Tim Humble – The Evil Eye & Its Cure

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The importance of high aspiration and setting up a plan to achieve excellence in deeds is discussed, along with the importance of enrolling in online schools for learning to improve one's understanding of Islam, protecting one's behavior, and following Sun systemic principles to avoid future harm. The speakers emphasize the need to avoid being treated with evil eye and offer advice on how to deal with it, particularly in protecting children. They also mention a woman who had a job pressuredly and was pressured to do something, but the representative explains it is difficult to convince people to do anything. The speakers emphasize the importance of protecting children and offer advice on how to deal with it.
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Subhanahu wa ta'ala, all of the brothers
that have come out, and all of the
sisters, for the sake of Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala, right here in this masjid of
Markez Abu Huraira.
This program has been a long, perhaps weighted
program, in partnership with AMAU, Bukhari Center, who's
the host of Sheikh Mohammed Tim Humble, insha
'Allah, who's going to be coming.
And as well, Bukhari Center, who's hosting the
program, and the program happening right here in
this Markez of Abu Huraira.
So we thank the management of Abu Huraira
for facilitating this, and for the brothers coming
out from various parts of the city, so
we thank you all.
As the messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said in an authentic hadith, من لا
يشكر الناس لا يشكر الله.
Whomsoever does not thank the people has not
thanked Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
So this is something that, honestly, to be
happy about, that you're in the house of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, to benefit for
this few moments that we have together.
So the topic that I have, beloved brothers
and sisters, is none other than the topic
of Himmat al-Aliya, high aspiration.
This is a very important topic.
A topic at its fundamental stage, it's a
Having high aspiration, my brothers and sisters, is
a mindset in its own.
A mindset of having high ambition, in which
many people offer these services.
Whether it's coaches, whether it's professionals, therapists, it's
a mindset to teach people the importance of
having high aspiration.
And as you know, within our religion of
al-Islam, having high aspiration is a huge
thing, my brothers and sisters.
As humans, we always want to excel in
our own way, whether it's in religion, whether
it's in dunya, whatever it might be.
And this is very important, whether it's in
business or if you have any goals or
ambition or any drive that you have, having
high ambition is huge.
So having high ambition, Himmat al-Aliya, it
connects us to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
A person who has high ambition is able
to connect themselves to their Lord subhanahu wa
ta'ala, as opposed to someone who has
no ambition whatsoever.
As opposed to someone who has no ambition
So, having high ambition is something that is
mentioned within the Qur'an and in Sunnah
of Rasulallah ﷺ.
And within his teachings, along with those who
came before us, known as the Salaf, the
earlier generations.
They had high ambition.
So, a term here is used, the term
that is used, my brothers and sisters, is
a term of Ihsan.
Ihsan in itself, it means what?
It means excellence.
Everything that you do in life, you have
to do it with excellence.
Everything that you do.
As Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says in
his Tenzil, يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا دُخُلُوا فِي
السِّلْمِ كَافَةٌ O you who believe, enter into
the religion wholeheartedly, completely.
وَلَا تَتَبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ And do not follow
the footsteps of Shaytan.
إِنَّهُ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌ مُّبِينٌ For verily, he is
an open enemy to you.
Shaytan, he diverts people towards many paths.
And you see people, subhanAllah, you would think,
why does this person have no drive, no
ambition, waking up 2 o'clock, 3 o
'clock in the afternoon.
No job, no work, no mindset, no goal,
no ambition, no drive.
But yet this person wakes up at 3
o'clock in the afternoon, ready to perhaps
conquer the world.
And that's impossible, right?
So Ihsan, everything that you do, you have
to do it with excellence.
And this is what Islam teaches us.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says, تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي
بِيَدِهِ الْمُلْكِ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٍ Blessed
is the one in whose hands rests all
authority, and he is most capable of everything.
الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْمُوْتَ وَالْحَيَاةَ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ أَيُّكُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا
وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفُورُ Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
says, He is the one who created death
and life in order to see, in order
to test, which of you is best in
So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created death
and He created life, to see which one
of you, everyone that is sitting here, from
Adam a.s. all the way to the
last person that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
is going to create on the face of
this earth.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala created what?
He created death.
And He also created life to see which
one amongst you is the one that is
best in deeds.
أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا وَهُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْغَفُورُ And Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala of His names is Al
-Aziz and Al-Ghafoor.
The Most Powerful, the Almighty and the Forgiving
subhanahu wa ta'ala, the All-Forgiving.
So the word Ihsan comes from, the word
Ahsan rather, the word Ahsan in itself, it
comes from the root word Ihsan.
Everyone understand this so far?
The word Ahsan in itself, it comes from
the root word Ihsan.
To see which one of you is going
to excel in what?
Excel in deeds.
Excel in doing good deeds.
نعم So in Arabic this is called اسم
This is what it's called.
To give something preferential treatments.
So example, I'll give you an example.
كبير means big.
أكبر means bigger.
You come to find جميل means what?
It means beautiful.
أجمل in itself means more beautiful.
And then you have حسن.
حسن means what?
حسن means good.
What we aspire for is Ihsan, excellence.
This is what we work hard for as
So Allah SWT says in the Qur'an
إِنَّا جَعَلْنَا مَا عَلَى الْأَرْضِ زِينَةً لَّهَا لِنَبْلُوَهُمْ
أَيُّهُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلًا Indeed, We have made that
which is on the earth of adornments, for
it that We may test them as to
which of them is best in deeds.
نعم So a Bedouin man came to the
Messenger of Allah SWT And he said, O
Messenger of Allah, I testify.
So a Bedouin man is a man that
is a Bedouin.
He doesn't know anything, lives just outside.
So he came to the Messenger of Allah
SWT And he said, I testify in Allah
SWT, in His oneness.
And I also testify in the oneness of
Allah SWT and His Messenger SWT.
I will pray five times a day.
I will give my zakah.
I will fast in Ramadan.
And I will go for hajj once in
my lifetime.
I will neither do more or I'm not
going to do less.
He meant to do, what he was saying
here is that he's going to do his
The obligations that he was supposed, that he's
meant to do.
And not decrease of any of that sort.
The man was a Bedouin man.
And they were known to be people that
were straight forward.
So the Bedouins, if you know Bedouins, and
you go to Jazirat Al Arab, You're going
to find that they're very straight forward.
They're like an arrow, straight forward, right at
So he said, this is exactly what I'm
going to do.
And then this man, he left after being
straight forward like that.
To the Messenger of Allah SWT.
The Prophet Muhammad SWT said, أَفْلَحَ وَاللَّهِ إِنْ
صَدَقَ The Messenger of Allah SWT said, This
man by Allah will be successful if he
is truthful in what he says.
By Allah, this man is going to be
successful if he is truthful in what he
So Allah SWT tells us how our mindset
is supposed to be.
نعم, in how we approach Allah SWT.
In how we approach Salah.
When we pray Salah, you have to pray
Salah as if it's your last prayer.
Many of the times you come to find
people when they're praying Salah, They pray as
if they're going to see the next prayer.
And that's something that is absolutely wrong.
You have to pray Salah as if it's
your last prayer.
Do it with excellence.
That Allah SWT is all watching.
نعم, and you're not doing it for anybody,
anybody other than Allah SWT.
And that is why it's important to establish
So we know that Ramadan is coming.
Ikhwan, Ramadan is fast approaching.
Not only is it fast approaching, it's important
to have a plan.
What is your plan when Ramadan comes?
نعم, it's important that we set it up
so we can reach the level of Ihsan.
This concept of Ihsan is mentioned in a
long Hadith collected in Bukhari and Muslim.
In which Jibril AS came in the form
of a man to the Messenger of Allah
And he sat in front of the Messenger
of Allah SWT.
And he said, O Messenger of Allah SWT,
tell me things, and he mentioned a few
Such as Islam, such as Iman, and he
also said, tell me, inform me of Ihsan.
The Messenger of Allah SWT responded and said,
When he responded to him, this is Jibril
in the form of a man.
He said Ihsan is, Ihsan is to believe
in Allah SWT.
To worship Allah SWT as if you can
see Him.
Worship Allah as if you can see Him.
And if you cannot see Him SWT, He
sees you.
So this is what the Messenger of Allah
SWT said.
So Ihsan essentially is to have a high
level of Taqwa.
High level of piety, in which you always
remember Allah SWT is watching you.
