Walead Mosaad – AlFath alRabbani of Shaykh Abd alQadir alJilani Class 50
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He comes with a little bit out I mean,
almost nobody was selling robotic. Allah see it in an interview early
he was Harvey
women so very handy. He was telling me Senator you want to
harder to play law, legal Okay, he
lives in the Hurlock
we're reading from Santa Barbara Bernie will failover how many the
city on the other riding journey
and we have reached the 57th
or should I say
the 58th.
The 58th discourse
as we have seen throughout these discourses
should have the other emphasizes
certain themes throughout
and one of the themes that he does
stress throughout these discourses is
alignment. So, knowledge and practice and practice has to
accompany knowledge and that knowledge has to accompany
practice otherwise,
one will not find much Baraka much blessing in the knowledge that
they do there. So, at the beginning of this particular
discourse, he he talks about this point once again where he says,
come to the LM wala tournament that we do anyway. So, Mr will be
nasty the word anomaly malice loss will further further Hallock
that unlimited enema for husband Tim which study
of ALEC data Jill berbil Hire even if they were her Janta who are one
another you know like international be her work woman
and be able to have a can be her work, but your work? Study meant a
lot so Jennifer doing our word Ico or maybe hakomi is our mentor
before hitting rock me as an Arca
woman I
mean I mean
he's upset captors rule badger at fair to orthotic. The doctor was
telephoto because Virgil was the hunter we were father how like
Lebu directly I mean very personalized origin and yet to
somebody one more faculty.
Yes level * carabiner wounded finish who will call me
laughing called fevery that Phil bought in from Mary life Dean for
Hina is intercooler the year to return. Nicola
and also one of the themes that we see throughout that he brought up
in this particular section is the connection of
and no as it or the decree of Allah subhanaw taala or sometimes
referred to it as it with the Queenie confer go and so that
again are two types that which Allah commands you to do and that
which I was one Carla sends down upon you. Right that's what were
the know as it means from a net Zilla and it's also a type of type
of ruling or type of Hong Kong that one must contend with. So
when we deal with
academic TikiLive, that we know something can be obligatory or
couldn't be recommended or it could be simply permissible, it
could be offensive or it can be forbidden. And those are the
things where before we do them, they're accompanied by some sort
of intention. Then there are cam, which are also using the same word
the rulings that fall upon us in terms of our circumstances. And
those two also have
a response or intention that should accompany them and he talks
often about the beleaguer or
or fitna, the trial or tribulation
you know that word if de la bella we also see abuse and the height
of a motor while higher the year the lower
the owners created a note with higher death and life Lea blue
will come right to give you the safety
under a Yukon accent. So it's to raise your degrees and to raise
you and your airmen and see what was the best of you in Amen. Not
that tiny statistic to know that about you. But out of his hikma
out of his wisdom he makes that I look, he makes the criteria for
whatever fat
the recompense and the fulfillment of your destiny based upon the
things that you choose, and how you respond to the things that he
gives you. So he says here in the beginning,
you acquire so much knowledge, but do not put it into practice. Keep
in mind, he was addressing all of it. And it was interesting people
who were regular students of his who saw themselves or envision
themselves as students of knowledge. So he's kind of
addressing this particular point to them, you acquire so much
knowledge, but do not put it into practice. Close the record book,
the direction of learning, and spread out the record book of
practice, man with sincerity sloths, otherwise you will have no
success. So it's not telling them stop learning, but it's saying the
things that you do learn. You have to put them into practice. That's
why they say in my Hakuna herget when Naka Alpha genetic knowledge
can be a proof for you, it could be a witness for you or it could
be a witness against you. If you put it into practice, then it's a
witness for you. If you do not, then it's a witness against you.
And then the RMS, the or ml of practice, its value only comes via
as we know we've heard many times sincerity or its loss to remove
any Shaohua as they say to remove any impurities just like you
remove impurities from honey. When they say Yanni a flustered acid I
remove the impurities from the honey so also a flustered Amina, I
remove the impurities from from my deeds from My Amex.
