Tim Humble – Kids Class 10 – Fiqh – Getting Ready for Prayer

Tim Humble
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning one's religion and fasting outside of crisis times is emphasized in Islam. Prayer- based actions like praying and giving prayers are discussed, including drinking water and staying ahead of events. Cleanliness and staying healthy are also emphasized, along with the importance of praying before praying and being prepared for prayer. Clean water is discussed, and the importance of washing one's clothes and not using water in the toilet is emphasized. The speakers stress the need for everyone to be clean and stay healthy, especially for boys who may not clean themselves properly.
AI: Transcript ©
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Maybe you know what early he or sappy ajwain Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. So we have a brand new topic today, we finished our brief introduction to the surah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his life, his biography. And now we are going to talk about something completely different. Today we're going to talk about a science of Islam called fear.

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And I want to give you a little bit of an introduction to the word fit, first of all, and then we talk about what part of the UK we're going to talk about. So the word fit originally in Arabic means understanding. It doesn't mean any specific type of Islamic knowledge, just general understanding of the religion, generally knowing the religion of Islam. And from this is an amazing Hadith and I want you all to remember this Hadith, the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he said many you read the letter who be he Hira? You have a deed

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if I'm not mistaken, this is the Heidi from what are we? Even Abby sufian? Probably Allah one. Whoever Allah wants good for he gives him fit in the religion.

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Can you explain that Heidi to you? What do you understand from the Holy Bible? We have a class without public attendance, I just have my kids and to the cameraman and what have you saw? Just to get some interaction from the class? What do you understand from that Heidi? Whether Allah wants good for he gives him 50 of the religion.

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He lets him understand

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the religion so that he can do it right or she can do it right. Yeah. So if Allah wants Good for you, He gives you understanding of Islam, he lets you understand Islam properly. And that means that if Allah has blessed you to be able to know your religion properly. That's a really good sign, isn't it? That's a sign that Allah loves you. And Allah wants Good for you, that He gives you understanding of your religion. What do you think then that means if you don't have understanding of your religion,

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if you don't know anything about Islam,

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yeah, I don't want you to say Allah doesn't love that person. But it means the person has to make a change, right? You have to realize that you can't live your life without knowing what Islam is, you can't live your life not knowing things properly, you have to do your best to learn as much as you can. And if you make an effort to learn about Islam, Allah will give you good in your life, when you read the letter will be highrock Ufuk k houfy. d,

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whoever Allah wants good for. Allah gives that person fit.

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Meaning gives them understanding of the religion. But that would fit is not the word we get how we're going to use fifth today. Okay, fifth today, and I'm just going to explain it in a way that the kids can understand. So it's not a definition for the adults, we're not going to talk about a dilla, Tov Syria, and things like that, we just want to give an explanation that the children can understand. So the first thing is that filk is all about actions that you do as a Muslim. Okay? It's all about actions that you do as a Muslim. So it's not about belief. We did belief in our first kids class. Do you remember? We did Who is your Lord?

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And what is your religion? And who is your prophet? So love? It was a lamb. That was belief, right? So we're talking about actions you do? Can you give me some examples of actions that you do?

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praying, so you'd expect to learn how to pray in

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Whoo, good.

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Give me some more actions.

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Okay, the F card that you do very good, the vicar you do maybe after the prayer or that when you go up? Sorry.

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The Sunnah prayers. Yeah. Okay. Very good.

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What about zeca? How to give charity and things like that. So that's part of what you find out about in fifth. And fifth really talks about the rulings of those things.

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What do you have to do? And what must you not do? And what's recommended for you to do and was disliked for you to do

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And what is it allowed for you to do? Those are really the five basic rulings of everything in Islam, right? Either you have to do it,

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or either you must not do it. Or either it's recommended, or either it is disliked, or either it's permissible, but I need you to explain them to me because we might not understand those. So let's just start with the simplest one. Let's start with the final or the word job. What does it mean for something to be an obligation to be

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an obligation in Islam followed over job What does that mean?

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You have to do it. So what happens if you do do it?

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What do you get?

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You get reward. Okay, and what happens if you don't do it? You get sin. Very good. Excellent. So if you do it, you get a reward. And if you don't do it, you get a sin. Let's do the opposite. What's the opposite of that?

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The opposite of that is what if you do it you get a sin? And if you don't do it, you get a reward. What do we call that?

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What do what's the Arabic word for that? haram? Very good. Hara.

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Okay, we say to him,

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the ruling of of it being Haram. When something is haram, it means if you do it, you get a sin. And if you don't do it with the intention of getting near to Allah,

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so someone says, gee pork, say no, I don't eat pork.

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See why? Because Allah told me not to. And I want to do what Allah told me to do. So you get rewarded for not eating it.

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But if you ate it, then you get the sin of eating it. So can I ask you a question? Are all the obligations the same?

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And all the Haram things the same? So there are some things that are extremely extremely hard.