So when you make mistakes, and Shaytan tells
you to sleep.
Fajr time is fast approaching, Shaytan tells you,
put on that snooze button.
You got five more minutes, and then you
hit snooze.
And then you hit snooze again, and then
you hit snooze.
Five minutes feels like what?
Five seconds.
When you're sleeping, especially in the morning.
And Shaytan is telling you, do not wake
So this in itself, you know, is a
Shaytan, his goal is to fool you, to
make you lazy, so you do not reach
And that you do not recognize Allah SWT
at a high level.
And this is very important that we highlight
That's why Allah SWT says in his Tenzil,
بَلِلْإِنسَانُ عَلَىٰ نَفْسِهِ بَصِيرًۭا Rather, man against himself
will be a witness against himself on the
day of Yawmul Qiyamah.
وَلَوْ أَلْقَى مَعَذِيرًۭا Even if he presents excuses
on the day of Yawmul Qiyamah, man is
going to be a witness against himself in
front of Allah SWT.
So to worship Allah, as if you can
see him, and of course, if you cannot
see him, as we cannot see Allah SWT,
He sees you.
And that's what the Prophet Muhammad SAW explained
when he mentioned, or when he informed Jibreel
about Ihsan.
So in another Hadith, the Messenger of Allah
SAW says, إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَتَبَ الْإِحْسَانَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ
شَيْءٍ Indeed, Allah has legislated and prescribed Ihsan
at everything we do.
عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ So this is from the
nature of a Muslim.
That when we do something, we do it
We do it with perfection.
Whether it's work, whether it's family obligations, whether
it's simple duties that you have to commit
to in life, whether it's holding a promise.
وَالَّذِينَ هُمْ لِأَمَانَاتِهِمْ وَعَهْدِهِمْ رَاعُونَ إِنَّ الْعَهْدَ كَانَ
مَسْؤُولًا This is very important.
Many people, they take this lightly.
They make a promise, I'm gonna meet you
at 5 o'clock.
And the person, perhaps, maybe he's at home,
somewhere in his bed under his blankets.
And he's like, I'm on the highway, I'm
on the highway, I'm almost there.
I'm almost there.
One second.
This is deceiving yourself.
This is not excellence.
This is not how a Muslim should behave.
And we find this.
I'm only two minutes away.
And then the person then goes to the
I'm right there, I'm turning in the corner,
you don't see me, it's the red car.
Akhi, 100 red cars pass by, which one
is you?
You know what I mean?
So, this is deception and you're only cheating
And a Muslim does not attain excellence by
behaving in such a manner.
So, whether it's to any sphere of life,
to your employee, to a father, to his
son, reaching or aspiring to become an excellent
person in this dunya, in order to reach
excellence in the hereafter, is pivotal, my brothers
and sisters.
So, many of the scholars of Islam, even
when they're on their deathbed, and someone mentions
a hadith, what would they do?
They would still want to learn that hadith,
even though they're on their deathbed.
The scholars.
And they never heard this hadith.
They never even heard the hadith, what would
they do?
They would grab a pen and they would
grab a paper and they would write it
And he's on his deathbed.
The people would say that you're on your
And they would take it so seriously, just
so they could attain excellence.
So, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, he says
in an authentic hadith, إِذَا سَأَلْتُمُ اللَّهُ الْجَنَّةُ
فَاسْأَلُوهُمْ فِرْدُوسٍ If you ask Allah a paradise,
ask Him for Al-Firdos Al-A'la.
When you're making dua, don't just ask, Oh
Allah give me Jannah, Oh Allah give me
No, you ask Allah to give you Al
-Firdos Al-A'la.
With the Anbiya, with the Saliheen, and other
than them.
And we ask Allah to allow us all
to enter into Al-Firdos Al-A'la.
Say Ameen.
So, Abu Bakr ﷺ, and I'm going to
end with this.
He was, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said
in one sitting, In one sitting, he mentioned
ten companions.
No doubts, all of them are going to
go to paradise.
All of the companions.
رضي الله عنهم و رضوا عن Allah ﷻ
is pleased with all of them.
No doubts.
But the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, he mentioned
ten companions that are going to go into
paradise in one sitting.
One of them, the first one, the Messenger
of Allah ﷺ, he said, Abu Bakr is
going to enter into paradise.
And they knew that they were going to
go into paradise while they were on this
Abu Bakr ﷺ, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
There will be a gate for charity, fasting.
And then Abu Bakr said, Will there be
anyone on that day that will enter into
all of those gates of paradise?
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, Yes, Abu
Bakr, and I hope that you will be
from amongst them.
In an authentic hadith.
This is the final hadith that we're going
to conclude.
Collected by none other than the great companion
Abu Hurair ﷺ.
Found in, collected by Muslim.
رواه مسلم قال رسول الله ﷺ من أصبح
منكم اليوم صائمًا Who amongst you is fasting
قال أبو بكر أنا أبو بكر رضي الله
عنه, he said, me.
So look at this, how Abu Bakr, always
he's the first one to do khayr.
He said, I'm fasting.
قال فمن تبع منكم اليوم جنازة He said,
the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, Who amongst you
followed a funeral today?
قال أبو بكر أنا أبو بكر رضي الله
عنه, he said, I did.
قال فمن أطعم منكم اليوم مسكينا He said,
who fed a poor person?
قال أبو بكر أنا أبو بكر, he said,
I did.
قال فمن عاد منكم اليوم مريضا Then he
said, Who amongst you today visited a sick
قال أبو بكر أنا أبو بكر, he said,
I did.
فقال رسول الله ﷺ مجتمعنا في مرئٍ إلا
دخل الجنة He said, anyone in whom these
good deeds are combined will certainly enter into
And this is what excellence is.
Someone who capitalizes, who is on the first
line when it comes to khair and goodness
and does not move to seize that opportunity
then this is going to be the successful
one in this dunya and the akhirah.
We ask Allah ﷻ to give us the
understanding of what we heard.
We ask Allah ﷻ to allow us to
enter into Al-Firdos Al-A'la.