Otherwise you will have no success. While you are merely
merely acquiring knowledge, you show an impudent attitude towards
the Lord of truth as urgent by your actions, you have cast off
the cloak of modesty from your eyes, and have treated him as the
most insignificant of those who are watching you. You accept in
accordance with your passions. Your however, reject according to
your passions and are motivated by motivated by your passions.
So you surely be destroyed by your passions, you should feel a sense
of shame before Allah spiral data under all circumstances and must
act in accordance with His law with his hookworm. So even though
we do the practice, and we do the amend to the best that we can,
there should also be as the shiksa saying, an accompanied sense of
shame. Shame, like, I did not really fulfill it in the manner
that it should be fulfilled. It was not accompanied by its loss by
sincerity. This is why the first words after really any deed or act
of worship that we offer to Allah subhanaw taala should be succeeded
by holding a stop for the law. Just like when we finished the
prayer, we say ceremony ceremony. And then we say a stamp for a lot,
you know stuff for law that
I you know how with the help law so Jen, I'm trying to do what is
right by Allah subhanaw taala but I know I will come up short. And
that act it off.
That acknowledgement of your incapacity is the building brick
or the cornerstone or the foundation of sincerity.
Sincerity without humility is not sincerity. You cannot be sincere
and then you claim to have done everything right and everything
perfect. And there are no marks against you. And everyone should
be quite happy with your performance about everything,
especially God.
That's not sincerity. That's actually delusion. So the you
know, the stepping stone as it were the foundation of our
sincerity should be humility. And humility means you acknowledge
that you're not capable of being as sincere as you think you can be
and also, you're incapable of
giving what Allah subhanaw taala what he demands from us in in as
much as we can. Because we are
by design by nature of who we are, we are incapable we are Hodges we
got from quite a lot we are going to need on the last panel. So our
will fool it'll last for a long time that are striving towards him
and the Charla arrival to a greater intimate knowledge of a
hospital guy that is not really going to be by the fruit of our
efforts as much as it's going to be by the Providence and grace of
Allah subhanaw taala and that's how we should see it.
Notwithstanding we still try we still strive what they said is
insane Illa Massa
witness it was all for your film majors who just alpha, that, mm,
you have nothing except that what you strive for, and you're
striving will be seen by Allah subhanaw taala. So my desire,
which is that alpha, then you will receive your real companies,
right? Whether genetic modified genetic, or both, whether you the
agenda of the dunya, which is knowledge of God's Monica and then
Jonathan nayeem, which is the
eternal bliss, in the Paradise of the hereafter. But in either case,
that is preceded by a sigh, striving, right, so you're
striving with the limbs, striving with your hearts, but at the same
time, there should be a stillness, a sukoon in the heart, with the
knowledge and to be assured in the destiny of Allah subhanaw taala
that which is supposed to come to you will come, whether you strive
for it or not, and that which will never come to you will never come
to you, no matter how hard you strive. So that is kind of the
challenge, that is the rub, as it were to the strive, and at the
same time, have your heart focused on Allah subhanaw taala, and not
on your striving, but on Allah.
that's why he says,
You must act in accordance with His law, if you practice the outer
aspect of law here of the law, he is Sharia, Islam, that practice
will bring you closer to the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala.
So, all of the A, that the prayer and even the different facets of
the prayer, they're all addressing a specific
component in your heart, right in your soul, that will bring you to
a closer knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala that will bring you
to a more intimate relationship with Allah subhanaw taala that
will bring you to a moral cover and bring you to the shahada to be
vigilant and to be vigilant of his vigilance of view, and to witness
his acts and all things even in yourself. All of the acts of
worship, the ritual acts of worship are were designed by law
Sparta to do exactly that. But again, they have to be approached
in the manner by which they were designed and and the key then is
this loss as we said, sincerity, and you know, the, the the teeth
of the key then is humility, and gratitude and sugar, right and not
self adulation or pretense or sanctimony. These are things that
even though you're doing acts of worship, but if you have these
things accompany with them, which essentially are maladies of the
then you will not necessarily find the desired fruits of all of that
of the results.
So the shutdown has Eduardo Allah rousers from the slumber of the
heedless. And
then he says, When you commit sins, afflictions come and fall
upon you. But if you repent, seek forgiveness of your Lord, and turn
to him for help, and they will fall around you.
