Tom Facchine – Riyadh al-Saliheen and Women’s Q&A #31

Tom Facchine
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AI: Summary ©

The hesitancy of Prophet Muhammad Ali Ali to act as a god is highlighted in the hesitancy of the Prophet's hesitancy. The importance of law and avoiding small mistakes is emphasized, along with the need for personal orientation towards empathy, sympathy, and orientation towards empathy. The importance of regularity and the natural cycle of menstrual bleeding is also discussed, along with the need for practice and personal orientation towards empathy. The conversation ends with a brief advertisement for a video.

AI: Summary ©

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			This phenomenon are heavy handed in Iraq and masala to Sudan. For them
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			they didn't know what was going on Muhammad Ali he was listening a lot on a limb that'd be million
parallel and that that'd be my limit was even airing then yeah don't get on I mean
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			so that I'm going to come up with a catch everybody welcome to our Thursday night women's class and
this is the last class before Milan and we're going to take a break for Ramadan and then continue in
sha Allah to Allah after Kamala
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			so let's get right to it
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			not studying Arabic we're doing Riyadh Saudi. So remember no is next Hadith Hadith number 29.
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			Sam Gibbons a Radi Allahu Anhu narrated that the daughter of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
sense for him. So the lohardagan syndrome as her child was dying, but the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam return the messenger that was sent to him and sent her good wishes
saying to her, whatever a lot takes away or gives belongs to him. And everything with him has a
limited fixed term in this world. And so she should be patient and anticipate a laws reward.
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			She again sent for him so alone while he was begging him for the sake of Allah to come.
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			The Prophet salallahu alayhi salam decided to go this time with sad even or better and more, I live
in Jebel and obey even cab he took a whole group of people with him, and they didn't Sabbath and
some other men, they all went to see her. The child was lifted up to the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi wa salaam, while his breath was disturbed or troubled in his chest, that His
breathing was irregular, right, clearly something was wrong with him.
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			And I see that they didn't shuttering this how they translate it in this one in front of you.
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			in mind, they translated a little bit differently.
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			When the Prophet salallahu Salam saw this, he began to cry, and tears streamed down his face.
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			One of the companions that was with him sad, said to him,
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			O Messenger of Allah, what's this? Basically, why are you crying?
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			And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, he said,
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			It is compassion, which Allah has placed in the hearts of His slaves. A law is a compassionate and
is compassionate only to those among his slaves, who are compassionate to others.
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			And another version of this hadith, same Hadith, different wording, the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi salam said a law shows compassion only to those among his slaves who are
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			So we have several things here.
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			Keep in mind, this is the profit slice anthems own daughter.
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			And it's free reaching out to him.
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			Right, for help. And his first response is to not come.
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			How do we explain the hesitancy of the prophets of Allah? Allah? He was.
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			Why did he hesitate? Why didn't he come right away?
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			Somebody non Muslim could read this hadith. And they could say, for example, like what a mean thing
to do. She's suffering. And he kind of just
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			I thoughts and prayers. Right, as people like to,
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			to say today
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			when they're trying to express something that there isn't really any action taken about it.
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			Right? We have Subhanallah in this country, shootings happen, mass shootings in schools, and then
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			people say, say our thoughts and prayers and so this has become kind of a term for duration.
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			Among people who would rather see some more concrete action taken is the process of law when he was
sitting here just sending thoughts and prayers to his own daughter, when his own grandson is about
to pass away. What's going on? Why is the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam
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			I'm hesitant to go
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			okay, mashallah, that's a very,
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			very safe answer. That's true. Okay, every action that prophesize seldom does becomes almost like
obligatory for Muslim. So every action has to be done very carefully. That's true. So maybe if I can
tease out something that's in your answer
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			it's almost like he's weighing his action is very carefully. And so he doesn't come at first.
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			That could be it.
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			But he has a message that comes along with his hesitancy
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			or perhaps we should say his resolute decision maybe it's not hesitation at all. Maybe it's his
very, very resolute conscious decision to not go and he sends a message and he says, Whatever a lot
of takes away or gives belongs to him. And everything with him has a limited turret fixed Terminus
life, and she should be patient and anticipate Allah's reward.
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			So what's going on?
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			Could you imagine responding like this to your child if you were in the shoes of the Prophet?