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And the sin for them might even take you out of Islam and stop you being a Muslim. And there are some things that are less and some things that are less Some things are less Can you give me an example of something that's an obligation in Islam you must do it

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prayer, the five which salado Salah is the wrong answer, because when you say Salah there are recommended Salas there are the five daily prayers Yeah, the five daily prayers are Salatu comes the five daily prayers some people call it namaz the Arabic word is Salah, yeah, the Arabic word is Salah, but we talked about the solo two humps, we talk about the five daily prayers those are obligations Give me an example of something that's haram I give the example of eating pork Give me another example. Give me an example of a major sin something that is the among the worst of the things you can do. And you kids need to think about it a lot.

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Or Coachella Valley Dean

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been back to your parents if you haven't informed your kids let us know.

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Killing Okay, very good.

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That you kill a soul without Right.

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Well etiquetado, Neff seletti how Ramallah elaborate making a partner with a lot excellent. Making a partner with a lot very good schicke making a partner with a law that's the worst of the worst right?

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followed by a coke. Allah validate been bad to your parents, right?

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Okay, so what about recommended What does that mean?

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I want to understand what it means if I do it what happens and if I don't do it, what happens? If I do it? I get rewarded. And if I don't do it, I don't get sin.

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Okay, so if I do it, I get extra reward and all Muslims, we want extra reward. Don't we want to do as much as we can? But if I don't do it, there's no sin. There is no blame on me. Could you give me an example of something that's recommended to do?

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The Sunnah press. Okay, so a solid, a solid water nephila or a solid water Atiba the regular Sunnah prayers you pray everyday like before the horse after the horse before fetcher after mulgrave after Isha things like that. Those regular prayers that you pray the sooner press this example recommended you have one

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Sunday fasting so fasting on a Monday and a Thursday, fasting three days in the month. So fasting outside of Ramadan, fasting outside of Ramadan, is generally recommended. Is there is an example of fasting. I want to give you a little riddle. Okay. Fasting outside of Ramadan. Okay, it has nothing to do with Ramadan and it's obligatory

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and it's in Islam. Yes.

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We don't do Christianity here.

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No it's not obligatory fasting alpha is a sauna recommended

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three days in the month is recommended it's got nothing to do with Ramadan it's not making up Ramadan or anything like that it's got nothing to do with Ramadan and it's obligatory

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sure well no it's not the 60s of show what

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your kids got any idea

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tough wanna

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a fast outside no relation to Ramadan it's not making a profit on or catching up Ramadan or miss Ramadan it's got nothing to do with Ramadan and it's obligatory

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and you've never done it for my kids. You've never done it before.

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Okay, so I've been

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fasting for oath, if you swore an oath, like if you swore an oath and never if you swore an oath and you said that By Allah, Allah Allah, Allah and assume that all it's right for for me in the sight of a lot I'm going to fast this day

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or if Allah gives this to me, then I will fast this day. That's not a good habit to get into making that like kind of conditioned like if Allah gives me this I will put this example anyway.

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Okay, very good. All right, so we will talk about now disliked What does it mean to be disliked?

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It's not haraam okay, but it's not recommended so what does it mean in terms of if I do it if I don't do it?

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If I do it what do I get?

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I don't get a scene I don't get a reward for doing it. I don't get a scene if I do it but I don't get a reward for doing it. And what about if I leave it

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I get a reward for leaving it so something disliked is what you get a reward for if you leave it you get a reward if you leave it but you don't get us in if you do it Can you give me an example of something which is disliked?

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Okay, right now you're doing something

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it's not disliked? Well, I mean apart from the fact that you're doing well the teachers talking but nevermind. You're

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drinking water Okay, how could you drink water in a way that's disliked?

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No, not left handed as some of the scholars said it's dislike but the stronger opinion is that drinking with the left hand is not allowed is haram

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do me do me one thing stand up for a second.

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Stand up, stand up.

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Okay, now do you know the answer?

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Exactly. So what's this like? Drinking Okay, very good. Drinking water. Drinking water. Standing up for example, is an example of something if you do it's not hot. But if you avoid it to get near to Allah you you're trying to get reward from Allah and you sit down to drink water, then you're going to get rewarded for that your kids have any extra ideas.

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Smart disliked That one's permissible but because you see dislike just because something's recommended. The opposite of it doesn't have to be disliked. Does that make sense? Like if it's recommended to drink water in three sips that doesn't mean that it's disliked if you don't, it's permissible if you don't

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that's recommended. Eating with three fingers is recommended. But not eating with three fingers is not is not disliked.

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A lot of lot of things that I did there's a lot of things that I disliked

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pre for example, praying when the event is going on starting your prayer in the middle of while the event is going on. Except for Joomla except for Joomla

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that's how I'm actually when people when Salah is starting and people quickly play this on the site I believe that's how I'm that's not dislike is how long because the Prophet slicin told us that when the your karma goes there is no Salah in military law, except the obligatory one. Anyway. So now we've got an idea. We've got one more left. Which one Have we got left? So we've done the one you get ready

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reward for doing and you get sin for leaving the one you get sin for doing and rewarded for leaving the one you get rewarded for doing and no sinful eating and the one you get rewarded for leaving in no sin for doing what one's left.

