Walead Mosaad – AlFath alRabbani of Shaykh Abd alQadir alJilani Class 36
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Smart Raheem comes
along the sun was setting him up, Eric. And I say you didn't
mean, while early was hard he was wearing to your monitor that we
had your standard disability, and they only diem for that.
So hamdulillah under score for the law,
or whatever we are able to continue
in reading from a platform of Bernie one fleeing our many, I'll
say the writing of the Father as the nanny, or the law.
this, as we know, is a set of 62, discourses, or Majelis, that were
delivered over a period of over two years or so about a year and a
half, even though the chef was doing that for at least a couple
of decades,
before and after these Majelis. So we've reached the 42nd. One.
And as we've seen, the style of the chef and even it was described
by one of his students or one of the scribes that he tends to start
off with an Al Quran or Hadith. And then without any notes, he
kind of
whatever ALLAH inspires him to say he begins to say, and hence the
title, I'll get hold of anyone failed Rockman and some of our
limit, they say that, that which you
really telecoil
transmit from the knowledge of scholars.
It's technically not called knowledge in the strictest sense.
So when we discussed in the other session with Duff Allah who you
are new formula, after Allah Spano Tata, and Allah will give you
knowledge or the Hadith. Men, I mean, the Malema Allah, Allah Who
elmen Me or Whoever abides, and practice puts into practice that
which they know then ultimately, that'll give them knowledge of
that which they not know. So this knowledge of that which you do not
know, or the knowledge that succeed, stuff, where that comes
from what's going on with it, this is what they say is in him. Right?
It's something that ALLAH inspires you either
something, an understanding of verse or a hadith or something
like that, then they say that is your knowledge, but that which you
transmit from the machete, or you transmit from scholarship,
technically, that's someone else's knowledge, and you're relaying it
to someone else. And of course, generally speaking, we still
consider that to be knowledge, it's still in, but not in the kind
of this very specific sense that some of them talk about. So, and
the key to that knowledge is a human, right, the key to that
particular type of inspired knowledge is, is Armel is putting
into practice that which you know, which has been transmitted. And
that's why revenue does vary. For example, He says, In the beginning
of the path, it is knowledge, and then the middle is practice. And
then at the end, it's also knowledge again, that this
knowledge that comes at the end is different than the one at the
beginning, going into the beginning is call it discursive
knowledge, transmitted knowledge, things that you have to learn,
then you put it into practice, then after that, almost all data
will give you that which you do not know, give you understandings
and insights and openings. And
ultimately, it will be a type of knowledge that will sustain you
throughout your spiritual path or spiritual career, throughout your
life, until you meet your Lord once again upon death. So that's
why it's very important that in addition to
you know, listening to different lectures and things like that, we
should all try it as much as we can to have a program min hedge of
knowledge seeking, you know, the, there shouldn't be a day that goes
by we didn't learn something new
from both transmitted knowledge and then eventually Inshallah,
last month I will give you something new from an what have
you knowledge or gifted knowledge that will tell us what that
inspires directly into your heart. Otherwise, if you think about it,
what's the point of the day just to wake up and you know, eat and
sleep and do what people do to seek a livelihood and
entertain themselves maybe when they get back for the greater part
of the evening and then go to sleep and do the same thing over
We want our lives to be
more enlightened than that more productive,
more in tune with the divine command.
I think this is what should have ufology learning notice of the
people of his time. Maybe this lackadaisical sort of
attitude to many things.
You know, the so number one target is that things have expiry dates
and lifespans. So that's everything in life. So even your
mood, what we call mood swings, or mood changes, they have a
beginning, they have a middle, they have an end, then you go on
to another one.
lives of people like that of creatures of the universe, right,
the universe has a beginning and it's going to have a middle, and
then it's going to veer off towards its end, eventually, it's
going to diminish and dissolve and dissipate and disappear. So this
kind of entropy, that scientists have observed on physical sense,
and all things in the universe. I think, also, in terms of our
outward, you know, our spiritual states, they also have this sort
of entropy or kind of lifespan. And
the idea is not to try to elongate the lifespan of a particular
state, but to take the benefit of it and then look forward to, to
what will come after. So it's kind of cyclical, and it's, it's
And, you know, that's why we think also the Quran has arrived in
Malta has the Quran as we study it, as we read it, as we reflect
on its verses and its signs, it's yet you can pick it up anywhere,
need not be in at the beginning, or you can remember in the middle
that the middle is like the beginning. So you can start
anywhere in those half and then go from one to the next.