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			Know, most of us could notice none of us would buy the plane ticket doesn't matter how many miles
would fly out. What do you need? Yeah.
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			It goes against it goes against how a lot of us would respond.
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			So how can we understand it? Okay, if if we can't see ourselves in the story. If we can't look at
this and say, Yeah, that's what I would do, which I don't think any of us would, myself included.
How can we understand the prophesize someone's actions, his actions paired with his words
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			this is a nice dilemma.
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			We have to believe that the Prophet Muhammad Ali Salam was kind of
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			good. I guess I don't understand his words. Mashallah. Half of knowledge right there.
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			What is what's his daughter asking of him?
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			At first, what's his daughter asking of him?
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			For extending his life?
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			The prophesy sometimes not just any man, right? He's a prophet.
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			And probably prophets. Yes. work miracles. Hmm.
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			So we get, we get the understanding that there might be a grasping here,
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			or a desperation.
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			And we're not blaming that desperation. That's a very understandable desperation from his daughter.
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			But we get the sense that the prophet Mohamed Salah Salem, is responding to not necessarily the
question or the form of a question itself, but perhaps the
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			character of the question.
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			Because the character of the question
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			seems to be asking the prophets of the lesson.
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			Not for support.
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			But to fix it, right? To fix the situation, my son is dying, fix this. Please, please.
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			Do something. Exactly.
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			And so if you did not like what's the Prophet salallahu Salam with his actions and his words was he
trying to teach you?
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			Every parent should be able to relate to this Subhanallah okay, it's the will of Allah.
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			If that's true, everything's the will of Allah.
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			What's more important? Or what takes priority?
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			Changing the external circumstances or altering your internal orientation towards it?
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			If the prophets of Allah Allah, let's let's forget the the prophesy son for a second, as parents,
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			We see internal orientation Exactly, we see our children go through difficulty. Have you ever met a
parent that attempted to remove all adversity and hardship from their child's life?
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			Every sort of adversity and thing that they came across, the parent wants to bend over backwards, to
change the result to change the circumstances so that their child never experiences pain and loss
and sadness and hardship. Have you ever met a parent like that?
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			Yeah, I have met lots of parents like that.
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			Are we doing our children justice by
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			that sort of love?
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			All the time. Now, let's let's let's be real, like, there's certain situations where it's like major
life decisions, you know, things that are gonna like, really, really have huge consequences. Of
course, that's part of being a responsible parent.
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			But if we take this logic too far,
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			and we try to bend the world.
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			We try to bend the world, so that our children will never experience hardship and pain, what have we
have we taught them something? Or have we robbed them of a really important life skill?
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			Yes, I smell
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			You're right. This is something that new parents especially experience.
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			It's extremely hard, it might be the hardest part of being a parent,
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			to let your children make mistakes,
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			and to allow them to
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			develop the internal resources and resilience.
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			The internal reliance upon a loss patata.
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			Maybe the hardest thing, as parents, we want to remove all suffering from our children's lives. If
we could take on all our children's suffering and bear it ourselves, we would do it every single
time, we would not hesitate to make that deal.
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			But that's not how life works.
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			And that actually doesn't give our children what they need.
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			It's actually not in their long term interest. Because even if we were successful 100% of the time,
who's statistically going to live longer you are your child, your child.
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			So what are they going to do when mommy and daddy are gone?
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			When the world Bender is gone,
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			they'll be left without the internal resources without the correct orientation to deal with. What is
something that is
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			a necessary part of life. Allah promised us time and time again in the Koran. And so I'm quoting so
little Bacara other places that he will test us with loss of life, with hunger, with sadness, with
sickness, all these sorts of things. It's a promise. He asks a rhetorical question and sort of sort
of anchor words. Do you think that you'll be left alone to just say that we believe?
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			Of course not. You're going to be tested.
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			And so the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam he senses in his daughter a grasping, he senses in his
daughter a desperation, a
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			a call or an invitation to bend the world
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			to solve the results to to make the solution to change the circumstances. And the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa salam needs her to understand
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			that what's much more important than this situation and circumstances is your internal submission
towards Allah subhanho wa taala. So what he has decreed
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			because let's just for the sake of argument, if the prophet saw I said I'm comes and makes do or
whatever. If he would do so, and it saved the child's life, it would already
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			be something that Allah decreed. It's not outside of the will of Allah.