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You got mixed up. Okay, let's go again. Let's go again. So you've got

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the obligatory watch the watch if you get rewarded for doing you get sinful leaving, you've got Haram. Haram, you get sin for doing and rewarded for leaving, okay, recommended you get rewarded for doing and no sin if you leave it and disliked you get rewarded for leaving it and no sin if you do it what's left?

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Okay, you didn't use the right word for it. You're right. But you didn't use the right word for it. You use the word halaal is not the right word. But you you're getting you you're thinking about the right thing.

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You get no sin if you do it and no sin if you don't do it, and no reward if you do it and no reward if you don't do it. It has no sin or no reward in any of it. What do we call up? You use the word halaal. But it's not really called halaal?

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It's called the mobile permissible.

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permissible? Yeah, so permissible, you don't get any sin or any reward. Either way.

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What's the example give me example of something's permissible?

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Going shopping.

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If you're shopping, you're not buying something haram you know going somewhere haram to buy any you don't get reward for going you don't get a sin for going you don't get a reward if you don't go and you don't get a sin if you don't go.

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Any it's mobile. You do it or you don't do it. Okay, very good. So now we've had a little bit of a basic understanding, we can now say that pfic relates to the rulings of the actions that we do. Okay? So we're trying to understand what haraam. What's wajib, what's recommended, what's disliked what's allowed in the actions that we do as Muslims. That's a very simple way, again, for the adults who are watching, that's not the full explanation of what fit is. But for the kids, it's enough for now that you understand that a good start right for now. And it will give you a good understanding. So we're looking at the actions that we're doing as Muslims. And we're looking at what the ruling of

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those actions is.

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In terms of our actions, the very first pillar of Islam is to say, a shadow and La ilaha illAllah. Wa shadow Anna Muhammad Rasulullah is a witness there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Generally, we don't deal with this in film. Why?

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Usually, I mean, there are some things that we deal with in film, but usually, because it relates to what it basically relates to your belief. So there are some things we deal with about it in film.

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But generally speaking, the first thing that we really deal with in fifth is what

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the prayer, the Salah, that's the first thing that we deal with.

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And that's what we're going to be doing in these lessons with you guys. We're going to be spending a few lessons talking about how we pray. And we're going to cover it really comprehensively, beginning before you pray, how to actually pray your prayer, what you do after your prayer, and also how many prayers you pray, and when you pray them and all that kind of stuff. For this lesson, today, we're going to be talking about the time before you pray, what the scholars call shuru to salaat. They call it the conditions of praying. In other words, what has to be ready for you? what has to be done before you actually start praying.

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And we always start with that. And the reason we start with it is because there's no point teaching you how to pray, if you haven't done the things you need before you start to pray. Right. So this is probably gonna take quite a few lessons. I'm not going to say three lessons or something. That's going to take quite a few. But today we're going to just talk about what we do before we pray. So let's try and get an overview right now. How many things do you think you can name

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before that you have to do before you pray. Now what a number first, I don't name any. I want you think you can name two things. How many do you think

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that you have to do before you pray

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or that have to be done even if you don't do them but they have to be done before you pray.

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I don't want you to name them.

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I want you to

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so I mean some of the scholars mentioned nine some of the mentioned 10 so I think two

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I think I think two is a little bit

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yeah, I mean, I think two is a little bit a little bit rubbish To be honest I can be quite honest with you

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six Okay, that's better

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No, you can't tell like it's not if you know how many do you think you know?

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cameraman How many do you think you know?

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Things that you have to do have to be done before you start to pray any before you say a lot who I cannot.

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Okay, three good. Can you beat him?

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Four or five?

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Four or five? Okay, let's start we start with you. How many do you know? Okay Moodle very good. So before you pray you have to have Moodle. Okay, good. Before what or even what do you have to do? If we talk about will do related things. What do you have to do? Even before Will you have to be clean? Right? You have to make sure that your body is clean your clothing is clean. Okay, so cleanliness of the clothing prep place whoo

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Okay, do you have another one?

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intention very good yeah intention That's correct. That's one of them.

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Okay for girl under boy for girl You said you were very chemical she said for a girl that hey job but if you made a general and just said covering your outer yeah like covering your your parts that you're not allowed to show in the prayer. There are things you're not allowed to show in the prayer covering those things. That's very good. So you guys I think got four so far.

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wearing clothes, okay, wearing your clothes wearing your proper clothing. Okay, good.

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Okay, but purpose is not a condition of the prayer. Like if you don't perfume yourself, it doesn't make you it doesn't make your prayer correct or incorrect? Can anyone get any more?

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Mashallah, see, you can think that now we got five face the Qibla. Yeah, you have to know where the Qibla is and face the Qibla

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at least in the obligatory press any even in the voluntary press to when you start. Yeah.

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Okay, hopefully I true. But also we put it with Waldo and call it taharah purification just getting being clean, like being in a state of war. Like if you need to go so before

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you guys got met? You guys got many of them? Actually, there are some of them you would not have got? Because you wouldn't have think people would talk about that. But being a Muslim is one. That's the first one the scholars have. Now that's the that's, that's the first one the scholars mentioned, all the books of the first one they mentioned is Al Islam. Because you can't pray or your prayer won't be accepted if you're not a Muslim. Right?