So, maybe the translation doesn't convey that point
as exactly it was meant, but
what data lake means, it finds you that you will find that the sins
will bring sort of shackling. And burden and your life will seem
difficult, and things will seem difficult, and your interactions
with people your relationships will seem difficult. And, you
know, and fraught with, with difficulty and lack of ease, and
you know, anxiety and so forth. This is what the effect of sins
has on people. But he says here,
if you turn to him for help last night and seek forgiveness, they
will fall around you. Right. And this is sometimes the same method
example used in rain, how are they in Aladdin? Right? How Elena, how
are enemies around us, like striking us directly. But Allah
subhanaw taala still brings us to a bra. It brings us the the lesson
that's to be learned for as we see it, manifested in others. And so
it will not fall upon us directly. It may be around us, we're aware
of it right because we still have to be between kind of fear and
hope and to not fall on our laurels and think that just
because it seems everything is easy for us. That's always going
to be easy. No, it's by the grace of the last time that we saw God.
Allah made it easy.
And then he says something here very important, you are bound to
experience some tribulation. So you must ask Allah to let it be
accompanied by patients suffer and compliance OMO alpha.
So that word is between you and him.
may be unimpaired
that's the point that's the whole thing
on the line or the vein and muddy you've been or not you are going
to be when nobody when when document Etosha allow me to come
in between you and the hearts of bitweaver and Allah. So we don't
want to see how they're being and obeying Allah, we don't want this
division and distance between us and last part of the island. And
so when Allah's saw the merciful with us,
and we treat the believer, believer and liberty that the
trial and tribulation as it comes to us, and we are patient and we
show forbearance
that which was between you and us and was 100 How can it be impaired
when we start to question the decree, so we don't have patients,
right and sell closure, Danny says, I'm gonna replace that.
If you don't treat things with patients, and rather you treat
them with Jessa with panic, right? Things happen. And you panic about
them, and you're not patient with them, and it puts it in pairs you,
it can actually physically freeze you as happen. That's what panic
is. And in a sense, it can freeze your relationship between you and
Allah subhanaw taala. Because it's because when you panic, it's like
saying, Allah is not around,
you know, last night here are like, where did he go?
I saw a headline on this website the other day, something like, God
has a lot to answer for these days, some something like that.
What a blasphemous, ridiculous sentiment, to be to be thought, no
less to be written about. And supposedly, I think when someone
who has religious faith or religious tradition, that means
you don't understand a lot, you don't understand God whatsoever.
If you think he has to answer to you.
Well, there's an answer to us. We answer to him
for only Megadeath, right?
The use of our home you said
How beautiful is the word of the Quran? Allah you said, I'm if I'm
a homosexual, is that asked that what he does, but rather, we are
asked about what we do. So we don't want to have an impairment
of that relationship between us and almost. So know that it comes
from Allah, and know that the one who gave it to you is the one who
can lift it.
I was mentioned to a friend the other day, yesterday, I'm finding
that there are many, many predictions all over the place now
about how this pandemic is going to turn out and how much of a kind
of history changing watershed moment it is, and what that bodes
for the future. And while that may be very true, but I think it's
premature of us to kind of have a theme or a certainty in that,
because we know that Allah smart Allah just as easily as this thing
was here and just what four or five months ago, there was no
sense of it, no sign of it. Just as easily almost melodic and
lifted from us. Well mathematic of Allah, He because he's one
Metallica liabilities, this is not impossible, but difficult, or even
taxing for last one time and nothing is taxing the one who had
a similar to all of the facilities if you haven't seen Mr. Warner
lunch, or Sahaba, lube, the one who did created the earth and
heavens in the earth in six days, because he wanted to be six days,
even though it could have been done in a moment, murmur, Sahami
loop. And this was not taxing upon him, this was not difficult for
at all.
Allah subhanaw taala,
the most important thing is our relationship with Him. And if He
sends us an empty letter, he sends us a trial on a test, then seek it
use it as an opportunity to cement that relationship, to make it
stronger, to make it more profound, to make it constant.
