Tom Facchine – How Islam Classifies Sins

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses different types of sin in Islam, including major sins that require specificale from the prayers, minor reboots that get erased automatically from prayer to prayer, and graceful hesitation. They stress the importance of differentiation and balancing one's accusations to avoid regret and avoid regretting others.
AI: Transcript ©
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So there's different types of sin in Islam.

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Okay. So major sins are the ones that

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specific repentance from.

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Minor sins, they get erased automatically from prayer

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to prayer, from fast to fast, you know,

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these sorts of things.

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And so people can be affected by West

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West when this happens. Right? And there's famous

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examples that people already know about, you know,

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with and stuff like that or with your

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prayer. You might do one prayer 7 times

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and, like, oh, well, I've did I forget

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something? You can have the same sort of

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West West when it comes to repentance.

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And I've seen this. You know? So

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some people come with, like, oh, well, did

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I make a

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direct plea for forgiveness for this particular thing

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that I did or or this thing or

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that thing? You know?

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And yeah. I mean, there there's a balance.

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Right? Because

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it's not just about feeling regret. If you

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have a major sin,

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then you need to specifically repent from it.

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regret is part of that repentance, but it's

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not all of it. Right? And there's another

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dimension if you have affected somebody else, then

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even those two things are not necessarily enough.

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You have to fix it too. Right? Allah

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says in Surat Al Anaim, he says,

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Right? Like who you repents and fixes it.

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Right? And so all these sorts of ingredients

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are important. So you need to differentiate. You

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need to be balanced. You can't fall on

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the side of West West

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where you're now second guessing every single part

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of your repentance for every single little thing.

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A major sin requires a specific act of

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of repentance. And if it affected somebody else,

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you have to try to make it right

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with that person or whatever you did.

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But then at the same time, yeah, there's

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other sins that are minor sins that get

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erased automatically, you know, that that and that's

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the mercy of Allah.

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