We ask Allah ﷻ to forgive us for
our shortcomings and Inshallah I'm going to end
هذا وبالله التوفيق سبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن
لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب إليك سبحان
ربك رب العزة عما يسفون والسلام على المرسلين
والحمد لله رب العالمين السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
وبركاته الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على
عبد الله ورسوله نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه
أجمعين أما بعد we begin as always with
the praise of Allah عز وجل and by
asking Allah ﷻ to exalt the mention and
grant peace to our messenger Muhammad ﷺ and
to his family and his companions before I
begin my topic today I do have a
couple of things that I would like to
talk to you about before we get started
the first is that I would like to
extend my sincerest appreciation and gratitude to Abu
Huraira Center to all of the volunteers, to
the brothers and sisters who cooperated together for
this to be possible after the help of
Allah ﷻ and Wallahi it is a blessing
that Allah ﷻ gathered us to hear the
Qur'an and to hear the Ahadith of
the messenger ﷺ and he gathered us together
in a house from one of the houses
of Allah ﷻ to remember him Wallahi my
brothers and sisters I just want you to
think about something think about how many people
in the world today don't know anything about
the religion of Islam then think about how
many people in the world today are Muslim
but they're not practicing their religion at all
they don't come to the masjid maybe they
live near to the masjid they don't know
where the masjid is they don't know what
the salah is they maybe come every now
and again and maybe not at all and
then I want you to think about how
many people there are who are practicing Islam
in the wrong way who Allah ﷻ guided
them in a general sense to the deen
but he didn't guide them to tafasil al
hidayah to the detailed guidance of the sunnah
of the messenger ﷺ فَأَنْتُمُ اللَّهِ فِي نِعْمَةٍ
all of you are in a state of
blessing Wallahi and the blessings of Allah are
blessings that we have to show gratitude for
وَإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَإِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لَأَزِيدَنَّكُمْ when your
lord proclaimed if you are grateful I will
give you more if you're grateful Allah ﷻ
will increase you and increase you so I
just wanted to start by encouraging all of
us to be grateful for the blessings of
Allah for Allah ﷻ bringing us here today
for Allah ﷻ guiding us to this beautiful
masjid to this beautiful center for us to
come together brothers and sisters to learn something
from the book of Allah and the sunnah
of the messenger ﷺ I would also like
to extend a special welcome to the students
from المدرسة العمرية AMAU that is the institute
where I teach it's an online institute and
many of you will be here today from
that institute or you've been involved you've taken
some of the courses could I have a
little quick show of hands from the AMAU
students just a few In shaa Allah what
we're going to be doing is in the
same place we're not going to move In
shaa Allah because I don't want to make
you guys go out somewhere else and come
back in but I am going to have
a little discussion with the AMAU students with
the brothers and the sisters before Salatul Isha
In shaa Allah so just I can learn
from you how is it going for you
and how are you managing the course and
what can we do better and I was
saying to the brothers SubhanAllah one of the
difficulties of teaching online is that when we
teach online the only thing we ever see
is the camera and I don't know if
you guys perceive it but I actually sit
in a dark room with studio lights in
my face and a camera in front of
me and I only see the poor brother
who is behind the camera adjusting it and
making the telling me the focus is wrong
fixing the lights pressing record and I don't
get to see the people that really matter
and Wallahi what really matters is for us
to be able to serve you to be
able to provide something for you that from
the many things that will benefit and AMAU
is only a small project out of many
many beautiful amazing projects and we ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to use us in
his service we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala an yu'allimana ma yanfa'una wa
an yanfa'ana bima a'allamana wa an
yazidana jamee'an ilman wa an yuwafiqana jamee
'an lil'amali bihi we ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala to teach us what benefits
us we ask Allah to benefit us with
what he teaches us we ask Allah azza
wa jal to increase us in knowledge we
ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to give
us the ability to practice it and implement
it and still in this topic of the
introduction I want you to think of something
there's an ayah in the Quran wallah every
time I think about this ayah it makes
me think that it makes me question my
own actions the statement of Allah Azza wa
Jal amman huwa qanitun anaa al-layl saajidan
wa qa'ima yahdaru al-akhirata wa yurju
rahmata rabbih kul hal yastawi allatheena ya'lamoon
wa allatheena laa ya'lamoon innama yatadhakkaru uloo
al-albaab as for the one who is
qanitun obedient anaa al-layl all through the
night saajidan in sujood qa'iman standing up
yahdaru al-akhirata scared of the akhira wa
yurju rahmata rabbih he's hoping for the mercy
of his Lord so picture this picture a
person who is standing at night no one
sees them except Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
they're standing at night obedient to Allah they
gave up their sleep and they're reciting the
Quran and they're asking Allah for Jannah and
they're asking Allah to keep them away from
the fire they're making sujood raka'a after
raka'a and then Allah said kul hal
yastawi allatheena ya'lamoon wa allatheena laa ya
'lamoon are those who have knowledge equal to
those who don't have knowledge ayatul azeem Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala is telling us that
the measure of knowledge is how long you
pray at night the measure of knowledge is
not how many books you read the measure
of knowledge is not how many mutoon you
memorize or how many texts you memorize the
measure of knowledge is the measure of how
long you pray at night and how well
you pray at night nasa Allah azawajal al
'afwa al'afiya we ask Allah to pardon
us and forgive us for our shortcomings but
don't ever think that ilm is about reading
many books or is about memorizing a lot
ilm is about khashia ilm is about fearing
Allah ilm is about what you do every
single day to worship Allah when no one
sees you except Allah so we ask Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala for al ikhlas fil
qawli wal amal and we ask Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala for the ability to implement
our knowledge my dear brothers and sisters the
topic we have today is a beautiful topic
and it's an important topic the topic we
have today is about the world of the
unseen and before I begin I want to
start with a muqaddimah and this muqaddimah is
very important this introductory point is very important
one of the great characteristics of the believer
that Allah azawajal mentions right in the beginning
of surah al-baqarah ذلك الكتاب لا ريب
فيه هدى للمتقين الذين يؤمنون بالغيب this is
the book there is no doubt in it
it is a guidance for the people of
taqwa those who believe in the right they
believe in that which is not obvious to
them it's not in front of their eyes
but Allah azawajal told them about it and
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam told them about
it so they believe in that which they
cannot see and subhanallah the greatest of al
-iman bil ghayb is to believe in Allah
azawajal as your Lord as the one who
deserves to be worshipped to believe in his
names and his attributes and his actions because
you will not see Allah until you die
but you believe in those names and attributes
and actions and you believe in Allah azawajal
as your Lord your creator your sustainer your
provider and you believe that no one has
the right to be worshipped except him when
you have not seen Allah and you will
not see Allah azawajal until you die we
ask Allah azawajal to make us from those
that Allah said about them وجوه يومئذ ناضرة
إلى ربها ناضرة those people who will look
upon their Lord with the greatest pleasure for
the people of Jannah يوم القيامة and we
ask Allah azawajal to make us far from
those people that Allah azawajal said about them
كَلَّا بَلْ رَانَ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ مَا كَانُوا يَكْسِبُونَ
كَلَّا إِنَّهُمْ عَنْ رَبِّهِمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ لَمَحْجُوبُونَ these people
will be veiled they won't be able to
see Allah that is the punishment that Allah
azawajal gives them يوم القيامة نسأل الله العفو
والعفو believing in the ghayb is something that
is fundamental to the Muslim I can hear
there is a an important point to note
our belief in the ghayb is not a
belief without proof it's not like people say
just believe you know you just need to
believe you just need to have faith it
is a belief that came from evidence that
is certain it came from a dilla qata
'iya tufeed ul yaqeen it came from certain
evidences that give you absolute certainty and that
is what Allah azawajal said in the Quran
and what the Messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said
to us in the authentic hadith so we
have no doubt in those things we believe
in them and we believe in what Allah
azawajal told us and what the Messenger sallallahu
alayhi wasallam told us from this world of
the unseen is the topic that we came
to talk about tonight which is the topic
of Al Ain the evil eye and the
Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam he said
Al Ain haqq the evil eye is certainly
true now a person might ask themselves what
is the evil eye because there are other
connected topics which we're not going to talk
too much about tonight but they are they
are there they are topics that are connected
the topic of the world of the jinn
and the topic of as-sihr magic and
the magicians but the topic that we wanted
to talk about tonight is the evil eye
the evil eye is like a bullet or
an arrow that comes out of the soul
of the person who gives it towards the
one that it is targeted towards and that
comes at a time of jealousy and it
may come at a time of amazement and
it comes towards the person that is targeted
now from the outset we have to say
before we start looking at the hadith and
the texts we have to say that not
everyone who is jealous gives the evil eye
that is a matter that is agreed upon
that there is not every single person who
is jealous causes a physical harm to the
one they are jealous of rather most of
the time jealousy harms the person who is
jealous it doesn't necessarily harm the one that
they are jealous of what is the reality
of jealousy the reality of jealousy is أن
يتمنى زوال النعمة عن أخيه that he wants
for his brother or sister to lose the
blessing they have it's not that he just
wants them to he wants to have it
it's not just that I want to for
example I want to have something nice this
guy's got a nice car I want to
have that car it's I want him to
lose it I want him to suffer I
want him that he no longer has that
khair with him and I want that to
come to me instead and that is why
jealousy is an evil وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا
حَسَدُ I want you to think about these
ayat they came in the context of the
great evils قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ مِن شَرِّ
مَا خَلَقَ the evil that Allah created وَمِن
شَرِّ غَاسِقٍ إِذَا وَقَبْتُ the darkness when it
spreads وَمِن شَرِّ النَّفَّثَةِ فِي الْعُقَدِ the evil
of the magicians when they blow upon the
knots وَمِن شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدُ the jealous
person when they're jealous imagine that that this
came in the context of those evils the
evil of what Allah subhanahu ta'ala created
the evil of the darkness when it spreads
the evil of magic and the evil of
jealousy because the jealous person is someone who
wants evil for you and I want to
also clarify that jealousy comes from a lack
