayer after the second
surah and if you forget to do it, then it's not a sunnah, so you
don't do surgery to sell. In the Shafi school it is so if you put
them on the shelf and they forget and they do go to sell that's on
their mouth half an hour.
And then he also lives here loves to shower, which is nice,
which we'll also put on the website or on the group, but to
hire to learn exactly how to do that I'll tell you where to solo
to let a salon or you interview or article from one worker to a salon
why Lina while a millionaire saw the initial low Andalusian show
and then Muhammad Abdul also. So that part is the child the second
part is the assault on that we saw some
way of pulling them by the channel to send him
along on Sunday and we're having lunch at Muhammad LaBelle, Ricardo
Mohammed, Mohammed Kemosabe Dr. Ali Ibrahim,
Mohammed emoji that right so that is called the salaat on the
province I send them that part is not something that's meant to be
either partisan or
whatever we met so
and then you make the DUA and he includes some of them here after
the the second part in the shower, and you could say something like
for now what do I need ina or the medina with them and send them an
email? And Asmaa asked forgiveness for yourself and your parents and
your Imams and those who came before us with event will love to
learn about them no matter how Allah Allah forgive us that much
that which have come before that which is still yet to come will
matter so don't know what I don't know that which we did privately
that we should have publicly will not enter Allah will be human now
that which only you know for a better idea for doing a hasenauer
for Africa has been not loving there will become another club
where we can fit into the jet or that we can fit into my hair when
we met when I know that because I mean in met send me one month and
I'm and there's differently the way it about what you can save
with it no I would recommend for most people to memorize some of
and then to say that in their in their prayer that will do that.
So the next section is
that which nullifies the prayer
but I think we'll save that for the next time which will stop you
from this session because
whilst he has rain, so hello