One sub layer and one on completion to the next. And so
rather than have that, and every time you look at it, something
new, may jump out at you some meanings, or some reflections that
you didn't have before will give you that so it's constantly giving
you and as we talked about in the previous session, the book of
creation also is like that. So keytab alive Mr. Rokita wine Law
Group, my group
and my iPhone. So my role is the
the universe you know, the world around us off earlier on in your
thinking of the unforeseeable signs and out in the earth and
within yourselves and so,
you, you know, as the distractions begin to go away and the things
that keep our kind of inner most being what he calls a service you
have the father kind of
begins to come more to the surface and influences the heart and the
cloud and eventually the neffs right. So even your, your
inclinations then start to be in line with what the Sharia wants
from you. And some of the great automount have mentioned, this is
a MACOM that they found like so you will have a shot on you
mentioned that is really couldn't go near something that was haram
in terms of food except, you know, some I think his finger or
something that start shaking and he knew that that's not something
he can approach. So we want to you know, that's the type of cut all
the action work to try to follow the commands of the last panelist
islands prohibitions and avoid them. So that we can have a more
of a comprehensive, holistic,
all have our being as it were, to, to be in tune with with a divine
command and the divine judgment and
so, shift begins also by signing a hadith here in the beginning. And
the 42nd measures of discourse and resource elemental con men have
that any Hakuna acronym and mercy failure totally let women have
that in your corner awkwardness the failure to work cannot Allah
or men haven't got anywhere other than Nursey friendly everyone was
just like the mafia dilla I will suffer Allah mafia he
sent me a clue shift when a humpback kilometer dunya, Ashraf
and utopic agenda and they will call us origin in a chroma Komenda
lahi at Stockholm and kilometer feet Aqua on Mahalo to female
city. Woman I have the code if you didn't know as of June 20 I work
Corolla. So again nematostella Your software will follow you for
a week. We will have zebu I think we realized you're learning the
technology or HMI Kawada dinarica was verbeke in America Yasukawa
your life okay? What a worker Allah azza wa jal for
a weaker or you're in luck. We also feel weaker way after high
school test as you will always
lead to
burning energy and dunya was a heavy heavy it's very, very heavy
for Hina isn't a full of oneness with Merrick virginica as well
because of what they learned as soldiers was It was sheer. You
know you know your hippo and your of your fall because the Euro
when a woman had been renamed dunya filter family or toxic as
origin, you will have a when you have to have had a baby he was
stuck even when you're at Tier barebow and yet to Bella lady you
are your one mother ID or another either lady
ner negative Klempner name calling.
So chef says here in the beginning,
the Hadith of the prophets, I said them who would like to he who'd
like to be the noblest of all people. Let him devote himself
piously to Allah. He would like to be the strongest of all people,
let him put all his trust in Allah. And he would like to be the
richest of all people let him be reliant on what is in the hands of
Allah rather than relying relying on what is in his own hand.
If a person wishes to enjoy prestige in this world, where he
calls a Corona, I would say dignity also another translation
and the hereafter, he must devote himself or herself piously to
Allah subhanaw taala because he has said and sort of a lot, surely
the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is the most devout in the
economical Mendola he o'clock them and this was preceded by diverse
you NSO in
North America, once our Jana from chauveau, aka ala Anita Raffo. In
Chroma comment, a lot of talk, people we have created you, from
male and female. And we have made you into sure open into people's
and cultures, and tribes in economic Vanderlei up top. So it's
as if it was saying, despite your differences, your outward
differences male and female, and despite your differences in
ethnicities, and
points of origin and different languages and
lineages, and so forth, all of those are external things.
However, in karma, the law of karma, the most noble amongst you
are those who have Taqwa. So it's not about where you came from, or
who your parents are, what gender you are, or anything like that.
But nobility and dignity are found in Taqwa of Allah battlepack.
