Tom Facchine – Look At The Arrogance

Tom Facchine
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The speaker discusses how people in their generation have difficulty accepting the truth and finding their true God. They believe that if the truth is in a snap, they can avoid the actual "has been there" feeling and become "has been there" in their own generation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of following the truth wherever it takes to achieve their goals.

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			some people, they have a hard time accepting the truth if they don't find it where they want to find
it. And this is something a lot of talks about in the Koran, right? He calls out the Christ because
they said, Well, if you were going to send a prophet, it should have been this other guy, right? Or
it should have come to us like from an angel, or it should have come to us in an actual book that
you sent down, right? They have their own criteria. Look at the arrogance. Look at the arrogance.
They're calling the shots. They're making the conditions, they're putting conditions on the creator
of the worlds of the of the entire universe, people do the same thing, right? Some people they want,
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			though they want the answer to be in Christianity, they want the answer to be in western
civilization, they want the truth to be there. And if the truth isn't there, if it's the truth pops
up somewhere else, maybe the truth is in a snap, I can't accept it. Because I've already decided in
themselves, Well, I want the truth to be in western civilization. I want the truth to be in
Christianity. So who's who's your God? Who is your God, Your God is yourself. You're the one who's
calling the shots and making these sorts of situations. So the same thing that the sister I'm able
to call Bob said to him when you know, famous story, he busts in the room. They're reading Koran and
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			stuff like that, and he starts you know, he, he hits her right. And then like her response, her
response to to him when he accuses them of, of leaving, like the true faith. You know, her response
to him was like, what if the true faith isn't something that you're not doing? What if the truth is
somewhere else? And that's the the fulcrum that's the fundamental shift. Are you prepared to follow
the truth wherever you find it, or are you just trying to call the shots