Walead Mosaad – Day 22 30 Juz in 30 Days
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The transcript describes a historical discussion on the implementation of Islam's teachings during the time of Muhammad's birth, including the importance of being aware of the culture's teachings and the use of "has been there" in Islam. The discussion touches on the historical context of the fall and the "bringing" of Islam's implementation, including the use of "medicals and "medicals in religion." The segment also touches on the "bringing" of Islam's implementation, including the concept of "medicals being raised," and the use of "medicals in religion."
AI: Summary ©
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah what I get
from Allah Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allahumma salli wa
sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad Abdullah and never you
know me you either as hobby was word he was already a TV Woman
my dad Zack Medaka I saw that will call for Coleman our crew many men
witness them what I said when y'all know you have a minute for
and move your hand behind the shot can even Mubarak Shah Ramadan. So
I will correct Quran Masha Allah ha subtle and holy with adequate
call the writing Hamdulillah we are forming into the last 10 Days
and nights of Ramadan
and we will be looking at the 22nd or aspects of the 22nd Jews in sha
Allah Allah which encompasses sorted zap and sorted Saba and
sorted father part the beginning of security as seen. So we're
going to look specifically at sorted filter where pseudo makiya
is a sort of that was revealed in the makin period for the hijra,
and after sort of telephone call according to sort of pseudo
and it begins with called with Allah.
I will be learning methodology Bismillah AR Rahman Rahim
Hamdulillah he felt like his summer worth he went out jogging
and Katie rose wouldn't only Virginia Hatem Mesna was worth
0.1 3 million
in Allah Allah coalition called the man after he left holiness in
your meeting fellow moms you kinda make them sick, fallible, so that
will mean that it will hold Aziz will hacky.
So many sorters begin with ill health. Obviously the one that we
know the best is sort of that Fatiha. hamdu Lillahi Rabbil
alameen and Al Hamed in general when it has the LF lamb in front
of it, the ultimate say that it is a categorical phrase. So every
category of praise any man urgence every category of praise that you
can possibly imagine all of that is due to Allah subhanaw taala.
And that's why it's often translated as All praise is due to
a hammer to Allah subhanaw taala even though it says the praise so
as if what you know of as praise is all due to loss but on the
other hand, that's the meaning when the Prophet SAW Selim said,
the NOC center and Alec in Tacoma ethnic data and we cannot properly
praise you you are to be praised as you praise yourself.
So this one here and sort of targeted at hamdulillah if outlet
is semi wealthy without so the file third, which is one of the
names of Allah subhanaw taala also is the one who creates something
without any previous precedents of that thing. You know, and it said
that the, in one of the narrations that we've not best didn't get to
the most deepest and profound meaning of this words falter until
he saw a desert Bedouin
build a well or to go well, and he said fatality, fatality Yanni I
made it and there was no well there before. So it came like from
zero from scratch as it were. So you're the meaning here halacha
means to create but here felt that has a shade of meaning. That to
create without any previous existence of that thing
whatsoever. And humbly les father is somewhat you're the one who
made the semi weighty well out. Yeah, in in mela Iike. Here this
word Giada is different than Fatah is different than halacha. So as
JAL, they said, as a ruler to make something to something else or to
something that's already existing and then add something to it or
make it in a particular way. So here last month auditing Jilin
mela ICA the one who made them at an ICA The angels will also learn
messengers, and we think of them as ICA are the angels as Lucifer,
Allah, Allah also
the messengers of God to the messengers of God, so they're the
go between or the intermediary between the last final data and
his prophets and messengers. So obviously, most notably Cigna,
Gibreel, and insulin, Archangel Gabriel, who was medical Ye, he's
angel of y for all the prophets and so on for our Prophet Muhammad
Salah. So, he made the angels rollin messengers, only agenda,
only agenda those of wings Mesna was who last hour or sometimes in
two pairs or three or four. That's what this
means here and the prophesy seller most of the time when he
encountered Jubilee rally, he said he saw him in the form of a man,
his first encounter with him and God hit up on his Salaam. He
appeared in the form of a man and a particular man known by Daheia.
