Walead Mosaad – AlFath alRabbani of Shaykh Abd alQadir alJilani Class 8
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AI: Transcript ©
I'm looking over that I mean,
well, the silhouette automaticity met, I remember getting locked in
I mean, so you didn't know Mohammed Abdullah, it was heavy as
mine for that.
So we had one day break on Friday and we're back in sha Allah for
the next six days visit a tharla. And Allah, Allah gives us
opportunity to live that long.
And we are reading from the book photogra valuable failure, many
sublime revelation of CD Mydin, I've been flooded i j. Danny, on
the lawn Hill, and all the other uncle.
And we have reached the 11th this course. And I think we're going to
try to do both the 11th and the 12th. In this session.
And as we've seen a running theme, so far, that's the other agenda
and he emphasizes is the what he calls Tammy that button or to
focus on one's inner life and one's inner relationship with
Allah subhanaw taala. So work from the inside in order for
one's heart to be aligned with the Divine decree and the divine will
then in turn one's actions and wants deeds, then will merely
be an indicator of that which is already there. Inwardly, this
running theme is important.
if we focus on the exterior, at the expense of the inner or the
interior, then our actions just become forms
just become sewer, as some of them said, it becomes a sort of becomes
a form. And this discourse, the 11th one, one of the themes in it
is this idea of
the kind of, we've seen a methodical and translates as
affectation or to do something, and it feels like it's a burden to
you. And
obviously, it's our dream, it's our wish that we would worship God
and seek ALLAH subhanaw taala not as a burden, but something that we
that our hearts will tend towards. And
the theme that he is emphasizing is
that may not be necessarily something you can do on your own,
but it's something that Allah will bring to you. So the idea of
struggling a little bit with our internal passions or appetites,
our own demons, our misgivings, our misconceptions, our delusions,
that's part of the human condition, everybody has something
of that, but to try to overcome them by the prescribed course. In
other words, following the sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu sallam,
and having mentors and helpers along the way, circle of friends
or teacher or teachers, so forth, these are things community,
stable family life, focusing on you know, the things that Sumner
emphasizes on in terms of our flat in terms of good character and in
terms of getting along with people in terms of having good opinion of
Allah subhanaw taala having a good opinion of the servants of Allah
subhana wa Tada. So, all of these things
will make Tamizh right will give and will sort of build the
structure or let's say the foundation of who you actually are
of your inner life. So the ritual aspects of a SNAM remain
important. And in fact, they are a key to this sort of time unit that
sort of building up of the inner life. But if they are solely
recognizing of their own without thinking about them or closet
thinking about what what is it supposed to lead us to? Then we've
kind of missed the boat is the point.
Sydney ever has in shattering? He has a very famous saying, and he
said that Mandela gala dunya father Shaq or Mandela callala
Many felt at ABAC. Woman delicata luxury club not for Fatima sahak
whoever points out or leads you towards the dunya
has cheated you. Because the dunya is Fannia it's it's not really
there. And it's a metallic little right is the pleasure of delusion
stuff. Something that you're actually going to be able to do
this sort of time urine. It's like a mirage every time you reach for
it. I think you've gotten something out of it. You look back
at your hand and it's empty. So whoever
tries to lead you towards the dunya for the last check, there's
really cheated you and they
If they've robbed you of an opportunity or opportunities,
or Mandela, Alabama attack, whoever however, talks about or
leads you emphasizes external deeds only, which we call an amen
for that Abacha right? Then they have tired you out. Because they
have you
emphasizing the importance, obviously the ritual ritual
aspects of Islam and they're part and parcel of Islam. But sometimes
we fall into a mode of almost worshipping Islam and not
worshiping Allah subhanaw taala. So, Islam is not a project.
It's not a vehicle for are merely a vehicle for addressing the
injustice in society. So in other words, it's not merely like a
vehicle for social justice. It's not a political ideology. It's not
a platform upon which to speak about various issues and then
that's the thing that will become sort of infatuated with as
happening with with many young people and older people obviously.