So then, he says, nobility resides in pious devotion to Him, while
degradation lies in disobedience to him. If someone wishes for
strengthen the religion of Allah, he must put put all his trust in
Allah because total trust or Tawakkol will make the heart
sound, strengthen it training, guide it and let it have marvelous
experiences. You're not relying on your coins of silver and gold, and
your material means your ASVAB for this will incapacity and weaken
you put all your trust in a lost battle data for he will strengthen
you help you treat you kindly grant you opportunities from
sources you can never imagine, and fortify your heart. Pay no
attention to this world as it comes in goes north to the
movement of creatures to and fro, then you will be the strongest of
all people. If you put all your trust in your wealth, your social
status, your family and your material means however, you will
be exposed to the detestation of Allah and knocked over the other
or both, I think and the loss of all these things.
Because he is loyal, he says you're very jealous, but I would
say not in the obviously in the human terms, but
last month are created us for ourselves and for him, so that we
may know him. And so, when we have this shitcan coffee, or subtle
type of association with a lot in other words are hard for other
things. Then,
if our heart is containing other things, then we put ourselves at
the disposal of Allah's wrath. And sometimes, this may come in the
form of debe of Allah disciplining us If Allah smart Allah loves us
if we are trying to be pious, and so it actually in the end game
will be better for us. And sometimes for those who reject the
last one without it it does come in the form of Thai, Zeb, right,
which is chastisement and punishment.
So he says, if a person
would like to have riches in this world in the Hereafter, he must
devote himself piously to Allah, to the exclusion of all else, he
must stand at his door and feel too ashamed before him to approach
the door of any other. He must lower his eyes from looking at
anyone but him and I mean the eyes of his heart and can not the eyes
of his outperform or his
so we've seen this theme before from
Chef, the idea of
complete devotion, reliance, turning towards Allah subhanaw,
Taala in Haifa, in terms of the heart. And he kind of mentioned
also in other sections, that in order to do this, there's going to
be a sort of trajectory for most people in order to achieve what he
is talking about. And others have talked about,
quite specifically, in abundance, this idea of Meriva knowledge of a
lost battle to aarnet. So it means that there is some period of a
detachment, perhaps even physical, or retreat, let's call it
strategic retreat or isolation from things.
Our nature is that if we are constantly surrounded by things
that are going to be distracting to us,
you know,
lead here things that will just will put us in a state of diverted
attention and lack of focus, and so forth, and appealing especially
to our lifts to our appetite of soul and to our ego, then it
doesn't really leave much opportunity for us to develop
spiritually. And so, this idea of strategic retreat or strategic
detachment, even in a physical form, we find this also emphasized
in the Sharia. So we have the idea of attic F, like in Ramadan.
Allah, the aka fellowship means he stays there. So to kind of have
some period of isolation or retreat in the, in the Michigan
during Ramadan. There's also as we've seen before this idea of
halwa. So Hunnewell means also to take a step back to retreat to be
by oneself. We saw that in the career of the prophets are seldom
he also would go to
Valhalla, and for periods of retreat even before and Wua before
the meeting with God.
And, for example, Zakariya in the Quran, that he was given the news
of a son even though he was quite advanced in age and his wife was
considered to be sterile, or who was significant Mojave and ally of
Ashoka. We are here on Sunday from mahalo heart. So as he was praying
in there, hello, which is the type of Carla and then Muhammad is his
prayer area. The angels gave him the glad tidings of a son who will
be named. Yeah.
We find that
Musa he said that Moses, He retreated from Egypt, and went to
the meridian, where he spent 10 years he also got married and was
sort of in a period of isolation till he goes back to Egypt, and
leads his people his home out of Egypt. So this this theme we see a
lot, and
this doesn't mean that we have to kind of give up everything in
life. And so all our possessions and go retreat to a mountain in
Nepal, or Kathmandu or something like that.
