Tom Facchine – Are People Amazed

Tom Facchine
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AI: Summary ©

The title of Surah is a way to humble the Quraysh of Islam, with the use of "na" and "na se" in writing, as well as a man who was sent to them as a messenger and only sends messengers with one number. The history of Islam is highlighted, including the importance of men and women in the spiritual and cultural context and the use of words and phrases to describe emotions and moments. The importance of trust in the spiritual world is emphasized, along with the need for support in family law and criminal law. The segment also discusses the importance of trust in the people who believe in the spiritual world and the book "The secret of the beast" may help those who want to be the first.

AI: Summary ©

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			Today Shall
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			we will begin a new series on a new chapter of the court had slowed up and Eunice
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			Surah universe was revealed in the metro period before the hitch route to Medina. There are 109
verses in Surah Yunus the first 70 of them, over half of the chapter are dedicated to theology on
theta, what we believe, discussing many topics of our faith. After that, Allah azza wa jal tells us
the story of north on a
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			follow up on a story of Musa alayhis salam, and finally ends the chapter with a message directly for
the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			Allah subhanho wa Taala begins this chapter saying and if raw, till you get to teach in hacking,
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			and if lamb raw, these are the verses of a wise book,
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			Allah subhanaw taala begins this chapter with three separate letters. And if lamb raw,
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			even ibis, the famous companion, and the foremost scholar of type C, have said that the poor man can
be divided into four categories when it comes to how easy it is to understand it. The first category
is for parts of the Koran that anyone can understand. You don't need a scholar to understand the
Stories of the Prophets, or the calls to tell feed, or the commands to pray to fast and to give
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			The second category is for the parts of the Koran that require the knowledge of the Arabic language
to explain. These are usually verses with rare words in them. The third category, he said, is for
parts of the Koran that require an Islamic scholar, and I'm trying to explain them. This usually has
to do with the finer points of Islamic law, such as inheritance law, or the laws of marriage and
divorce. And the fourth category is for parts of a car and that no one knows their interpretation,
except for a loss of kind of the data. Now, it's important to realize that this is the smallest
category, the Koran is not a mystery. Nor is it a book of secrets, Allah subhanaw taala describes
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			his car and specifically and over and over again, as a clear for and as a clear Arabic for n. But an
example of what would belong to this category is the beginning of this chapter. Sort of units at if
raw, only a loss of animal to other knows with certainty what these letters mean.
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			Many scholars throughout the centuries have tired themselves trying to figure out the meaning of
these letters. Some wondered whether they were abbreviations for other words in Arabic, or whether
they corresponded to numbers or to something else. Allah subhana wa Tada knows best. But of all the
classical interpretations, the one that makes the most sense to me is that these letters are a way
of humbling the Quraysh because Allah subhanho wa Taala sends messengers, and gives them miracles
that correspond to what that nation is best at. fit around and his nation had the best magicians.
They took pride in their magic. So Allah subhanaw taala gave Mousavi he said miracles that looked
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			like magic but did things that magic could not do. The nation or ISA ad salaam was set to have the
best doctors. They took pride in healing all types of diseases. So Allah subhanaw taala center ASA
and he set up with miracles that couldn't heal diseases, even their best doctors could not heal
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			the operation, how to one thing in particular that they were good at, and that was poetry. They took
pride in their poetry. They had annual poetry competitions may even harm their best poems on the
cabin. So Allah subhanaw taala to Ana sense, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the Koran
which is better than poetry, and can do things that even the best poetry cannot do.
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			So when the awesome font of words or other begins chapters of the Quran with
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			meme, and if
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			it's like saying, look, I can limit myself to the same letters that you use. And with the same
letters, I can make something so beautiful and compelling that people call it magic. No one can
imitate it. And at the same time, I can make it have meanings that are obvious to anyone. Or if I
want, I can make it have meanings that no one understands.