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There's another one like that. Let's see if you can get it. There's another one they mentioned like that, like Islam, what else do you have to be?

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Who else's prayer wouldn't be accepted?

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So obviously, obviously, so we all know right? To beat to be able to pray you have to be a Muslim to be able to pray and for your prayer to be accepted by Allah. You have to be a Muslim. And that's obvious. We hundreds classes, this class of class for Muslims, we might have some non Muslim guests who are watching. That's fine, but we talking about in terms of praying as a Muslim, you have to be a Muslim to start. What else do they mentioned?

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of someone whose prayer would not be accepted. So a Muslim whose prayer would would not be accepted?

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Okay, good. So that's that's the third one. Hold that one. Hold that one. Keep that one in your head. Hold that one. Don't just Hold it. Hold it before the age

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akal Okay, you have to be sane. Like you can't be mad. You can't be Majnoon someone who's who? No, I'm not talking about I mean, seriously, somebody who doesn't know what they're doing. So Paula, there are some people who are very sick. I'm not making fun being really seriously some people are very sick. They don't know what they're doing. So Paula, like we ask a lot for our for our fear. We ask a lot to keep us safe and keep us healthy.

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There are some people who became so sick, they don't know what they are or what they're doing. They don't know where they are. They don't know. Even some of them don't know their names or don't know what to do or don't remember anything they've said. So there's no doubt these people roofie our color and fell off. The pen doesn't write when we say the pen doesn't write, what does it mean, the pen doesn't write. The angel doesn't write any sense for them. Because these people are sick people, they're not well, until they become well again, and they know what they're doing. But until then, that person so you have to be able to pray you have to be what we call seen. In other words, you

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have to be able to understand what you're doing. Now we bring the third one in which you mentioned.

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The age now what age do you have to be to be able to pray? Now? He okay 10. Then why did you just pray Asia for seven wrong upon wrong?

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Whenever you Okay, five, but five is okay, good. Good. So younger than 10, your present accepted. So

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now allow you just to envision when your kids were little for them. That's oppression.

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their prayers accepted younger than 10.

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times very good, your answer is completely correct. Whenever the young person understands,

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whenever the young person is old enough to understand what they're doing, they're pres accepted.

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Okay, this is what we call an Arabic Tamizh. The age where you understand things, is there really a set age where someone understands things? There's not like you can't I mean, some of the scholars have five, some say six, they all agree that by seven, and a child with normal development was just you know, normally unhealthy and everything by seven a child will definitely be mommy's definitely the child will understand the difference between right and wrong. But some children very young, by three, four years old, they really know what they're doing and praying to Allah, you know, and they can do the prayer and the actions properly. But generally speaking, before seven years old, before

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seven years old. We know the prophet SAW Selim, he told us that you have your parents have to start telling you to pray at seven. And they have to discipline you if you don't pray by 10. And that's hijiri. Age, not your Milady age not your not your age in June, July, August, September, October, November, December age, but your age, which is hugely Yeah. And many of you, I bet loads of the kids who are watching don't know your history age. That's a little homework for you find out your hijiri age, find out when were you born in the hedgerow date.

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So if you don't if you want to know how to do that, you can just go onto online and you can type hijiri date converter

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hijiri date converter and put your birthday in.

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Apparently I was born in Ramadan. Do you know that? Like is in another? Yeah, apparently I was born in I was born in Ramadan. I think the first of Ramadan, something like that.

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To ask what year?

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19 hingedly? I don't know.

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Okay, so.

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when you reach seven years hijiri

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when you reach seven years history, your parents have to tell you to pray five times a day that includes federal from seven years history.

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You serve of use of wake up for fudger.

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Wake up for Virgil, Abdullah Villa, wake up prefer job. Yeah. And so on. Okay, that is

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that's what your parents have to do when you reach seven hijiri. Okay, and seven hijiri every hijiri years is 10 days less than a normal year. So, in other words, when you are like six years and nine and a bit months or six years and 10 months, roughly, then they by normal by the in western dates, then your parents have to start telling you five times a day they have to tell you, but if you don't listen at that age, they don't force you. But by 10 years old Hijri injury

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which means something like nine years and nine months, something like that. You have to you have to they can discipline you and you get up

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punishments if you don't pray, if you don't pray five times a day.

00:30:05 --> 00:30:39

Okay, I completely lost what I was saying now, if Tamizh Okay, so that is the age at which a prayer is accepted from from a child at the age where they know what they're doing. So you've seen little children come into the masjid, haven't you? And then making sujood when everyone else is making everyone else is standing there, the little kid is turned around and is on one leg, and he's put his hand on his head. And yeah, so that child is probably doing a signal to me is they're too young to actually understand what they're doing. What would you do it? Or if there was a child, what would you do?

00:30:40 --> 00:30:50

What would you do if there was a child who was older, like nine years old, and you saw them doing that, like standing on one leg and turning around and looking up at the sky?

