Wahaj Tarin – Darkness and Light

Wahaj Tarin
AI: Summary ©
The concept of "the darkness of ignorance" is discussed, with emphasis on learning to package the information in a consumable way and sharing it with others. The speaker gives commandments and guidance on trusting in Allah and not giving anyone the means to achieve their goals. They also share love through storytelling and advise callingers to cover their love and share love. The speaker gives advice on covering love and sharing love, as it is important to cover and share the facts in a consumable way.
AI: Transcript ©
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Anytime in 2024

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with all the cameras in the world, a genocide is taking place, and

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the common man doesn't know. So how do you get rid of this

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darkness of ignorance?

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Alhamdulillah, Mustafa, bihadi, ILA power,

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dear ones,

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the topic, our theme is healing the ummah.

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One of the first ailments, sicknesses that Allah Abu

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as to cure

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is the sickness of ignorance. Jahid,

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that is why the first revelation is Iqra.

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So Allah Abu as the necessity for knowledge. And knowledge is the

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cure of ignorance. So when the light of knowledge turns on, the

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darkness of ignorance fades.

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In ignorance, people do all sorts of stuff. Imagine you walk in a

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dark room

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or through a dark tunnel, and in front of you there's a pit. You

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can't see the pit. You'll fall into it. In front of you. There

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are sharp objects. You can't see it, so you step on it. If there's

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a snake or scorpion, it will bite you. Can't see. What is your

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problem? There's no light. You're stuck in the darkness of

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ignorance. Today, there's a darkness of ignorance in an age of

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there's a darkness of ignorance which cloaks the eyes of the

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common man.

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You can't deny that anytime in 2024

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with all the cameras in the world, a genocide is taking place, and

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the common man doesn't know. You can't deny that he is cloaked in a

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veil of ignorance. So how do you get rid of this darkness of

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ignorance? The darkness of ignorance goes when the light of

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knowledge comes.

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So we don't need to do fancy stuff. We just need to educate

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You educate people with the truth of the situation, because walila

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Hill hummed, walila Hill hum, the truth is on our side.

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The truth is evidently on our side, Sky News and CNN and Fox

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News, and all of them can do whatever they want. The truth is

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on our side.

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There's a indigenous population that is being massacred, that is

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being displaced, that is being dispossessed of their land, that

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is being

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the truth is on our side, but it is being packaged, cloaked,

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covered in darkness. But if the common man sees the truth, public

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opinion shifts. Nothing can stand in its way, because the reality,

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the ultimate truth, is the average citizen of this country and of

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every country, the US and Australia and the UK, the average

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population, the hearts of good hearts. They're decent people,

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they just haven't been woken up, they just haven't been educated.

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The light hasn't been turned on because the media floods it.

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So me and you need to do two things. Number one, learn the

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facts, dear ones, learn the facts. Reduce the emotions, increase the

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knowledge. Figure out what is happening. Then

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I'll give you a couple of simple pointers.

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So the first one, historically, our Sheik, spoke

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you know the Prophet Dawood, alayhi salam, who was in the

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kingdom of

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that the sheik mentioned, but you go back, so it's Ibrahim, alaihi

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salam. Yeah, Abraham had a son called Ishmael, who ended up in

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Mecca, another son called Ishaq.

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Ishaq stayed in Jerusalem.

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So is HAQ had a son called yah.

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Yah, Jacob is what is known as Israel. So when we say children of

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Israel, we do not mean children of Abraham. We do not mean children

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of Isaac. When

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we say children of Israel, we mean children of Yahoo, Jacob.

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Now the children of Israel claim that land is theirs.

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So we say, Where was Israel? I.

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So they say Israel was in Palestine, sir. Okay. Israel had

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12 sons. The most famous one was Yusuf alaihi salam. Yusuf ended up

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in Egypt and the land of the pharaohs.

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He grew to prominence there. He called his family over. Pretty

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soon, Israel yaku and all the children of Israel were in Egypt.

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And there they were for centuries. So Israel, the original with his

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children, as in, children of Israel were in Egypt. So if they

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were in Egypt, who was in Palestine,

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and the answer is the indigenous Palestinian, they were there at

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that time. They continued throughout time, and they're still

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there now.