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			And so he's trying to teach his daughter, this very, very, very hard lesson for a parent.
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			Which is to say that you shouldn't rely on me you should rely on a lot in this particular instance,
or I detect in your calling me an over reliance upon myself.
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			And our ability to manipulate the circumstances
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			and an inadequate amount of reliance upon your Creator who would never will anything for you. But
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			Who would never give you anything except what you really need, even if it's bitter, even if it's
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			And just in case anyone would ever accuse, this hadith is amazing. Because it doesn't end there.
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			She comes again, or she sends another messenger, she's really, really begging him.
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			And the parent, part of him takes over.
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			And he doesn't just come by himself, but he rounds up a group of people and they come.
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			And his reaction is to cry when he sees his grandchild
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			in this situation.
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			So we know that it wasn't any sort of hard heartedness. It wasn't sort of any coldness from which
the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was not coming in the first instance. This is not negligence.
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			This is not
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			a dereliction of duty.
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			This was actually despite probably his urges, like all of us, if we were in a situation to just run,
try to bend the world.
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			But he knew better and he tried
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			to withhold the first time the second time, he said, no, okay, let's go. And he comes in, he sees
the child and he starts crying.
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			And he has his companion, so well trained at this point, in patience, and understanding the reality
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			Allah's Will
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			and our reaction or submission to it,
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			that they're surprised that he cries, they have an incorrect assumption, even though they're very
well trained and they understand they have an incorrect assumption
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			to fully submit to the will of Allah
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			is to not feel those things into therefore not cry and etc, that crying is a is a symptom of not
being fully submitted to the will of Allah and the Prophet size. So I'm nip that in the bud real
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			And he says, no, no, no, no.
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			what's internal, what's feeling on the inside all flows from Mercy? And Mercy is not an obstacle to
patience and submission to Allah's will? No, no, no.
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			It's actually something that is a key aspect. It's something that's required of us it's something
that all of us should aspire to. It doesn't mean that we're going to run and try to change the world
or bend the world.
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			That's a different sort of thing.
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			You can be both you can be submissive to the will of Allah completely and understand the reality and
know that this is the wisdom of Allah Spano Tata, and yet have so much mercy in your heart that when
you see such a thing, you are moved to tears.
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			And so we see again, that Islam is perfectly balanced between two extremes, some sort of
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			extreme mercy on one hand, or something that people might mistakenly think is mercy.
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			Where they think that mercy is really just alleviating all suffering. No way.
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			Suffering is McDole. Suffering is part of our existence and there's no end to it. Allah has willed
it and it will happen. Why does it happen? It's not without purpose. It's not
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			cruel, it's not
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			or vengeful, at least not always.
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			It's about training us to have this
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			internal orientation
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			to towards the aspect of it as well by a law and also allowing us the room to have an internal
orientation towards empathy, sympathy and mercy.
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			And as a smart set in the beginning, the prophesy sudden, when he does something, gets an example
for us all.
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			And so, as parents, we have to try to embody this as much as possible
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			to impart in our children the understanding of reality that
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			suffering is part of it.
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			And how we deal with it
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			is more important, then making it go away.
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			But that we also are filled with love and mercy and tenderness towards our loved ones.
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			Good stuff.
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			Anyone have any questions before we move on to?
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			Our fifth portion
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			Alright, So fair warning. So, we will cover issues of fasting that are specific to women now, but
because a lot of them hinge upon dealing with menstruation. Okay, we're going to be talking a lot
about menstruation. Um,
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			there's gonna be some very graphic descriptions about bodily fluids and things like this because
this is this is all in the books, okay? So if you feel uncomfortable by that, or whatever, you can
leave or follow along on the Facebook
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			Live or watch it later on YouTube. It's up to you. But just fair warning. Okay.
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			So talking about menstruation.
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			Why is menstruation relevant to fasting? Because menstruation is one of the reasons that there is
consensus about
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			that not only are you allowed to not fast, but you are forbidden from fasting during your
menstruation for that,
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			and while we're at it, there's four things that the scholars have agreement upon that you cannot do
while you're fasting.