00:30:52 --> 00:31:04

Yeah, we say that that child needs to learn how the child should know how to pray by seven years old. by six to seven years old, you should definitely know. You should definitely be able to stand in the prayer like,

00:31:05 --> 00:31:07

you know, like, almost like an adult would.

00:31:08 --> 00:31:37

But very young children, you see little babies and things. They come and they little toddlers, they come they pray, they turn around, they run off, they come back again. They are too young for their prayer to be accepted. So is there a benefit in bringing them to the prayer? Yeah, they learn about Salah, they learn about the masjid. They come to learn how to pray. They watch people praying. But their prayer as a prayer isn't accepted until they know the difference between what they understand what they're really doing.

00:31:38 --> 00:31:39


00:31:40 --> 00:32:01

So we got Islam. And you have to be saying you have to know what you're doing. And you have to be old enough to understand the difference between what is right and wrong. We mentioned purification. And that's mostly what we're going to talk about today we're going to talk about how to become clean, to pray, how to be clean, in order to pray.

00:32:03 --> 00:32:08

And one thing you didn't tell me about one of the ones you didn't tell me about is the time.

00:32:09 --> 00:32:12

Yeah, you have to check that the prayer time.

00:32:13 --> 00:32:58

Yeah, you can't be praying. And I know some of you Yeah, like, Asia time has been gone. And you're asking, when are we going to pray Russia? Is it for Juliet? is a mother of yet have we prayed margrave? Yeah, you have to know the prayer time before you start to pray. Other than that, we mentioned quite a lot of them. We mentioned covering your hour, the hour is the private area of your body that other people are not allowed to see. And in prayer, it's the place you have to cover during your prayer. So in prayer, it's different to normal. So in normal, there's our like, there's, obviously you have to cover certain parts of your body. And then out in the prayer, there are

00:32:58 --> 00:33:02

different things you have to cover more things you have to cover in the prep. Okay.

00:33:10 --> 00:33:55

What else did we say? Making sure you clothing prayer place is clean. We didn't really talk about that that is kind of separate to you being clean, making sure that your clothing and the place where you're going to pray is clean. It will always done properly. And what else did we not mention mentioned facing the Qibla. And you mentioned Nia, having your intention. So those are the main ones that I wanted to talk about. So right now we're gonna talk about getting yourself clean for the prep. Okay, getting yourself clean for the prep. And the first thing we have to talk about is water. The reason we have to talk about water before everything else, is because to get yourself clean for

00:33:55 --> 00:34:19

the prayer. You need water. So have you seen how fick works? It's kind of like you have to step backwards. Like you start with I want to pray. Okay, but to pray you have to have certain things that have to be there before you pray. Okay. So before those things have to be there. One of them is I have to be clean. But to be clean. I have to have water. So we're going to start by talking about water. Did you have a question?

00:34:21 --> 00:34:59

Yes, but the sand is not the main way that you get yourself clean is it's like a backup plan. Right? The sand to Mom It's like a backup plan. The main way that you get yourself clean is with water. Water is the normal way that you get yourself. You make yourself clean. And I think that is like a asset all human beings right like the normal way that you clean yourself. You shower, you bath you wash yourself you clean dirty things from the carpet is water, right? That's the basic way that we get clean is with water. So really what I want you to understand that I'm not again for the adults who are

00:35:00 --> 00:35:12

Watching, I'm not going to go into loads of detail, I just want the children to understand some things I don't want them to understand all the details is really there are really three types of water.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:21

And to be honest, if you said two, two is okay, but I'm going to say three, just to make it easy to understand. Okay?

00:35:22 --> 00:35:26

There is water that cleans things.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:33

And there is water that doesn't clean things, but it's pure.

00:35:35 --> 00:35:36

And there is dirty water.

00:35:38 --> 00:35:39

So there's three types of water.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:48

Okay, there is water, that cleans things, you can use it for water or you can use it to clean something dirty from the carpet.

00:35:49 --> 00:35:55

Yeah, you can use it to take a shower or bath.

00:35:56 --> 00:36:03

And there is water that is clean, but it doesn't clean things. And the water itself is not dirty, but it doesn't clean things.

00:36:05 --> 00:36:36

And there is water that is dirty. And the water that is dirty, or sometimes we call it impure on edges is impure, it's dirty. That water you must never use it for anything. And that water you must never get it on your claws because even if you get it on your claws, you have to clean it. Okay, so let's talk about these three types of water. The first one is easy water that you can use for water. Can you tell me what kinds of water can you use for

00:36:40 --> 00:36:44

Okay, so plain normal water. Okay, tap water.

00:36:47 --> 00:36:49

Water the kind of water bottled water.

00:36:52 --> 00:36:53

What else?

00:36:54 --> 00:36:55

river water.

00:36:56 --> 00:37:03

What did we do one time when we went to what did we go the other time when we went? When we were in Scotland? What What did we do?

00:37:04 --> 00:37:05

Where do we make

00:37:06 --> 00:37:12

spring water? Okay, we will do from the spring but never mind. From the sea sea water.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:18

What else? What do you love when it happens? And you like to play in it?