We don't want to be just
occasional Muslims. So ritual acts of worship, we as we do have
performed them occasionally. And I was on occasion. So we pray Lord
on the occasion of the book or time of prayer, and we pray also
on the occasion of the extra time of prayer. So that's not all that
Islam is, though, those things are there so that we may have a
constancy, right? They're there to help us to prop us up. And the
constancy and the sukoon and the Sakina. And the stillness of the
state of the believer should be something that's, you know,
permanent in the heart that is constant in the heart. Sometimes
Allah small town even rewards His believers in his odia and there's
leap, that even that is an act of worship. Right? If it's done with
the intention of the holy labor either like to, to kind of
reinvigorate oneself and want to get up after sleep, or the next
day and kind of take charge of the of the moment once again. And
that's a great, great blessing from
Allah subhanaw taala.
So said, Let it be a company that tribulation is going to happen to
you, it's going to come. So let it be accompanied by patients and
compliance and more alpha. So you're patient with it and you're
not objecting to it.
Right, oftentimes, in our discourse, as we say, half
patients or patients gonna go away soon. True. But also, there should
be a feeling of anamorphic anamorphic I'm not objecting to
this. I know that it's coming to me. And again, that brings up the
the Roadrunner, Rumi's guesthouse. Example, right, these are things
that come into the house, treat them as a guest, make them
comfortable, and I just learned just a few days ago that actually
made its way into a popular band called Coldplay.
And then they use the lira in their lyrics, they use this and I
read something of that. Lead singer, I believe his name was
Chris Martin, said that he read these this Rumi work and changed
his life. Because this is the lobe of Islam. This is the essence of
the deen, right that it touches your heart. And perhaps we, as
Muslims, we've been a little remiss with that. And we've kind
put a over emphasis on the ritual aspects, the formalistic aspects
of the right, we'll talk about how that food and how long your beard
should be, and the length of your skirt, and you know, what color
your hijab should be or not be. And we've kind of lost focus of
what this Dean is all about. And in essence, this is a dean of
knowledge, it's the dean of beauty, it's the dean of
reconciling all that is about us in a singular, focused manner. And
that is the focus on Allah subhanaw taala. And that is, that
is the loop the essence. That's why all the promises why someone
asked about SN, he didn't mention the ritual aspects, he mentioned
ritual aspects when he was asked about them. But it's sand, which
is, you know, the CRAM that which is the crowning glory, as it were
of the Diend tab of the locket and Nicotero, to worship Allah
subhanaw taala, as if you see him, so. And this is what we described
as generative. mattify, right, as the agenda or as the garden of
paradise, of knowledge, so you can make an argument, it's about
knowledge, it's about beauty. And ultimately, it's about love.
Because love is the recognition of beauty. It's kind of most
appropriate sense not, not personal inclination, but a
recognition of beauty, whether it be in in guide, or B and
attributes of God or in others. And when you recognize buting see
it, then, that is what propels and fuels your impulse to,
to be with the object of your love to be with the beloved. And then
no matter and the ways in which we can be with the beloved than that
a year. Right? How can we be with Allah subhanaw taala or with the
Prophet, so I sent them, right and this is what the prophesies have
expressed. In the cave that has been in Allah mana. Allah is with
us, right, so wholesome. So grief should have no place in the heart,
that is assured that Allah is with that heart and incense, in a
sense, Allah loves that heart.
So patients
Sobor and compliance more Africa, right? Because the more Africa
also has to come from a place of love. It's very hard to agree with
someone or something that you don't love them. And so even when
they give you you know, what seems to be a bitter pill to swallow,
are a word that kind of felt a little bitter to you. But if you
truly are in love, and you hold the object of your love in very
high esteem, then even that sort of attention from the beloved
still warrants a response of love, and that's how we should see it
from Allah subhanaw taala. So whether you find yourself in fitna
and believe in trial and test or in bliss, you should say to
yourself, Allahu Nothern, up right along your shahidul Me, Allah who
may, Allah is looking at me, Allah witnesses me, Allah is with me and
none of those things change. So our
financing, right, whether it's in something that's personal or
something that is a trial and a test
and all of those things are still attina It's still the caring and
guiding hand of God that is with you. Nevertheless, in both cases
so then he says the scratch marks will then be on the external form
to call him.