of Iman in Qadr because when you believe
in Allah's decree you know أنما أصابك لم
يكن ليخطئك whatever happened to you was never
gonna miss you وما أخطأك لم يكن ليصيبك
and whatever missed you was never going to
happen to you Allah gave what he gave
to someone out of his mercy and out
of his wisdom and out of his knowledge
of the suitability for that person and the
opportunity for that person but Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala if he didn't give it to you
he didn't give it to you for a
wisdom that is with him and there is
nothing wrong with you asking Allah for a
blessing وَاسْأَلُوا اللَّهَ مِنْ فَضْلِهِ ask Allah for
the blessings the graces the bounties that he
has but the problem here is the person
wants for his brother to lose لا يؤمن
أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه none
of you believe until you love for your
brother what you love for yourself and so
most of the time the evil of jealousy
is that it burns your good deeds it
eats away your good deeds like the fire
eats away at firewood imagine Ikhwani just example
this box of tissue I took the tissue
out and I set it on fire the
speed that the fire burns through that paper
is the speed that jealousy burns through your
good deeds and most of the time the
person who gets hurt is is you the
jealous person however some people when they are
jealous their jealousy actually causes a physical effect
upon the person they are jealous of and
this comes from the evil of their soul
and it attacks that person it hits that
person like a bullet now the example of
a bullet or an arrow was the example
given by an Imam Ibn Qayyim رحمه الله
تعالى it's a very good example and the
reason it's such a good example is because
like a bullet you might hit the person
and you might miss you might take a
gun you might point the gun you might
shoot the gun but you missed you might
hit the person on their arm and so
they're injured but they don't die you might
hit the person in the heart and they
die you might hit the person and they're
wearing body armor and the bullet doesn't hurt
them at all exactly like this is the
evil eye this is the example Ibn Qayyim
رحمه الله تعالى gives he gives it of
an arrow today I gave the example of
a bullet because we maybe understand that better
today but it's the same concept maybe you
hit maybe you miss maybe you are protected
and maybe you aren't protected maybe it's a
direct hit and maybe it's an indirect hit
and that explains the differences in the effect
of the evil eye upon an individual upon
a person according to their protection according to
what they have done or haven't according to
whether the evil eye hits them directly or
indirectly whether it hits them or whether it
misses it's also important to note that the
scholars differ about whether the evil eye has
to come from a position of jealousy now
they all agree that jealousy is the primary
driving factor I didn't come across to the
best of my knowledge any of the people
of knowledge who said anything else they all
said that jealousy is the primary factor but
the difference of opinion they had is is
it possible that it doesn't come from jealousy
and there seems to be a reasonable body
of evidence we're gonna mention some of the
evidence is inshallah Ta'ala and that reasonable
body of evidence suggests that it can come
from the angle of at a job being
amazed you know like Wow but not bringing
that blessing back to Allah and Allah Azzawajal
knows best in any case it is a
blameworthy thing it is a blameworthy thing and
the person who does it is to be
blamed they are not to be said oh
I'm sorry you didn't know no it is
a blameworthy thing however it seems to me
that it doesn't always require jealousy even though
jealousy is the majority of the reason for
it and therefore we could say not every
jealous person gives the evil eye and not
everyone who gives the evil eye is necessarily
jealous even though jealousy is the majority of
the cause of the evil eye before we
talk about the evil eye in the Quran
and in the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu
alayhi wasallam I do want to talk about
something before that I want to talk about
the generic means by which a person can
remain protected by Allah's permission and I'm always
careful sometimes we put on the poster how
to protect yourself the answer is my dear
brothers and sisters you cannot protect yourself you
can't protect yourself at all because you yourself
do not have the ability at all to
protect yourself rather your protection is fi'ul
asbab is doing the causes of protection that
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala that Allah subhanahu wa'ta
'ala gave as for the idea of the
causes of protection yes from this angle yes
you can do things that Allah has made
a cause for being protected and that is
in the hands of Allah Azza wa Jal
alone we're going to mention let's say five
or six inshallah the first and the greatest
thing by which a person can remain protected
by Allah's permission from the evil eye from
the jinn from sihr from all of the
evils that can happen to someone from the
umoor of the ghayb and the things which
are seen is that a person preserves and
guards and looks after their proper belief in
Allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala the proper aqeedah the
proper Islamic belief what's the evidence for that
the statement of Allah Azza wa Jal الذين
آمنوا ولم يلبسوا إيمانهم بظلم أولئك لهم الأمن
وهم مهتدون those who believe and they don't
mix up their iman with shirk the Prophet
s.a.w. said it was shirk right
the Prophet s.a.w. defined the word
dhulm here as a shirk they are the
ones that will be safe and they are
the ones that will be guided Allah promised
you al-amn, safety, fil dunya, fil qabri,
fil aakhirah all of them Allah Azza wa
Jal promised you hidayah that Allah will guide
you يثبت الله الذين آمنوا Allah will make
you firm بالقول الثابت with a firm word
if you keep and you preserve this proper
belief in Allah that you worship Allah Azza
wa Jal alone and you don't make any
partner with him the reality is that if
you don't have that you don't have any
protection at all the second thing is to
follow the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah
s.a.w. to implement it in your
life because Allah Azza wa Jal said فَلْيَحْذَرِ
الَّذِينَ يُخَالِفُونَ عَنْ أَمْرِهِ أَنْ تُصِيبَهُمْ فِتْنَةً أَوْ
يُصِيبَهُمْ عَدَابٌ أَلِيمٌ let those people take a
warning those people who go against the command
of the Prophet s.a.w. so that
they are not struck by a fitna by
a trial some of the scholars of tafsir
from the Sahaba and others said the fitna
here is a shirk but the person will
come into a fitna a big problem is
gonna happen to them because they went against
the command of the Prophet s.a.w.
and that's why if we look at a
thiraq, a dhala, the different groups and the
deviant groups we see that they went astray
from this angle and Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala all kinds of things happen the jinn
issues and sihr issues and problems and masa
'ib and fitna because the person turned away
from the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah
s.a.w. and if you want to
look in sunan ad-dalimi the very famous
hadith of Abu Musa with regard to Abdullah
bin Mas'ud when he saw the people
counting the takbir and the tasbih and they
were doing it in a way that the
companions didn't do and Abdullah bin Mas'ud
made inkar upon them the strongest kind of
rebuke he said really harsh words to them
even though they were just saying subhanallah and
alhamdulillah la ilaha illallah allahu akbar and he
said to them are you upon a religion
more guided than the companions of Muhammad s
.a.w. after that the narrator said we
saw the majority of the people doing dhikr
fighting against the sahaba on the day of
An-Nahrawan we saw them fighting killing the
sahaba they went from saying allahu akbar to
killing the sahaba based on what falyahdhar allatheena
yukhalifoona an amrihi an tusibahum fitna rather what
happened is they went against the sunnah in
the way that they made the takbir and
the tasbih and the tahleel they went against
the sunnah and Allah s.w.t sent
them against the sahaba and against what Islam
stands for you don't have protection when you
leave the sunnah the sunnah is the ship
of safety the sunnah is safinat nooh its
nooh ship in our time everyone else is
going to drown the only place that is
safe is on board the ship which is
the sunnah of the messenger of Allah s
.a.w. the third is a taqwa waman
yattaqillaha yaja'allahu makhraja whoever has taqwa of
Allah, Allah will make for him a way
out every problem the word taqwa itself comes
from the same root as the word wiqaya
a barrier a shield and that is why
some of the people of knowledge they said
fainnaman yattaqallaha wiqah whoever has taqwa of Allah,
Allah will shield him what is a taqwa
you strive to do the best you can
to practice your deen and you strive to
keep away from the haram now you imagine
I want you to imagine a person right
now this person there's people jealous of him
or her there's people plotting against him or
her there's people who are trying to do
sihr, magic, jinn attacks, evil eye upon this
person and this person is someone who firmly
believes in the tawheed of Allah azzawajal they
only worship Allah azzawajal they believe in Allah's
names and attributes and actions as they came
in the sunnah as the Sahaba passed them
on they are a person who follows the
sunnah in the small things and the big
things they are a person who is practicing
their religion as much as they can and
when they make a mistake they turn back
to Allah they are a person who is
trying to keep away from the haram as
much as they can do you really think
that those things are gonna harm that person
you don't right you automatically think this person
is protected bi idnillah we don't say that
Allah will not test them rather Allah azzawajal
will test us but this person do you
think they will successfully pass the test or
you think this person is gonna fail everybody
thinks this person inshallah is gonna pass the
test and from the things that I personally
dislike is that we come and talk about
ruqya we talk about you know we talk
about the cure for the evil eye and
we talk about the hadith about it and
we don't say to people ikhwani at tawheed,
at sunnah, at taqwa, these are the asbab
raisiya, the main reasons why a person is
safe the fourth the statement of Allah azzawajal
rather the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam in the hadith of Abdullah ibn Abbas
that he said to him if you guard
the rights of Allah if you guard the
commands of Allah guard what Allah told you
to guard and Allah will keep you safe
al jaza min jins al amal the reward
comes the same as you did you guarded
what Allah told you to guard and Allah
kept you safe ikhwani wa akhawati I want
you to think about something what are the
things in the Quran that Allah told us
to guard number one hafidhu ala as-salawati
wa as-salaati al-wistah guard your prayer
especially the middle prayer the asr prayer if
you guard your prayer the one that prays
fajr in the jama'ah fahuwa fi dhimmatillahi
hatta yumsi he's in the care of Allah
in the promise of Allah in the protection
of Allah until the evening comes do you
think someone that Allah protects is gonna have
something bad happen to them would you how
would you feel if you were in a
dangerous I don't know what Toronto is like
but Allah keep you safe but you know
you're in a dangerous place and you got
a police escort everywhere you go the police
said don't worry we got armed escort for
you we got the motorbikes we've got you
know the armed vehicles you've got the bulletproof
glass you've got the guys with guns they're
all gonna be around you everywhere you go
do you think that person is safer or
the one that Allah said fahuwa fi dhimmatillahi
hatta yumsi he's in the care of Allah
that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said
that he's in the care of Allah until
the evening comes allahu khayran hafidha allahu khayran
hafidha Allah subhana wa ta'ala is better
to keep you safe Allah subhana wa ta
'ala is better to keep you safe what
else did Allah tell you to guard?