00:37:21 --> 00:37:33

Okay, rain water, but I was more thinking up but yeah, rain water. What do you really love that happens? That doesn't happen very often. But sometimes in the winter, snow. Yeah, snow, wood, melted snow, no problem.

00:37:35 --> 00:37:42

All of these types of water, including seawater, including sea water, all of these types of water.

00:37:44 --> 00:37:47

All of these types of water are allowed

00:37:48 --> 00:37:53

for cleaning things with that means you can make water with them. You can

00:37:54 --> 00:37:55

you can

00:37:57 --> 00:38:05

use them for a bath. You can clean something dirty. If you've got something dirty on your claws. You can clean it with them. Okay.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:11

Okay, so now my question is about the other two types of water.

00:38:12 --> 00:38:16

The one that is it's clean, but it doesn't clean you.

00:38:17 --> 00:38:23

And the one that is dirty? What makes water change?

00:38:25 --> 00:38:30

What would make water change? So you can't use it for water anymore?

00:38:34 --> 00:38:35

Smell could change.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:39

The taste could change or the

00:38:41 --> 00:39:04

color, the color. So any water that changed its taste, or its smell or its color? Yeah, if the water changes taste, or its smell or its color, then it's going to change with one of two things. Either a change with something because of something pure. Give me an example. Coca Cola.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:17

You can't make water with Coca Cola. Really? Are you hundred percent sure about that? Shall we check? Shall we check the first one? Yeah, you're right. You can't make Hulu with Coca Cola Why?

00:39:21 --> 00:39:44

It's clean. It's not dirty. I mean, if if you like for example, spill it on your prayer place you don't have to, you know clean it before you pray. But it's it has a different taste. It has a different color. And I don't know if it has different smell But anyways, it had so it changed it no longer became water anymore. Juice. You can't make wood or with orange juice

00:39:45 --> 00:39:59

or Fanta. You can't make will do with tea or coffee. Yeah. So the point is that it changed its smell or its color or its taste but it changed with something that is

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

itself is clean, it's still clean.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:09

No blood is not clean. Blood is impure,

00:40:10 --> 00:40:23

generally speaking, okay, so what does that mean? If the water changed its smell, or its taste or its color because of something which is islamically, unclean.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:47

When I say islamically, because I'm not talking about clean as in bright white, you know, just your mom just washed it in the washing machine clean. I'm talking about islamically there are things which are clean and things which are unclean. Now, you gave me the example of blood. Blood is an example of something which is unclean. Another example is, obviously when you go to the toilet,

00:40:48 --> 00:41:17

what comes out is unclean. Yeah, that's really important. And in fact, we have to talk about these things. Because if somebody doesn't know that, and they, for example, went to the toilet and they maybe spilt something on their, on their trousers, and they might pray, and they were their prayer wouldn't be accepted. So it's really important you understand in Islam, what is not clean? We're not talking about dirt or mud. Mud in Islam is clean was the proof modern Islam is clean.

00:41:20 --> 00:42:06

Because you can make Tammam with it. Yeah, you can, you can actually make your backup will do when you don't have any water, you can make it with soil. So it's we're not talking about dirty as in soil, or as in mud, or as in grass. All of those are clean. But we're talking about things that when you go to the toilet, what comes out, that is unclean in Islam, it's impure. In Islam, blood is impure in Islam, like the saliva of a dog as well. Like if a dog licks you that is unclean in Islam, yeah, that's unclean. In Islam, and that is so unclean. That to clean it, you have to clean it seven times the first time with soil, you have to take sand or soil, and you have to rub it in first and

00:42:06 --> 00:42:08

seven separate times, you have to wash it.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:10

Yes, difficult to

00:42:12 --> 00:42:12


00:42:13 --> 00:42:50

No, there's no other animals like that. Except for the pig also is unclean. But the pig, it's not, it's not clear that whether I don't remember to be honest, whether it has that same ruling or not, I can't remember to be honest. But the dog saliva, definitely you have to seven times you have to clean it the first time with soil. That means if the dog licks your cup or your bowl, or something like that, you have to take sand or soil, and you have to rub it in, then six more times you have to wash it with it to get it clean. Any seven times in total

00:42:52 --> 00:42:56

not a one time with the mud and the rest time with the water.

00:42:58 --> 00:43:08

You can do it with the washing machine if because the washing machine will wash it like many times separately, but you have to first rub it with the soil and then put it in the washing machine.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:24

Okay, so we talked about the unclean things, if those unclean things fall into the water, and they change the smell or the taste, or the color of the water,

00:43:26 --> 00:43:29

then that water becomes dirty.

00:43:30 --> 00:43:32

It becomes dirty.

00:43:34 --> 00:44:01

Okay, now we get we're gonna get there. I know, I know the adults are going to have really big questions, but I'm just going to try like, I'm going to try to keep it simple for the kids. Okay. Even the river Yes. If the chain if the smell and taste and color changes, but generally a lot, what do you think will mostly change small amounts of water or big amounts of water? Like for example, if somebody let's say

00:44:03 --> 00:44:24

yeah, if someone had a if someone had to go to the toilet, right, and they are and they went to the toilet, let's see in the sea, for example, right? Would the sea become impure with the sea become dirty? No, there's just too much water. It just gets spread about and then it becomes clean again. Yeah, what do you think will mostly become unclean?