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			Next, Allah subhanho wa Taala says mechanic Nessie hajiman and afina Raju the minimum. And the nurse
however, she in the Vina Avenue and Milan Padam acidity, Marie de la pena color carefree Luna in the
heather session wellbeing.
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			Are people amazed that we revealed revelation to a man from among them, to warn mankind and to give
good news to those who believe that yes, they will have a place of honor with their Lord.
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			But the deniers say indeed, this is an obvious magician.
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			Allah subhanaw fatahna begins this chapter with a kid with a question.
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			Are people amazed?
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			Are they amazed that a man from among them, was sent to them as a messenger?
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			Allah subhana Motorolla is telling us two very important things about our belief that we couldn't
figure out unless he told us he's telling us how he operates the Sunnah of Allah when it comes to
his revelation, and who he chooses to deliver his messages. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that he
only sends messengers that number one, are men. And number two, are from the same community that
they are being sent to
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			our people amazed
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			in recent decades, a doubt has arisen among Muslim youth in North America. Why aren't there any
women coffins?
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			Isn't this unfair to women? Isn't this unequal treatment?
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			Some people might be in denial. They might say, well, we don't know all the prophets. Maybe some of
them were women.
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			That's not possible because Allah subhanaw taala says clearly to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam towards the end of Surah use use of one that are selling them in public or in every
jar then maganda notion trade delay has been FDA approval. We only cents before you Oh profit men,
men inspired by us from among the people of each society. Allah subhanho wa Taala says it as plain
as day he only sent men as prophets.
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			So if Allah subhanaw taala only sent men
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			how is this fair to women?
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			There are some assumptions behind this question that if we shine a light on them, will clear up this
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			The biggest assumption behind this doubt is that being equal means being the same.
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			And while that might be true in mathematics, it is not necessarily true in other areas of human
life. Should children be treated the exact same as we treat adults? Should younger adults be treated
the exact same as we treat our elders? Each group should be honored and treated with respect of
course, but which actions translates into respect for each group will differ depending on which
group we're talking about. Treating people differently, does not necessarily mean treating people
equally, or unfairly.
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			If it did, then men could just as easily ask why did it Allah subhanho wa Taala gives men the
ability to bear children.
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			Why are we being treated differently? Why are we being denied this honor, which many women identify
as one of the most significant experiences of their lives?
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			Now some women might object to this comparison, and they will correctly point out that childbirth
involves a level of pain that few men can even comprehend.
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			But I would contend that prophethood is very similar. prophethood is not all fun and games, it's not
a bed of roses, every single prophet was mocked and rejected, some of them were killed and expelled
from their homelands.
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			But just like childbirth, the honor of prophethood is achieved by persisting in the face of that
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			Upon reflection, we find that we're not so different after all. Women are not being excluded from an
honor, as much as they are being given a different honor.
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			Women are tasked with bearing the burden of delivering children, the key to our physical continuity
as a species, and certain men are tasked with bearing the burden of delivering a last message, the
key to our spiritual success.
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			When you look at women and men, and together, we form one complete hole. And this is the root of the
problem. Western society men fought tends to be more individualistic than Islamic thought, sometimes
is that we emphasize the individual that's true, such as our moral accountability, each one of us
will be resurrected and stand before we'll also kind of go to Allah alone, we will not bear the sins
of other people, nor will other people bear our sins.
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			Also, in Islamic criminal law, with just a few exceptions, everyone is treated as an individual, and
will be held accountable as an individual. But in other areas of Islamic law, such as family law,
Islam does not look at the individual, but it looks at the family as a whole. That's why inheritance
law doesn't seem fair, if you assume that everyone is an isolated individual sons getting more than
daughters, daughters getting more than fathers, children get more than parents. It's not equal. It's
not the same. But it makes perfect sense when you realize that Allah subhanahu wa taala does not
want us to live our lives as isolated individuals.