wal ladheena hum li furoojihim hafidhoon those people
who guard their chastity they don't come close
to zina not the any of the types
of zina zina al ayn or zina al
yad all of the types of zina the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned they don't
keep in any of type of that they
don't come close to it they guard their
chastity Allah keep you safe from the evil
eye from the jinn from the sihr from
anything Allah Azawajal keep you safe I can
if you go down that route and you
let that go ma yudarik ya akhi how
will you know that something's not gonna happen
to you what else Allah Azawajal told you
to guard the hudud of Allah wal hafidhoona
li hududillah those people who guard the those
people who guard the limits of Allah they
don't cross the limits they don't go beyond
the bounds remember extremism in Islam is two
types always in Islam we have two types
of extremism now people talk about one type
which is they talk about alifraat going too
far but in Islam we have two types
of extremism going too far is extreme and
not going far enough is also extremism for
us they're both extreme if alifraat wa tafreet
both of them are extremists one of them
went too far and one of them was
too lenient and both of them are extremists
to us wa kadhalika ja'alnakum ummatan wasata
we made you a middle ummah we made
you right in the middle you don't go
that way you don't go this way our
religion is never extreme it is completely and
totally balanced if you stick to that balance
and you keep away from that extreme ihfadhillaha
yihfadh from the means of protection is to
stick to your adhkaar to remember Allah Azawajal
ya ayyuha allatheena aamanu thkuroollaha dhikran or you
will believe remember Allah with a lot of
remembrance always remembering Allah Azawajal subhanAllah just being
somebody who's remembering Allah remembering Allah this puts
you in a fortress the shaitaan cannot get
inside and I'm gonna give you four situations
where you should remember Allah and this is
yaani not ala sabihil hasr is not like
all of them lakin I just want to
you know I want to give you four
general ones number one adhkaar sabah the remembrances
of the morning after Fajr and before the
sunrise or around the time of Fajr until
sunrise some of the ulema allowed it longer
than that you sit down if you don't
know them you take fortress of the Muslim
Hisnul Muslim you open up the section on
morning remembrances and you read and Allah keeps
you safe from the jinn from the sihir
from the evil eye all the way until
the evening comes the second one adhkaar actually
we'll put it together no problem the first
one we put adhkaar sabahul masaa together no
problem inshallah adhkaar al masaa adhkaar al masaa
the scholars differed about the time for it
but the one that I personally lean towards
is the view of al-imam ibn al
-qayyim rahimahu allahu ta'ala عند المغرب around
the time of maghrib and when the Sun
is just setting the shaitaan is spreading out
إِنَّ لِلشَّيْطَانِ إِنتِشَارًا وَخَطْفًا shaitaan is spreading out
and snatching people people are bad things are
happening keep your children inside that kind of
time just قُبَيْل المغرب عند المغرب when the
Sun is setting but if you do after
Asr or if you do after maghrib لا
بأس no harm in that inshallah ta'ala
this is the first one adhkaar al sabahul
masaa the second one الأذكار بعد الصلاة بعد
الصلاوات المكتوبة after the obligatory prayers you sit
down and you say استغفر الله استغفر الله
استغفر اللهم أنت السلام ومنك السلام تباركت يا
ذا الجلال والإكرام until the end of the
adhkaar ayatul kursi and everything you read the
three qulls and Allah keeps you safe until
the next salah the third is adhkaar or
الأذكار عند النوم when you go to sleep
again if you don't know them حسن المسلم
open it up go to the section of
dhikr when you go to sleep you can
get it as a app you can get
it as a PDF you can get as
a little book I don't know how much
it costs here it used to cost like
a dollar or something but I guess now
the prices went high you have like a
little book and you open it up بسم
الله you read before you go to sleep
an angel comes and protects you by the
permission of Allah all the way until until
the morning and the Shaytan doesn't come near
to you طيب what's the fourth one the
adhkaar that you say at specific situations that
relate to the presence of the Shaytan or
the evil eye for example when you go
in the house you say بسم الله very
simple right بسم الله when you go and
you eat you say بسم الله now Shaytan
doesn't live with you and Shaytan doesn't eat
with you when you go out of the
house you say بسم الله توكلت على الله
ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله you have
been sufficed you have been guided you have
been protected and what will the Shaytan do
Shaytan runs away and says there's no point
what can I do against someone who has
been guided and protected and sufficed I can't
do anything against this person I'm giving up
when you go into the bathroom اللهم إني
أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث before marital intimacy
اللهم جنبنا الشيطان و جنب الشيطان ما رزقتنا
all of these are times the Shaytan can
just you know something can happen Shaytan can
get involved Shaytan can touch you with something
and it doesn't matter if Shaytan is whatever
the afflictions of the unseen the person keeps
himself away for the evil eye there is
one very important specific ذكر and that is
to invoke the blessing of Allah for the
person so what are you gonna do when
you feel jealousy or amazement doesn't have to
be jealousy even a تعجب you feel amazed
like wow look at that you're going to
ask Allah to bless that person even if
it is yourself even if it's you even
if it's your own child now the people
who speak Arabic know there's lots of ways
to ask for Allah's blessings and you guys
are fine you know you know how to
ask Allah's blessings there's lots of different sentences
if I were to tell someone who doesn't
speak Arabic I would suggest the statement Allahumma
Barik to be the most generic sort of
easy-to-remember way of asking for blessings
otherwise بارك الله لك بارك الله فيك يعني
بارك الله لك فيه أو فيها or there's
lots of Arabic ways of saying it but
what you want to do is invoke بركة
now someone asks can I say Masha'Allah
Masha'Allah Tabarak Allah you can in the
sense that you're bringing the blessing to Allah
but it's better you follow the Sunnah and
you specifically ask for the blessing if one
if you do this you will not cause
a problem for anybody your brother your sister
they're not gonna suffer from you even if
you feel a little bit of jealousy you
know like some of the Sahaba said about
superstition they said everyone things happen to them
right everyone sometimes you have a you have
a bit of a mistake you have a
bit of a wrong feeling in your heart
about something but ultimately when you see something
you like Allahumma Barik Oh Allah bless them
in it Oh Allah give them more Oh
Allah give them and give me no problem
you want for yourself also don't don't stop
yourself it's not it's fine Oh Allah bless
them and bless me Oh Allah give them
more give me make this your habit don't
say I'm not from the people who get
jealous I'm not from the people who give
the evil eye I don't normally say those
things I don't feel like that it's never
happened before make that habit and encourage your
brothers sometimes someone comes and says oh you
know that's a very nice car you have
say Akhi please say Allahumma Barik Wallah Al
Ayn Haqq, Ikhwani I'm talking about Wallahi Wallahi
I heard from our mashayikh those who said
that Al Ayn can be worse than sihr
and there is a hadith and it's a
weak hadith la yathbut a'nin Nabi Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam but the concept of it is
very true in the sense that the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned that the thing that
will put the people in their graves and
the camel into the cooking pot is the
evil eye and the hadith is not authentic
but it encourages or it makes us think
how many people Ikhwani die how many people
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned we're gonna
hear the hadith why would one of you
kill his brother why do you want to
kill your brother and sister for how do
you not you know subhanAllah why would you
kill why would you kill your brother or
sister why can't you make your tongue say