You could choose to do that. But
I think it also means that we should have these periodic kind of
step back retreat
on a daily basis on a weekly basis, on a monthly basis, and
maybe perhaps a yearly basis, and maybe perhaps, the type of one
that you do once in a lifetime. So the one on the daily basis is as
simple as devoting perhaps 15 minutes
post treasurer or something like that, just to contemplation into
the fact over into the bore and clearer and deeper and remembrance
of God and maybe a similar
type of time the evening also to do that. And, you know, perhaps on
the on a weekly basis, if you're fortunate enough to live somewhere
that you know, like nature or hiking trail or someplace that you
can kind of be
away from things and detached. A place where you can turn off your
phone for half an hour
and not take any messages or phone calls and just kind of you know,
today they call it decompress, I think is the word that they use,
which gives you an indication that we are already highly
agitated to begin with all of these inputs coming our way. And
then we buy inputs to our senses.
And so it's not just causing maybe a heightened sensory overload. But
if the senses are the keys to the path to the heart, then it also, I
think, puts our spiritual state in an agitated state. So it's
important to be able to step away to take a few pieces back
and do these periodic kind of strategic attachments.
And that's the middle of the path.
And then eventually,
instead of just kind of off the highway, we'll also have a hug off
a jaguar. So hello, solitude amongst the multitudes. So even
though you are physically,
you know, in a place where there's 50,000, other people like you, or
something that's quite
from from the exterior, crowded and many people, but inside,
you have the homeland side, you have the detachment, you went
through the training
that you do on a periodic basis, in order to free yourself from the
shackles of dependence on humanity, and looking to them for
inspiration and looking at them for solace and looking at them for
material well being and looking to them for everything, when it
should be a loss. And then at that point, your colleagues will be
amongst people, you form your most people, and you may appear no
different than anybody else. And that's kind of the idea. The idea
is not that you're going to be kind of this
necessarily could be but not necessarily this very spiritually
looking sort of person with, you know, turban, and so then walking
with a cane and, you know, looks like something that doesn't belong
in society, in particular society, you know, it could be just anyone
looks like everybody else. But inside
the font is what counts, so their column is not the point.
Therefore, the outer part is nothing more.
So the show who's talking about this
aroma, this dignity, the attack on this strength, via Tawakkol, Allah
Allah. So notice that those two connections, so Taqwa is nobility,
and it is dignity. So it's not by what you possess, it's about by
what you are free from, in your heart. And that's also one of the
meanings of strength. So what can I love being completely reliant on
data, so all the things that your heart is free from being attached
to, and dependent upon, then gives you the inner strength because you
can have all of these crazy things going on outside, things go things
come, people come people go, material, wealth appears it
disappears. All of that is secondary, and maybe even
irrelevant, compared to the
the strength of the heart or school and so
there is a section here that he doesn't mind talks about that a
little bit
so he says, you know, hula, in an authentic way, number 13. With our
Killian were second frolic and there's so many familiar
assessments on the site. It was hard like getting near to for
somebody first of all, thirdly, what can I just say? We will look
at the ad hula Buka.
Corporal junior
now in your clinical work, I hope the whole orbital Junior ocra a
sub room offer to help the Azerbaijan fee for War II or for
the reserve of a year ago when I have I have an inkling that we
separate the head and the movement and walked in for Southern Ireland
could derive HDR and let the Aurora in sub Rafi own tirar
woofie sanatorium is clear. Gave it a daring email and when I saw
barrack caverta during manufacturing
they're shaped when they as you will remember the dollar the
dollar or whatever was set up in Arthur vetti with us we were
allowed to lose a lot
of them
Oh young man or woman. This page 250 1/4 paragraph if you wish to
be devout
trusting and confidence.
You must learn patience for the basis of all that is good. If your
intention to be patient is genuine, and you practice patience
for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala his word you will be that
His love and His nearness will enter your heart in this world and
the hereafter. Patience is conformity to the
Have a little bit of truth, in compliance with his judgment and
his decree of Destiny called Out of which he has foreknowledge
and which none of his creatures is able to erase. This is established
fact in the view of the convinced believer and walk in. So he bears
with patients, whatever he has decreed for him of his own
volition, and not from sheer necessity. So, and he translates
it the law of sheer necessity if there are means a loss you
know, nothing as you to walk out and walk the I mean, whatever it
is that the situation is presented itself and most of the time, you
just don't have any choice but to try to be patient. And perhaps
this is also some of the Hadith the Prophet SAW, I suddenly said,
in American Robotron, why never hand over to handle
knowledge is by learning and learning to be calamitous by
burning oneself with the attribute of clemency. And then they
extrapolated from that way number seven with a sample that patients
also if you don't have it as a CGI, you don't have it as an
innate attribute or characteristic, either one that
you have been been given by Allah subhanaw taala, or one that you
have been fortunate enough to, to develop in yourself and be trained
for it so that it becomes like second nature, then at the
beginning, at least, you have to burden yourself with it. You have
to push yourself this is what's called Mujahidin, whether the
nature Hygrophila the unknown so moulana And the ones who put this
Mujahideen striving and struggling, we will guide them to
our ways.