00:44:29 --> 00:44:31

What do you think will mostly become unclean?

00:44:33 --> 00:44:59

Like small amounts of water, or still water? Yeah, like puddles, like bath water, like a bottle of water. Those things would become unclean, right. They will become unclean, and unclean water dirty water that you have to keep away from because if you even spill that water on you, then that whole water is unclean.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

Right, you'd have to clean, you'd have to wash your claws again and change your claws. Right?

00:45:06 --> 00:45:23

So yes, for the adults, there's lots of exceptions and rules and regulations and do this and don't do that. But we just tried to make it simple and easy for the time being. So what have we learned? We've learned how many types of water three, pure water, which you can use for water, which is

00:45:25 --> 00:45:32

rain, water, sea water, tap water, bottle water, snow. See what I said sea water was what?

00:45:35 --> 00:45:37

Zamzam water you can use it to Ecuador, yes.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:45

But it's a bit of a waste if you unless you have lots of it, it's a bit of a waste, you should drink it instead.

00:45:49 --> 00:46:04

Yeah, the second type we said is, the water has changed its smell or its taste or its color. Okay? Either it changed because of something clean, or it changed because of something dirty, if it changed because of something clean.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:16

So it became like Coca Cola, or orange juice or tea or something like that, then you can't use it for Moodle. But if you spill it on yourself, you don't need to change your clothes.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:25

Okay, unless your mom says You don't look clean or something like that. That's different. That's nice, low and I thought about islamically as different reasons. Yeah. Okay. And then

00:46:27 --> 00:47:06

if it changed because of something dirty, so even a small amount of water, you can't trust, you know, like, if you spilt something dirty into a small amount of water, you have to throw it away, because it's just too small, it will, it will change one way or the other, you know, if you have a small amount like a bottle, and let's just say for example, you had some bleeding from your gums or your mouth or something like that, and it came into the bottom because you have to pour the water, we can't use that water now, because it's going to affect the water. But large amounts of water are probably not going to be affected unless the color changes, or the smell or the taste. And we've

00:47:06 --> 00:47:32

seen that sometimes you go by a river, and the smell is really bad. Or the sea where there's a sewage pipe, and you go next at water and the smell is really bad. No, you can't use that water. Because the color change or the smell change or the taste change. Okay, good. So now we have our water. The first thing we need to do is make sure that our bodies are clean. This is before we talk about Rudel.

00:47:33 --> 00:47:55

Okay, this is before we talk about water, we have to make sure that our bodies are actually clean. So mostly that means when you go to the toilet, you need to make sure that you clean yourself properly after you go to the toilet. So what do you have to clean yourself with after you go to the toilet water, that's which type of water

00:47:56 --> 00:48:15

so not Coca Cola, you have to clean yourself with the water that you can use for water the water you can use for cleaning the pure water, which is like bottled water or tap water or sea water or rain water and soil or snow, whatever. You have to clean yourself with water.

00:48:16 --> 00:48:34

Okay, you have to clean yourself How much? How much do you have to clean yourself with water until you're clean? That's the perfect answer. You have to clean yourself with water until you are clean as much water as is needed for you to be clean.

00:48:35 --> 00:48:45

So for example, when you put a tissue, there's no more there's nothing dirty comes out on the tissue. You're completely clean. So you have to be clean. What about if you don't have water?

00:48:48 --> 00:48:56

Okay, stones is true. That's why is that but that's it. That's that's very rare. Now these days. What do people use these days instead of stones?

00:48:58 --> 00:49:31

Toilet Tissue, toilet paper? Okay. Tissue? Toilet paper? Yes. In the olden days, they used to use stones. They didn't have anorexia. They didn't have toilet roll in those days. Yeah. So they used to use ones if they didn't have water. They used to take three clean stones. Because remember, the Earth is clean. The earth generally like I'm not talking about something dirty fell on it. But the earth I'll have a lot made it it's clean, right? So you take three separate stones or three separate

00:49:32 --> 00:49:50

toilet tissues. You have to use at least three. Okay? At least three. How many do you have to use as many as you need to be clean, but you have to use at least three. Okay, if you didn't use three even if you are clean after one, you have to still use three until you're clean.

00:49:52 --> 00:49:55

Okay, is it a good idea to use tissue or water?

00:49:56 --> 00:50:00

Water is better. Definitely some of the scholars

00:50:00 --> 00:50:08

They actually said the best thing is to first use tissue or stones. And then water. Why did they say that? Do you think?