Allah bless them had if you don't know
the Arabic say in English Allah bless them
Allah bless them Allah bless them if you
still feel something say again Allah bless them
until it goes from your soul until you
feel that go from your heart Allah Azza
wa Jal has no limit to what he
can give you don't restrict you know this
like as if that's the only car you
know subhanAllah you see a nice car wallahi
there's a nicer car around the corner maybe
it's for you no problem just ask Allah
Azza wa Jal you see a beautiful house
there's a more beautiful house somewhere else whatever
you see that is good that is pleasing
to you that is amazing there's always something
Allah can give you that is better than
that and even if you didn't get it
because Allah knew it wasn't the best thing
for you Allah has many many more blessings
that he can give you and the grace
of Allah is vast that finishes our discussion
with regard to the means of protection generally
speaking as for the evil eye the evil
eye is alluded to in the Quran without
being mentioned directly and from the alluding to
the evil eye in the Quran is the
statement of Allah Azza wa Jal وَإِن يَكَادُ
الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَيُزْلِقُونَكَ بِأَبْصَارِهِمْ لَمَّا سَمِعُوا الذِّكْرِ
almost the people who disbelieve would make you
fall down would make you slip with their
eyes when they hear the remembrance and they
would give you the evil eye and they
would make you and physically cause you to
slip cause you to fall because of the
evil the jealousy they have حَسَدًا مِّنْ عِنْدِي
أَنفُسِهِمْ jealous jealousy from themselves and from it
is indicated a statement of Allah Azza wa
Jal وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدْ as for
the Sunnah the Sunnah came and it came
with a lot of detail about the evil
eye we're gonna take a few ahadith and
from these ahadith we're gonna learn a little
bit about it and inshallah we suffice ourselves
with that بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ تَعَالَى the hadith of
Anas رضي الله عنه that he said رَخَّصَ
رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فِي الرُّقِيَةِ
مِنَ الْعَيْنِ وَالْحُمَةِ وَالنَّمْلَةِ the Prophet صلى الله
عليه وسلم permitted he made an allowance for
Ruqya in the case of the evil eye
fever and the bite of an ant and
there are other things the scorpion sting and
the snake bite there are different narrations from
it but the point here is that in
the beginning or the early days of Islam
the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم prohibited these
incantations the Ruqya because people were new to
Islam and they might bring something into there
that is from the shirkiyat making a partner
with Allah so the Prophet صلى الله عليه
وسلم didn't permit it but when people would
become afflicted by the evil eye it was
so serious the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
allowed them to use the Ruqya and this
also shows us that one of the ways
to treat the evil eye is الرُّقِيَةُ الشَّرْعِيَّ
Islamic Ruqya that's one of the ways that
we treat the evil eye in reality my
brothers and sisters the reason for this is
there are two situations with the evil eye
either you have in mind who might have
given it to you or you have no
idea who might have given it to you
if you have in mind who might have
given it to you we're going to come
to that if you have no idea who
might have given it to you here we
go to الرُّقِيَةُ الشَّرْعِيَّ and as for the
رُّقِيَةُ الشَّرْعِيَّ then it is with the book
of Allah and with what is authentically reported
from the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah
صلى الله عليه وسلم from the Duaa and
so you read the Quran with the intention
of curing the evil eye and you read
those ادعية those Duaa with the intention of
curing the evil eye and Inshallah Ta'ala
Allah عز و جل facilitates for you a
cure now if you want to know more
about that because we have very little time
I just recently finished an explanation of it
you can find it on the Bukhari Center
YouTube channel Bukhari Center in Ottawa you can
find it on their YouTube channel how to
do the رُّقِيَة and we talk about how
to do it for the evil eye and
things like that because it's a bit of
a big topic but we'll continue through the
Ahadith the hadith of Umm Salama زوج النبي
صلى الله عليه وسلم أن رسول الله صلى
الله عليه وسلم قال لجاري في بيت أم
سلم the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said
to a servant girl in the house of
Umm Salama رأى بوجهها سفعة he saw on
her face that she had يعني صفرة she
had like a yellow tinge to her face
what does that tell us?
it tells us that the evil eye can
be seen on a person now we don't,
not always but you see the person just
doesn't look right something is wrong he saw
that her face doesn't, she's something wrong she
looks like, we might say like jaundiced something,
she doesn't seem like she looks not right
فقال بها نظرة or نظرة he said she
has the evil eye فاسترقوا لها she has
the evil eye so you should seek someone
to do Ruqya for her and from the
hadith of Asma bint Umais that she said
O Messenger of Allah إِنَّ بَنِ جَعْفَر تُصِيبُهُمُ
الْعَيْنِ أَفَأَسْتَرْقِ لَهُمْ she said O Messenger of
Allah the children of Ja'far they get
easily affected by the evil eye that shows
evil eye can affect children what's the dua
that you say to protect your children?
أُعِيذُكَ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّةِ مِن كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ وَهَامَّةٍ
وَمِن كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَّهَمَّةٍ that's the dua the
Prophet ﷺ used to make for Al Hasan
Hussain I seek Allah's protection for you from
every shaitan and every beast and every envious
eye she said the children they keep getting
affected by it and that shows people can
become susceptible to the evil eye they can
have a problem of getting the evil eye
again and again shall I ask someone to
make Ruqya for them?
فَقَالَ نَعَمْ لَوْ كَانَ شَيْءٌ سَابَقَ الْقَدَرَ لَسَبَقَهُ
الْعَيْنَ he said ﷺ yes you should seek
Ruqya because if there were anything that would
compete with Qadar it would be the evil
eye the hadith of Aamir Ibn Rabee'ah
he said إِنْ طَلَقْتُ أَنَا وَسَهَلُ بْنُ حُنَيْفِ
نَلْتَمِسُوا الْخَمْرَ فَوَجَدْنَا خَمْرًا وَغَذِيرًا وَكَانَ أَحَدُنَا
يَسْتَحِي أَن يَغْتَسِلَ أَحَدٌ وَأَحَدٌ يَرَى he said
we went me and Sahal Ibn Hunayth they
went out in the time, the earlier days
of Islam he said we didn't like to
make ghusl in front of each other we
didn't like that we are unclothed in front
of each other you know how the non
-Muslims don't care people just get changed in
front of each other he said we didn't
like to do that he said فَاسْتَتَرَ مِنِّي
he covered himself from me حَتَّىٰ إِذَا رَأَىٰ
أَن قَدْ فَعَلْ نَزَعَ جُبَّةً عَلَيْهِ مِنْ كِسَاءٍ
he said when he saw that he was
hidden from me he took off his clothes
ثُمَّ دَخَلَ الْمَاءَ and he went inside the
water فَنَظَرْتُ إِلَيْهِ فَأَعْجَبَنِي خَلْقُهُ he said I
looked at him and I was amazed by
his physical form in some narrations it mentions
that he said to him I've never seen
anyone with skin like this not even a
young unmarried girl I never saw anyone with
skin like this سَهَلِ بِنْ حُنَيْفِ he fell
down as though he collapsed they came
to him and they brought the messenger of
Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم and the Prophet
صلى الله عليه وسلم made du'a for
him and he said إِذَا رَأَىٰ أَحَدُكُمْ مِن
نَفْسِهِ أَوْ مَالِهِ أَوْ أَخِيهِ مَا يُعْجِبُهُ فَلْيَدْعُوا
بِالْبَرَكَةِ فَإِنَّ الْعَيْنَ حَقُّ he said if any
of you sees something that amazes you in
himself or in his wealth or in his
brother make du'a for Barakah because the
evil eye is true rather in some of
the narrations regarding this they said to the
people هَلْ تَتَّهِمُونَ do you accuse anyone that
this person did the evil eye that shows
the permissibility of accusing the permissibility of saying
that I think it was this person they
said عَمِرِ مِن رَبِيعٍ mentioned him عَمِرِ مِن
رَبِيعٍ was you know maybe he looked at
him the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم called
him and rebuked him with the strongest rebuke
the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم rebuked him
with the strongest rebuke and the Prophet صلى
الله عليه وسلم said to him عَلَىٰ مَا
يَقْتُلُ أَحَدُكُمْ أَخَاه why would one of you
kill his brother for he said هَلَّا إِذَا
