Wael Ibrahim – What’s your dream- Anfield experience – YNWA

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses their dream of playing for Liverpool in the upcoming season and emphasizes the importance of pursuing a dream to achieve a higher level of Jannah. They also mention the use of the phrase "has a dream" to remind viewers of their main goal and encourage them to pursue their dream. The speaker also talks about the importance of Jannah being a reason for everyone and offers advice on how to achieve it.
AI: Transcript ©
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And I had that dream

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of coming

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to a team a reality. You know, what Brother You should my

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brothers, my sisters Islam. I'm here in Liverpool in the UK.

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Behind me, actually, is the hotel Anfield. One of the hotels is very

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closer to the iconic stadium, The Anfield stadium. And please don't

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judge me on this. Everyone has a dream or has a hobby or something

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worldly that perhaps you would not think that it is essential. I used

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to support a team in Egypt that used to wear red, and when I came

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to the when I came to know that Liverpool also wears red, it

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becomes, by default, my team, and I grew up watching them and so on,

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many people think that I support Liverpool because of Muhammad

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salah, but that's actually wrong, because I didn't even know

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Muhammad Salah prior to him joining Liverpool because he used

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to play in Europe, in Rome and so on, and I wasn't really following

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him much, but this is a fact that I used to support Liverpool ever

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since I was young, and I had that dream of coming to Anfield

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Subhanallah and Allah made it a reality today. And the reason why

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I'm making this video is that I wanted to make a distinction

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between having a halal worldly dream, and, of course, having an

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ultimate goal in life, and that is to worship Allah subhanaw taala,

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to attain the highest level of Jannah and so on. Some people may

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object and tell me, You know what, Brother, you should spend your

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time wisely, spend your money wisely and so on. Look, so long as

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you're not neglecting your main duty, your main objective of why

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Allah subhanaw taala had created you, then I think you can, you can

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participate in those hobbies. You can participate in those

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activities. And this what I'm doing here today, Alhamdulillah,

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even though that has been a dream of mine and it's a worldly related

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dream, I want to remind myself and everyone else that we should

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always aim high and dream bigger. Make our vision towards Jannatul.

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For those, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, mentioned that Allah in

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nasira of Allah, He Aliyah Allah in nasira of Allah, Al Jannah, the

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commodity, or the product of Allah, subhana wa Taala is so

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expensive and so precious. And indeed that commodity, that

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product is Jannah, so dream Jannah on a higher level than anything

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else related to this dunya, because this dunya is going to go

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anyway. So while enjoying this dunya that Allah said about it,

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wala tan Sama, Siba Hameed, dunya. So don't forget the portion that

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has been provided for you in this dunya while enjoying that part in

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a halal way. Of course, always remember that your main aim, while

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you're breathing, why you are walking down this earth, is to

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worship Allah, Subhanahu and to attain the maximum reward that

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will, Inshallah, by the mercy of Allah, send you to Jannatul for

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those I mean, I mean, and remember, you'll never walk alone.

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This is the Liverpool slogan. You'll never walk alone. As I was

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preparing for this video's power, I remember the ayah in the Quran.

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And please, I'm not comparing here a line of poetry to the Quran

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never, but the idea of you'll never walk alone, where Allah

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subhana wa mentioned wasI qaladina Taqa or Abu humil, Jan nati

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zumwalah, and on the Day of Judgment, those who fear that

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Allah, those who had taqwa in Allah subhana Taala will be

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driven, will be taken into Jannah in groups. So may Allah subhana

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Taala unite us in Jannah. May Allah subhana wa make this unified

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ambition, unified dream, of attaining the highest level of

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Jannah be a reason for all of us, Inshallah, to enter Jannah

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together. InshaAllah, I hope you enjoyed the scenes from this

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video. And may Allah protect us all, and may Allah grant us the

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right intention. I mean, I mean, I mean,

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it's gonna

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action He

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my Daddy,

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To the

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food and play on what.

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