00:50:13 --> 00:50:54

Because they know because the tissue nearly because the tissue gets rid of the dirty things, yet the tissue gets rid of the dirty things. So when you pour the water, it doesn't go on your, it doesn't go on your hand, or it doesn't go all over the place. So you clean the most of it with the tissue, and then use the water at the end. But anyways, whichever you do, the main thing is that you have to be completely clean. And I know it's not a very nice topic to talk about. But at the end of the day, you can't pray unless you're completely clean when you went to the bathroom. So it's very important. It's also important, particularly for the boys, that you don't rush when you go to the toilet,

00:50:54 --> 00:51:33

because boys tend to sometimes rush and then sometimes they don't clean themselves properly, and then their claws become dirty. And it's also very important that you go to the toilet, sitting down, not standing up, standing up is disliked, for a boy to go to the toilet standing up is disliked because usually you will do it yourself in some way. And if it's an emergency, if there's no other option, you don't have a choice like you might be in the in the countryside in the desert or something that you know, you don't have a choice but generally speaking, you should be sitting down to go to the toilet. And it's really sad that these days have you seen you know, sorry to say but

00:51:33 --> 00:51:50

how the people who you know a lot of the non Muslims how when they go to the toilet, I you you cannot even you run out of the bathroom and you want to be sick how they, you know, some holiday don't clean themselves. They don't use tissue, they don't use water, they stand up and go to the toilet.

00:51:52 --> 00:51:52


00:51:55 --> 00:52:29

enamel machinery coenen edges like a larger set, the polytheists are dirty, they're dirty in their heart because they don't worship Eliza gel alone and they can't even clean themselves properly when they go to the toilet. And that's why should never be embarrassed about Islam. Islam. Like there was a Do you know that story of Harvey, there was one Jewish man in Medina made fun of him. You heard that story before he made fun of him. He said to him, your Prophet taught you everything even teaches you how to go to the toilet. And he was making fun of him. Like he was saying like, Oh, I see. You know, he taught you how to go to 20. He said, Yeah, john. He said, Yeah, he did teach us

00:52:29 --> 00:53:09

how to go to the toilet. He taught us to use at least three stones and he taught us not to use bones, animal bones in to clean yourself and not to use dried animal dung. Because in the past, that's what they used to use as well used to use dried animal dung, you know, that comes at the waist that comes from the animal. Or they used to use dried bones, but the Prophet size and said no, you're not allowed. You have to use stones. Nowadays, we have toilet tissue, which is fine. You can use toilet tissue, but you have to use at least three pieces and you have to be clean at the end. You have to be clean at the end. And it's better for you to use water or to combine. Use both use

00:53:09 --> 00:53:10

toilet tissue and

00:53:11 --> 00:53:15

water no problem. And water. Okay.

00:53:16 --> 00:53:30

Yeah, wipes these days are fine. Because wipes are basically tissue mixed with water, aren't they? Like toilet wipes or baby wipes are basically water mixed with tissue. But again, you have to use three of them.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:50

If you use three of them. As for water, no, you don't need to use any tissue with water. If you don't want to, you can use just water. Okay, so it's really important that you're properly clean when you go to the bathroom. That's so important. Okay, so that's the first thing that we wanted to, we wanted to talk about. Okay, you also need to make sure your clothing is clean.

00:53:51 --> 00:54:09

Yeah, you also need to make sure that your clothes are clean. Meaning when we say clean, we don't mean that they're not muddy, or mud doesn't make a difference. But we're talking about islamically clean, they don't have any blood, anything from the toilet on them. Any dirty water that fell on them and so on. Okay. Makes sense.

00:54:11 --> 00:54:13

Okay, how long have we been going for so far?

00:54:16 --> 00:54:28

Okay, then I think that's a good place for us to stop. So what we're going to talk about next week is we're going to talk about rudall how to make Moodle properly. And we're going to also talk about guzzle as well.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:33

You have a question? Yes.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:46

Yeah, me.

00:54:55 --> 00:55:00

we'll delete that. That's a very good point you made but I'll talk to you about that. When we talk about

00:55:00 --> 00:55:34

about covering yourself for prayer. Okay, so when we talk about how to cover yourself in the prayer, when we talk about how to cover yourself in the prayer, then we're going to talk about you have to wear sobo not Can you pray in trousers, what kind of trousers? You know, things like that. Does the lady have to wear a buyer? Does the little girl have to wear a buyer if she's not if he's not an adult? Like we're gonna talk about all those things when we talk about how to pray inshallah. Okay, that makes sense. Okay. Did anyone have any questions? What about we've got a few people The reason I'm getting so many answers to these, we've got a few people who are from home, but they're

00:55:34 --> 00:55:37

messaging so we have we can get some messages from them.

00:55:55 --> 00:56:17

Yet, so what about if you accidentally swallow blood? Yeah. So you must try when when if you get blood in your mouth, like for example, because you have a nosebleed or you have your gums bleed, then you should try to spit it out. But if it goes accidentally down your throat, you can live alone obscenity levels, Allah doesn't blame you for what you couldn't help. A lot doesn't blame you for what you couldn't help.

00:56:23 --> 00:56:24

me try not to.

00:56:26 --> 00:56:49

We're okay. All right. shala. So what we're going to do inshallah, is we're going to stop there are in sha Allah huhtala we are going to next week talk about Waldorf and also how to get yourself clean with Moodle and also inshallah, okay, that's what Allah made easy for me to mention. And Allah knows best for salat wa salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi hai.

00:56:50 --> 00:56:57

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