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			He wants us to live in healthy supportive family relationships. And yes, support is a form of
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			Some of us are afraid of this dependence. Some of us have been abused. Some of us have been
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			And so as a reaction, some of us reject every form of dependence. Our response is, I don't need
anybody. No, a lot doesn't need anybody. We do. We need support. We need relationships, we need the
family, we need the community.
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			And to be more specific, men need women and women need men. Allah subhanaw taala created us in pairs
for a reason not so we could cop compete with each other, keep score with one another. But so we can
support each other. So we can complement each other. And so we can complete one another. The last
part of the audit says, Well, I mean, I'm clearly shaken up on that. So Jane, I look forward to
that. And we created everything in pairs. So that you would reflect
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			any organization or company has to have some amount of specialization, it is going to be successful.
When sincere, righteous people partner up whether it is in business or in marriage, or in a family.
And each person serves in a unique role and contributes to the whole, the whole becomes greater than
any individual, by his or herself. The whole becomes greater even than the sum of the individual
parts. We can't get stuck looking at the special tasks that are given to someone else. We need to
focus on what we are called to contribute and worship Allah to Allah through that contribution.
Allah subhanaw taala sums all this up in all sorts of he said, what I said to men now men football
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			Allah will be bound by bad luck and then rejecting a seed will be met. So what did he say in the
Siegelman? mectizan was the law I mean firmly in the lung Academy quickly check in Arlen and don't
wish for the failures of a law that he has given to other people.
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			For men is a share of what
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			They have earned and for women as a share of what they have earned, and ask ALLAH ask Allah for his
bounty indeed Allah subhana wa Tada is ever full of things knowing
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			Allah subhana wa Tada did not say, ask the other one for their share. Allah subhanaw taala did not
say ask to be the same as the other. Now, be content with what Allah Subhana Allah for Allah has
given you and if you feel you are not satisfied, ask Allah to satisfy
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			ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada might give you something much more satisfying than what you think will make
you satisfied. Allah subhana wa Tada no it was all a political we had a lot of stuff with a lot
honey when he said he was gonna be the first thing in the world.
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			Hamdulillah he
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			was sugar level out of heat, the Hemmati nanny will show you
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			what the Buddha actually taught me when he showed me my show and the Vienna pasta. You didn't know
what happened in our Google WOSU a dagger 11 when he's on the lower end you want to early he was
having he worth learning was anyone's esteem and
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			the second important thing that Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the beginning of Sudha Yunus is
that prophets are always sent to their own people. A candidate Nessie ahjumma and oh fina, you know,
what do you mean? Minimum?
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			Are people amazed that we revealed revelation to a man from Amanda
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			when it comes to delivering the message of Tao hate when it comes to the sacred mission of prophet
hood, Allah subhanho wa Taala never outsources the job.
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			He never brings in someone from outside. Why?
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			The reason can be found two pages later in verse 16, also kind of withdraw that tells the prophets
of Allah body he was sent out to say, the public with two V. Qumran me on a company that
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			I have lived my whole life among you before this revelation, once you use your reason.
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			The relevance of this information is that the prophets of Allah who Allah He was salam has lived his
whole life among them.
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			So they know what he's about. They know His character, they know whether they can trust him or not.
The answer is trust.
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			Allah subhanaw taala only sent his prophets to preach to their own communities because that's where
they are known. And that's where they are trusted.
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			Often we hear people say that the first thing that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
began his dialogue with was touting
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			that's partially true. Before Shinya before fit before the rules and the laws, the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam preached Toutain
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			but the prophets of Allah haughtiness, and then became a messenger at the age of 40.
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			Those 40 years before the poor animals revealed we're not idle, neither we're not useless. Allah
subhanho wa Taala used those 14 years to build a trust.
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			To build the people's trust in the prophets of the walk body he was sent home before any message
could possibly be delivered, there had to be trust.
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			Are people amazed by this? Remember when the prophets of Allah, Allah was first commanded to expand
the message of the Stein beyond his trusted family and friends? He called the entire tribe to mount
Samba and Maccha and asked them a question first, before telling them about Toshi. He said at low
effort to command a higher level bit Awadhi to redo and to do
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			a quantum delay.
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			What would you say if I told you that there was an enemy army behind this mountain that wanted to
fight you? Would you believe me?
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			Well, no, no.
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			matter what now like I said,
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			they said yes, we will believe you. We never experienced anything from you. Except honesty.
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			Auditor in the in the room Nicole Bailey they are the which eventually
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			So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then he said, I am here to warn you all those severe
punishment. being trusted comes first. People will not listen to you unless they trust you, no
matter how perfect your message is. It's no accident that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
was nicknamed me. The trustworthy it's no accident that the prophets of Allah Almighty He was Saddam
was regular in regularly entrusted with other people's valuables when they left town. Trust comes
first. Are people amazed?
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			Once trust has been established, then the message can be delivered in this case in Surah Yunus the
message is an ended in Nazareth, whereby she did the veena and feminine autonomous entertainer in
the lobby, word mankind and give good news to those who believe that they will have a place of honor
with their Lord.
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			The most important message, the most essential thing to understand is that people with faith will be
honored after they die. And people without faith will have no such honor.
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			But we'll face the consequences of their heedlessness.
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			Are people amazed?
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			Did people think that faith was inconsequential? Did people imagine that this entire life was just a
random coincidence? Now we find that no, it had a purpose all along. It had a creator all along the
creator had expectations all along. And people who are conscientious and grateful will seek out the
guidance to figure out what those expectations are is that so strange?
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			Are people amazed.
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			Our situation is like if there was a house that was left unlocked. And someone walked right in off
the street and entered that house. And when they entered that house, they make their way to the
kitchen or to the dining room. And they find that there's an entire table set up for a feast meats
and poultry and side dishes and fruits and vegetables, even dessert. It's all right there on the
table. The plates are shining, and the forks and spoons are laid out next to them. The chairs are
pulled back practically begging you to sit down.
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			Now at this point, there's two types of people.
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			There are people who are conscientious people, people of faith, people who fear Allah subhanaw taala
when no one else is watching, those people aren't going to lay a finger on the food until they find
out whose it is. And if they're allowed to eat something.
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			The other type of person, the heedless person who's in the grip of their desires and their impulses.
They're going to tell themselves a convenient excuse I'm sure no no, no mind as they sit down and
help themselves. And then imagine their surprise when the owner of the house comes back and find
someone sitting at their table with a drumstick in hand with that criminal have any excuse if the
owner called the police? Are we going to believe him when he says that he didn't know any better? He
thought it was for anyone who just walked in off the streets. This is the world we live in this
world is like a feast that Allah subhanho wa Taala set up for us. Allah made it easy. He gave us
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			every blessing from the types of food that we have to eat to the different ways we make a living to
the smart Senate Intelligence that he gave us to take advantage of opportunities. He did it all.
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			And there are two types of people, people who are conscientious enough to look for how to be
grateful and people who feel entitled and just help themselves.
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			And then Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that the first type of person is going to be in Paradise
will have a place of honor with their Lord and the second type will be in the hellfire.
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			Are people amazed?
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			Those who believe are not equal to those who deny it last month Allah says and men who have gone
into a lady Sajid Emeka, amen. Yeah, I thought it would ask him. Well, yo, Terrafirma turabi
polyester will the VNA Ala Moana Valentina, in a man gets a doctor who
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			is one who is devoutly obedience during periods of the night prostrating and standing in prayer,
fear in the hereafter and hoping for the mercy of the Lord. Is that person the same as someone who
doesn't do any of that?
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			Say to them, are those who know equal to those who don't know how
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			Only people of understanding will reflect
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			it's a very simple concepts to understand the loss of Hannah who
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			wants us to be sincere. And Allah subhanaw taala wants us to be grateful.
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			This sincere people will seek out guidance. They will do the best that they can and they will be
thankful. They are the people who deserve honor in the afterlife, not people who don't even bother.
And that is nothing to be amazed at