Tom Facchine – The Irony In Free Speech
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The speaker discusses how the media and media outlets use Islam as a bait to get people to think that the queen is evil. They argue that the queen's
are not evil, but rather she's a goddamn elephant. The speaker also talks about how people are used to being reacting to things like the queen's actions and that they expect consistency from people.
are not evil, but rather she's a goddamn elephant. The speaker also talks about how people are used to being reacting to things like the queen's actions and that they expect consistency from people.
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everybody find something sacred. Everybody has something that's sacred to them. And so recently we saw how just a few months ago when people are asking them the question, what's the big deal? When cartoons or a book or a movie insults, Islam or insults the Prophet Muhammad? Peace plus to be potty so that's what's the big deal. And then the Queen of England passes away. And we have television programs censoring write programs that come from the United States that say things that are joking about her, we have censorship rears its head again. And nobody sees the irony, right? If people are allowed to censor the commentary that's made about a queen, right jokes made about a queen, somebody
who's a human being that nobody thinks is divine, nobody thinks is divinely inspired, then of course, we have at least an equal right to expect some sort of censorship when it comes to something that we find much more sacred than the Brits find the queen, right? The Prophet Mohammed Ali, salam, the apostle of God, the last messenger. So again, I have no problem with people who are consistent, but what bothers me and what bothers a lot of Muslims is the inconsistency, which we've come to get used to, we expect it now, right? Well, let's call a spade a spade, right? You're going to you believe in censorship just as much as we do. You find something sacred even though it's not what we
find sacred, and what you call freedom of speech. When you're enacting it to make fun of our religion. It's not about freedom of speech. It's not about freedom of expression. You're trying to use Islam as a punching bag, you're trying to flex, you're trying to show that the West is better, the West is superior. And the cheapest and least dignified way to do that is to mock our religion and to mock our Prophet alayhi salatu salam, O Allah subhanaw taala says in Surah, it's an irony for Muslims to not mock the idols, okay? If there was anything on earth that deserves to be mocked, it's an idol. Because an idol is, first of all, the most offensive thing to a Muslim. It's the most
offensive thing to Allah, you're taking all of the gratitude and praise and worship and devotion that belongs exclusively to a lot you're putting it in some dumb, Deaf thing. And yet, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah tells us Don't mock it. And he tells us the reason why he shares with us the reason why, because of the reaction, what's going to happen when you mock something that's sacred to somebody else, they're going to mock you back, just being reaction just reacting just in a reactionary way. And we don't want Allah spawn to Allah to be mocked. We don't want Allah's religion to be mocked. And so we don't mock the idols are the things that other people worship. This is like
when the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam said, or there was somebody who came to him and said that so and so had had cursed his mother. And it turns out that he had cursed the other guy's mother first. And so the prophesy said, and basically said, You cursed your own mother. Like how that doesn't make any sense. He's like, basically, the the lesson was, when you did that, when you cursed the other person's mother, you had to have expected that he was going to do the same to you. Right? So it matters looking at the consequences of our actions. And we take our words very seriously. Okay, the things that we say they're not just about expressing what's in me, right? This
is a whole metaphysic that's very, very foreign to Islam. I have some sort of thing that I have to say, and I have to say it or else I'm going to be unfulfilled or unsatisfied. Now you have to control yourself, right? There's things that you say and there's things that you don't say there's things that are honorable to say there's things that are not honorable to say, right. And Muslims have to lead the way by example, we demand a certain amount of respect or command a certain amount of respect based off of how we act, and we expect consistency from people