Here it's the resolution is wrong because not It's not
should be not toilet toilet, not the heart. So not the cloud on the
outer the law here and not the inner property, and not the dean,
not the religion. The trial does prove to be a blessing Yama, and
not a curse. Right? We don't want
fitna for Dean, right. We don't want the trial and test to be in
our deen, what's it? What does it mean to have a fitna? In your deen
at trial just in your deen. It means that you have a crisis of
faith. That means you have a crisis of law I still want to be
part of this Islam or not, do I still have faith in Allah subhanaw
taala or not, this is the type of Indian fitna we don't want. We
rather have it in a million other things here he mentioned wealth,
you mentioned property. And the Quran promises whenever you're not
conditioned, human and fulfilled. Will Jewry so fear and hunger? Why
not consume in an MO le, and loss of property? Well enforce and life
whenever I wish it
was summer rot, and profit. Those five things you might find this is
where you, I'll promise you there'll be 50 that were beshear.
A subsidy last year sobering but give the glad news the good
tidings to a solid Latina either or Soweto. We'll see about Corlew
in Adela, your inner era heroes the ones who were in a calamity
befalls them they say in Allah
right we are for a lot and we are bound we're already on the journey
towards almost all of that. So we just started snot about to start
when we say those words. It's a recognition acknowledgement that
it's already happening on our journey back towards I was gonna
put it and you'll see vana ulama Khattab Allahu Lenor
not Alina, Lana. Nothing was sorted to toe colonial Savannah
ill Khattab Allahu Lenin, nothing will happen to us except that
which Allah has written for us in other words on our behalf not
against us. So that means it has to be an AMA not a Nicola Nicola
will be something Elena right upon us. No
has happened with other Omen with other communities can I name and
Zanna Ali when Allah that we sent upon them, but the masiva it's not
upon us, it is for us. So that means it is a means by a
manifestation of some of the attributes of July love Majesty of
Allah subhanaw taala to bring us closer to Allah right to bring us
closer to the truth and the real, namely, Allah subhanaw taala
the trial does prove to be a blessing and Yama and not
a Nicoma not a curse. So don't think you're a curse it don't
think oh, I've done something really really bad and all these
bad things are happening to you know, if you treat it was patience
and that was panic then it's not a bad thing. It's Shavkat of Allah
who like he wrote it for you need to create it for you
so then I want to go on to just another section there's a rather
discourse but I don't think we'll get into it because it's kind of
lengthy then one after this.
there's another section that talks about vicar and the heart
he says why hack many others UK the US UK coming out today otter
is struggling with it layers of agenda what sort of follow up I
mean, who come after detail, but who be most lethargic online
Zojirushi Bartik and me mentioned that I was equally
chicken was equally I miss ality athletes who have dilemma RTC Lee
the cruelly sent in Kelowna weather, as as well as I like
Abby, as the crow. The crow flies was sued for medical reason. It
also has equal haka as a judge with Clooney as good commercially
whether the crude is karate as Karaca karate cranker Ozarka
Casa yeah and wisdom to see the thought and be that Marcia Faheen
anything at all Google coffee, many of us cup, but there
certainly will be on hand to cover us. zuka zikr who and Maserati
Yasukuni Matsuda Hawa Patricia
Hey everyone, Jamie McCall Siddiq. Either Soto Good luck See ya allah
Matthew haphazardly working comic, when hub Allah azza wa jal that
you have over here is even bigger problem as well in the Dominican
Republic as Virgil can't be outdone kala jam in Colombia
probably have at your sleeve who are always going to be his or who
are similar to who are minor.
We're gonna do an audit, see, we could do it on one with a terminal
handlebars or gel.
So he says here
those who must be sustained,
do not provide sustenance, those who receive,
do not give, or those who must receive, or those who have won
those who must be sustained, do not provide
And those who must receive, do not give this devote yourself to the
obedient service of Allah subhanaw taala and stop plying him with
requests, for he does not need you to inform him and make him aware
of what is in your best interests. As the last one has said, in one
of his utterances, if someone is too busy remembering me,
to ask me for anything to him, I shall give the very best of what I
give to those who asked, and we've come up across this poor and I
remember, there are a few questions from people about it.