رَأَيْتَ مَا يُعْجِبُكَ بَرَّكْتَ why when you saw
something that amazed you did you not say
Allah bless him then he said اِرْتَسِلْ لَهُ
make ghusl for him فَغَسَلَ وَجْهَهُ pay attention
to this bit he washed his face وَيَدَيْهِ
وَمِرْفَقَيْهِ and he washed his hands up to
his elbows وَرُكْبَتَيْهِ and he washed his knees
in some of the narrations it says he
made wudu for him وَأَطْرَافَرِجْلَيْهِ and he washed
the ends of his feet and his toes
وَدَاخِلَتَإِذَارِهِ and he washed inside of his you
know inside of his waist wrap you know
the wrap they put around the waist what
you put like your I guess you would
say your undergarments he put the water inside
all of this was in a big pot
so while he was doing it he's standing
inside of a big bucket and the water
is falling into the bucket what did they
then they poured the water upon the sick
person upon Sahl ibn Hunaith they poured it
on عَلَى رَأْسِهِ وَضَهْرِهِ مِنْ خَلْفِهِ on his
head and behind his back and he got
up as though there was nothing wrong with
him in some of the narrations it mentions
that he made wudu for him and there's
no harm in either in whatever is easy
for the person if they make wudu or
if they make ghusl but what they must
do is they collect the water so they
stand maybe in the bath in a pot
whatever they wash themselves and then they take
what they take there they take the water
and then they pour it over the affected
area of the person or over the back
of their head over their head and the
back so the person if that's the right
person that gave them the evil eye as
if nothing is wrong with them they'll stand
up now here a person may say what
if I was in a group of people
so what we understand to be correct is
if you are in a group of people
if the group is very small in number
there were two people or three there's no
harm in collecting the wudu water from each
person if however if however you
are in a large gathering say this gathering
here then I don't think you can collect
the wudu water from all the people in
the room right in this case we go
to al ruqya al shar'ia and that's
why there is an important principle here which
the Prophet ﷺ told us about and that
is وَإِذَا اسْتَغْسِلْتُمْ وَإِذَا اسْتَغْسِلْتُمْ فَغْسِلُوا if
somebody comes to you and asks you to
make ghusl you have to do it if
someone comes to you and asks you to
make ghusl you have to do it وَإِذَا
اسْتَغْسِلْتُمْ فَغْسِلُوا if someone comes to you and
says to you I want you to make
ghusl I think you gave me the evil
eye you are not allowed this is an
amr from the Prophet ﷺ you are not
allowed to say to them it wasn't me
I didn't do it a'udhu billah why
are you accusing me just say to him
no problem here you go, take the water
because you don't know subhanallah and that's a
command from the Prophet ﷺ وَإِذَا اسْتُغْسِلْتُمْ فَغْسِلُوا
if someone asks you to make ghusl then
make ghusl and in some of the narrations
it mentions wudu so there is no harm
if the ghusl is too hard at that
moment in time you can make wudu for
them then make wudu for them again capture
it in the sink, in the bucket the
water that comes off some of the scholars
they allowed taking the hair or taking the
date stone from the person and this seems
to be that there isn't a strong evidence
for it and we don't want to go
into things that are not permitted so I
think it's better and safer you don't do
that what some of them said that you
can take their hair and put it in
the water or you can take the date
stone from their mouth and put it in
the water it's safer that you that you
don't do that if you can't get them
to give you the water or you don't
know who it is in that case you're
going to go to the topic of ar
-ruqya and you're going to read the Qur
'an with the intention of a cure from
the evil eye and the duas that came
in the sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ with
regard to that there's
actually a lot to talk about and I
have a lot to I have a lot
to go to but I also am conscious
that we promised for the AMAU students as
well inshaAllah ta'ala that we would give
them some time so what I would like
to do now inshaAllah ta'ala because the
problem I have is that I have a
flight tonight at exactly after Isha I don't
have any time to stay for even a
minute I have to go very quickly inshaAllah
so it's very difficult wallahi and I appreciate
wallahi it was very hard but it's just
that that's the time it was subhanAllah so
what we're going to do inshaAllah ta'ala
is we're going to ask now we don't
ask anyone to go everybody's welcome to stay
inshaAllah ta'ala but what I would ask
is if I could get the AMAU students
to come a little bit towards the front
inshaAllah ta'ala those who are not I
mean you don't have to come on the
stage or something just be around here and
we want to really get a chance to
talk to the students inshaAllah ta'ala and
I have no problem to talk you know
on the you know keep the microphone and
everything but I do want to just get
a feedback because subhanAllah meeting with the students
is something very very important to me personally
and as I said it's a really important
part of these trips that we go from
city to city and we meet people who
are part of the institute so if I
could ask for the brothers who aren't the
brothers and sisters you can just make a
little bit of space for those guys and
let them come and I want to see
a show of hands inshaAllah from the AMAU
students so I know where you guys are
inshaAllah ta'ala and what I'm going to
do is I'm going to start with some
generic questions inshaAllah I'm going to start by
asking you guys I'm going to come close
as well inshaAllah ta'ala but I'm going
to start by asking you guys can I
ask how many of you are doing the
actual AMAU institute with me as in they're
doing the full institute itself like the Masara
Al-Aqeedah and Usul very good, amazing and
from the sisters we have some inshaAllah
we will no problem shaykh we'll take inshaAllah
so shaykh asked us to take a couple
of questions about the evil eye and then
we start the AMAU meeting I'm going to
ask the AMAU guys to come close to
the divider so I can come down and
talk to you inshaAllah ta'ala the AMAU
students can come close to the divider quick
questions about the evil eye and guys don't
disappear because the salah is coming in half
an hour inshaAllah okay questions about the evil
eye so shaykh normally do you hand the
microphone or how do you do they have
okay if we take one from the brothers
one from the sisters inshaAllah ta'ala or
maybe two no problem do we have one
for the sisters sir?
assalamu alaikum shaykh walaikum assalam Jazakumullahu khair for
your knowledge sharing with us one hadith you
mentioned about the evil eye killing the person
or putting the camel in the pot I
read in iddat al-shaykh iddat al-stabireen
wazakirat al-shaykh wazakireen ibn al-qayyim said
that most of the youth of this ummah
would die from the evil eye so I
want to know that no doubt no doubt
that this hadith even though the hadith itself
is weak it has wide acceptance among the
scholars that they took the meaning of it
that most people will get affected by the
evil eye so it's a huge problem and
that's why we mentioned the hadith because it
has the meaning of the hadith is well
accepted by the people of knowledge and the
fact that the majority of people will be
affected and young people and it causes the
young people to die subhanAllah I think could
we take from this brother here because he's
been patiently waiting may Allah bless him and
then I will take from the sister's don't
worry I'm not ignoring the sister's side inshaAllah
salam alaikum shaykh may Allah bless you shaykh
my question is actually not during evil eye
it's like after getting evil eye so my
friend he I don't know if it's evil
eye but I think he got affected by
sahab and then he was very reluctant to
get ruqya because he was afraid that he
was going to be removed from the ones
who would get jannah without very good without
any any account yeah so but the thing
is what happened was his situation got so
bad that like he was even speaking weird
to me and he said that all he
remembers like he once walked into the masjid
and the next thing he remembers is like
somebody is doing ruqya on him like and
the middle part was completely blank for him
so my question is generally like if we
get sihr or we get ayin how should
we go about this?