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			We have enough time. Go ahead. What what are they? I just gave you one number one is fasting. Okay.
What are the other three things that there's agreement
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			that you can't do while you're menstruating?
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			Praying a solid, yes. That's number two or number one, intimacy? Yes. Specifically, and I'm sorry,
but we have to be specific here. penetration, okay. And we're gonna get into that there's agreement
that penetration is no go for women who are menstruating touch the Koran.
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			There's no agreement about that. There's a slight disagreement about that issue. There's one other
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			Yeah, that's the majority opinion data. That's the majority opinion. But it's not a point of
consensus. So cuz we're just talking about points of consensus. So we have prayer, fasting,
penetration, and
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			bow off
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			circumambulating the cap. Okay.
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			So those are the four things that are agreed upon.
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			When it comes to fasting, we need to talk about okay, we know we can't fast while our ministry How
do we know when we're menstruating? According to Islamic law and when we aren't, okay. Is the first
little trickle of blood menstruation is the last little puttering out menstruation as well. Right
and everything in between? What if it cuts off and then comes back? What if I'm regular What if I'm
not regular? All these sorts of issues. We're going to talk
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			the first thing has to do with
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			defining what is a menstrual period? Now you can sit down.
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			Okay, what is the bounds of the menstrual period? At what point?
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			Does the bleeding continue so far that we say, Okay, this is not a period anymore? Right? And
similarly, at what point is it so little
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			that we say that's not really a period
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			the majority of scholars say that the longest period can last is 15 days
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			within the city, okay? Meaning that within the city,
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			if it's over 15 dates, that it is no longer called a period. Why does that matter? Because then the
rules change.
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			If it goes for longer than 15 days, then we call it something else. And then you have to get back to
your prayer and you do other stuff, okay. But the actual, the actual period itself in Islamic law
that prevents you from praying and fasting etc, is limited maximum 15 days, according to the
majority, I will honey for said 10.
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			So we see how this is an important difference of opinion that has consequences.
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			If you've, if you've been bleeding, you're bleeding for 11 days, 12 days, according to Abu Hanifa,
after 10, you're not in your menstrual period anymore, this is something else, you get ready to pray
again and fast again and etc. Whereas the majority say no, you're still within this period of what
is possibly called a menstrual period.
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			What's the least amount?
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			The least amount, according to Abu Hanifa is three days.
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			So if you have bleeding for two days, again, this is not called in Islamic law, a period, a
menstrual period. And therefore, you are
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			doing your normal acts of worship maybe with some slight modifications that we'll talk about in a
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			And it doesn't reach the actual period of menstruation that prevents you from fasting until it's
three days.
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			Whereas a Shafi and atma they said that it's only one day and one night and Malik he had the opinion
that even a single drop. Okay, so we have you see, on a spectrum, there's three different sorts of
opinions. Man, it says any amount, and that's your period. No problem. As soon as it starts, that's,
you know,
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			prevents you from fasting and pray.
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			Akhmed and a chef he said one day a night I will honey for said three days and three nights.
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			What about if we look in the opposite direction, okay, we have this period of purity
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			in between menstrual cycles or your non menstruating period. Okay. What if What if you're
menstruating a normal amount? Six, seven days?
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			And then you're done.
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			And then three days later, it comes back?
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			Is this considered a period? Or not? Is this something that prevents fasting and prayer or not? Is
this something where there's a minimum amount
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			of days in between periods?
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			majority say that the
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			minimum amount, amount of days in between periods is 50. Okay, which is simple math a corollary from
their other opinion that the maximum amount of a period is 15.
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			So according to this opinion,
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			there's only 10 days
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			in between
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			two different menstrual periods. Something funny is going on. This isn't a normal menstrual period,
and we're going to talk about what we're going to call that in a second shot.
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			But first, before we do that, we have to ask about our young ladies. Okay, what about our teenage
girls when they start menstruating for the first time? Okay. In Islamic law, we divided women into
whether they're regular or irregular, okay.
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			And having a regular period that you can pretty much anticipate
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			is going to have a little bit different rulings than if
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			Do you have a very irregular or erratic period?
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			But what if you're a first timer? And you don't know yet? Am I regular? Am I not? If I am regular?
