Tom Facchine – Our Demands from Muslims in Politics & Biden Dilemma

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The United States has banned the state department from citing death tolls from the healthcare system within Guinea, which is run by Guinea. The health system is trying to push for dem constitution, but the US has been prohibited from citing death toll counts from the healthcare system. The health system is trying to push for dem constitution, but the US has been prohibited from citing death toll counts from the health care system. The health system is also focused on protecting privacy and promoting diversity in politics.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now they say that they came out with

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sort of a a bombshell figure, but if

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you're a Muslim and you're following this, this

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should not be a surprise whatsoever.

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It could exceed a

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186,000 deaths, the the death toll and it

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was now the irony is that the United

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States recently prohibited

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the state department from citing

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death toll counts from the health care system

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within Gaza,

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ostensibly because it's run by Hamas. Here comes

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Lancet which is has nothing to do with

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Gaza or anything and they come out with

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a number that far exceeds by several factors

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that the figures that were the the Gaza

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health system was putting out. If we have

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9 and 10 people, 90% of people in

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have been displaced at least once since the

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war began. May Allah grant victory to the

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people of Gaza and Palestine. So we see

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that with the post war plan for Gaza,

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there's a lot of jockeying going on. Israel

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is trying to push, and the US is

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trying to push, and even some of the

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Arab states are trying to push for a

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of Gaza. This is very insulting to the

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of Gaza, which has basically been the only

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bargaining chip that they have with Sabrina just

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the the anniversary of Sabrina just a day

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What happened

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to Bosnia and the Bosnians when they gave

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up their arms and the UN came in

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and demilitarized them? They became sitting ducks. And

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so this is something that was well

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this is well known. There's your phrase, you

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know, from the river to the sea. It

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can be argued, and there's a context about

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it when you say it, where you say

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it. What I would say, in a respectful

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way to those who protest, you know, yes,

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we're gonna have a conversation about freedom of

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expression. Yes, we're gonna have a conversation about

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criminal law. But actually, if you know it's

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caused an offense distress

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to your friends and neighbors and colleagues who

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are Jewish,

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don't say it. Alright. And I we can

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get to conversation about freedom of expression. Okay.

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So as you can tell, I mean, like,

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this is a very very milk toast, vanilla

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take from Sadegh Khan. We don't just want

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Muslims in power. Right? We've been burnt by

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that before. Tokenization is a real thing. They

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will find the handful of Muslims that are

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fringe. Islam supports

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and Islam supports this, Islam supports that. They

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will go out and find those people and

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put them in power. Okay. That that is

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how tokenization

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works. So we need to have our own

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principles and list of demands so that we

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make sure that we're not being tokenized

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by the people who are getting elected or

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by the people who run for office or

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even in our own communities,

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downstream of that.

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So Sadegh Khan fails. He fails at that.

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Spectacularly fails because he frames the issue of

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from the river to the sea as, oh,

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it's causing distress,

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to the Jewish community out realizing that the

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element of the Jewish community is weaponizing

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their narrative of victimhood

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in order to silence criticism of Israel. First

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of all, not all Jews agree that from

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the river to the sea, Palestine will be

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free is anti Semitic. 2nd of all, it's

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the Zionists who have relied specifically on trying

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to get this portrayed as anti Semitic

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and equated with anti Semitism so that they

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can shut down any type of criticism is

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Israel whatsoever.

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So Saad Khan had a chance for those

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who watch football. He had the ball at

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his feet. The cross came in. He was

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right on the 6 yard line, and he

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totally whiffed. He had an an opportunity to

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push back on the framing of this particular

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and he fell for it hook, line, and

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sinker, which is not

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that's not what we want in politicians. The

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phenomenon of tokenism is the people in power

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will always attempt to conscript

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and use Muslims

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who are willing to compromise their principles

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in order to

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save face and say that, well, we're not

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really against the Muslims. What

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criteria or demands should we put in place

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of people who are thinking about becoming officials

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or elected representatives

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that would actually mean that their presence wasn't

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simply just tokenization. So there's a couple. And

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I'm sure that many of you could come

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up with, with your own. One of them

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is very important that they have to be

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to our community. They actually be have to

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be accountable to our community. And that means

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they need to be funded by our community,

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and they need to be

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in our communities, not just show up around

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election time, not just be given the for

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free. Right? Not,

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just, they're the the person who pays or

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the group that pays. They're paid by the

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lobbies. They're paid by the political parties to

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run, and therefore, they're not put up by

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the Muslims and they have no accountability

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to the Muslims so that their agenda is

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determined by the party. Their agenda is determined

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by the lobbyists. Number 2 is that when

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people go into a position of power

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that they have to bring their values

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not just their identity.

