Tim Humble – Seekers of Knowledge 004 – Tafseer of al-Ikhlāṣ

Tim Humble
AI: Summary ©
The title system of the Bible is a class, not a single word, and is associated with the third of the plan. The title system is also mentioned as being associated with the third of the plan, and some names of the sower of the Bible are not related to the title system. The speakers discuss the use of "front" in the title system and the importance of knowing one's last name and attributes. The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing one's last name and attributes in order to achieve spiritual health and well-being. Prayer is guided by a granularity and guidance in a culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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bow nappy Alhamdulillah

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wa salatu wa sallam,

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he was Sunni he Nabina Muhammad wa ala de he was me he h mehreen.

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So, after concluding the tip seal

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of surah 230

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and inshallah Allah will will deal with the homework inshallah, maybe towards the end because I wanted to make a start on this next part inshallah,

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we're going to continue with the tip seal of the last part of the Quran that is juicy.

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And we're going to start from the reverse. And that's because we're going to start with a small, easy to understand

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surahs before we move on to the ones that are longer and more complicated in short or long time.

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And we're going to start with the last page. But rather than start from sort of to NASS, I'm going to start from sort of a class, because the last three sewers of the plan come together in a whole as a whole anyway, and there are so many times where we use all three of them together, that it makes sense for us to start with sort of left last

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and then sort of fell up and sort of enough, and then to go backwards through the different sources until we reach

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the apportioned amount for the course.

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So we start with surah tool f loss.

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And we're going to try and start in a similar kind of way, by looking at the names of the surah.

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Looking at the sub Meizu, the reason that the surah was revealed

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and looking at some of the virtues of the surah because these are soldiers that there are virtues for there are authentic virtues reported about them and then we're going to look at the words whether we understand them and then we're going to take some of the issues from that unconscious that we don't have time to go into as much detail as we might like, but we're going to try to inshallah cover the most important parts

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Sora to a class

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which since there are 114 sources in the Quran is number 112.

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coup Allahu Ahad.

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As for its different names,

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it is most commonly Of course known as sort of a class

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and there are two reasons why

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it has the name sudo to a class,

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a class in Arabic means sincerity.

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It means sincerity or it can mean purity or singling something out

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or purity something being harmless.

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Totally pure.

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And singling something out.

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From the reasons why solidly class is called sorted class we're going to give two reasons.

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Number one, because the topic of the surah is a class I II it is dedicating the religion to allies or gel alone that is the topic of the surah.

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the religion to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. So the topic of the surah is a class. But there's another reason and that is that the word is loss can be to single out or for something to be pure. And so to the class is purely about a loss of penalty

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and it's singled out.

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It has been singled out

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for the purpose of described

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bring to you our last panel.

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It doesn't have any stories in it doesn't have any rulings any other rulings in like rulings relating to psychology or rulings relating to prayer.

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It has been singled out purely for the purpose of explaining and describing Allah to you

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from the names that it also has

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is that it is known by the NIV by the beginning of the ayah. So it is known as the Surah Surah kulu Allahu Ahad.

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It is known as by the name of Cole who Allahu Ahad

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and it's also known as

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and I'm gonna read this so that I get it right.

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It's known as a law hallway to summit.

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And this is found in an authentic hadith in Sahih al Bukhari, from Abu sorry, the foundry or the love that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to his companions, IRGC who are had to come across as pseudo cell for any fee later.

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He said or any of you are unable or any of you struggling to read one third of the Quran every single night.

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For shakalaka, ie him that was hard for the Sahaba to imagine how a person every night can finish what we now would say 200 pages of the Muslim

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they said this is hot.

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And the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked it is he asked it in a way that it's simple. Is any of you unable This is any of you who can't read 200 pages a night anybody?

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anyone anyone can't read 200 pages in a night so shakalaka Allah him they started to think this is hold on we must be missing something how who can read

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200 pages a third of the Quran in a night.

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For chordal a una otaku Delica Rasul Allah, which of us is able to do this or messenger of Allah.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah hunedoara to sarmad sudo su Quran. Allah, Allah wa hate a Samad is a third of the Quran.

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Allah aloha Hawaii to summit is another way of alluding to or expressing or

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pointing to hula, hula hula had also written a class.

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So another name, or another way of talking about the surah is to say that it is the surah Allah, Allah hate a summit.

