Tim Humble – Power of Dhikr 16
![Tim Humble](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/tim-humble-150x150.jpg)
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The names and attributes of Allah's name are not the same, but the history and characteristics of his name are discussed, including his smalllaw and his album. The use of the name Islam in various cultural and political settings is also discussed, including the title of the book of Islam. The title is the title of the book of Islam, which is the title of the book of Islam.
AI: Summary ©
Make me
Do me a favor.
don't leave me
Don't leave me.
alone. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Welcome to another episode of the power of the
continuing our discussion about the names and attributes of Allah azza wa jal today inshallah Allahu taala. We're going to be talking about the difference between the different names of Allah azza wa jal and Allah is Greatest Name and how we call upon Allah with his greatest name and what the Greatest Name of Allah as origin is. We mentioned that Allah Subhana Allah doesn't have a fixed number of names. So we mentioned that there are more than 99 Names of Allah and the evidence for this was mentioned in the previous episode. inshallah Allah today looking and building upon that, then we look at the fact that the names of Allah azza wa jal are not the same. There are names that
are better than others, and Shepherd Islam even taymiyah was asked about this Rahim Allah and he said, that this idea or this statement, that there is no preference, or no names which are better than others is a statement which has no proof for it. Because the names and attributes of Allah azza wa jal are of many different types there and they are also some of them are preferred to others, as the evidence for this is found in the Quran, and in the Sunnah, and in agema, along with sound, intellect, consensus, along with sound intellect, and specifically regarding the preference of the names of Allah azza wa jal, we hear about his small law, his album, The Greatest Name of Allah, the
Greatest Name of Allah and this is mentioned in several of the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from these Hadith is that which an Imam Ahmed underrated in his Muslim word along with the Imams of the fourth sunon from the hadith of anise, Eben Malik, may Allah be pleased with him.
And this hadith that is the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard a man say, Allah hum Allahumma inni as iluka or law I asked you by the fact that you all praise be unethical hunt, I asked you by the fact that all praise is due to you, La Ilaha Illa and what the kalasha recollect, I asked you by the fact that all praises to you, there is no god except for you alone and with no partner, Alma none, the one who blesses us with all of his all of our all of the blessings that he gives us and constantly gives to us and constantly blesses us without us having done anything to deserve it. And then he said, but do it without the one who was the Creator of the heavens and the
earth with no previous example little john oliver Ekrem, the owner of majesty, an honor, the the mighty and the majestic and the one who has all majesty and on a soprano huzzah Allah, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam heard when this man said this he said to him, la casa el tala be Ishmael avant or Bismillah album. You have asked a lot by his greatest name, a lady either Doria, big job, the name that if he is called upon with it, he answers what he does Sui levy APA and if he is asked a question or he's asked something that you asked a lot which will force something, then Allah subhanaw taala will give you
and at the end of the duration of Abu download and alamanda say is the addition of the man said yeah, how you yaku
this hadith is in addition to a further Hadith narrated by Evan murgia and hi Kim and others from Abu Omar Marathi Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is more like an oven and that he either do a be a job the name The Greatest Name of Allah, the name that if he is called upon with it, he will answer is in three surah of the Quran. Or can be found in three particular sources of the Quran in Al Baqarah and in Iran and in Baja. And likewise, Imam Ahmed in Abu Dhabi was in a tournament he narrated from
From a smart bint yazeed May Allah be pleased with her. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, The Greatest Name of Allah is in these two is what Allah hokum Illa Anwar hade en la Ilaha in who are Rahman Rahim, but your Lord is one Lord, there is no god worthy of worship except Him. And He is a rock man of Rahim, the Most Merciful, the Restore of mercy. And in the beginning of Adam, Ron,
and if I mean, Allahu La Ilaha Illa Who are you? Are you under other ahaadeeth along in this regard, now, the scholars of Hadith therefore, when they looked at all of these heidy, they came to compare all of them together, and put down all of them on the table together, and look at which name is the Greatest Name of Allah azza wa jal. And in this day, asuci Rahim Allah mentions more than 20 opinions, but the most common, and the one which the scholars of Hadith or the scholars or aqidah, say is the most likely to be true, and is the closest to being true and the one that is most in accordance with all of the different Hadith is that the Greatest Name of Allah azza wa jal is Allah.
