The Deen Show – UFC Champ BELAL MUHAMMAD Open up on Z!onists, THE ROCK, HIs connection to God & The Quran
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The speaker discusses a nationalistic movement that is focused on finding people to be strong and focused on their spiritual wellness. They argue that people are focused on their past, and that it is impossible to find a connection with God or materialistic things. The speaker also talks about the importance of investing on one's loved ones' behalf in deeds and encourages listeners to donate.
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How you been? Good. Good. It's good to
finally meet. Yeah. It's, it's big, man. I
love the show and, love watching it, so
it's good to finally be here.
first always. And this is not just, Muslim.
These are also Christians who are being oppressed
who are Palestinian. Is that right? Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Like, I just saw an article the
other day where they said,
at the protest too, there's Christians, there's Muslims,
and all the guys. My grandfather,
he just passed away, probably, like, 8, 9
years ago at Alhama. And then,
we my sister went down there to for
the for the whole land lease, and she
said she went down there to go see
what what's going on with the land I
was gonna pass down to his kids.
And then, the government said, well, here goes
your here goes the money for it. We
took the land, and it was, like, probably,
like, $3,000
for a huge piece of land that should
be going for big money or anything like
that. They just gave it to him. He
said, we took the land. This is what
you guys get. We're not it's not like
a negotiation where you get to sell it
or anything like that. They literally took his
land, and they said, this is the money
for the that get passed on to the
kids Instead of my my grandfather where he
had had a plan where it's it's gonna
be huge, where he's gonna build condos for
his kids to live on there and for
them to
move their families down there to their homeland,
but it got taken away from him when
he when he passed away. That's what it's
all about. Nobody know, like, the Jewish religion
and everything like that. It's all close. Everybody's
all these religions are close together, and they
all believe, like, similar things. It's not like
I'm gonna hate you because you're Christian. I'm
gonna hate you because you're Jewish. I I
don't have a hate hate for for a
religion. I have a hatred for
for hate. So, like, Zionist people, they hate
Palestinian. They hate Gaza. They hate, Palestine. They
hate Palestinian Muslims. That's that's a that's a
hatred. That's not a religion. Yeah. This is
more of a nationalistic movement. Lot many of
them don't even, believe in in in in
the almighty and God, you know, and and
that's why you have many good,
Jewish people stepping up
and speaking against Zionism and the occupying force
there, and may God Almighty help
to bring peace to the suffering there. And,
Insha'Allah, we can create some, more awareness and
some some good can come from the little
contribution that we make to to talk about
some of these things where where people are
scared to kinda Yeah. Talk about. And you
said, like, most people are sitting there trying
look good for the, for the outside world.
Most people are sitting there, I need the
fanciest clothes, fanciest cars,
the biggest houses. Nobody's really
exercising, like, their soul. Like, you you gotta
like like I told I just had an
interview the other day where people are like,
how are you, how are you gonna fast
and train during Ramadan? Because I have a
fight during that time. And I said, most
of these guys are out here looking for
an edge. They're all looking for an edge
with steroids or anything like that. But I'm
looking for an edge spiritually, mentally,
and that's how I get it through religion
and power and stuff like that.
So most of these people are trying to
exercise and get
look good for the outside world, man. But
if you're spiritually strong and mentally strong,
you don't need anything else. Mhmm.
What what did you what did you think,
about when they had so this is very
this is very powerful what you said. It's
like focusing and you get to see that,
you know,
many people
you can take Conor McGregor. We got
nothing against Conor McGregor or anybody, just using,
some of the actions that people do as
an example. Right? Yeah. We want the best
for for everybody, but when people are focused
more on the cars and the glitz and
the glamour, this is talking about focusing on
the heart, what's what's
within because that's where true richness lies. And
there's actually a hadith where the prophet said
true richness comes in, you know,
contentment in the heart. You know what I
mean? Someone can have all the money, all
the fame, but they're still, you know, so
They're empty because of the heart.
Yeah. As you can see, like, you can
see mostly, like, big time actors or, even
The Rock. He talked about depression. Just recently
talked about depression. Oh, I can't I can't
I can't give the title to my daddy,
so I'm gonna give the title to my
mommy. I can't give the title to my
Uh-huh. Most people are looking at him like,
how is Rock the Press? He's the he's
huge. He has the biggest movies in the
I'm pretty sure he's super rich, has anybody
anything he wants. He can get anything he
wants. But if you're not there, it's not
in your heart. If your heart's not content,
if your heart's not happy, if you're not
like, just spiritually have a spiritual wellness to
you, then none none of that matters. Like,
none of that outside stuff matters. None of
the materialistic stuff matters. Like, you could be
the richest guy in the world, but if
you don't have a family that loves you
and just
connection with God, what's the point of life?
At what point in your life did you
see yourself going more towards that connection with
your creator, with God, with Allah?
Alhamdulillah. I've
been, I started young when I was, 13
like, I I had just had a I
just got connected with it. You know, when
your your parents are somebody like, my parents
weren't the type to force me to pray
they wanted me to pick up the religion,
but it wasn't like a force. Yeah. Where,
handulAllah, I was able to read the Quran
myself and and I just connected with it
when I once I read it, and it
just got me the whole time, my whole
life since then, I just been spiritually connected
with it. And, hamdulillah, I feel like I
do have a connection with God and I
feel like
whenever I I'm in trouble or anything like
that, I just think about that, go back
to Quran and read, just different, suitors or
anything like that and it'll just calm me
Brothers and sisters, we've all had loved ones
that passed away.
Mother, father, brother, sister, a close family member.
But one of the mercies of our deans
is that with the right intention, we can
go ahead and continue to do good deeds
on our loved ones' behalf. And what greater
of a continuous good deed,
than investing on their behalf in the deed
center, a Masjid and Megadawal center that will
benefit generations to come. Come. So click the
link below. Donate right now. May god almighty
Allah reward all of you.