Tom Facchine – Stop Debating The Obvious

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the concept of "ingerents" and how they relate to reality and human existence. They explain that "ingerents" can come from a creator, such as a car park or a watch, and that signs and signs can be seen in the biological level. The speaker also mentions the responsibility of humans as they receive information and receive actions from machines.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah subhanaw taala, he says in the Quran and holy quo, minai,

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shayin, mholikun. Or were they created by nothing? Or were they

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the creators of themselves? Allah subhana wa Taala draws our

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attention. Do a contradiction here. It can't be both ways.

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Either you have to come about from something, or you have to have

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just come about from nothing, and we know that that's not possible.

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So if you come from something who created you, what's responsible

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for the fact that you exist, it contradicts everything that we

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know about reality and human life to imagine that we did not come

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from a creator. If you walk on the streets and you see a car parked

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on the side of the road, and maybe that car is illegally parked, and

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maybe it's about to get a ticket, and maybe that's your car, the

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police officer, they're about to write a parking ticket, and they

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say, who's the owner of this car? And you say, there is no owner to

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this car, the car just came about just like that, right there on the

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spot, right there on the street, he would probably haul you and put

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you into a mental institution. Because the existence of a car

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indicates that somebody put it there the just like the existence

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of a watch or the existence of a building indicates that there was

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somebody who made it. Brothers and sisters, look inside of your own

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selves like Allah subhana wa Taala tells us that there are signs in

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the creation around us and within our own selves. If you look down

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at the biological level, if you look at the sociological level,

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there are signs and signs and signs. How did it possibly get

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here? How can we believe that the machines that we use every single

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day, we take it for granted that Steve Jobs made the iPhone, or

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that Bill Gates made the Microsoft, and then somehow, when

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it comes to human beings, or it comes to the heavens and the

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earth, it comes to the cells, it comes to the trees. It's a debate.

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All of a sudden, now we have to go into these long, involved

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arguments and proofs. No, no. People are running away from

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responsibility. You.

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