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Now the interesting thing here,

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apart from that huge virtue of Surah teleclass class, that it equates to the third of the to a third of the plan is to note that the word is lost, doesn't come anywhere in the surah in any form, not in any of the the noun, nothing, it doesn't come anywhere in the soul. So that shows you that some of the names of the of the sewers of the plan, not all of them are names where the word comes in the solar, even though that is the probably the majority,

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almost definitely the majority.

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that the majority of the names of the sower Of course, they are words that come in the surah itself. Sometimes the surah is named for the beginning, word or words. And sometimes it is named for the primary theme or one of the words that makes it different from the other soldiers. For example, Sugata dakara Al Baqarah is not the primary theme of the song right. The main topic of the surah is not about the cough, the cough is a small part, but when you say sort of Bukhara there is no other solar comes to mind. Apart from Alif Lam means radical ki tabula rasa Buffy Houdini Taki nothing else. It distinguishes the surah all sorts of Baccarat, the one that mentioned

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And so on. And of course, some of these names came from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, like salted, Bukhara, and sort of Allium, Ron. And like we have here,

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sort of a class,

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or sort of Allah, Allah hit a summit

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and others. Or

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you can say, things that were commonly agreed among the scholars or that the surah became famous for that name. And many soldiers have more than one name. Many soldiers have more than more than one name that they are known by.

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So here we've covered that point also.

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Why is sort of a class a third

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of the plan?

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Why is it a third of the program?

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There are many different

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answers to this. But broadly speaking, I'm just going to give you one simple answer.

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That if we look at the topics of the Quran, generally speaking, sort of a bird's eye view of the plan.

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Then generally speaking, the Quran comes into three there are three major things that are mentioned in the Quran.

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The first is a law and his names and his attributes.

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No doubt this is a huge portion of the product, almost every ayah of the Quran has something from Allah His names and attributes, a description about Allah in it. So there is no doubt that that is in terms of major topics of the Quran, that is one of the three major topics of the Quran.

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The second major topic of the Quran is the halal and haram the rules and the laws of Islam, what's allowed and what's not allowed.

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The commands and the prohibitions, do this and don't do that.

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And the third

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of the general topics of the Quran is the stories and the things that are narrated from the previous nations and from the prophets. Allah hemos salatu salam.

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So if we look at the Quran like that, then cool who Allah who I had which is dedicated to describing Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah represents a third of the Quran. In that sense. It represents a third of the Quran in that sense, and also what we have to see when we talk about this. Heidi, about poorvu Allahu Ahad being a third of the Quran is we have to remind ourselves of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam love purine mean Alma whoo fishy. Don't look down on any good deed.

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Never ever think that there is a good deed that is too small to do. So pauwela one of us says, who who Allahu Ahad Allahu sarmad Lem merely do while I'm you. While I'm Nicola who Khufu one ahead.

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And he has the reward of reading a third of the Quran.

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And that shows you how Allah subhanaw taala out of his generosity gives huge rewards for very, very small things. Now that doesn't mean that the person who read let's say from

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let's say from Surah Al Fatiha until surah Toba

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that doesn't mean that that was equal to the one who said Paul who Allahu Ahad. This is in the base reward But otherwise, how many extra benefits are there how many extra letters are recited? How many extra words are recited how many extra benefits? How many extra things that make you think how many times you take admonition, there are so many more benefits to reading, and in full than just reading cool. Voila.

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But reading kohala had shows you the virtue of knowing our last names and attributes.

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And that our last names and attributes represent a third of what was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran.

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We're going to talk later inshallah, to Allah about how this works.

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comes along in a daily basis because it comes along with a sort of fell up and sort of illness.

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Does it have a set of muscle? Does it have a cause for revelation? It is mentioned in some of that Heidi, that the machine said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Sif. Lennar are better. Describe your Lord to us.

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Describe your Lord to us.

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And you know that they used to be stubborn with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would speak to them about our rock man, called Omar rock man, they said, who is our rock, man?

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Did they say that genuinely because they didn't know who our rock man was?

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Or did they say that because they were being stubborn and they were being awkward. That's why they said they were being stubborn, and awkward, stubborn and awkward. That's why they were they knew what a rock man was. But they wanted to make trouble for the profit slice. And so they said we don't know our rock man except the rough man of Ghana, meaningless a llama al Qaeda. This is the rock man that we know. We don't know any Who is your rock, man, we don't know. We're making trouble and being awkward.

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And part of the trouble that they need is that they would ask, you know, hey, so who is your Lord that you know, we have we have our, you know, idols, so on and so forth.

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Safely describe your Lord to us.

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And it said that this was the cause of Elijah to reveal who, who Allah say he is a lot who is a had, he is one.

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This would call

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when it comes in the poor and

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coal isn't the singular form, it means say.

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But so we understand it means say, when you're talking about one single person.

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So I can't say to all of you people sitting here today.

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I would have to say Hulu, Hulu, I can't say cool whole is just one person.

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So here, we have two questions to ask ourselves the easy question, Is this word cool part of the Quran? And the easy answer to that is by the consensus of the scholars, without which there is no doubt the word cool, is a part of the revelation that was revealed to Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And it's not an instruction that is to be disregarded. It's not like gibreel came and said, whole who will love our heart. It's not like that. Rather, the prophets lie Selim was commanded to recite the entire thing called war love. And not that the cool it just is just like, what jabril said to him, the call is from the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah azza wa jal commanded the

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Prophet silent to recite. This has a benefit, which is that the Amana of the Prophet sighs lm in really every single thing that was revealed to him from a lot. Not even the word cool was left out. Every single thing was revealed every letter, every single idea the way that it was given to him. He saw a lot of ideas and then passed it on

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albula horror movie in the most clear transmission, the most clear conveying of the message that this entire message was passed on even the word call.

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But this would call who is it addressed to? Is it addressed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or is it addressed to someone else?

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The apparent when you look at it, apparently, it would be addressed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that's a ball here, because he is the one

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who the Quran for whom the Quran is revealed to and in it, it says to one single man call. So it would make sense to say that that person is the Prophet Mohammed solahart.

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However, this answer is deficient. It's not it's not complete. It's not the complete picture.

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And that's for a number of reasons. First of all,

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these things that begin cool are not from the usually speaking from the hustle is of the profit size and the hustle is other things that are uniquely for him, just for him, nobody else.

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They are generally instructions to all of the Muslims and sometimes they are instructions that I definitely not for the Prophet sallallahu wasallam

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for example, in solitary is law

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imbiah bulgan indical kubala huduma aqeedah, who masala Taku lahoma.

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If one or two one or both of your parents reaches old age, then do not call do not say off.

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Here, neither of the

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parents of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reached old age.

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So, here

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we have to have an answer that is more generic. Some of the scholars said the word pool is not addressed to any one person, but it's addressed to every reader of the Quran for whom the ayah applies, or to whom the AI applies. That is one pole. Some of the scholars they said it is addressed to every person who is reciting the Quran

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to whom this next part applies.

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However, there are times when it's clearly addressed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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So perhaps the one that I am most comfortable with, is to say that it was for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, first of all, and then for his ummah after him.

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It was for him, first of all, and then for his own man after him.

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Unless there is a specific reason not to apply that rule, there could be two specific reasons, it could be something that doesn't apply to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Therefore, we see it applies to the recital of the Quran. After him, whoever is reciting the Quran,

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or the other way around, it could be something only for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam but not for anybody else.

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In which case, we say that it's only for him. But in general, generally speaking, the word Kol is for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and for his own man after him, so we could have three situations, we could have it for everybody. And that is the most common. That call is for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and for everyone who recites the Quran after him.

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Or it could be only for him Salalah where it was lm if it's one of his hatha is one of his unique qualities, that was only for him. And we have to have an evidence for that. Usually speaking, the general position is that commands are for everybody, unless you have a very specific evidence that says this is only for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Or it could be that it applies to the oma and it doesn't apply to him. But this is a rarity. And in all honesty, you can also you can also understand that in a different way. The iron sorbitol is raw, about your parents, it doesn't say, say to your parents, or don't say to your parents, it says if they are old, then don't say.

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And it's very simple to say this applies to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. But simply the,

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the second part doesn't.

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If they if they reach old age, one of them or both of them. So this if this conditional statement, if if they reach old age, then there is no problem here because in the first place, it's not it Allah subhanaw taala didn't say say to your mom say to your dad said if they reach old age then do not see. So here there is no problem seeing that it applies or it doesn't apply to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So in general, we say that all of the commands in the Quran, apply to everybody they apply to the prophets of Allah, send them into his oma after him unless there is a specific evidence to limit it to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or the other way around.

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Who Allahu Ahad

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say he is a lot,

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he is a lot

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So this gives us to have the names of Allah.

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As for who it's not a name of Allah subhanaw taala, who is a pronoun he is? Sometimes people made this as a false name of Allah. They said that one of our last names is

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Allah who, or who, this doesn't make any sense he linguistically in Arabic, it doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense in terms of the meaning.

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Rather, who are here is he,

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he, and we always refer to Allah the way our Lord referred to himself, right? So Allah referred to himself as Who?

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Allah so panel data

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is not like his creation.

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So we don't want

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any see that Allah is the virgin is male. Because being male, is a characteristic of creation, not the characteristic of the Creator, las panatela, is separate from his creation. However, we use the male form of the verbs and words and pronouns to refer to our last panel.

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And that's clear that that is the appropriate way to refer to Allah. It's not right to refer to Allah, as she that would be wrong, as would it be wrong to refer to Allah as it in English. Rather, we have to refer to Allah as he because that's what Allah said about himself. And Allah knows better, how to speak about himself in the way that is most befitting for His Majesty. And also the word he is a generic word. You don't necessarily understand gender from it, but the word she is very rare that it's used for anything other than a female, right? So, the word we always refer to allies he, as he but that doesn't mean that Allah is a man because Allah is different from his creation and

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and separate from his creation and has none of the the is not similar or comparable to his creation in any way at all.

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Cool, Allah He is Allah we said that Allah we've explained what this name means in sort of refer to him. So we're going to deal with a had

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one of our last names is an

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elephant that's one of the laws names subhana wa Tada.

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And closely related to it is his name Allah.

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So as for his name, Allah had, it indicates his uniqueness.

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And sometimes people might ask what's the difference between ELA and an ad since they both come from the same

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core meaning but you remember when we said r Rahmani r Rahim both come from Russia but they have a different meaning allied and I had both come from this while and have an dal but they also have a slightly different meaning. I believe that the best way to explain it is to say that our wide focus is more on the number that are lies why he is one and the emphasis is on the on the number

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I had refers to a lobbying one but the emphasis is being unique. The emphasis is being unique. So Allah hate has a little bit more emphasis on the number the number one that a lot is why he's not two he's not three. He's not Sally so salata the three of the third of the

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the third of three.

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Like the Christian say the Trinity. He is a had

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his Word and His ad word gives a little more emphasis on the number and I had gives a little bit more emphasis on being unique.

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But in reality both of them go or revolve around the meaning of being one.

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So here we might want to say one and unique or uniquely one or something like that is difficult because Arabic has beautiful small words that we can use and in English we need to bring a whole sentence but roughly speaking uniquely one or the one that is wanting in his in his

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So it indicates uniqueness and oneness.

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Meaning that he is unique in possessing the attributes of glory and majesty greatness grander in beauty.

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Nobody has the names and attributes that Allah has. And so the first thing that sort of the class tells us is, there is no one and nothing that has the names and attributes of Allah.

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And that is why when they say that, who is our rock man and they said that we don't know our rock man except the rock man of yamamah and all of these evil statements that these people made, and all of the statements of the Christians when the Christian said in Allah hi Sadie, so salata Allah is the third one out of three out of a trinity. Or when the Jews said that rosacea is the son of Allah and the Christian said that Jesus or Isa

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alayhi wa sallam is the son of Allah. All of this is refuted the belief of the machinic in the belief of Al Kitab every other religion besides Islam, is just canceled out in one statement called who Allahu Akbar

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because there is no other religion

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on the face of this earth walleye summit Allah He there is no religion on the face of this earth at implements Paul who Allahu Ahad accept Islam.

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Yes, some of the religions are closer than others definitely.

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But no religion truly implements Paul who Allahu Ahad accept Islam.

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Say that Allah is one Allah is unique.

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He is one in his lordship. He is one in our worship of him, and he is one in his names and his attributes. And this gathers together all of the types of tawheed because Allah and the word tauheed comes from a head right?

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The word towhead is taken from a head. So he is you're

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declaring or singling out a law as a height. When you practice and you say and you believe and you implement that our law is a had. We call this tow hate.

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Because tow hate is to declare something to be one. That's what the word tauheed means to declare something to be one. So when you say Allah is ahead,

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you are declaring a law to be one and this is the eight. One in what one in his lordship and his worship and his names and his attributes.

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See that Allah is one.

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Allah is one,

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Allahu Samad. Allah is a summit. So now we have a different name of allies origin, and that is the name a summit.

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I'm going to relate to you from Abdullah, Airbus, robiola and Homer and this is narrated by even Jerry rock poverty in his Tafseer. He said a summit

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the master who is complete in his mastery, the noble one who is complete in his inability, the great one who is complete in his greatness, the forbearing, who is complete in his forbearance, the one who is rich and free of need, complete in his richness, the compeller, who is complete in his mightiness, the knowledgeable one who is complete in his knowledge, the all wise who is complete in his wisdom, he is the one who is complete in all aspects of nobility and mastery, and he is a law exalted in His perfection. A summit is his attribute, and it does not belong to anyone except Him.

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And that's the end of the quote from injury recovery, quoting from the noble companion ignore adverse or the Allahu anhu.

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So it relates to supremacy, mastery and nobility. And it narrates to being rich and it relates to being rich and free of need.

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So we've understood that the word sarmad

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indicates mastery, a sacred, the one who is the master of everything.

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And it indicates

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And it indicates being rich and free of needing anything. That's why sometimes in English, they wrote the self sufficient Master, or they wrote different, different translations. But what's interesting here is what do you see about the name of summit? You see that there really isn't a single English word or phrase, which gathers together all of the meanings of a summit. It's one of the comprehensive names of allies origin. And it's mentioned within the Hadees on the last one of that Heidi Salas Greatest Name

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because it's narrated that one of the people when they made they asked a law and they mentioned that Allah is Allah had a summit.

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A lady Lamia lead what am ewallet What a miracle

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elmen Jalali with a crown to the Heidi.

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This actually strengthens the opinion that our laws Greatest Name is not one name.

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But it's actually all of those names that are comprehensive in nature. So so much you just can't put a word on it. There isn't a word that you can put on it. Maybe self sufficient master is is a good effort. Mashallah, it's a very good effort, but it doesn't even come it doesn't even cover 10% of what I'm delivering I busted.

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The master who is completing his mastery the noble one completing his inability, the great one completing his greatness, the forebear and completing his forbearance the rich and three of need, completing his richness, the compeller, completing his mightiness the knowledgeable one completing his knowledge the all wise completing his wisdom, he is the one who is completing all aspects of nobility and mastery Allah exalted in perfection.

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The self sufficient master just is a few small percentage a tiny fraction of what I do live now BASET.

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So we see that this is a name that has comprehensive and detailed

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explanation has a comprehensive and detailed explanation

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to it. One of the things we see from this is a lot supremacy over his creation. And we also see that Allah is the one that every single thing needs and he doesn't need.

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He doesn't need anything from his creation. alarm, doesn't need his arch

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to rise above Allah subhanaw taala doesn't need the arch.

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The arch needs Allah.

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But Allah doesn't need that much.

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Allah doesn't need hammer to lodge the angels that carry the throne. Allah doesn't need them to carry the throne. But they need Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't need his prophets and messengers to convey the message to the people, but they need him.

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Every single thing from a law's creation needs Allah. But Allah azza wa jal doesn't need any of his creation. Call who Allahu I had a loss Ahmed lemon lemmie added while amulet, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and declares his perfection.

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He destroys this evil statement that was made by so many different people. And don't just think of the Christians. The Christians are the most famous

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of those who said

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that our last panel to Allah has a son.

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But in reality, there are many other groups who fell into this to whom we say to them, let me add a dwelling unit from them or the Jews who said that Isaiah is the son of Allah, it seems to me and Allah knows best. And not all of the Jews said this, but this was a group of the Jews or it was the group that was predominant in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because when we see what we see from them is we don't see that it is a common belief in all

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sub groups or sects of Judaism. But definitely, there was a group at least a group and at one time it was the predominant group because Allah said we'll call it in the hood, the Jews say, so it was a predominant group at one time who said that Hosea

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alley Sam was the son of Allah, the machete cone, the polytheists. They said that the angels were the daughters of Allah.

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if we talk about philosophers, and we talk about atheists and all who talk about, you know,

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if God created everything who created God? Allah subhanaw taala answered all of these people

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merely to emulate,

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emulate meaning that Allah azza wa jal does not have any offspring, male, female human angel or any other allies, does not have any offspring.

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Sometimes you read in English, he does not know as he forgotten, but it's a little bit difficult to understand what that means. lemelin means that our law has not produced or created any offspring.

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ie a son or a daughter, or any other,

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any offspring.

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And it's not befitting for Allah. One I am the man a trophy, the word

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is not befitting for the most merciful to take a son.

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And that's why people will start to tell you all but you know, if God wanted to, he could have taken a son, what you know, you are the people who say that God is all powerful. It's not if anyone ever says this to you from among the Christians, or any other group, and they say to you, but you know how it he could have done it because you say to him, one, I remember the Iraq man, it's not befitting to the majesty of Allah that He should take us on.

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is not a right,

00:42:01 --> 00:42:15

is not befitting to the greatness and the supremacy to the oneness of Allah who is who is so mad that he should have a son. Because having a child or a son or offspring,

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it necessitates need, I want someone to continue my legacy I want my name to last forever, I want to have, you know, children and children's children so that they can you know, they can be my jewelry and my offspring.

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How can you reconcile that with a had a solid, and look at how the is linked to each other? One is links to the other is links to the other if a law is an ad, a law is a solid, how can he possibly have a son or a daughter or a child or offspring of any kind. So Hannah, who was

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and this statement that they said, when they said that Allah has a son, it is a huge statement of a huge evil.

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Like Eliza, which I said card was somehow what we all know men who attend shop will all do what

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head and

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that the Earth, the heavens, almost were ripped apart, and the earth was almost broken up.

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And the mountains were almost

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made a Sunday made into nothing destroyed into dust, because they said that our Lord took us on.

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And it's not befitting for the most merciful to have taken a son.

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But not only did not take a son or a daughter or offspring, but our law was not born. A law does not have a father or a mother or a source or an origin or a moment where he came into existence raga Allah subhanho wa Taala is

00:44:17 --> 00:44:24

the ever living that has always been and he is a well well. If you are born here well about

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an hour Well, the first nothing came before Allah Subhana Allah Allah azza wa jal has always been one of the last and he always will be watched by him the highest while balloting the closest

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so Allah subhanho wa Taala

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has not had any children,

00:44:53 --> 00:44:59

any sons or daughters and Allah subhanaw taala was not born. He is

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The son or daughter,

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of anyone or anything, nor does he have a source or origin, Allah subhanaw taala has always been and will always be. And he has always been in his state of perfection he didn't grow or develop. Rather Allah subhanaw taala has always had his perfect names and attributes.

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This religion of ours is a religion that is totally easy to understand and totally natural.

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That Allah azzawajal existed before his creation, he never came into being, there wasn't a moment where Allah subhanaw taala came into being, as soon as you think of Allah coming into being, you're applying the laws of this universe, of this creation to Allah.

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And that is ultimately where people

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who said wrong things about a law where they went wrong, they applied what they know about Allah to the normal laws of the universe. And effectively when you look at for example, Christianity, and I know I'm bound to get in trouble because I keep on talking about other religions in terms of not from the Muslims, but from the Christians and other religions. But if you look at it, God is humanized.

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You know, God is an old man with a white beard, who sits on a chair in heaven looking down at his creation to Allah Allah and Maya Punahou one caveolar high is Allah above the evil that they attribute to him.

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Look at how Islam describes Allah

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kulu Allahu Ahad Allah is one Allah is a sama, the one that is completely free of need completely separate from his creation, LEM nearly do nmu like no children, no sauce, he was never born, he never came into being.

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It destroys that picture of an old man with a long white beard pointing down with a stick from heaven. They said this when they compared a lot gentler fiorella, to his creation. That's how they ended up with those pictures. That's how they ended up with this Passover. This imagery, because they compared a lot gender fiorella to his creation, they compared a lot to a human being. And everything they say about God is said in comparison to a human being.

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And that's the only way these other religions understand God

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is either they describe him with nothing, or either they describe him with humanity.

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That's the reality pick any religion in the world. Take a religion, pick another religion put a pin in it. Look at how they describe God. They either describe God with nothingness.

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That can be things like you know that it's just a nature, or it's just you know, it's just a nothingness. Or they describe a law as though a gel with the characteristics of his creation. Only Islam breaks that rule and describes a lot the way that he described himself with names and attributes that are unique to him, I had unique to him.

00:48:29 --> 00:48:33

What a miracle who who for one

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and this is the final piece of the puzzle. The final part of the description of a line soldier

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that there is nothing that is comparable to him subhana wa Tada. There is nothing similar to Allah subhanaw taala there is nothing comparable to him.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:10

Alabama Saturday, he said, Laffy Esma he was also a fee. Wala fie f5 Lee he tabarka Ouattara.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:24

There is nothing comparable to Allah in His names. There is nothing comparable to Allah in His attributes, there is nothing comparable to align his actions.

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And when you take this, you have the perfect description of a lie soldier.

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And you have a description that answers the falsehood of every other religion.

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And honestly, you can try this. Anyone who asks you about the concept of God in Islam, or anyone who talks to you about the concept of God in their religion, you can answer them with kulu Allahu Ahad aloha sama dilemma dweller mula dweller Miyako love

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Khufu went ahead. If you look at what we believe about allies and I want to conclude with this and I know I'm going very slowly but while I think that it's worth it inshallah,

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if you take what we are taught as Muslims about Allah as names and attributes

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that we describe a law

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as he described himself

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and as His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described him,

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we affirmed for Allah what he affirmed for himself, and we negate for a lot of what he negated from himself for himself or about himself.

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And likewise, we affirm for Allah what the prophet sighs lm affirmed about him, and we negate we say, it's not true.

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Whatever the Prophet size him said, is not true about Allah. We also say that it's not true about Allah.

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We don't ask how

00:51:02 --> 00:51:06

we don't compare a lot to his creation. We don't deny

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the names of allies origin. So we don't ask how we don't compare. We don't deny, and we don't twist the meanings away from the meanings that Allah gave them. In all honesty, someone might ask you where did you get this methodology from? And there are many places in the Quran, you could quote, LASIK me cliche on what was semi robust, but he had just look at how cool who I had, is a basic description of our, the way that we understand the laws, names and attributes.

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First of all, that we affirm for what our law firm for himself, call for love, I do need anything more than that. To say that we affirm for what we affirm for our law, what he affirmed for himself, Allah said that he is ahead and we are told to say, Allah is ahead, meaning when Allah said that he is one, then you must also say that he is one so we affirm what a law firm for himself and we negate what Allah negated about himself. Let me le do what am youlet so we are told when Allah said, Let me read what have you that you must also see because the cool applies to the whole surah cool who Allah Subhana Allah Subhan Allah summit lemmya lead? Well, I'm youlet so whenever Allah said something

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about himself, that is not true, we also say that it is not true.

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And we don't deny

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what Allah said about himself. We don't say that a lot is not a hide all lies not some ad, we don't deny the very word cool, shows that we don't deny it.

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We don't compare a lot to his creation, what a miracle level cufon ahead.

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We don't ask how. Because Allah is ahead, he is unique. And there is no way to know something unique how it happens unless Allah told you about it.

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Because you can't see, and you can't compare. And if you can't see and you can't compare, then you have no way to know how Allah does something except what Allah told you about himself.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:38

So we don't have we don't take the meanings away from the meanings that are lost to peddle into Allah gave us we don't take it away and let me lead well a new lead so we don't take it away in a solid and either.

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We affirm for Allah subhanaw taala what he affirmed for himself, we deny about Allah what he denied about himself, and we do so in a way that preserves the meaning of a lot of names and attributes the way that he told us, and all of that can be found in coal who Allah who I had a lot Samad lemonade what am you that what a miracle no one

00:54:04 --> 00:54:15

I think one lesson is okay for Tafseer of the third of the Quran. Can we go back to Jamaica, Roberto and say Mohammed Tim made Pepsi of a third of the quantity today, so we on schedule.

00:54:17 --> 00:54:21

reality we are very very far behind, but we can use this Howdy.

00:54:23 --> 00:54:42

Allah, Allah had a summer title or pseudo so called photocell Quran that this surah Allah had is equal to a third of the Quran and that's why there's a lot of discussion about it. I'm not going to take any longer because we finished our time and we can only make the time that we have

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in sha Allah to Allah will continue with the Tafseer we got more with attain

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which is cool out of Europe in Falak. I'm cool with your openness inshallah to Allah to come and then we have to link them three those three together and why

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Without kohala I had to pull out the bureau big fella, call out of your openness. And then we can go a shout out to Allah on from them. Now, I did leave you with some things to think about last time. Why we said about sort of two factor? Why is it that sort of two factor

00:55:20 --> 00:55:52

is men, the middle part is in the plural form, you are alone we worship and You alone, we ask for help guide us to the straight path, why not make it in the singular form because generally as a rule, generally speaking into the singular form is more humble than the plural form. You know, if you say Allah guide me that's more humble and more lowly than Oh, Allah guide us if you mean by us.

00:55:54 --> 00:56:12

Just one person. Because obviously that's like the Royal we, you know, the majestic pool and you're making yourself look up to be something big. So why in sorbitol 30? What is the pool? Then? What have you found? Give us one and then we'll hear from the other students? And if they don't have another answer that you had, we'll come back as well.

00:56:19 --> 00:56:30

Okay, excellent. So this is a really good one. That sort of a third hat is a rochen of the prayer. It's a pillar of the prayer, and the prayer in general.

00:56:31 --> 00:56:45

The obligatory prayers are prayed in the JAMA. So it's as though you're reading as a German as a as a congregation. And you all say, mean together.

00:56:46 --> 00:57:06

So you're actually making a congregational da. So in this way, could we see that it says, if you're making dua for yourself and the people praying in congregation with you, or it's an indication of the importance of praying in congregation? That's one one point

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00:57:18 --> 00:57:27

So it's between allies origin who is one and all of us. So again, this is kind of like as if we are asking on behalf of

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all of the Muslims or all of the people who are praying with us, and we can expand it to all of the Muslims if we want to.

00:57:48 --> 00:58:07

Excellent so when the Imam is very similar to what Ron said, but also an extra point, that when the Imam is reciting aloud, it doesn't it doesn't sound right for the Imam to say, for example, Dini, guide me to the Scirocco must document that everyone's in the army and guide the man but don't don't guide us yeah.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:09

So that's true.

00:58:13 --> 00:58:15

Does anyone have anything else because I still have a couple

00:58:24 --> 00:58:38

so the vastness of our laws mercy and the fact that it income we asking allies or jail for it to encompass all of the people all of the all of the Muslims. There are a couple of points.

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One that is is linked to it particularly with a dino Serato Mr. him is that the Serato master key is not something that you are alone on

00:58:51 --> 00:59:13

this your author Mr. Kane by default as we said, For Ola Kamara, c'mon Latina and am Allahu Allah II mean and Debbie was the DP was shuhada it was solid Hina Hassan Allah a karateka you have a large group of people on that Sirat. So the Serato Mr. Kim is a Sirat, which is

00:59:14 --> 00:59:16

a group of people

00:59:17 --> 00:59:23

from the prophets and the truthful the martyrs and the righteous who are traveling together on that path.

00:59:25 --> 00:59:30

For this reason, it makes sense to say a dinner Serato stocking

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because the path is not as a path for one person, it is a path for the gemba. also tied to that is the importance of the agenda in general including the importance of the agenda in our belief and the suniti Well, Gemma the importance of the body of the Muslims, I want to be guided with the body of the Muslims. I want to be guided with the Sahaba that with the profits of this the harbor the right

01:00:00 --> 01:00:04

As the Imams and so on the scholars, I want to be guided in a Gemma

01:00:06 --> 01:00:23

not to be guided to be by myself on my own away from the Gemma. Because we know that the Prophet sighs lm said for in a de la he ll Jana woman shed the shed definitely not that the hand of Allah is over the German and whoever breaks away breaks away into the fire.

01:00:25 --> 01:01:05

So it's about the importance of the jamara. And it said that it's a duel for everyone praying with you, or that it said, for all of the Muslims, or that it's an emphasis of the importance of GMR and maybe one or two at least others that I probably haven't remembered. But I think we covered the most important ones. But we understand that the meaning here is not the Royal we it's not that you mean me, you don't mean me if you meant me, then it would be not appropriate to use that language into our when you're trying to make yourself as low as possible to then say, guide us meaning me but guide us meaning

01:01:07 --> 01:01:22

all of them will seems or the congregation or indicating how important it is that when you're guided that you're with a congregation of people you're with a jumble of people and that it doesn't mean the it's not you're not trying to make yourself

01:01:23 --> 01:01:43

great or make yourself magnificent but you're trouble you're trying to do is you're trying to indicate the importance of that brotherhood and that German and also making dua on behalf of your brother because remember, when you make dua for your brother in their absence, the angel says mean

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and mean and may you have the same

01:01:48 --> 01:02:06

so you're also making dua for your brothers in their absence. If I can think of any others that didn't come to me right now inshallah to Allah will mention them next time with Lila otherwise we'll stop there. And a lot of journals Bestival Salatu was Salam ala nabina Muhammad while he was so happy

01:02:07 --> 01:02:14

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