Tom Facchine – The Islamic Cure for Overconsumption – Tom Weekly

Tom Facchine
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The speaker discusses the concept of "ingerence" and how it is linked to personal and cultural reasons such as the belief that men should be
the most

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			We live in such a throwaway culture and
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			such a disposable culture that Islam has so
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			much to educate people about sustainability and about
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			proper consumption and not overly consuming or not
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			taking too much.
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			Of course there's the famous hadith of the
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			Prophet ﷺ who saw someone using a lot
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			of water to make voodoo and he told
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			him to, you know, calm down, to not
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			use that much water and the Prophet ﷺ
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			reiterated even if you were in a river,
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			even if you were in a running stream,
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			you look around and it seems like you
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			can't even possibly waste water in that situation
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			and the Prophet ﷺ is saying to only
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			use what you have to.
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			Of course these are people, the companions and
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			the Prophet ﷺ that lived without refrigeration, without
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			storing up food.
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			There were times when the Prophet ﷺ would
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			wake up and ask his wife Aisha, do
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			we have anything to eat?
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			And she would say, no, we have nothing,
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			And then he would say, okay, I'm going
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			to fast.
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			You know, Abu Bakr only had one or
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			two pieces of clothing.
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			In the fiqh books they talk about the
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			permissibility of men praying in one piece of
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			cloth, in one garment, because some people were
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			so poor they didn't have more than one
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			Or you hear people dying and being buried
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			and there's not enough cloth to cover them
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			in their graves.
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			If you cover the head and the feet
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			come out, you know, this is not just
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			for lack of options.
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			We saw that as Islam spread and grew
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			and the companions, they, you know, conquered lands
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			and more money came in, that that ethic
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			continued of really only using what you need.
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			That's why hunting for sport is not permissible.
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			You're not allowed to just shoot creatures and
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			not eat them.
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			You know, everything that we consume has to
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			be tied to a purpose.
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			And it's really fascinating because they have this
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			term that's called planned obsolescence.
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			So if you've paid attention that some things
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			that were made in the 60s and the
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			70s, you know, they were made to last.
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			You know, those big tanks of cars with
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			the real metal and tables and drawers, you
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			feel like that thing is, it's really heavy
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			and it's, but it's also not going to
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			go anywhere.
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			It'll be there for 70, 100 years or
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			And now everything is cheap.
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			You've got Ikea furniture, which is just like
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			wood pulp that's stuck together with glue.
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			And, you know, it can't even barely hold
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			a shelf of books without collapsing.
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			You know, we live in a throwaway disposable
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			They've made everything, whether it's the phone and
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			technology, the cars, so that it will stop
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			They've planned it so that it will stop
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			They've made it so that it will break.
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			They want it to break so that you
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			can buy a new one.
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			It's crazy.
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			But that is what happens when you have
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			society that's completely secularized.
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			It's decoupled from any type of divine guidance.
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			Then that becomes logical.
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			If you want people to buy more, you
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			only care about GDP.
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			You're going to look at GDP and make
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			an idol out of it and think that
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			this is the reflection of whether a nation
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			is prosperous or happy or not.
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			Guess what?
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			It's not.
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			Then it only makes sense to make throwaway
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			stuff because then people are going to make
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			more, buy more.
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			There's going to be more stuff.
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			That's what our society wants us to have,
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			more and more stuff.
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			There's retail therapy.
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			You start feeling sad and you go buy
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			Muslims should have a lot to say about
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			this, that we should be on the front
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			lines when it comes to demonstrating to people
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			how to be happy and thrive with less.
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			You don't have to be constantly buying stuff.
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			You don't have to constantly update your wardrobe
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			or get new things.
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			You can actually be perfectly fine with the
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			things that you already have or even, here's
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			a crazy idea, less than what you currently
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			And part of this is super important if
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			you want to take it to another level,
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			to understand where all of your things come
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			A vegetable, a piece of fruit, you have
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			no idea where it comes from.
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			Does it come from New Zealand?
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			Does it come from South America?
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			Does it come from Europe?
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			You have no idea.
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			Thousands of miles, tons of oil and gas
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			was spent and who's the person who raised
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			How does he pay his workers?
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			Does he pollute the atmosphere?
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			You have no idea.
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			It's a society built on convenience.
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			You just go into the store, you've got
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			an alienated relationship to it, you just buy
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			it and that's it.
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			It's been commodified completely.
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			I would issue a challenge to anybody.
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			I'd be happy to do this challenge with
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			Imagine if you went through 2025 only buying
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			things that could be grown or produced within
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			the state that you live.
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			That would be incredible.
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			Now whether you realize it or not, you
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			would be following in the sunnah of some
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			of the great scholars and wise people of
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			Islam such as Imam Nawawi, Rahimahullah, who he
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			moved from his village to a larger city
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			in order to teach and he didn't even
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			trust the food that was around him in
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			that big city so he had his father
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			send him food through the mail from their
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			farm because he wanted to be sure, absolutely
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			sure where his food came from, that he
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			knew it was halal, how it was raised,
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			the conditions it was raised in.
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			Now imagine you did that for your clothes,
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			your furniture, your paper products, with everything.
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			To me, that's Islam and that is Islamic
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			and that's something that we should be trying
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			to promote.
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			We don't just operate off of convenience.
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			Is it more convenient to go to Walmart?
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			Yes, it's more convenient to go to Walmart
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			but Mr. Walmart doesn't live in your city.
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			Mr. Walmart doesn't live in your town.
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			You don't know how Mr. Walmart treats his
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			You don't know if he pays them fair
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			So we have to do better.
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			Islam is all about ihsan, about trying to
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			do not just the bare minimum but the
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			best that we can and so this is
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			something that we should share with society.