How many days is it going to be? I have no idea. In this scenario,
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			the majority say that the young lady assumes that her period is going to last the maximum duration
of a period. So 15 days according to the majority 10, according to Abu Hanifa.
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			And so they're just going to sit out fasting and praying for 15 days, or 10. According to Abu
Hanifa, no matter what's going on, no matter how much is coming out, even if it whatever, and that
you should pay attention to it and see, when does it stop and keep track of it so that you can tell
if such a person is considered regular or not going forward from there?
00:31:02 --> 00:31:07
			If a woman is regular, let's say, you know, majority of women from what I'm told,
00:31:08 --> 00:31:12
			menstruation is usually six or seven days long. Okay?
00:31:14 --> 00:31:15
			What happens if your regular
00:31:16 --> 00:31:18
			normally six or seven days?
00:31:20 --> 00:31:59
			Yes, estimate, even if there's a clear cut, start and stop for new timers? Because they're new
timers. Right? Just simply because they're new timers? Because you don't know what if it cuts out
for a day and then it comes back. And from what I understand, this happens sometimes, right? It's
like, you're at the end and you think you're at the end and it stops you're like okay, you know, I'm
gonna get a shower and then oh, then you have another kind of bleeding events. And you're like, Oh,
I guess I wasn't really done yet. Right? So with somebody who's a first timer, they're not aware of
that. And so they should be allowed the whole period to determine whether
00:32:01 --> 00:32:06
			what is their normal? What is their normal duration of administration or not?
00:32:09 --> 00:32:14
			So what if your regular normal menstrual cycle six, seven days
00:32:15 --> 00:32:28
			but then you have this one weird cycle? Let's say it's Ramadan, where you bleed more than you
usually do? It goes on for longer. It goes on for this time eight, nine even 10 days.
00:32:29 --> 00:32:42
			What should you do? Should you consider this as part of your menstrual cycle? Or should you consider
this something else that's going on and make your also make take your shower and pray
00:32:45 --> 00:32:58
			the majority the majority say that a woman if she's regular sticks to her regularly expected
menstrual cycle, which might seem surprising to you. But that's the majority opinion.
00:33:00 --> 00:33:07
			If you're normally six, seven days, and one time freak thing, you go for nine
00:33:08 --> 00:33:19
			day seven when you would normally be done you're gonna get a shower. And you're gonna start praying
and fascinating. And what's after is considered is the house which is kind of like
00:33:21 --> 00:33:24
			it's an anomaly it's not actually considered part of
00:33:26 --> 00:33:35
			menstrual bleeding itself is considered a completely different type of blood. That does not prevent
prayer. Or fasting
00:33:50 --> 00:33:50
00:33:52 --> 00:34:12
			yes, this applies to all times. Exactly. So going over menstrual rulings like this is for all times
but it has heightened stakes during Ramadan. Right? Because when we're fasting and and when we're
considered obligated to fast
00:34:13 --> 00:34:25
			is dependent upon are we considered to be on our menstrual cycle or not? According to the city,
yeah. Right. So determining that is going to determine the other
00:34:29 --> 00:34:42
			Okay, here's a nice question. What if you have a break in the action? Okay. Let's say your normal
menstrual cycle is six seven days. What if you go for two days
00:34:43 --> 00:34:44
			in that time period
00:34:46 --> 00:34:49
			where nothing is nothing comes no bleed.
00:34:51 --> 00:34:54
			Is this considered one menstrual cycle?
00:34:56 --> 00:35:00
			Or is this considered something else that's kind of two parts and in between
00:35:00 --> 00:35:10
			Is this period of purity where you have to shower and pray and if it's Ramadan fast? This is an
issue that the schools have last split straight down the middle.
00:35:12 --> 00:35:15
			Abu Hanifa and a Shafi Rahim on Allah,
00:35:16 --> 00:35:19
			they were of the opinion that this is all considered one period,
00:35:20 --> 00:35:32
			that even if it stops to three days, Nope, it's all considered one period. And you don't shower. And
you're not obligated to fast or pray.
00:35:35 --> 00:35:41
			Whereas malic acid, they said that no, this break in the action
00:35:44 --> 00:35:52
			indicates an end to the menstrual cycle. Yes, something strange is going on. But it indicates an end
to the menstrual cycle. And so such a woman should
00:35:53 --> 00:36:03
			shower, pray fast if need be, if it's Ramadan, and then if it comes back, it comes back, in which
case she would resume kind of her
00:36:05 --> 00:36:06
00:36:10 --> 00:36:12
			Very, very quickly on postpartum bleeding.