that's my question so it's a very good
question and it's not clear exactly what happened
because it could be that he got the
evil eye and then later picked up another
affliction or it could be that he had
an affliction and coming to the masjid triggered
that affliction like sihr or the jinn for
example it could be either one but the
answer to your question inshallah ta'ala about
how to deal with it there is no
doubt if a person cannot deal with it
by themselves it's obligatory for them to seek
ruqya and that's why we've heard this hadith
the hadith of Asmaa bint Rumais and the
hadith before it we heard the prophet s
.a.w. told them to go and seek
ruqya so this idea of not seeking it
is to do with perfecting tawakkul and perfecting
iman but it's not an issue where somebody
is not praying is not practicing the deen
and then they're saying I want to be
from the 70,000 who enter jannah without
accountability or punishment we say no if you
can deal with it yourself if you can
perform it upon yourself alhamdulillah if your family
someone can perform it for you alhamdulillah if
not you need to go and ask a
reliable trustworthy person so that you can fulfill
your wajib wa ma la yatimul wajibu illa
bihi fahuwa wajib what you can't fulfill the
wajib with is also is also wajib from
the sister's side insha'Allah ta'ala I
think if we if we I don't know
sheikh how to use the microphone but some
of the sisters have questions here Asalaamu Alaikum
Wa Alaikum Asalaam Asalaamu Alaikum I believe to
be affected by evil eye is a tangible
process what about posting pictures of one's lifestyle
in social media will that person will be
affected by the ayin of virtual onlookers no
doubt no doubt at all I think that
the basic principle is share good things in
two ways number one by praising Allah for
the good things that happened to you wa
amma bi ni'mati rabbika fahaddith the ni'ma of
Islam share it with people the second is
share with people that you love them and
they love you don't share it with the
whole world people see you who don't want
good for you and that's the same as
the hadith that came regarding a good dream
don't tell about it illa man ahab the
person that loves you and you love them
so for me someone says for example you
bought this you bought this whatever it is
object whatever it might be and I say
alhamdulillah you got it for a cheap price
alhamdulillah you know I don't want to say
yeah it was so cheap I never could
have imagined and then the next thing subhanallah
something happened to it and it breaks I
asked the sheikh one time actually I said
to him sheikh if there is ayin on
an object what do you do the sheikh
he said to me read on the owner
because it's not the object they're jealous of
it's the owner's possession of the object like
I mean nobody's jealous of the car like
nobody wants to be the car they're jealous
of the one who owns the car and
Allah is a general specialist some sisters had
a question here if we could I don't
know how to get the microphone to you
sisters but inshallah salam alaikum salam alaikum so
sheikh we have one more person would like
to say ask you a question but we
also have a written question would you be
able to go through both inshallah why not
okay so I'm just going to mention the
written one first inshallah what should one do
if someone made dua against you and it
affected you and the exact dua they made
the exact dua they made against you comes
true what should one do so the first
thing is to understand that dua that is
made against you will not come true if
you are not oppressing that person and someone's
dua against you when you're not oppressing them
is not going to come true that's the
first point the second point is if a
dua does come true let the person make
istighfar let them ask Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala for forgiveness let them go to that
person if they did them wrong and say
forgive me and inshallah with tawbah and istighfar
let them stick to the dua of Yunus
la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minal
dhalimeen but what we must be careful of
is not going into superstition in the sense
that we didn't do anything wrong to that
person and we believe that the dua you
know came against them the reality is that
dua to Allah does not come true against
someone unless that you did dhulm to them
otherwise that dua comes upon the person that
made that dua they can make forgive them
pardon them make dua for them make peace
between them and inshallah Allah ta'ala this
problem will go away because the one who
decreed for this problem to happen is the
one that can make it go away from
you inshallah Allah ta'ala Sheikh there is
one more question the sister is she's asking
a question in regards to she had a
job and she was really good at the
job and her co-workers started to praise
her a lot about the job and a
little bit after she lost ability in certain
parts of her body right after those praises
ongoing praises she's wondering about Islamic cure like
specifically what recommendations do you have for her
to be able to cure herself she's tried
everything else medical trying to get support from
the labor law she's tried everything else but
in regards to Islamic cure what can she
do first thing is that if she knows
the people that praised her and she can
take their water it doesn't matter even I
mean if they're Muslim if they're not Muslim
it's difficult because it's difficult to even convince
them but you put that option first if
you can get it you can get it
I mean it doesn't have to be the
wudu of the Muslim in the sense that
it just needs to be the water that
comes from the hands and the face and
the arms and everything if she can do
that let's presume she can't do that if
she can't do that the answer is Al
-Ruqiyah Al-Sharia and we said it's a
big topic it's a bit too big to
deal with in a short time but what
we'd recommend for the sister insha'Allah is
that she goes to that video that was
made it was a two-part video it
was last Thursday and Friday it was at
the Bukhari Center in Ottawa just have a
look at that video insha'Allah and go
through it and insha'Allah ta'ala the
sister will find how to do that Ruqiyah
process properly and there's a cure in that
insha'Allah ta'ala but it shows the
eye is true wallah the evil eye is
true and it's important to try to deal
with it quickly insha'Allah ta'ala Assalamu
'alaikum my question is kind of two parts
because the first one is about the protection
for the children so when you say the
dua for the child is it like morning
and evening dhikr so do you say it
in the morning three times on them or
is it and like in the evening or
is it just once in the day or
is it whenever you feel like the child
needs it and then the second part is
like when it comes to waswas can waswas
be interpreted as something that would need to
be cured through Ruqiyah if it's like intense
and um it could be misplaced as anxiety
or worry but it's very very intense so
you're not really sure what it is so
those two questions the first one is we
don't know that the Prophet S.A.W.
made this dua on a specific schedule what
seems to me from the best that I
know if we find a schedule for it
we can follow it but it seems to
me that he didn't make it on a
specific schedule but what he did S.A
.W. is to make it occasionally at times
you know you see the child and you
just put your hand on their head and
you say ...
no problem or you feel they've been afflicted
by something or you're worried they might be
afflicted they're going out to a gathering or
they're going out to a party these things
of course a halal one haram one is
gonna bring more problems as for the issue
of waswas we did a full talk on
that in Montreal yesterday ...
we also did a little bit with Bukhari
Center as well but yes I believe if
waswas becomes very severe and the ayah in
Surah Al-A'raf ...
so taqwa remembering Allah and remembering it's from
the Shaitaan if that process isn't working and
it became too strong no doubt the person
has to go down the route of ...
I will give you one warning about ruqya
I will say to everybody be very very
very careful who you go to I prefer
you don't go to anyone I prefer you
do it for yourself I've got a ruqya
course it's on Teachable you can check it
out I've got some YouTube videos but the
Teachable one is a bit more detailed you
can check it out if you want or
you can just check the YouTube videos as
well insha'Allah but don't go to people
just you heard this person is a sheikh
There was one more question and then I'll
stop the talk.
Jazakallah khair.
There's one more written question, two parts to
it, but it's specifically one.
One is how can one tell they are
affected by evil eye?
So what are the psychological or visual specifics
that someone can tell that they're affected by
evil eye?
As you're giving recommendations of what to do
with Islamic cure, if they doubt that one
of those effects came from ta'weez that
people wear in order for them to, regardless
of why they put it on, but how
do they get rid of that as well?
Very good.
So the ta'weez question, I will refer
you again to the Bukhari Center videos.
The only reason I'm saying that is I
did it in detail, how to get rid
of it and all of that.
I think it was Wednesday's session, but I'm
not sure.
I also had it on the Rukia course
as well, the teachable course, but if you
want to just quickly grab it, the videos
from Bukhari Center on their YouTube channel, Inshallah
you can find it there, how to break
the ta'weez and how to open it
and all of those things.
With regard to the symptoms of the evil
eye, primarily you're looking for a loss of
something good, a loss of something amazing that
you had and you are, it became lost
in a way that doesn't have a rational
explanation to it.
For example, a person, suddenly their hair just
start falling out and they go to the
doctor and they said, you know, maybe I
got some, you know, hormonal problems or whatever.
Doctor, nothing wrong with you.
Maybe I've got like, I need some vitamins
or something, I need some, you know, nothing
wrong with you, but my hair is falling
out in clumps.
You had something nice and maybe somebody saw
it and was jealous of you.
However, it can also affect the whole body
like the hadith of Sahih Ibn Hunaith, but
I wanted to say something also to you.
A lot of times we don't know whether
it's the evil eye or whether it is
caused by, let's say, worldly factors.
For example, a brother says, I've got a
good business, suddenly business went down the drain,
everything is really bad, nobody signs a contract
with me anymore, I lost all my money,
I'm in debt.
I think it's the evil eye.
I'm going to say to him, Ya Akhil
Kareem, I want you to take this from
two angles.
On one side, I want you to treat
it as the evil eye.
On the other side, I want you to
treat it that it's not the evil eye.
That it's because of your sins, that it's
because of mistakes you made, maybe the business
is not going well, maybe it's not a
good market to be in, maybe you're selling
haram or you had riba or...
I want you to take both.
Someone says I'm fighting in my marriage, I've
got problems in my marriage.
I'm going to say take it as both.
Take it maybe you're not giving your wife
your rights, maybe you've got issues, maybe you
need to see a counsellor.
At the same time, same time, exactly the
same, treat it as the evil eye at
the same time.
And that way, whichever one of them it
is, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will open
for you a cure.
هذا والله أعلم والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد
وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين.
هذا والله أعلم والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد