Tom Facchine – How Do I Measure My Sincerity

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of sincerity and not just seeking guidance from others. They stress the need to be mindful of one's actions and not just seeking reward. They also mention the need to be mindful of one's intentions and not just seeking something for approval.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay. Sincerity. One real quick easy test for

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your sincerity is, do you want good for

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others? Okay. And we used to come across

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this problem sometime in Medina where some people,

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they would be stingy. Right? Certain certain shake

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is teaching a lesson. Oh, man. It's this

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big shake, and he's got this exclusive,

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kind of circle and crew and only a

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few students are allowed, and people would wanna

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conceal it. They wanna keep it all to

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themselves. Right? If somebody else would ask about

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it, they'd be, well, I don't know what

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you're talking about. Right? They wanna keep it

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to themselves. What does that say about their

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sincerity? Do they want other people to be

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guided like them or are they looking at

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it from a rivalry sort of perspective? Are

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they looking at it as competition? Are they

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looking to come out ahead of their fellow

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student or their fellow Muslim? No. We want

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to be Nasur. We want to have this

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sort of intention towards other people, the sincerity

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where we want for them what we want

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for us. That's the old hadith of the

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prophet alaihis salatu wasalam, that you aren't a

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true believer until you love for your brother

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what you want for yourself. Is there anything

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we want for ourselves more than guidance,

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having our sins covered, than being approached in

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a beautiful way, a beautiful way that's beyond

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just the bare minimum of what's, you know,

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Sharia compliant. Right? So do we want good

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for others? Do we want good do we

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want other people to be guided? Because sometimes

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we approach other people in a way that

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demonstrates that we don't really want them to

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be guided. We we really just want to

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prove our point or we want to win

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the debate or we want to score 1

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over on them or show them up. This

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is, a poor intention. This is indicative of

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a flaw and a fault in your sincerity,

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and it's going to make it impossible to

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act ethically. It's going to make it impossible

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to develop your nobility. Okay? So we're not

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in competition with others and we're also not

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about just putting ourselves above of everybody. It's

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like, oh, I was the student of this.

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Okay. You were one student. There were 70

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other students, you know. It's like we were,

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you know, like, for Sheikh Shanghiti's

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lessons in Medina, there were a 100 people

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there every single day. Right? Some people were

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workers. Some people were young. Some people were

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old. It wasn't like we have to resist

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this sort of thing. Like, I was, you

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know, the the main student of the sheikh,

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and I, you know, carried his water to

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him. And that's good. That's Khitma. You know,

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like, I'm not belittling. I actually have a

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very, very, very good friend of mine who

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used to used to carry the water for

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him, and that's great. But to put yourself

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up above others

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and to imagine that you have some sort

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of special status because, you know, you used

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to wipe the Sheikh's forehead when he got

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sweaty. Right? This is something that indicates that

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there's something wrong with your intention. There's something

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wrong with your sincerity. You shouldn't be putting

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yourself above other people. Right? This is something

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that you should be putting yourself above other

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people. Right? This is something that you should

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be doing out of the love of your

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heart, and you should realize that you're just

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as poor and mesquite as everybody else. So

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when it comes to our intention to attain

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nobility, we have to make it our goal,

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the cultivation of good manners. We're not just

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passing our days

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in a rafal or in a raflah, right,

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in sort of unthinking, uncritical,

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the opposite of awareness, right, That we want

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every single action that we engage in, sitting

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and shooting a video for YouTube or having

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coffee or making coffee for your spouse or

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every single act, whether it's a worldly goal

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or a spiritual goal, it needs to be

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and it needs to be perfected. Right? And

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spiritual acts, even more so. Right? So, all

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of our actions are eligible for this type

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of beautification and this type of perfection, but

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even more so, of course, the spiritual acts

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such as prayer, such as dhikr, and things

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like that. And we want to be absolutely

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sure that we're not doing these things for

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favors in the dunya, and we're not doing

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these things transactionally.

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And this is why we have hadith of

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the prophet

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where he said, for example,

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giving to the person who is looking to

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deprive you. Right? Is that it's easy when

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it's give some, get some. Right? It's like,

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oh, I compliment you, you help me. I

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scratch your back, you scratch mine. Quid pro

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quo. Right? That's not the sincerity that we're

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after. Right? We're after,

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can you give someone charity and have them

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spit in your face? Can you give someone

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in charity and they say to you, that's

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it? And you smile and you say, I'm

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sorry. Forgive me, but this is all I

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right? Like, that's actual sincerity because you're not

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doing it for the approval of the person

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that you're giving it to. You're not doing

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it to be praised, oh, I'm such a

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good humble Muslim. Thank you. Yeah. Got the

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award at the end of the year, you

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know. No. You're doing it because it's sincere.

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You're doing it to purify yourself regardless of

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what sort of circumstances or consequences happen, happen

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because of it. So these are all the

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things. This is the second main prerequisite to

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obtaining nobility that Aragwa al Suhani draws our

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attention to. The first was docility, and the

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second is our intention. We have to be

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really, really careful and aware about all these

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issues related to our intention. We should not

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expect anything, anything. Sheikh Abdullah used to tell

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us, when you go into a room and

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people don't stand up for you, you should

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be happy. You should be happy because that

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shows that you have a pure self. If

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you go into a room and, you know,

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you you just arrived to the party, everybody

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stands up, and you feel that little,

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yeah. That's right. You feel a little proud,

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a little happy. Oh, you're getting this recognition.

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That's when you should start to doubt yourself

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and doubt your sincerity.

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