00:36:13 --> 00:36:22
			The scholars, all the schools of law agree that there is no minimum amount of time for postpartum
bleeding. Okay.
00:36:24 --> 00:36:50
			What they disagreed about is a maximum time limit. Is there such a thing just like your
menstruation, where there's a maximum time limit and anything above that is considered anomalous and
not really the type of blood that prevents fasting and praying? Because the postpartum bleeding
takes the same ruling as menstrual blood. Okay, prevents fasting prevents praying.
00:36:53 --> 00:36:54
			I will Hanifa. And even
00:36:56 --> 00:37:20
			they said that the longest possible period of postpartum bleeding is 40 days. So anything after 40
days is not considered the type of blood that prevents one from praying and fasting so you must make
a shower and get back to it. Whereas Matic and a Shafi they said nope, 60 days, not 40. And so this
00:37:21 --> 00:37:24
			stakes, right, you see that this actually has consequences?
00:37:27 --> 00:37:31
			Is it possible for a pregnant woman to have a menstrual bleeding event?
00:37:32 --> 00:37:35
			If you're pregnant, and blood comes out?
00:37:36 --> 00:37:44
			Do we count this as a menstruation such that it would prohibit you from praying or fasting?
00:37:47 --> 00:38:15
			Again, the schools of law have split down the middle. So you see with a lot of these issues there is
leniency there is an AMC mannequin a Shafi they said that yes, it's possible for pregnant women for
a pregnant woman to have a menstrual event. And therefore, if she bleeds, then she is prohibited
from praying and fasting even if she's pregnant. I will honeycomb admin together again, in this
chapter. They say no, it's not possible
00:38:16 --> 00:38:28
			for a pregnant woman to have a menstrual bleeding event. Yes, she can bleed, but this is something
else. And so it does not remove the obligation to to prayer too fast.
00:38:34 --> 00:39:05
			What about all the different colored things that come out? Okay, like menstrual blood is a
particular usually usually is distinguishable from other types of blood, other types of blood,
usually lighter in color doesn't have the same smell, whereas menstrual blood and as I was, you
know, commenting to someone the other day about how the best way to teach your child * education
is to study fifth because look at all the detail that you get into. So
00:39:06 --> 00:39:17
			menstrual blood within the books is usually talked about as being darker in color and with a
stronger smell. Okay, so what if we have other types of
00:39:18 --> 00:39:33
			fluids or excretions that are coming out either during the menstrual cycle or towards the end of
editor's the beginning? Right? There's yellows, there's browns, there's all these sorts of different
things that are possible. Okay.
00:39:36 --> 00:39:37
			The majority of scholars
00:39:39 --> 00:39:56
			they said that this type of thing is only considered only considered menstral excretions if it
happens for a woman who is regular during her regularly expected menstrual cycle, okay.
00:39:57 --> 00:39:59
			So if this comes out of the blue
00:40:00 --> 00:40:29
			Sometime where she's not expecting to be menstruating, then this is not considered a menstrual event
that would prohibit you from praying or fasting. However, if it's in your normal period of time,
you're usually six or seven days, you know, it's, you know, you're a day or two away, and it comes.
Even if it's an odd color, even if it's kind of different, then it's considered part of
00:40:30 --> 00:40:31
			part of your menstruation.
00:40:33 --> 00:40:36
			What is the sign that someone is
00:40:37 --> 00:40:47
			finished menstruation? The books of Feb they talk about to science, some women experience a white
00:40:49 --> 00:41:12
			Correct? So the abnormal events? Are they they d mark the end of a menstrual cycle? Right, or the
fact that a menstrual cycle has not begun. And so therefore, they don't require muscle? I mean, you
require to remove the blood from yourself in order to pray. But that's something different. That's
not about the muscle that you're required to make.
00:41:13 --> 00:41:16
			due to having men straight, right?