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They will always use one of us

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to control and keep down us. The system

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sometimes it will tolerate the diversity of your

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skin tone. It will tolerate the diversity of

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your clothing. You can wear a dashiki. You

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can wear a turban hijab,

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but it will not always tolerate

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the diversity of values. As the saying goes

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in American vernacular,

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all skin folk ain't kin folk. Right? That

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they will find that we remember Colin Powell

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standing in front of the UN, you know,

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trying to call for the weapons of mass

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destruction and and justify the invasion of Iraq.

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We have the US ambassadors to the UN

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with the assault and bombardment of Gaza that

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are pro that are vetoing

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the the ceasefires.

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Right? We know that they will always conscript

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one of us and so we have to

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be insistent on this.

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That we demand a diversity of values. That

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if we come to office or we come

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to a position, we bring our values with

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us. Identity politics is an epidemic

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and too many people have caught that disease.

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Too many Muslims have caught that disease. Have

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an impact.

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Don't be used. Okay.

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Many people that are Muslims that get involved

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in politics, they end up themselves being transformed

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rather than them having a transformative effect. That's

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backwards. Right? We need to make sure that

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if you're going into politics that you're going

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to have an impact, you're not going to

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be impacted.

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As a case study, if we're talking about

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the Palestine issue in particular, what are you

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gonna see now? How is tokenization going to

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come to you? I'll tell you how tokenization

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is going to come to you within from

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now to November.

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Everybody's gonna be ceasefire. Everybody's gonna say, yeah.

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We're a pro ceasefire. Pro seize pro ceasefire

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is nothing anymore. And I'm not saying it's

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nothing when it in when it comes to

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we want the ceasefire. We want the lives,

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of our brothers and sisters in Gaza to

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stop being killed at will as one article

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said. But

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all the traitors

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and the betrayers are going to come with

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you with ceasefire language. They're not gonna talk

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about ending the Zionist occupation.

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They're not gonna talk about ending the Israeli

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influence on US law and politics. They're not

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going to talk about,

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ending the

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between anti Semitism and anti Zionism. They're not

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gonna talk about that. They're going to portray

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as somebody who is pro ceasefire

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and act as if that is some radical

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position that they're making some big moral stand

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about. That is nothing anymore. If you are

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somebody who's going to stand up. So Muslims

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do not be tricked. Do not be tricked.

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Do not be tricked. Be aware.

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Hold these people to account. When Abu Bakr

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Radiallahu Anhu got in front of the Muslims

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And that is the attitude that you should

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expect and demand from your Muslim

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And that is the attitude that you should

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expect and demand from your Muslim representatives and

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your Muslim politicians.

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If you go astray, we will set you

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straight. You can bet on it. Incumbent president

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Biden, who is participating actively in the genocide

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of our brothers and sisters in Gaza as

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everyone abandons him and his campaign is in

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a tailspin and he is being,

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basically told to step down very public ways

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by even

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elected representatives, some people within his party. He

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is refusing.

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And this is not a good look for

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the Democratic Party whatsoever. If we look and

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remember just back 2016

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and how they handled that election, how they

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the popular sentiment and the popular will that

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was behind Bernie Sanders,

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they played, you know, dirty games to sideline

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him and put Hillary forth, and Hillary lost

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in that election to Donald Trump. It looks

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as if the Democratic Party is heading in

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the same direction. So the positive is that

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Democrats are very vulnerable,

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and as Muslims, we should think about how

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then we can actually influence that agenda. Okay.

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Is that when they're vulnerable, they're probably more

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vulnerable to suggestion and being steered than if

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they're coming from a place of strength. The

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downside is that people are criticizing Biden and

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his campaign for simply his mental acuity or

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lack thereof,

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as opposed to being guilty of participating in

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a genocide.

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