And Kelby, one of the Sahaba, who was also known as an ambassador to
different tribes and groups during the time of the Prophet Muhammad
But he didn't see him after that in his true form, and he said, met
at a summit, that he filled the horizon, he filled the sky with
his wings outstretched.
And only prophets can possibly have access to that and see that
whereas when he came in the form of a man, the Sahaba recognized
him as the hail Kelby he didn't look any different than a man.
Be the lead the hadith of Gibreel, often referred to it is real or
the Hadith of iman Islam SN. And they stated signalmen stated that
a man came and he had very black hair and very white clothes, yet
he did not have any. Nobody knew him but he had no authority
suffered. He had no indication that he had been traveling so
where did he come from? And then at the end of the Hadith prophesy,
Selim said Heather Gibreel at Elkhorn Valley Muqaam Dina Amara
Dini calm This is Julian he has come to teach you the matter of
your deen or your deen.
So the melodica are created from light they worship Allah subhanaw
uninterruptedly they don't stop now you have to rune as the Quran
says. And they take put into an execute that which Allah commands
them to do.
Those are the angels is Ido Phil Hulkamania share
in Allah Allah coalition Kadir.
So easy to concurrently he increases and increases
immigration in a manner that he wills. So there are many, many
things we haven't seen, that are of the Ottoman Melaku that are the
world, which
we can safely say, as yet men along if you have even more and
greater than what we see in in the dunya in terms of creation in
terms of us love and microclimate also, in terms of the categories
of things that are created, and also in terms of meanings. So the
Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim that one part of 100 parts of
mercy is for this life and 99 of 100 parts of Mercy observe for the
next life and this is an indication that even in terms of
meanings in terms of mercy in terms of love, in terms of
compassion in terms of actually the actual reality of it. The next
life is much much more real in that sense. Then this life is the
difficulty Mallya shut in Allah Allah Galicia in Kadir and Allah
has power of all things a reminder to us may have the healer who the
nurse him in Ramadan Fela Moon sikhala So we were just speaking
of Rama have mercy that which Allah opens for anyone or for the
people from Mercy Fela mum SICA no one can prevent it and here loves
I am and the fat ham so you have to have opening opening of what
it's general opening of many things mean Rama in rapid I mean
something that is
that which is an outlier that which is a gift to his creation.
So whatever Allah opens in terms of magnitude
right and in terms of of quality in terms of the mercy of the gift
that's been given no one can stop us from doing that. So you know
the automatic they tell us that that which is coming to you no one
can prevent it.
You will never your what is intended for you will not pass you
by right it's always going to come to you why? Because the one who's
sending it the one who was opening it is Allah subhanaw taala May
after he left will in nursing in Ramadan fella mom second, no one
can stop it. When are you I'm sick Friday moto Salah Who, me and
daddy and the opposite is true when I am sick and that which he
holds back further mozzarella who may embody and that which is not
supposed to come to you will never come to you. And no one can make
it come to you. It's not meant for you to begin with. So it's a it's
a reminder and timely reminder that we should think about those
things that we see
that other people have or that we may cover it or that may think
about and we say why us why not me? Why can I have that? Well,
because that's where we don't determine that Allah subhanaw
taala determines that and
we should just be concerned with the Bestower and not the bestow
with the more name and less concerned within Yama than Yama is
a sign the blessing itself is a sign but sign of whom the sign of
ammonia aim so we should be busy with him when name and as long as
the Annamma is leading you to the moon
Then it's a true namah then it's a true blessing. But if that which
you can serve what you know to be namah leads you to someone other
than the name leads you to other things then it becomes a fitna
where they said no matter if you have an Islam and Yama as far as
you're concerned for someone else, maybe it could have been a
blessing because it leads them to the moon, but for you, it's
leading you to fitna. So it becomes a fitna a trial and
Whoa, well, i xizhou al Hakim, right. And we talked about Allah
Aziz. The one that cannot be stopped and the one whose will
will be executed. Al Hakim, and then when he executes that, well,
it is most wise it's Hakeem. So everything that Allah subhanaw
taala thoughts, everything that he offers in this life and the next
is always Hakeem. And it's always many. Hey, come and full of
Yeah, uns was Karuna amatola. Alikum hasn't been ha little in
little law. He also co Mina says, He will out the ILA who
took fagu when
we are you a NASA so this is a makansutra. So yeah, you unless
it's addressing the people in general, with Goodwin, Yamato
Allahu Allah equal, right and here we came back to the Yama remember
then Yama, the blessing of Allah upon you.
Why, Hellman Harlequin, right Allah?
This is put in the form of a question is there a creator other
than Allah Yasuko for Mina Sana, he will add, that sends your
sustenance from the heavens, or from the heaven and the earth.
And this is what we call a soil Jonnie question, but it's meant as
an admonition and how can you deny that there is a Creator other than
a lot when the only one who has ability to bring you anything from
the sky or the heavens and the earth is Allah Subhan? Allah
Allah, La ilaha illa who there is none but he
no God, but he for ANA took for Kuhn. And here we said, how and
why and what it's like a question of all different directions.
Topher Kuhn, you know, how could you deny that? How could you not
recognize that
when you get zebu kefir for the good the bad? Milk medica era
light origin
now the Kitab goes to the Prophet Muhammad. Sorry, sir. So as you
can see the Quran it's challenging you to be aware of who it's
speaking to directly. Before it was directly speaking. Yeah, uns,
so it's calling upon us everyone, all of the Hulk all of the
creation. Here we're in you because the Buddha didn't though
it didn't say yeah, you and Debbie, but one understanding of
that is the Quranic address is so intimate already with the prophesy
Salem, like formerly in a conversation with you. I don't
have to keep calling you to get your attention. Because I'm
already you're already at my attention. So I can just bring
forth what I have. And that's the relationship with the prophesy
seven with the Quran. Obviously, we're in you because the Buddha
right and if they declare you to be a liar, or they don't believe
what you have to say, this is what it means. For God called vivid
Russolo, male Coptic. There were messengers before you who also the
same thing happened to them. They're also not believed. So this
is what's called at Destinia or solace.
prophesised very much took it to heart. Right Larnaka on him Ilam.
You know, we hear that Hi DCSF.
Perhaps you're taking so much to heart and that they're not
believing in your message. Right and
for no other reason that he wanted the good for them. He wanted the
fear. These were his kinsmen.
These were also members of his family, his extended family, and
people that he grew up with and people that he loved and people
that he had an washer that he had a relationship with. And he wanted
to see the best for them. And they didn't accept it. And also they
had accepted him his whole life. He was always known as assaulted I
mean, but then when he brings this data this machine has committed by
last month either you cut the wound,
right and another verse in Surah Al Anam for in nomina you because
the Buddha was keen, avoiding me to be a tiller he hadn't. So how
do we reconcile those two verses here? It says we're in you because
the Buddha
and if they don't believe you are declared to be a liar, for quite
cozy but Rousseau Roman public and here's his bet there are
messengers before you were not believed either getting sorted and
phenomena you can do Nicola keen avoid Amina VAT law Ah, I don't
know you because the Buddha so that's a Nephi that's a negation
how we reconcile the two. One way to reconcile it is they are
not. You can zebu NACA in the sense
of who you are of your time.
was wordiness or of your own honesty? And even when they were
asked They said my job gnarly he can say, we never knew him to be a
liar when the courage were asked about that, but then what
happened? Well, they can avoid immunity a Atilla, he, he had you
had to it's not because they don't trust you and they think you're a
liar, but the at language had when they can accept what you're
bringing. And that's why they don't believe you or they don't
want to accept what you have to say.
What Elahi told you how to move. So, whatever the case may be at
the end of the day, the long day of this dunya
either light or shadow, everything will come back to Allah subhanaw
taala all matters all affairs will be settled with Allah subhanaw
uns are in law he has got further to our neck and will hire to dunya
wherever one can be learning how to initiate on Allah Kumar whoo
hoo hoo I do
in NEMA year drew his bow Julio aku, mean Aloha this the
the Kitab comes back to the people. Yeah uns in now Abdullah
Huck The Promise of Allah subhanaw taala is Huck
and hear the word Eduardo meaning Bill Jana weidel caffeine in but
not this is Huck there's no way around it.
fell out of Ottawa Nicole mill here to duniya so do not be
deluded. And here's the whole Rhonda can be noon in Turkey the
emphasizing further toward Ronda. CommonHealth dunya Do not be
deluded by the higher the life of the dunya. What are your What are
Nakhon Billa he'll rule
and do not be deluded. And with your understanding of who Allah
is, by a rule who is overall a shaitan. Right, he is the polluter
that's one of His Names.
And these are the two external
obstacles that we face, and having and kind of forging for ourselves
a more spiritual existence, a life of inner life of strong inner
life, a life of Maratha a life of vicar, and
habit of Allah and loving to meet Allah Spandana next life, not a
love of death, but love of finally getting to be with the beloved in
the next life. So what prevents us from seeing those all those
things? One of them is the ruler of the dunya. Right? The dunya is
has many distractions about it, many delights, many things that
can keep you quite busy for undistracted for years, decades,
perhaps your whole lifetime. And that period of busyness that
you're distracted by the dunya, that's called as Afula it's kind
of called a lapse, or lapse away from the vicar from the remnants
of Allah subhanaw taala. And when you are in remembrance of Allah
smart Allah has I think, yeah, he was gonna lie the Quran, cafiero
separable, curtainwall sila, previous Surah, that I have much
dhikr of Allah subhanaw taala and remember him bukata anois sila the
two bookends of the day, so that you may not have laps and roughly
between the two. And be wary of Verona Shavon why in Sharia law
and Allah kumawu won't fit does he do I do so far as an enemy of
yours, so take him as an enemy? Do not be deceived by him in his well
who? Right He invites his party. Leah Kulu mean us harvester here
that they may be from the companions of a satire of
hellfire. He won't say that to us. He won't say Oh, come on, let's go
to hellfire together. No, he will make a zine. Right. That's what he
does. He adorns the Baltic. He adorns that which is corrupt that
which is ugly that which is invalid and tries to have you look
at it in a different way.
I love the NACA Gouda Hamada Bucha de
la mano saw the hottie la homography LA to add your own
Right Alladhina Kapha Rula Hamada Bucha did those who disbelieve
will have a grievous chastisement while Lilina airmen why middle
Saudi had those who believe and perform the Saudi hackler whom Mo
Farah tune were eduroam Kabir and they have forgiveness and a great
for doing you know the who's who actually he follow who has an
Inala you don't know many?
Where the mania
fella does have enough Ahsoka ie him has a lot in Allah Halim BMI
yes now when
and here we talked about the zine FM and Xu Yuna Allahu
what about the ones
or the one XO Jana who Amelie he that his actions the evil of her
actions was Xueyan was made beautiful or was adorned Farah who
has and then he saw it as good and that's the whole thing. So that's
why our drive we say oh my original hat the hat clan was
nativa why novelty Leviathan was nasty never we need to see the hat
as it truly is. Because if we mistake the hawk for the bottle,
then we don't see the hat with the truth and we don't see the real.
So we might have this Tenzin. So, Nina, this or adorning
and beautification of the evil of our acts. We don't see that as
evil. Find out AHA Santa, and then we see it as good.
For in Allah you will do lumen yesha. Where have you been yet?
Allah guides when we pleases? Or a lot, finds a stray or finds those
misguided whom He pleases? And He guides whom He pleases. Fella does
have enough Ahsoka, now that I thought back to the Prophet size,
right because it's so second person singular file that has had
enough Ahsoka. So don't let yourself go Are they him has a lot
literally don't be. Don't grieve over them? Because it's not in
your hands. Let's start and be Messiter. Right the Quran reminds
the prophets I said in an antenna theory. You are a warner? Right?
And the tokra NASA coulomb meaning can you compel the people that
until they're believers, so many reminders in Nicoletta Hedeman you
cannot guide even the ones that you love like Abu Talib. Further
test hab Neff suka I lay him Hassan. Don't grieve over them
don't have Hassan. So this shows you the heart of the prophets are
said and even though they they fought him and they tried to
humiliate him and they hurt him and they, you know, fought
military battles against him. And he had to leave Mecca and migrants
will Medina despite all of that he wanted them to be guided. And when
he was given the choice of the two mountains of Mecca falling upon
them and Cheney, he said, I'll do it. Who knows what frogmen
O'Sullivan minuman Mila, I am hopeful that from their progeny
will be those who believe in the last panel Tada and Allah subhanaw
taala did not disappoint his hope because it was as he said, within
a generation to hold Arabian peninsula was Muslim.
In Aloha, even Bhima he is now known for Allah is well acquainted
with what they do. Allah is well acquainted what they do.
For Mahalo to Allah, Allahu Allah the outset of the year have had to
zero Sahara for Sakana who elaborate him eating farheena be
them mot her because then he can who bang Can you read or is that a
fairly laser to Jaime?
La he also I would tell him apply eBay domino solid Are y'all fall?
Well read I am Karuna sejati llamada shady Amaco Iike Who are
you who
will law law the other side of the
law here's a reminder who Allah subhanaw taala is he is the one
that sent as the as the winds. And as a note most of the time when
winds is mentioned in the plural in the Quran or Ria, then it's
indicating Rhea Rama winds have mercy that that pollinate and
carry the, you know, the seeds of pollination to different trees and
things like that. And when it's in singular or RIA usually it's a
wind of, you know, Santa Maria. Oh my god we sent on them, the
hurricane or the storm and singular, then it's indicating a
wind of punishment or chastisement. Well, Lola, the
outset or the AHA? For two zero Sahaba. Right. So it instigates
the sahab the clouds for Sakineh who illegibility may yet. Right.
And then it goes where it's supposed to go these clouds
availability may get to a place that was dead or town that was
dead, no words dead. Nothing's growing on it. For I hate to be
here other than the motiva farheena. We all know valuable to
you, and then we give life to the land after it was barren, after
there was nothing on it. And there is some sort of agias enemy. Also
in this verse, something of, you know, the wonders of the natural
world that that didn't know at the time that the winds do carry these
pollinating seeds from one place to the next. And that he was
mentioned in the one quite vividly. Who will lead the answer
of Yahuwah to Pharaoh so haven't so the clouds moved for Sakana who
Ilhabela the May 18 farheena Hill, and then the earth comes back to
life by the Multicraft it was buried, because then he can assure
you there you can watch
Jonnie al hush
so just like Allah subhanaw taala gives life to something that was
that Quranic unusual. Yanni l bath Yan and TM and hash symbol
happened to us we were in our graves and we're buried and we're
dead and nothing's happening so that he can show what is the
difference for Allah subhanaw taala
when can you read Allah is that a fairly lengthy laser to Jeremy
whoever is desirous of there is then all of that is for Allah
subhanaw taala and this word is not easy to translate. It does
come from the same word as ICS
sometimes it's translated as dignity when someone has ICS
they're dignified and you know they cannot be
affected by the
the attempts of others to hurt them or to damage them that's one
meaning of ICS sometimes as his means
valuable or precious or unique or natural would you would
or difficult romantic out Allah He behaves ease that's not difficult
for a lot of fun. Okay, so various meanings to the word disease but
here man can you read all the data fairly low here is that with me?
Right if you want to be that type of person who is any fee McClymont
highly and a high MACOM and a high station and virtually impenetrable
by those who tried to hurt them then that's what Allah seek if
with Allah subhanaw taala don't seek it on your own. Amara Raja
lon we said nano calm and as Zen Allah who will Islam as an
allowable Islam so we will nothing before but Allah Subhana Allah
gave us this ASA by the virtue of Islam, and a couple of Eric Garner
as the lead right at the de Lille is the opposite of the ICS the
value is the one who's down and the lead in the sense that has
been put down they're unable to stop those who try to damage them
or hurt them or Harlem. La he also will carry him up to you but
I'll carry mu Jamar Kenny man can Kenema I will carry my job. They
said Kenyan will tell you here's their Illallah or I'm in Zurich,
or it's more general than that could be Subhan. Allah with
hamdulillah with with a whole load of work in Libya and advocate the
remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala in general, while I'm no
salehoo er of our who, and the good deeds he raises them. So what
does that mean the good deeds, he raises them one meaning that the
ultimate of Teskey often talk about is that your good deeds, if
they are accepted by Allah subhanaw taala they will be
raised. Right so it's kind of like recorded in your saliva. It's
recorded in your your log of good deeds, this is the idea of your
good deeds being raised.
The prophesy said I mentioned this, for example, when he was
asked why does he fast on Monday, he said, This is the day that the
deeds are being raised. So there's indication some of the Hadith
certain days of the week, or in certain days of the year, like the
15th of SHA then when things are set for the year after that things
are being raised
for parliament. Well, I'm also the co founder so then a sign of
acceptance then that or an indication of acceptance of the D
being accepted that's raised to Allah subhanaw taala. And they
said that translates into how you see it, and your Riba and grammar
look, that you stop having recollection of your good deeds
because it's been raised. So when something is raised, that also
means it's been taken away so it's no longer existing down here. So
if you're still
enamored with your good deeds, and thinking about the attribution of
these good deeds to yourself, then it hasn't been raised because it's
still busy down here on earth with it. And one of the signs of
acceptance is that you don't even recall the good deeds that you
did. You did something nice for someone last week or the week
before and they can remind you you did this and this Oh, okay. I
don't remember but if you say so, because the good deeds are raised.
Well, I'm gonna saw your who y'all fall when Latina am Karuna sejati
la Hamada Boone shady don't Womack Rula Iike jolla boo, horrible.
Well, Latina I am karoun So Makar Areum, Quran doesn't really take a
direct object, you're the ones who
plan and deceive and delude all of these are the meanings of mucker
as say at Yanni, and pollun and makira to say yet they plot and
plan in a way that is evil Lahoma Azerbaijan shaded, they have a
Great Chastisement while macro Hola, Iike Hawaii Obul and that
which are they're planning and that was and seeking to do of harm
to the prophesy cinema to the believers. Horrible, horrible how
Halleck Yeah, hello? Yeah, and it's something that is going to be
destroyed and whatever their plot and machination is, it's not going
to come to me
So we will stop here in sha Allah from these verses verses verses of
saltwater and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to bless us and these last
10 days of Ramadan and then he makes us from Autocar the shorter
Karim from those who have been emancipated from the hellfire. In
this plus a month by month that food has a bobble agenda, the
doors of paradise are open, and the doors of the neuron are closed
or suffer that the shayateen
and the sheltering are
in chains. So we should take advantage of this blessed
opportunity to to being closer to our Creator, in sha Allah by His
world and by His favor and by his blessing. And nobody with adequate
father I mean, ceremony camaraderie.