00:41:18 --> 00:41:36
			So some women experience actually the secretion of a white fluid that signals the end of their
period. Some women do not some women simply stopped bleeding. Okay. And so the majority of scholars,
they say that whatever
00:41:37 --> 00:42:08
			happens, whether it's sometimes this or sometimes that are always one are always the other. This is
what marks the end of your menstrual cycle. Okay, so every woman has to pay attention to her own
body and kind of know about herself. What's your Are you regular or not? What's your normal
menstrual duration? You know, what's your normal sign of being finished? Your, your menstrual cycle?
00:42:15 --> 00:43:01
			Okay, what about women who are irregular? All of this stuff we're talking about women who are
regular, women who are irregular are a little trickier. Okay, and the scholars have several opinions
as to what exactly should be done. Many of them such as Eva Shafi and Imam Ahmed, they talk about
whether there is the ability to distinguish between the types of blood, okay, so again, if you have
that light colored blood that doesn't have a strong smell, then you don't consider this period
blood, you consider this a different type of blood, that does not prevent you from fasting or pray.
However, if it is particularly dark, and smells strong, then this is considered you should go by
00:43:01 --> 00:43:28
			this. If you're not able to calibrate it by your normal timing, right? If you're an irregular
person, it's all over the place. Sometimes it's five days, sometimes it's eight days and you know,
it comes sometimes you have 28 days in between periods. Sometimes you have 20 days sometimes, right?
Like if you're very irregular, then you should try to stick to differentiating between the types of
blood if you're able to
00:43:33 --> 00:43:42
			Abu Hanifa however, I will Hanifa says if you're irregular, don't go through all that headache. Just
consider yourself
00:43:45 --> 00:43:52
			in your menstrual cycle for the maximum time, as soon as bleeding starts, Count 10.
00:44:00 --> 00:44:01
			And that
00:44:02 --> 00:44:06
			pretty much does it except for okay, what can you do and not do if you're
00:44:07 --> 00:44:10
			okay, we talked about I should say we talked about
00:44:13 --> 00:44:38
			penetrate penetration, okay, you cannot one of the four things that there's edge math, there's
consensus that you cannot do if you are menstruating according to the definitions of what we just
talked about is you cannot have penetration. Okay, in that area. What else are you allowed to do?
Okay, this is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars, the majority said that you are allowed
00:44:39 --> 00:44:59
			for play for what is above the waist. Okay, that's the majority opinion, even if men and others such
as to Fianna theory, and would have already they said that absolutely everything else is permissible
except for penetration. And I'll leave that up to your imagination to determine what that is.
00:45:01 --> 00:45:02
			What if,
00:45:04 --> 00:45:07
			okay, if if you
00:45:09 --> 00:45:11
			finish your menstrual cycle
00:45:12 --> 00:45:18
			before you can pray, you need to take a listen. Okay, ritual bath. All right?
00:45:19 --> 00:45:26
			What happens? Everybody agrees that it's haram. It's not allowed
00:45:27 --> 00:45:37
			for a man to penetrate his wife while she is menstruating. But what about this period in between the
00:45:38 --> 00:45:43
			She's not menstruating anymore, but she hasn't taken her ritual bath.
00:45:44 --> 00:46:03
			And what's the consequence of this particular issue? Because some women try to get back at their
husband, if they're mad at them. They're done their period, but they're going to delay their bath.
Just to kind of get back on this is just test don't do that. That's not good. But it happens. It
happens. So what if
00:46:05 --> 00:46:17
			it happens? Right, they have a conjugal event before she's taken her ritual bath. Is this something
that is haram? Or no, the majority say that's how I will Hanifa says no problem.
00:46:20 --> 00:46:24
			Do you have to do anything? Yes. They agree that it's sinful to have
00:46:25 --> 00:46:45
			a conjugal events that involves penetration with someone who is actively on there during their
menstrual period. But do you have to do anything? Do you have to like pay charity or some sort of
penalty majority say no, you don't. You know, athma? He dissented. He says, Yeah, you should give a
few bucks to chatter charity.
00:46:48 --> 00:46:55
			Okay, and then the last two rules that have to do with this are sorry, we've gone long.
00:46:58 --> 00:47:11
			Shifting over from someone who's having normal normally defined menstrual events, and somebody who
is having these abnormal bleeding events, right? Either somebody who is
00:47:15 --> 00:47:28
			good question. Okay. Well, we'll talk I'll get I'll let me circle back to that. Okay. What about
somebody who is having abnormal bleeding? Either it's over the period that your particular school of
law said,
00:47:30 --> 00:47:39
			is the maximum amount of time or any of these sorts of other issues where it's considered, yeah,
you're still bleeding, but that's not really menstrual bleeding anymore.
00:47:40 --> 00:48:24
			first issue is, what do you do about washing and praying and stuff like that? The majority say that
you take one of us, okay, you take one ritual bath, and then you make will do for every prayer will
do for every prayer. Even on the Shafi he dissented, and he said that you have to take a ritual bath
for every prayer. So that position of the majority is much easier to implement. Um, we know that
you're not allowed penetration. If you are a menstruating woman, what if you're in this other
category, where you are having abnormal bleeding events that are not strictly defined as menstrual
bleeding events within the city? Is it permissible to
00:48:25 --> 00:48:38
			have conjugal events with your spouse? Yes, yes, the vast majority of companions and setup and
scholars said that and all four schools of law said that that is perfectly fine.
00:48:39 --> 00:48:49
			The question of a smart What about if you're unable to, you're unable to take Listen, due to
traveling? Can you pray or fast? Okay, well, it depends on what we mean. By
00:48:51 --> 00:48:55
			aren't able to, like if we're like, really, really not able to. Okay.
00:48:56 --> 00:48:57
			Such as
00:49:00 --> 00:49:00
			if we're in a plane.
00:49:02 --> 00:49:04
			Yeah. If we're on a plane
00:49:08 --> 00:49:08
00:49:11 --> 00:49:28
			I'm gonna give you have a tentative answer here, because I recall the this issue, but I don't recall
it with such precision that I can be completely confident. What I recall, is that you have something
of a of a grace period. Okay? If you're in the middle of the day, for example.
00:49:30 --> 00:49:30
			You're though
00:49:31 --> 00:49:38
			and you're traveling, you're joining and combining anyway. hamdulillah Okay. So you're in Lahore,
00:49:39 --> 00:49:41
			and your periods are
00:49:42 --> 00:49:50
			then you wait. You wait until the end of austere no problem. Your your shower you
00:49:52 --> 00:49:59
			you pray you resume praying and etc. And it's not a problem. Even if you work traveling
00:50:00 --> 00:50:15
			Okay, there are scholars out there and I can't recall at this point exactly whose opinion it was
that you treat it like traveling in the sense that Dover and Oswego together mount with a shot go
together. So that if you become
00:50:18 --> 00:50:29
			you finish your menstrual cycle during the day, and you don't have the means to take a shower, then
you wait until you can wait until the end of Ossur. No problem.
00:50:32 --> 00:50:34
			What happens if you
00:50:35 --> 00:50:40
			your menstrual cycle is over an awesome and it's about to be lovely?
00:50:41 --> 00:50:42
			I need to hit the books for that one.
00:50:43 --> 00:50:48
			I'm not I'm not confident answering now off the top of my head. Very good question.
00:50:50 --> 00:50:54
			But you don't need that's all about praying. You don't need
00:50:56 --> 00:50:58
			to have a muscle to fast.
00:50:59 --> 00:51:03
			We said in our other class. If you for example, were
00:51:05 --> 00:51:07
			having intimate moments with your spouse.
00:51:10 --> 00:51:28
			I fetcher are both right before fetcher. And then you only have enough time for either a quick Sahar
or a shower. You go a Sephora, it's not a problem to be fasting and you're not in a state of ritual
00:51:35 --> 00:51:36
			Any other questions?
00:51:37 --> 00:51:44
			We went way over time. So I won't repeat myself. I'll just tell you when it comes to the other
issues such as
00:51:46 --> 00:51:51
			pregnancy and breastfeeding. We talked about that in the Sunday class. So
00:51:53 --> 00:51:59
			you can avail yourselves with the video and we went 15 minutes over so I don't want to delay you any
longer. Any other questions?
00:52:07 --> 00:52:10
			Okay, awesome. Thank you very much for your this patient.
00:52:13 --> 00:52:15
			Yeah. Oh Hamdulillah.
00:52:17 --> 00:52:20
			Okay, take care, everybody, and I'll see you next time. Shalom Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah.