Tim Humble – Your Roadmap To Quran Memorization – AMAU Q&A

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The importance of consistency in learning the Qur passage is discussed, along with the need for a routine for everyone to commit to memorizing it. The best time to work after fajr is after fajr, and the best time to work is after fajr. The importance of practicing the Qelsha app and not just memorizing the passage is emphasized, along with the need for a routine for achieving graduation.
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All knowledge, except the Qur'an, is busy
except for the hadith and except for the
jurisprudence in the religion.
The knowledge in which he was, he said,
is to our extent.
The first question says, how do I stay
consistent when memorizing the Qur'an?
You know, what I really love about this
question is, I love about the fact that
the question actually, first of all, tells you
a great benefit.
That really the key to memorizing the Qur
'an is consistency.
Because I want you to think about something.
What is easy for you to memorize?
Let's just say, let's just say that you
can memorize a third of a page of
the Mus'haf every single day.
One third of a page of the Mus
'haf every single day.
Okay, one third of a page of the
Mus'haf every single day.
How much does that work out?
How long would it take you to finish
the Qur'an?
It would take you in the region of
five years.
Including revision, including, you know, making mistakes and
going back.
One third of a page would take you
in the region of five years.
How many people are watching this video who've
been practicing Islam for more than five years
and have not memorized the Qur'an?
A lot, I would presume.
A lot.
So really all we need is we just
need a person to commit to a third
of a page a day.
And even that can be on average.
Like if, for example, you did a quarter
of a page a day and then you
built up and then you end up doing
half a page a day or whatever.
But on average, a third of a page
a day and you'll finish the Qur'an
in five years.
If that's too much for you, even if
you did two lines, two lines, two lines
or even three lines every day, you can
still finish the Qur'an comfortably inside of
ten years.
So that actually shows us that it's just
a matter of consistency.
Now, I'll just put that in context that
a normal madrasa of tahfeef where the child
is going every day would probably expect the
child, probably expect the child to memorize between
a page and two pages a day.
And I'm talking about memorizing a third of
a page or even a quarter of a
It's a very, very, very small amount that
you have to memorize.
Very, very small indeed.
Extreme small.
And you only have to memorize that much.
So it's about staying consistent.
It's about having a routine.
So you have to have a routine and
the routine has to work for you.
So we talk about this.
I mean, I remember speaking to Sari Abdur
Rahman about this.
Habibullah Ta'ala asked him about it.
You know, we can talk about when the
best time is.
The best time is after fajr.
The best time is, you know, whatever time
people select.
But honestly, although that might be a general
rule, the best time is actually the time
that works for you.
And the time that you can actually commit
to regularly reading that third of a page
and reading it, for example, 30 times.
And then reading it.
And, you know, you might start with a
line and then or two, three words, and
then it becomes a couple more words.
And you read again with a few more
words and then you read again with a
few more words.
I'm talking about the length of Surat Al
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الفَلَقِ So, for example, someone
starts قُلْ أَعُوذُ قُلْ أَعُوذُ قُلْ أَعُوذُ And
they repeat it a lot of times.
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الفَلَقِ And they repeat it
a lot of times.
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الفَلَقِ مِن شَرِّي And they
repeat it a lot of times.
قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الفَلَقِ مِن شَرِّي مَا خَلَقْ
Until the end of the Surah.
This is not a lot of work.
Maybe you need to repeat it 30 times
at the beginning and then it becomes many,
many more times after that.
Maybe it's a couple of hundred times by
the end that you've kind of gone through
But it doesn't take a very long time
to do that in terms of the small
amount that you're doing and just repeating the
words again and again and again.
And obviously you have to have some time
for revision.
You have to have some time for reading
a bit more every day and things like
But it's just having a routine.
So the first thing is make the amount
you're memorizing small.
Focus on repeating it more often and have
a routine that you can stick to.
Number three, have a system that works.
Too many times we see kind of the
blind leading the blind when it comes to
hifth of the Qur'an.
So we see that somebody who does not
have hifth of the Qur'an is telling
someone the best way to do hifth of
the Qur'an.
Wallahu musta'ala.
So go to the people who not just
have done it.
That's good.
Go to the people who have not just
done it.
Go to the people who have done it
and have done it for others.
You know, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100
people have passed through that teacher and more
and have memorized the Qur'an with them.
They've got a system that works.
Follow the system.
Don't make your own system.
Don't go backwards, forwards.
Don't, you know, take ideas.
Just follow the system they give you.
Have a teacher because a teacher will hold
you to account.
Memorizing yourself is very hard.
Teachers, these days you get an app.
You read into the app.
It sends it straight away to your teacher.
Your teacher sends you feedback.
That's what's available right now.
You can download an app right now.
I don't quite know the names of them,
but you could download the app right now
where you could read to a teacher online
and it will find your teacher.
The teacher will give you feedback.
But having a teacher who knows you regular
and established is better.
But I was just trying to point out
how easy it is to get in touch
with a teacher.
Have a teacher abroad.
Have a teacher over Zoom, over Google Meet
or whatever it is.
And have someone that holds you to account
for it.
And inshallah ta'ala in three to five
years, seven years is, you know, extremely slow.
You will have finished the Qur'an from
zero to complete.
And that just shows what you can achieve,
because we've said before that the Mutawn ilmiyyah
that you need to memorize as a strong
talib ilm is roughly, aside from hadith, is
roughly equivalent to the same kind of amount
of content as the Qur'an.
Any of the alfiyat and poetry and the
Mutawn that you need to memorize.
It's right around about the same size in
terms of, you know, number of words or
number of pages, probably around similar size to
the Mus'haf.
Or a little bit more than that.
Give yourself another five years, seven years, and
you've done the Mutawn of the talib ilm
very precisely, with a lot of detail.
Add to that the hadith, give yourself another
five years to ten years.
And now you have the ahadith.
Many, many, you won't have every single hadith,
but you've got a huge amount of hadith.
And how long did it take you?
15, 20 years, and that's going slow.
That is going extremely, extremely slow.
25 years.
How many people are watching this video, who
you are watching this video, and you have
been practicing Islam as an adult for more
than 25 years?
I can probably say, yeah, I can say
the same for myself.
Practicing Islam as an adult for 25 years.
In that time, you would expect, you would
say to the person, if you're a slow
memorizer, you should have memorized the Qur'an.
And the major Mutawn, the major, major Mutawn,
for example, the AMU prospectus for memorization, and
a good chunk of the hadith of the
Prophet ﷺ, that's what I would have expected
you to have done in 25 years, as
a slow memorizer.
وما أبرئ نفسي I'm not saying I'm innocent.
I'm not sitting in front of you to
say that I'm innocent.
I'm telling you mistakes that were made and
how to fix them.
So this is my advice, and Allah Azzawajal
knows best.