Tom Facchine – If Allah Wants Good For You – This Happens

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of understanding one's religion in order to address problems and avoid negative consequences. They use the example of the universal belief in the Deen and how it can lead to success in life. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to understand their religion to be a part of their community and ultimately lead to positive outcomes.
AI: Transcript ©
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In our next hadith, the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam he said,

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That whoever Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala wants good

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he causes him to understand his religion. And

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this is an a tremendous hadith because it

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recalibrates us. Right? Unfortunately,

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most of us in the dunya were

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our senses are thrown off. Right?

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If you're an adult, you're responsible for people.

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You've gotta make money. You've gotta hustle. You've

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gotta you have a job. You gotta take

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care of things.

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And so a lot of what we spend

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our time interacting with is the dunya.

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And so

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the liability of this or one of the

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consequences of this is that it starts to

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get us thinking of success

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in terms of dunya.

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And even when it comes to knowledge, it

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gets us to think about knowledge in terms

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of dunya

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and we don't need any help already with

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that because we already live in an era

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where everything's about science and STEM and this

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and that and the third and Harvard and

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parrot, you know, the ivory towers,

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you tell somebody that you're

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you tell somebody's parents they're going to Yale

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or they're going to Harvard and you see

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the reaction.

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You tell them you want to drop out

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and you want to go to Morocco or

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or Saudi or somewhere to study the Deen

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and you see their reaction, that tells you

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all you need to know

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about how much we need this hadith.

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You get that full ride to Harvard

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or that full ride to Yale, everybody's gonna

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celebrate you. The marriage proposals are gonna come

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in in force. Everyone's gonna be like, this

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is the guy. I made it.

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But you're gonna live in some sort of

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roach infested apartment

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in Medina or in Cairo or in Fez

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you know, eating

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bread and lentils

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for years,

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just trying to understand Arabic, get your Tajweed

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straight, understand basic, these sorts of things,

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and you're seen as a failure.

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The marriage proposals dry up.

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You're not celebrated. You're overlooked.

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Unfortunately, that's the dunya, and that's where we

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are. The prophet

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he's trying to correct and recalibrate

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our sensors.

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He's saying that if Allah wants

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good for a person,

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he doesn't let him get into Harvard. He

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doesn't let him get into Yale. All the

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other things that could have been said in

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this hadith, He makes him understand his religion,

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that that is the supreme good above all

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other good. Any type of thing in this

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compared to understanding your religion

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pales in comparison, because when you understand your

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everything else falls into Doesn't mean you're gonna

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be a rock star, doesn't mean you're gonna

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be super popular or super successful or very

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rich or anything like that. It couldn't possibly

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mean that, but it means that you're gonna

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understand right from wrong. You're gonna sleep well

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at night because you understand, you know, you

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not gonna make enemies unnecessarily. You're going to

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forgive people and be forbearing. You're going to

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go out of your way to encourage what's

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good, the known good, and you're going to

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a factor

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in limiting and prohibiting and preventing the evil

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from taking place. You're going to be an

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essential component of your

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community. You're going to uplift everybody and everything

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around you. That's why in another Hadith, the

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prophet said that for the Adam, somebody who

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learned, somebody who understands his Deen,

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every single creature on Earth asks Allah to

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forgive that person.

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Even the fish in the sea.

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We need this hadith more than ever. We

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look at what we're doing to the sea.

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We're dumping

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toxic sludge and plastics. You know, there's the

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the island of of plastic in the Pacific

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Ocean, 2 of them, actually.

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We need their.

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We need people who Allah has given understanding

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in their deen to be running things, to

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be deciding things, to be impactful, to be

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the real influencers,

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not necessarily on social media, but the real

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influencers, people with real influence and real authority.

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The most important type of person in this

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is the person who understands their religion.

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