You know, does that mean we don't ask Allah for things and and we
stop asking, isn't asking isn't that more fully whether indeed,
the optimal for the better, but the shift here is pointing is
trying to guide us to the matter? How do we ask,
if we think about it, in the senses, he says here, I want a lot
to fulfill my requests, I want him to give him to give me what I
What I see as fit for me, that type of, of though, he said, then
it's better for you to be busy with Vic, the remembrance of Allah
subhanaw taala, till you become more acquainted with Allah, and
have a greater knowledge of Him. And then Allah Subhana Allah put
in your heart the proper way to ask him, right, and the way to ask
him as we said, mouths to feed each other in a by putting
complete agency in the manner by which he will answer it. And so
our dua then becomes an act of worship,
rather than as
something that is more therapeutic, for lack of a better
word. And I think
the there's this kind of general, you know, vibe, not just in our,
in our community, or something, but like, everywhere that religion
is sometimes just seen as a means of therapy, you know, I need to
make myself feel better, I need to feel better about this, I need to
feel better about what's happening. And then so then we
turn to religion. And generally people do do do that. And when
they are faced with challenges in their lives, they especially with
a challenge that they don't see any particular
material means by which to address it. So in terms of, let's say,
acute sickness, the doctors tell you well, it's not much we can do
just pray.
You know, even if the prognosis was good, it was so should be also
just pray and we are bound to seize upon the means. The
intermediate means when they're available to us as as a matter of
religion, as well as a matter of end up with Allah subhanaw taala
and not just pray for a kind of a miracle.
I think also that the way that we are, you know, fervent, and, you
know, in and flying along, as he said, flying along with requests
after request, with kind of the idea, you know, if later to call
that was last night, and then you prayed, and then you made all this
thought, and then you remember, oh my god, I forgot to ask him to
make sure that my kids do well on the LSAT. I didn't ask him that.
Subhanallah now what's gonna happen? Nothing's gonna happen.
Allah is gonna give him the results on LSAT Inshallah, that
you're looking for.
They didn't, you don't need to remind him. He knows already
what's in your heart before you ask it. And he knows what you're
looking for before you ask. So our issue then as the shift says, our,
our busyness we should think about and we're being busy with the
remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. Right. Let that be the
guide. So thicket, and that's why the Hadith Bootsy is so powerful.
Someone is too busy remembering me to ask me for anything. In other
words, they're in a state of finit a type of finish. In other words,
if you have not enough, see, you're not thinking about what I
need and what I need to do and
I know you're immersed in the shahada, the witnessing and the of
the sublime of Allah subhanaw taala and so you're not thinking
about what I need for my stuff or what needs to happen to me.
This was a state of Ibrahim also it he said when he was in
dimension when he was catapulted in the energy bill came to me
asking what do you need? He said, customer Milan people, honey, I
don't anything from you. Logos my state I am busy in the Masha
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah is redundant, or am I gonna ask him
for he knows who I am and what's going on and why I'm here. So we
want to make a shift and not stopping, obviously. But why in
the way that we turn it into an activity that we make it falen
morpholine da da, da McAleenan. And it's as if there's an E Shona
in that reference by the province, I send them that don't make it
just about 10 feet tall, I bet they'll make it just about
fulfillment of requests. It's essentially an activity bad what
is an activity better do it is supposed to immerse you in your
booty, right in your recognition of your server to to Allah
subhanaw taala. So what type of booty is it in the weight manner
that you request, as if you are the master and Allah is the One
who is answering your requests, and he is serving you are the will
passion in that we don't need to say that. But we don't want to
have that that kind of
you know, the kind of understanding when when when we're
doing it, even if it's suddenly comes our way into our
consciousness, right? Allah has nothing to answer for ignore these
blasphemous people who have no concept in our understanding of
the last minute, we have everything to answer for so we
don't want Allah subhanaw taala to answer to us, we answer to him. So
how do you make a request of someone, namely Allah subhanaw
taala when in fact you are answerable to him?
What you asked him them, if you are answerable to him, and they
said the best dua is to ask him, that which you are answerable for
to him. So what are we answering for a long time that they are
fulfilling rights, both to Allahu Allah vocally that fulfilling the
rights of God and fulfilling the rights of his the bed of His
servants. So look at the of the Prophet Cyrus and although nine in
the cricket, wish you could recall his name athletic, Allah give us
eight help us to have proper remembrance of you and proper
gratitude of you, and to have good hosts Nadejda right, good worship
of you and a bad dinner for dunya Hassan, Hassan will not give us
the good of this life and good of the next, and the good of this
life. And the next is only going to come about if you're fulfilling
the commands of God, and we're avoiding his,
his prohibitions and so forth. So
he says, then asked for remembrance of the color by the
tongue without the heart. There is no honor or dignity for you. And
that remembrance means remembrance by the heart, and the innermost
being the seal, and only then remembrance by the tongue. When
the servants remembrance of the haka, Lord, truth is, as it should
be, the Lord of truth will remember him as he has said, that
Guney as Coco Moscone. Well, it's true. So remember me and I
remember you, and be thankful to me and not ungrateful toward me,
is this contradiction to what Ignatov secondary says when he
says that you're
the vicar without who is better than not having the current all
notes the same concept? So if faced with okay, if I'm just
making Romans with my tongue, but there is not also the heart is
involved. Is it completely worthless? No. It's not as
valuable as it can be. But it's better than not doing that at all.
So the first step is to do the cut off the tongue, and then the heart
will come along. Right Just like when we pray, if I pray in my
heart, is that into a door, stop praying? No, I continue to pray
and I struggle and I strive and I and I pray to Allah to give me
that will do. Help me Allah, small valley and that little rocket that
we we have this other we have this presence when we offer our acts of
worship. So he says you must remember him so that he will
remember you. And some of them even said that your remembrance of
him is his remembrance of you. So when you say you're stuck for all
that you need a lot that does allow remembering you either from
a comment it feels right they recognize that they would not have
the tofield
will be able to say it except the last month it gave them the
ability to say it
so remember him to remembrance relieves you of your heavy loads.
Right is a hammock. If something is heavy on you, just the Corolla
Ella basically lay off my inner group. Isn't that what the Quran
says Ella with the Quran. With liquid Allah with only a reference
of a law anything else? Documenting a clue if you're
looking for then you're looking for Sakina and sukoon Fiat element
as Bab right in the world of intermediate means and if you just
have you know the right
Perfect. You know you'd running a project there just have the right
project management software and you have the perfect project
manager and you have the right budget and have all these things
and you're looking for support and Nina and assuredness and those
things you will not find it.
Yes, we take the means and we do them anyway. But we will find the
assuredness and Nina the sukeena, the sukoon, right, the stillness
in their shortness of your faith and Allah subhanaw taala Allah
basic rely, not mine of Kulu.
So remember him to remembrance relieves you of your heavy loads,
leaving you free from any burden of sin, so that you will become
obedience, with no disobedience. He didn't say so that you become
obedient even in the Arabic he said, he said, When I thought when
you call the kianak, everything about you is obedience. So it's
not an attribute anymore. It's what you are. It immerses in the
essence of who you are.
So that you become obedience with no disobedience. For then he will
remember you among those whom he remembers, you must therefore be
preoccupied with him to the exclusion of his creatures, and be
too busy remembering him to ask him for anything, he must become
your whole objective, so that you are distracted from all other,
your from all your other goals. When it has become your whole aim
and purpose, he will put the keys to the treasure houses of
sovereignty into the hands of your heart. Once that becomes true,
then the things that you want, will be the things that Allah
wants. And if they're the things that Allah wants, you will find
them closer to you than you can imagine. This is the description
obviously that had it only yet when I feel it's not talking about
me and you but it's talking about people who have reached as Muslim
as we believe shake up the apology that he did in his talking about
from experience other shit. That's something that he tasted.
we'll close off with this last thing that he said here When
someone loves Allah subhanaw taala that person can love no one but
him in other words in a true sense of love. And that means you love
others only through the love of your Allah subhanaw taala and so
it's not imaginable that you will love someone or something that is
going to impugn your love of Allah subhanaw taala so it can't be
something that's sinful or disobedient or someone that does
displeasing things to Allah subhanaw taala No, you'll see it
through the prism of your love of Allah.
A lot of times I