But Islam means in Islam, it means acquiescing to Allah subhanaw
taala. So one of the meanings is to snare and then Islam itself
means that the whole sin or the whole setup so Islam modulo is at
the heart of Islam or definitely sin. So someone takes upon the
stem it means they have entered into safety and safety means the
deen of Islam in the DNA underlying this now. So the way of
life the deen for with Allah subhanaw taala is so number one is
predicated on the idea of is the stem of acquiescence to Allah
subhanaw taala and then entering the safety there there in and
seeing the ritual aspects as enforcing that which is already
there, which is the event.
And then the last part of that saying, well, Metallica and Elijah
have NASA. But whoever takes you to Allah, then they have truly
counseled you. So the prophets I seldom Canadain in Allah, he was a
color to our most vital data. And the vehicle by which we get to
Allah subhanaw taala is Islam. But he was not specifically calling to
Islam in the mean that people have in their mind today have this kind
you know, intersectional
system that includes social aspects and personal aspects and
aspects of injustice and aspects of our handling and justices and
aspects of following proper fitness regimen and proper diet.
you know, and you'll find some books written on the Prophet SAW I
said of as, as warrior as general as this and the various roles that
he had in life. But all of those things, all of those roles can be
summed up in one word called into Goolwa. Whenever we are some
horror, so that's what he was. So it wasn't by any particular
you know, I would say genius. Some people talk about the genius of
the panel. So I said, and in fact, some, some, some authors, most
famously our best thought he talked about up courier delivery.
So I sent him an email have these up quality books, I'll put it all
up. And I well, I think that might work with to some degree with some
of the Sahaba from our teachers to set to say that the province has
had them was a genius, is actually not giving him his proper due and
not giving Elias property. It wasn't by his genius, it wasn't by
his, you know, ability to,
to read a situation and then think about it thoroughly and then pick
out the right choice. All of those things were why, you know, first
and foremost it came from Allah subhanaw taala. One of the
excerpts I want to read, In this session, we'll find that Musa he
said I'm with the Sahara, Moses with the magician's. And if we go
over the verses in the Quran, it's kind of recounted two or three
times within the Quran one time, I think sorted out off another time.
So that's it from different perspectives. But the idea was
that Pharaoh,
king Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh and spoke to him as
they're instructed by Allah subhanaw taala. Although the
hotels in the unit, say kind words in lala with Yaksha. Perhaps he
will remember perhaps he will have Harsha which he did not at the
end, but nevertheless, they were instructed by our last hour to do
that. And then the Pharaoh said, from Algodon, I mean, he said, he
didn't say who is Robin? I mean, who was the Lord of the universe?
He said, What is the Lord of the universe because in his mind, he
thought he was that he's wanting to say to his people a lot I'm
working with Adam.
So when Musa and he sort of demonstrated some of the
miraculous things that he had been given, such as putting his hand
Then within inside and then it comes out completely white or the
cane that he cast became this serpent and then and then came
So they were invited to Yom Zina and Yama, Xena infrasonic times
before even and post Quranic times was the day that they would
celebrate the overflowing of the Nile.
Now that doesn't happen anymore because of the Aswan Dam. But
prior to the building of the dam that was like a very seasonal
thing and was a big celebration
in Egypt, so
they go to Xena this Yama adore this day of adornment. And the
magicians are there. And he tells the magicians if you are able to
defeat Moses and his machinations then you will have this such and
such reward.
And then they decide who should throw first the magicians through
first and with their magic Sahara, as the Quran says Sahara Yuna net
for star who obviously had an RV. So how are you and so they were
able to make this illusion for people. So that's what it was an
illusion that it looked like their their staff. So they came for a
cast and they look like snakes.
And as we said, we know that magic or black magic is hot. Some people
can manipulate
using certain things but it is decidedly put someone outside of
the pill of Islam and one engages in such activities. So
nevertheless, they did that. And then Musa he said them through his
his staff and then the staff was able to demolish the rest of them.
For nuclear so how to search in another hub in Ireland in Abu Musa
so Alia Sahara to CGD they all fell down in frustration
immediately. And they were the first ones to fall down in
frustration. No one else came down first. Because they recognize
immediately that what Musa he said and came with what Moses did
wasn't magic.
And they knew it wasn't magic magic. And they knew us from
Robben Island. I mean, because you might say, well, if they saw that
Moses did that, and they already have this sort of idea of a man
can be God based upon what Pharaoh told them. So then why didn't they
think Moses was the god for example? Why didn't they prostrate
before Moses, but they didn't do that. They said for unclear as to
how to surgeon coil and mana. We are up there with Romney Musa. So
they said we are frustrated we have believed in Robben Island
mean the Lord of the universe and to provide clarification so no one
thinks that they mean Pharaoh will not be Musa how the Lord of Moses
and the Lord of Hobbit and The Lord of air, and the difference
was that they saw that this was not from Moose sightings. And this
was something more than moose sightings. Because they saw that
he himself
when Musa casts the staff, the first time he did he himself felt
trepidation and felt frightened. So they knew that a magician would
not be afraid of their own magic. So this was no magician. This was
something that allows one or the other. This is something that was
valid gave him without the kind of right without affectation for Musa
alayhis salam but something that ran through him via him but
ultimately came from Allah subhanaw taala and so they say
that Allah highly foon those who know Allah subhanaw taala their
accident are in the same manner that Musa the same through the
staff. So the acts are come do through them via them. But
ultimately, they're not their own, in the sense that Hola, hola, ug,
Masha, Allah, Masha, Allah, Allah is the One who makes things go in
the manner that he wants to make them go. And that is true for
everyone. But when that if realizes that when the knower of
God realizes that and sees that, and witnesses that within
themselves and once that within others, then we say they're at a
level of magnifier or the Vaquita and so forth. So, say that
mythology then he begins this course with attributed Hadith he
said that the province I serve a tribute to him that he said and I
will clear when Almighty Bora minutes account of
that I am a truly developed members of my community who are
free from affectation or the kind of you know, like having feeling a
sense of burden when one is worshiping their Lord. So he says
that he you lie at a colorful event that will help the agenda
now solid Baba who is what have you thought Hootie hoo about any
Heatman later can be for men who
said one was truly developed that ducky does not perform his worship
of the Lord of the truth. Allah subhanaw taala in it
effective manner because it has become quite natural to him. So he
worships Allah both outwardly and inwardly, without any affectation
on his part.
This is different than someone who's a bear that has become
either. So it's important to point out the difference. So I That
means doing something habitually. So sometimes we we are approached
or less volatile that is habitual. And that means, it's almost like
what they call muscle memory. You know, so like when when you're
when your limbs kind of get used to moving in a particular way. So
in terms of the integrals of the prayer, right, we do it quite
suitably, and we do all the integrals and so forth. But then
we say, I said, I want equal mycetoma. And then you say,
what, what sort of did I read? In the first walk around the soccer,
like, what was I thinking about while I was doing it? So it was
kind of like our limbs were moving, right, and you have based
upon some sort of muscle memory, but at the same time,
we're not sure what we were doing. So the bottom the inward wasn't
really following was going with that word. That's not what Sudoko
fathers talking about here. He's talking about softball, but our
it's become natural for him in the sense that the inward is
propelling the outward.
So that there is Tammy unbolting, right, and you do it sort of
effortlessly, right, that's probably the best word I can use
effortlessly, because you are inwardly focused, and then the
limbs have no choice. But to follow the outward from sometimes
they also describe this in terms of how the thick of the state of
remembrance that one can try to arrive to which is when a little
bit of time. So you can have a thick Ruby, listen for what you
can remember Allah subhanaw taala with your with your tongue and
hold your Sipan say subhanallah and there's some kind of right
there. So I'm like, Okay, I'm saying, Allah, Allah, Allah, we're
trying to focus. And then there could be the Quran will listen,
we'll call me man, then there can be the kid with the tongue, and
the heart at the same time. So yes, your tongue is moving, and
you're aware of that. And same time your heart is listening.
And then there's vicar of of club,
and then the Listen, tab. So then there's the remembrance of the
heart, right, which is the one that's propelling, and then the
tongue is the one that's following. So in the beginning, it
begins like, Okay, I'm gonna sit with my tongue and I want my heart
to pay attention. And maybe after I do it 10,000 times, my heart
will start to pay attention. But then let's say after the 10,000
times, or maybe the three times everybody's different.
Then the heart begins to say 100 plus upon a lot with a lot more to
hold on to 14 living their husband alone our feet, what a how they
want to hold the level, and so forth. So I'm in the resource
element. So then the hardest thing these things and then the tongue
feels like, oh, the heart is telling me to move. So then I'm
going to say it. That's what I think CDOT will tell us here. So
so our thoughts are all right, that limbs whether they be the
tongue or the limbs, our limbs are now following and are in complete
reconciliation with what's what's happening in the heart. And that's
that's a high MACOM it's not an impossible one. It's not one that
cannot be reached. But it's one that if Allah subhanaw taala
decides with his area that he wants to take you there then these
are some of the signs of it. That's why in this hadith, no, not
clear, mighty more minute the camera. Right, Lana, qlf. Because
Osland there's no enter. There's no like, Oh, I'm doing this. And
I'm reaching this and I'm sad and I'm worried and, you know, I'm
humble. And I am striving and I'm on a path. So as long as this eye
remains, and the focus is the meat and the eye, and thorough enough
Sikka, and you see, the X is yours as you own them, then there's
still a veil, there's still a hijab between you and Allah
subhanaw taala. And you're not quite at that level. That's the
problem. So instead of saying no, no clear murky water will be net
to kind of
at its worst, which the other father will read that section. But
when he talks about whenever, when he's not talking about whenever
you're allowed to eat, as we said, He's talking about whenever an ad,
for example, about hypocrisy in not doing things solely for Allah
subhanaw taala, then the outward moves, and not only is nothing
inward, focused on what I was doing, but it's this interested in
actually thinking about something else. Or it's thinking about okay,
how can these outward acts satisfy something of my insatiable
appetite? So whether it's a physical appetite, or whether it
is the appetite associated with with intellect, which
She has the appetite to be to like to be praised and to be seen and
to be famous and to be, have people's attention and to be
influential. That's the type of appetite, the appetite to be a
leader. These are all appetites. So if one uses their deen and
outwardly they're doing this, but inwardly, they're thinking about
how will this bring me those things that ultimately are going
to feed the neffs ultimately feed the ego and feed the appetite and
not doing it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala so in the stock or
the terminology of sea level politics as this is an effort,
right? In other words, your your Balton is not the one propelling
you. In other words, is your button, the pure button, you have
something that's corrupted, and that is what's propelling the
Come on, I'm often on the line to Hulu Meloetta final, so he,
especially with aims with the stuff he talks about, but the
biggest mocked the biggest, hateful thing in the sight of
Allah subhanaw taala is that you say? What you do not do?
So he also says right before that, you learn the Quran by heart, but
you've not put it into practice, you've memorized some of those
messengers or send them, but you've not practiced it. So what
do you do this for you tell other people what they must do, but you
do not do it yourself. You tell them what they must not do, but
you do not refrain from it, and then he brings the area.
he then says that why do you say things and then contradict them?
Have you lost sense of shame? Why do you lay claim to faith? When
you do not believe? Or in other words, believe in the highest
sense? Fact faith or demand is the opponent of disasters, it is the
patient bear of our burdens. It is the wrestler who is the Fire Man
is the generous distributor of its worldly fortune. Imam gave
generously for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala while desire acts
generously for the sake of the Shaytaan, The Devil and selfish
purposes. So
the men? Yes, I'll try to speak louder. Sorry about that.
So the men, then is the driver from the inside and the man is the
one that feels the Caliph or lack thereof. A man is that which makes
you the believer that you are that you are not. So typically when we
when we divide between Islam and Eman and Sen, even though they all
kind of aspects of the same thing.
Islam is the outward aspect and an Amen is the inward aspect. And so
that's what Herat won the Iraq war on the desert, Bedouins accepted
Islam in other words, they outwardly accepted it.
And they had this emptiness when you remove radical Islam or combat
Letterman writing Islamic radical and it helped me even including
some of the
human radical Islam, they have this emptiness when they say oh,
we became Muslim like we're doing this for you and now should you
should be honored by us coming into Islam. And they said call it
an audible I'm gonna call them to meanwhile, I can pull Islam now.
So that all of those are Bedouin said, Men, then the Quran corrects
them, call them to me No.
Don't say that. You've had a menu where I can pull a slum now well,
Amma yet who will email people who become an imam has not yet entered
into your heart. So, if a man has not entered into your heart, then
you are doing only the outward deeds. And actually, that was
quite true after the death of the province. I said them the vast
majority of the Arabian Peninsula except for Mecca and Medina
actually left Islam. So much of that was outward practice, they
did come back after doing the Herbert Ritter obviously the MMO
mcrsi team.
But they had an outward practice and not the inward practice as the
government calls it is mentioning here.
So, the next few sections, he kind of gives some explanation about
what are some of the things or what are some of the things to
look for of how we can get to a kind of a Amen of the heart.
he says for example, a few pages later if you follow in the English
66 If you have the text in English,
he says resources from Claude and baraka to fee accountability comm.
File or other than resource Adams
Got a Sydney for hospital had the love in the community Sydney,
taqwa femtocell unbelieving to her and in Oman as MSE keytab. Assume
there will be a comin shaking your usual Rama, who SLM already but
it's a field or at Baraka acabado and Motorola saw your one and
motor one they are winning I mean wouldn't be me and hopefully
sooner Film
Academy will follow us off here and more redundancy Allah azza wa
jal, and again colloquially refer Billa as origin eliminating Kareem
a team in Colombia Crassula anvil colluvial Karlova mean Mona as
Georgia Kulu has been free hope with dunya for analog in my job,
welcome to Falgun fi hub will after the firewall for the Lahemaa
who but the third year of Baetica for dunya dunkel Surah, but we
will ask era of your father of Baetica fifth Escalade and
consumer had to kind of help the US version.
So he said bless it. Grace Baraka resides in the cabinet, in your
And several other remarks the prophesy centum was not intending
to refer to seniority and age alone, but to advanced age
combined with pious dedication Taqwa to fulfilling the
commandments and observing the prohibitions of the Sharia, and
constant adherence to the book of Quran and the Sunnah of the
Prophet sighs.
Of course not because there is many elder or chef who deserves
neither respect nor salutation and and seeing whom there is no
blessing grace, the cabin or the devout the home, the righteous
Assadi who in the pious and multilaterally are all those who
have what our scruples in their Deen, who put their knowledge into
practice, and I'm you and I believe in and we're sincere in
their practice. And luckily sooner Phil Hammond those are Kevin are
the pure hearts that turn away from everything apart from the
last battle either. And they are the wise hearts with the
experience of Allah. And it Fabula that no Allah that no one are
close to him.
So he then goes on to say that if you see what some of these people
that are Cabot, and he's not talking about just in terms of
age, but he's talking about people who have embodied these meanings.
Let's go back to the magician's that we just talked about five
minutes ago.
How did they come to the dean? And actually, they probably practice
their dean for
less than an hour, or a few minutes or a few hours, because
Pharaoh had them tortured and punished till death, right after
that. And they said when when he said that, I'm going to do this to
pop down the idea of module country, Sunday,
that I will cut opposite sides of you from your hand and your legs
and then I will crucify you, threatening them
koggala life.
They said like that doesn't bother us because we have believed in the
Lord of Musa and Harun in The Lord of Moses and Aaron. So perhaps
they practice the deen. They practice magic for who knows how
long before that. And then they practice the deen for that short
time, but it was enough for them to be amongst the first followers
of at least from Pharaoh's people of Masada, he said, But who was
the conduit? Who was the source for that? Who was the one who
facilitated that path? That was Musa he said, who was from the
cabin? So the prophets and messengers then are necessary? And
then the followers of the prophets and messengers are all also
necessary. So reading books, reading scripture,
knowing reading the Quran and Sunnah is actually not enough.
It needs people who are walking Quran and Sunnah. When one of the
tab at NASA, Asia, or the alarm about the character of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW I send them to reply back to him. I thought Quran do
not read the Quran. He said yes, he said kinda hurrah conical and
she said his character was the Quran. And so one of the things
that's important is that we see the character of the Quran, the
meanings of the Quran, the meanings of the Sunnah, embodied
in people before us. And if we don't see it embodied, that's
those are things that can push us away from the dean. And those are
things that can bring us towards the team, depending upon what
we're seeing it in. And many, many people I've never seen one of the
academy, as he says, will be it here doesn't mean advanced in sin,
advanced in age, but it means advanced in Taqwa advanced
knowledge of the last month on advanced in wisdom. These are the
people when you see their faces even looking at their faces is a
type of a bad it's a type of it's an act of worship. And this is
mentioned in some of the Hadith that looking
Get the faces of your parents, for example, is an act of worship and
a bed. And by extension, looking at the face of the island of
Turkey of us. Module Emirati in Saudi, righteous man, a righteous
woman also is an act of worship, see Matt Humphrey which will allow
him and others to deal with the signs of their sujood. Right, or
they're in their faces. Some people think that means there's a
that some people get when they, they they prey on carpets that
maybe have some bacteria, and then you know, they have their father's
Aviva here. And no, see, man, when people join him in authority.
sujood means the author of The sujood on their inner life on
their inner piety, it shows on the outward, and see how the father
matches later, some of them said, as the hero or the one on bottom,
the VA here, the outward is the awareness, right is the address of
the inner. So it will show on people's faces will show to whom
will show to people who themselves have part of that inner life. And
then others who don't have that inner life will look at somebody
and just think they're just nobody, and nothing to be that
concerned about. And they say
they are Elon, only a layer of totally Elon, Elon Musk. So the
people who are from the relay will last a long time and they know
each other, but people who are not from that they won't think
anything of them. And in fact, one of the recurring themes that we
find that people who
want to refute that Allah subhanaw taala can put all of this solok
and put all of the stuff work and put this wilayah in human beings
is that well, that's a human being. Right now. Yeah, all the
time when I'm sure, as well, as they mentioned about the Prophet
Muhammad SAW, I said, Look, I said, how can he be the thing that
you're saying he is that he claims to be, he eats food like us, and
he goes to the market, like everybody else, and he buys and
sells in the market, you know, and those people who say,
who consistently kind of, I think probably drive this point to an
extreme, there's no more good Muslims anymore. And we're really
in a bad time of asceticism. And
there's no more true teachers, there's no more true shoe, there's
no more more of being there's no more any of this.
Cut out, this is a time that has now become extinct. And there's no
more of this.
We say to those people, how would you know?
This is like super zombie, let's not having a good opinion of
Allah's final data. The Prophet SAW, I said them said there will
be always people call you mean, either. There always be called in
in those of people holding up the truth.
Lay of the room and yet a little, they will not be harmed by those
who try to humiliate them or to or to harm them or to bring damage to
them, or to damage them. But they will remain. And so those people
know each other. And they're going to be here and will continue to be
here and all the various Islamic disciplines. So we're always going
to have people who are going to look or add or is going to people
who know the Hadith are always going to have people who who know
the the finer disciplines of spiritual purification that's
always going to be there, Ileana TM, will they wax and wane in
number and ease of access. Of course, that's part of the time
that we're living in and as we go along, but they're always going to
be there. So to use a subset of the Sharia, to use the,
the human attributes, they actually can be avail and they say
that when Allah subhanaw taala wants to reveal your teacher to
you, or your shift to
you valuable anchor society held by Sharia.
You're very welcome. If LT, especially he will
make absent from your witnessing his human or her human attributes.
So you will not see the winner attributes, they're still there.
They still eat and go to the market and you know, maybe even
drink Diet Pepsi, like everybody else. But that aspect of who they
are, you're not going to see what you're going to see is a subset.
You know, Medicare, like the more angelic attributes are the
attributes that convinces you in your heart. This is a person I can
derive benefit from.
And if you don't see those attributes, and you only see the
human attributes, then maybe that's not the teacher for you.
Maybe it's a teacher for other people but for your for your
purpose. It may not be the future for you because you've you've seen
some side of them or last month that made you see a side of them
that then you can accept or can't see that they can be the teacher
or a teacher.
for you. So
the cabinet, you know, our societies, it's important that we
produce people who carry these Mahony or carry these meanings,
who embody these meanings, who are then able to pass them to others.
And the reason that they carry these meetings is that because
they are doing it, as we emphasize here was taken off, because
they're, they're doing it, and they're struggling to do it, and
they're burdened by it. But rather, they are like the conduit,
Allah chooses people, right? And to the degree when he raises them
in rank and degree, that they're witnessing what's going on just
like everybody else. So they're not attributing the deeds to
themselves or their shed or the therapy or how they're helping
people to themselves. They are just almost a third party, like
other people seeing it happen. So he's having the shahada of it.
He's having witnessing of the decree of God as it runs the IGP
elfia as it runs through them or through her. So we ask almost
Matata to give us access and to give us a talk or to give us
habited earlier or have it in a cabin,
Hamilton with a teen and to raise a surprising degree. How do they
have a problem with