Tom Facchine – Word Choice Of Allah In The Quran

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the art and skill of reading between lines in the Quran, which is important for developing a strong understanding of the art. The speaker gives examples of how Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala uses specific words to describe people's emotions and actions, such as "the punishment for the pain" and "the punishment for the operation" in the title of Surah Al Baq opinion." The speaker also discusses the meaning behind the difference between words used in the title of the Quran and in English.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now we're going to talk something a little

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bit more technical. We're talking about the art

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and the skill of reading between the lines.

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This is an extremely,

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extremely important skill to develop when engaging with

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the Quran,

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especially, and also the Sunnah. Because Allah Subhanahu

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Ta'ala treats us like intelligent people. He treats

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us like intelligent people in expecting us to

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use our reason, in giving us these sorts

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of criteria,

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and also not spelling absolutely

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everything out explicitly. There are certain things that

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he I don't want to say hides in

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the text. That's a little too dramatic. But

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something less than hides, he implies them. Okay.

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He implies them. And there's a few different

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ways in which that happens. Sometimes Allah subhanahu

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wa ta'ala, he uses very specific words.

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So he uses certain word choice.

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And in that word choice, there are certain

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subtle meanings that are beautiful to reflect upon.

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Other times, Allah

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uses a particular

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order of words, the syntax.

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And he has a message for us in

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the in the word order that he uses.

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And then other times, and this is my

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favorite one, Allah

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he responds

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to doubts that the reader is having or

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might have without actually naming the doubt whatsoever.

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He anticipates it and responds to it, but

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never says what it is. And I'm gonna

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give examples of each of these three things.

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Okay. So we're talking about word choice. Okay.

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Let's go to the beginning of Surah Al

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Baqarah. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, he details 3

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types of people. He details the believers, and

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he defines who they are. Then he talks

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about the kuffar. Okay. The rejecters of truth,

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and then he talks about the hypocrites.

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So when he talks about the kuffar, he

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He says the punishment for the kuffar, the

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people who deny and reject faith, adabun

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He says we translate it as a great

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punishment. Okay. Adab is punishment. Avim is the

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word he uses to describe that punishment. Then

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he starts talking about the hypocrites, umil nasimayakuluamanabilah,

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until the end of it. And when he

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talks about what's going to be their end,

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he says,

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He uses a slightly

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word. He says they're going to have

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a punishment,

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So we had the Kufar

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are going to experience,

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and the hypocrites are going to experience.

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Does Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala just pick 2

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random words, or might there be a meaning

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behind the difference between these two words? And

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might the difference between these two words reflect

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something about the people that they apply to

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and describe? Our professor, one of my favorite

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professors in the Islamic

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University of Medina, his name was Muthena 'Abdul

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Fattah from Jordan. He said that, and he,

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you know, presented this to us in class.

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What's the word that alim is is related

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to in the Arabic language is adam,

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bones. K. Bones are something that's very physical,

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something very corporal. K. And this is applied

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to the kuffar. The word that elim

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is tied to is elem. Okay? And elem

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is a type of pain, but it's usually

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a hidden pain that you can't see. If

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you have a headache or you have some

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sort of, stomachache or something like that, usually,

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we use the word elem to describe it.

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Okay. As opposed to something like jar, which

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is like an injury, like a cut that's

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on the surface. Right? So our professor, Mu'than

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Abu Fata'h, he said that each of these

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two words corresponds

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to the group of people that they apply

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to. Because

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Allah describes the punishment for the kuffar as

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as physical and corporal,

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because their denial is obvious and out in

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the open, adhim. Whereas the hypocrites,

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their denial is hidden

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and internal.

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And so the word he uses to describe

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their punishment, adagun alim,

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is also has connotations

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of hidden and internal. And Allah knows best.

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Well, this is presented by our professor,

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Mutan Adar Fattah, and he's has won awards

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for his research in tafsir, mashallah Tabarakallah. I

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had him for 2 semesters in the university.

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala doesn't do anything arbitrarily.

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He doesn't do anything just playing around. If

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there's a difference between two words, you best

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believe that there's a purpose behind that difference.

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Whether we can know it or not, that's

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a different thing. And, you know, there's, we

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we might get close to it or we

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might not. We don't have certain knowledge, but

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there's aayat and there's things to reflect upon

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that can make us more amazed with Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and his book. So when

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you go to the English translation

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and you read, you know, it's a great

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This is the level of contemplation

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and inflection and implied meaning that is hidden

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from us when we're engaging in the Quran

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in, a language other than what Allah, revealed

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it in.

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