Likewise, there is also an opinion that it is Allah, Allah de la ilaha illa. Who, and likewise, there is an opinion that it is Allah. Hi, Alka Yun. And what we're going to do is we're going to talk about these three opinions. Of course, we've said that in sha Allah, Who to Allah, the closest of them towards the truth, in my opinion, is that the Greatest Name of Allah azza wa jal is the name of Allah. But let's look at those three because each of those three give us a very unique understanding of how we put the names and attributes of Allah into practice in our Vicar, and how we come closer to Allah azza wa jal by mentioning his greatest name. So let's look at the word Allah
cebo, a, who was one of the great scholars of the Arabic language, he said that the name of Allah is out of my eyes, it is the most clearly defined name of any single name. It is the most clearly defined noun of any noun, and the most clearly defined name of any name. Why? If you look at the name, let's say Mohammed, or Ahmed, that's a name. And I say, Mohammed or I call out Ahmed, can you help me please? Could you come here please? For example, when I call out these names, there are other people who have these names. Yes, you may see from my gesture from my indication that I'm calling a particular person, but there are other people who have these names. As for Allah azza wa
jal, it is mentioned that not even in false hood, has anyone ever used the word Allah as a name for themselves, not even the false gods took the name, Allah. So when you say the name when you say God, for example, if I say to you, God, many people understand different things by God. So if I say God, to a Christian, he understands the Father, the Son of the Holy Spirit, if I say God, to a Hindu, he may understand something completely different to a Buddhist something completely different to a juicer completely different. But when I say Allah, there is no doubt whatsoever about who I am referring to, also from the things which is very important for us to understand about the name of
Allah. And the word Allah is that Allah subhanaw taala. This word Allah, it encompasses the meanings of all of the other names and attributes within it. So every single name and attribute of a law that we use in our Vicar is contained within the name of Allah. And it is that's why it is from the most comprehensive of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In fact, it is the most comprehensive name of the names of Allah subhanaw taala, every single name of Allah, the meaning is contained within Allah. And Allah is the one true God who nobody deserves to be worshipped, but him nobody deserves to be worshipped, but him because Allah is something which is worshipped a god which God which is
worship, the only true God which is worshipped a last parameter Allah, and Allah is the only one true God that is worship that nobody deserves to be worshipped, but him also from the benefits of the name of Allah is that it can't be made plural, nor can it be made feminine. So you can't say a laws with a plural there is no way in Arabic to say it. There's no way in English to say Allah is the definition of Tahiti and the essence of the hate is contained within the word Allah. Let's look at Allah Hi, I'll call you. And even though we think the opinion that our how you will consume is one of the names of Allah is perhaps
It's a bit weaker, but let's take a look at it because a higher volume gives us another vital meaning. And that is the all of the names of Allah. And all of the attributes of Allah, they come back to Allah, hi, Alka you like they all come back to Allah, they come back to Allah Hi, I'll call you. But I'd hate to call you they divided into two. And that hate is the EverLiving. The one who has the most complete form of life because he has no beginning. Nor does he have any end. He does not he was not born, nor did he give birth to anybody. He did not beget any children. He has the most perfect form of life, he does not sleep, he does not slumber, he doesn't feel tired. He doesn't
ever lose concentration, therefore he is alhaj. The ever living whose life is the essence is absolutely perfect the essence of perfection. This is what the meaning of alhaj is an alcohol. UMW is the one who is the Sustainer of all of his creation, as in that he is the one that keeps all of his creation alive that allows them to continue in their lives. And all of the things that our last panel to Allah does for us, they come under the name I'll call you. So I'll highlight all of the things that relate to Allah subhanaw taala in himself, such as those things which relate to Allah subhanaw taala the ever living those things which relate to Allah subhanaw taala. In himself, all of
them are contained within add height
and height. And likewise, all of the names of Allah that relate to Allah as actions towards us, Allah's mercy, allies, Allah's kindness towards us, Allah has, you know, sort of giving us all of these blessings and providing for us and the risk that he gives to us. All of them are contained within the name
within the name, I'll call you. So we see that in how you apply you, we have the understanding of all of the names of Allah azza wa jal, the names of Allah that relate to himself and the names of Allah azza wa jal that relate to his actions towards us. And Allah Hola, de la ilaha illa who, emphasizing that our last opponent Allah is the one who there is no god worthy of worship except for him, and that there is nobody who deserves to be worshipped no tree no sun, no moon, no star, no profit, not angel that deserves any form of worship besides Allah azza wa jal so these are vital parts of our car vital parts of our vehicle, they come again and again in our advocate in our car,
we need to try to use them and especially the Greatest Name of Allah, which seems to be an Allah knows best, the name Allah. So we need to make sure that we use this in our Vicar in a in an appropriate way, in a way that is in accordance to the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam that's all we have time for in this episode. please do join us for a future episode of the power of the Quran was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
me a
soldier. Please
don't leave me.
Don't leave me