So patience is the conformity of the Lord to the lord of truth in
compliance with his judgment.
And his decree of destiny has caught up of which he has
foreknowledge in which none of his creature is able to erase. This is
established fact in the view of the convinced believer so he bears
with patients whatever he has decreed for him of his own
volition and not from this, what we've described as just sheer
necessity or to callaloo in the first stage, patience is a
compulsory obligation. But in the second stage, it is a voluntary
choice. So here's making a distinction between a set will
Sanic will Vina and Cam, oh, an addict will mentor he own walsim
some of the Sonic in the beginning of the path, it's a composer
obligation. It's bitter, was a bitter taste to it, it's
difficult, but then it becomes something in the second stage, as
he says here on the wall seal of voluntarily choice to be patient.
How can you lay claim to faith even when you have no patience?
How can you claim your knowledge America when you have no
willingness to accept, this is not something that comes about through
the steps unsubstantiated claim.
So again, this is also one of the sort of quality themes from sea
level apology learning, that thought or the wind is bought in.
And if you're making a claim, then that claim has to be backed up by
the internal fortitude that substantiates the claim. So, it
can be the ILA in Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah, and that means,
encompassing within oneself, all those things, of the meanings that
are contained there in submission to Allah Tawheed of Allah subhanaw
taala not seeing any other thought and therefore not seeing any other
entity that can bring you harm or bring you benefit except Allah
subhanaw taala so,
you know, all of the meanings of the DNR are within the shahada
thing, and they can or they're all encompassed within them. And so
suffering and or this stillness and tranquility of the heart,
will come about in sha Allah after one passes through some of these
stages in order to, to,
to get to a more intimate and
state and also more stronger conviction, where he calls the
client, right and one more pin, right. So the more certainty that
you have, then the more still that your heart becomes, with the
contentment of Allah subhanaw taala.
There is one more section I want to get to. That's comes in the
last part of this discourse
that we've only touched upon very briefly before
where he says
Usually the whole Bible talk to your ear who can can offer you
have to be able to finance from what you read or who really
finance in your mobile or on the phone or you read a whole layer or
confirming fabric, Xena, Xena, Xena Villa he has origin when it
to solve a while fuck the whole board why why as urgent one is
still the net will be late and then human suffer called boohoo be
called Biragi as urgent one for free room and animated when all
other has enough and yet hope dunya will offer our female unless
wanna see well from Joomla you have your fridge with a shipment
called V shaped and for che let at UCLA yeah to be held in your seat
or module in the comb in the backyard. I have no qualms than
that. So we're gonna be fatale Paseo de la Jara Darko minyama
to the for her Elaine de water steady Looby Holly was Jada black
woman are in Montana movie, what do we know?
Along the vehicle rubella in a
white enough in dunya, Hassan, Hassan. Okay,
so the last paragraph in the discourse, more or less that comes
on page
on page 255.
in the four that he was talking about what we talked about the
stages and so now he's talking about the last and final stage
after a descale talk we have with us via purification, all these
things, he brings them into existence after non existence.
So here, this is a new type of existence. Some of them I heard my
teacher say they call it and we then Athenia like a second birth,
you know, to be reborn not to
walk, you know,
images of when people talk about reborn religion, and not that
sense, but the neffs itself now has been subdued, to the degree
where there's a kind of a new existence, that instead of the
neffs, leading you around, and the ego and the appetite, it is your
voice and your self that are now influencing the client and up and
the intellect and even the neffs itself become submits to that. And
so it will be a new way and a new understanding and almost like a
new life that begins. So this is what he's describing. And this is
often described as an app
definitely, I'm calling Mercy of Allah azza wa jal to be oblivious
and to almost be annihilated because that's what it means from
everything except the last pile of data and then you come back after
that to a new form of existence which is a new form of what they
call backup. So you're still there but you're there in a different
way. So he brings them into existence after non existence he
creates a new DNA lie Alessi with the hand of annihilation and find
that then restores him with the hand of what he calls survival
more of a clock, so that he may seek reunion only call right that
physical union with Allah subhanaw taala but a spiritual way you know
to be in the health of a to dismay
mankind of Allah, Allah Houma, right if you're with a lot of
Allah's with you.
Then he sends him back to southern people from poverty to wealth,
wealth, meaning enrichment through Allah subhanaw taala and being
contacted to songs him and poverty, meaning remoteness from
Allah and making do with others. The rich man is one whose heart
wins the nearness of his Lord. This isn't any. So Rich here in
arabic language As any means the one who is
self sufficient or sufficient with something other than that which
will debase him so low into Lenny Belaire. So someone who has
sufficient with Allah subhanaw taala while you will never be
debased by finding your sufficiency with Allah, but if
your sufficiency and even Mal was an evil, Jaya was an evil
Talamo motivation and followers and fame and it was shorter, all
those things are in their nature in their inherent nature, they're
debasing. So it's a false type of sufficiency. It's not at all it's
actually I know, it is the epitome of
poverty. So, and hawks in Allah, who will win a villa. So
unfortunately, Allah, wa, wa wa, ala Cy, see, well, I was going to
be less so to be needy only of Allah Subhana Allah and that
needy, of anything else that in itself is wealth, in other words,
that in self sufficiency, but to be Xeni, where you see your wealth
as your being you define yourself by your possessions, and the
number of people
Who count you as their friend and the number of followers you
consider yourself to have and how much power influence while those
things are debasing, because one moment they can be their woman
they can be not. So this is like Xena, and Fanny Daniel. So to be
running, to be sufficient with things that are no more powerful
than yourself, they can't maintain their own existence and it can be
gone in an instant. This is Ireland Emelina. Ben Glenny,
always willing to be sufficient with Allah subhanaw taala. And He
is the One Only who is bowtie, right, he was everlasting. And
they are funny, right? He's never going to be not there, then that
is the true Vina, that is true wealth.
So then he says such a person that last month, I know you thought,
Oh, who is that middle, right chooses him and put him to work
put him to work how or her. Then he sends him back to summon
people, from poverty to wealth, wealth, meaning enrichment through
Allah, and being in contact with the slog with him. And poverty,
meaning remoteness from Allah spend without it and making do
with others. The rich man then is one whose heart wins the mirrors
of his Lord, while the poor one is one who fails to achieve this. If
a person wishes for this wealth, he must renounce this world and
the hereafter and all that they contain.
And suddenly I'm quoting him asking Allah to be self sufficient
with Allah and nothing else, not even the hereafter.
So renounced this world and the hereafter all that they contain as
well, everything whatsoever that is apart from him from Allah, you
must evict all things from his heart, he must be quoting from his
heart, one thing after another. And sometimes you do this on your
own, and sometime last month that helps you. Right? So this pandemic
that we're in and the self isolation, it's actually a lot of
them are kind of helping us along this thing, I think a little bit.
So these things are not available to us anymore, what we used to
depend upon and they're being kind of evicted, one by one from our
heart. And so, perhaps, we come out of this in a place that the
shift is describing here as being the left right in the true
sufficiency with the last battle that you must not be restricted to
this trifling amount you have you have at your disposal. This
trifling amount you have here has been made available as travel
rations, so stuck yourselves with it in the course of your journey
towards him gaiety, that of you heard of the dunya material things
he has provided you with blessings so that you may ascribe them to
him and use them as pointers to him. He has provided you with
knowledge so that you may put it into practice and be guided by His
light. Oh Allah guide our hearts towards you and give us the world
in this world good and good in the hereafter, and guide us cancer
tumor of the fire. So under that apparently we didn't get to the
43rd discourse but
next time in sha Allah so stop here