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So doesn't matter how you look at it, I'm just sharing one little

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point for you, because time is short, this is not going to be a

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full, full on lecture. So number one, healing the Ummah learn, dear

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ones learn. And when you learn, next step is learn to package the

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information in a consumable manner.

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A person can have really good things to say, say it in a wrong

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way. He will make a friend into an enemy.

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By nature

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that your father loves you more than anyone,

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competition between mom and dad. But how else between those two? It

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will be one or the other. He loves you,

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so you call him dad or Abba or

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Baba or havrato. What love is good. Call him the man that sleeps

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with my mother.

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Love disappears because you the same relationship. You package the

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you understand what I'm saying. You miss package a good thing. You

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turn an enemy, a friend, into an enemy. Package it properly. You

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turn a enemy into a friend. So learn package, share.

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Share with, with, don't be shy of sharing.

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So the first command that came was knowledge. Second command that

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came was to stand,

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hum, Layla,

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get up pray,

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because prayer gives you a compass. It gives you oomph. It

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gives you stamina, it gives you courage. And then when you've got

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that the second Qum, can hum fa anir, get up and warn. Share the

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information. Share the guidance. So when you're informed, package

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it right. Trust in Allah, Rabbul AZ, and then share. Don't be

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afraid of sharing the truth. A little discomfort in the path of

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the truth. Bear it. Bear it as a badge of honor. You lose your job

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for it. Wali hilham, tell your children. Habibi, there was a

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genocide going on. Your father stood for the truth. Your father

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lost his job, the child will go up proud and confident.

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You lose your visa in a couple of countries, lose it.

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Speak the truth.

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Speak the truth. And last one, dear ones, Allah, has blessed us

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with organizations such as these, ones that can have access there.

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Try to do some khair there.

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Do some khair.

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There's nothing else available to us. I for the last 10 months this

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has been going on,

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I find that a betrayal of a forum and a platform in which I do not

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speak on this because they they're giving their dear lives and I

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can't say a few words,

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and they're giving their Dear lives and I can't send a few

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dollars. I what is left

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So alhamdulillah, the brothers are able to collect in their serious

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need there. So send and what whoever, and no one, has ever

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given to Allah and lost in that game. Listen to me, no one has

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ever given to a business better than to Allah Rabbul, Izzy, I'll

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end with the story.

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True story. So there was a businessman accumulated wealth

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and had one son, and then he passed away.

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When he passed away, the young son took the wealth, and instead of

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doing business, he went into knowledge,

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studied Dean,

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and he used to use the money, the wealth that dad had left, pay his

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expenses, and live like this for some time. Then the money ran out

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money ran out,

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and children are hungry. So what to do? So he decided the only

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thing left is the house, so I'll go sell the house.

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So he went to find a real estate agent, quote, unquote, in the

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olden days, you know,

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met a friend of his. What are you doing? I want to sell this house.

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Why? Because I don't have money. Money is finished. I'm seeking

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knowledge, and

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children are hungry. So this friend of his righteous, there's

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so much to tell you. But anyway, time is short. Righteous man gave

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a you know, the breads and dozers were bigger than, you know,

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afrogand breads, the longer ones, the bigger ones. So a few pieces

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of bread and with butter and honey on top of it. You guys take this

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to your children,

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and let me think of a solution for you. So he took this

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bread with butter and honey on it. And on the way, saw a mother,

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single mother, destitute and difficulty, with a little bit

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young child with her, and the child look at the food, and her

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eyes locked at the food.

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So this man saw this is an opportunity

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that I have a need at home,

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and genuine need, and at the same time a person needs here,

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and an opportunity for me to lend to Allah Rabbul Izzah instead.

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So he gave the bread to the

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to the child,

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and went home.

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Saw the kids hungry,

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the situation. Drove him to the market again,

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met the same friend.

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He goes, I have decided

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to sell the house. He goes, What do you mean?

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There's a whole caravan that has come to your house, caravan like

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camel after camel.

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So he rushed back home, and he sees food and wealth and coins and

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money and and he goes,

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who he goes, Are you this person? He said, Yes. He goes, we are from

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Khorasan, from Afghanistan, ill. Your father did business with us

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so many years ago. And this is the prophets we have brought back to

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So no one has ever invested with Allah and lust Habib, we invest

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this is a business in which there is no loss. Allah, bless you.

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Allah, guide you. Allah, God. You.

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