The Ultimate Investment

The Deen Show
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The importance of being an invitation to change one's views on Islam is emphasized, along with the need for a clear message and finding a way to get rewarded. The importance of finding a clear message and sharing experiences to build faith is emphasized, along with the need for systematic and organized communication. The importance of learning to be the best human being possible and sharing experiences to build faith is emphasized, as well as the availability of a workshop on becoming a Muslim. The episode also promotes a YouTube video about becoming a Muslim.

AI: Summary ©

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			Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salam aleikum. That's the greeting of all the messengers and the last and
final messenger greeted his followers. Jesus greeted his followers Moses, Abraham with this greeting
of peace. And we're wishing you that same greeting peace beyond to you. Thank you for tuning in to
another episode of the deen show. To check out our show times, visit the deen show calm. We're here
every week trying to help you understand Islam and Muslims. And today we're going to be talking
about dour, what does it mean is an abomination? Is it something you know, I just do for fun? Is it
something that you know, we just leave? For the guys with the bigger beards? Or the guys who have
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			memorized more and or the people who are the scholars that we just leave it for them? Or is this
something for everybody? What are the do's and don'ts of it? We want to get you motivated. So you
know that this is something wonderful. This is something that all the messengers of God did, and you
lose it out if you're not doing it. And also for our brothers in humanity, the non Muslims. Our life
is an open book. We don't have no secret meetings that you aren't invited to. You're invited to this
too. Are we there to try to proselytize to you? Are we there to try to just convert you and force
Islam down your throat? Are we just trying to give you an invitation to something I'll give you
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			peace they'll give you life?
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			When we next when we come back with our next guest, we're gonna be covering this very, very
important topic.
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			Is his messenger.
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			Jesus was his messenger.
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			Maybe it's just to break the ice. Let's bring out my brother and your brother.
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			Please have a seat. Have a seat.
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			Excellent. So am I not really excited, rather great. Excited. Oh, let's do this man. Because this is
something that's dear to my heart. Excellent. Oh, excited to have you here. My pleasure to be on the
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			How's your flight? So it was great. Yeah, everything's 100% under the law, you have your own section
on the dean show so people can go there and see some of the other shows that we've done. But we got
break some ice and we got it. You know, it's encouraged that we give gifts
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			of a gift and this is I mean, we thought this would be a great gift. The brothers that have date
Have you heard of have date? No. Have date. They helped do a diode drive. And they have collected
some things for us that we were able to get a lot more what we call DVDs for down your the Dell
machine. This is a whole truckload truckload but a bag load of DVDs for dalla. Mashallah, no, you
know, when the show's over, I'm not giving this back to you not? Those are all great. And people.
These are the Volume Two. Fantastic. Yeah. So they helped us well, this is Dr. Together, and we want
to give it to you and get this out this message of peace out to the world. This is the part of that
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			dial. We're talking DVDs. You've got the doctors recognized. You've got the Sunni mystery. They're
excellent. Mashallah. Yeah. Well, yeah, excellent. So now, this is something that is crucial
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			to our lives, let's get right to it. so little time, so much of brain picking to do is an
obligation. What does it mean? Let's start with that. Excellent. So let's start with the meaning.
Because when you understand the meaning, you understand a lot of other things that come with it,
because it comes from the Arabic tanto. Right? Which means to invite, right? So it's an invitation,
that was an invitation, and you invite people to something. So because when you look at it, and it
means invite, it can't be a fight. And a lot of people think, though is a fight. It's a debate. It's
a mini debate you have with people, you you trap them into a corner, make them uncomfortable, and
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			then that's it, then they become Muslim. But that's not how it works. Like I'm right, you're wrong.
That's it, and they take it or leave it. It is like kind of a debate, but it's not. And it's an
invitation. Have you ever had anyone invite you by by grabbing you putting a face to your face and
saying you got to come to my house for dinner? No, it doesn't work. No one invites like scaring
people. And so for first thing I'd like people to understand it's an invitation. It's an invitation.
It can't be a fight. So don't fight with people and don't try to make people uncomfortable. You
gently calling them to Allah you want them to be enveloped in the mercy of Allah azza wa jal. So you
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			don't want to make it a fight and you don't want to send them away from the religion because of the
harshness and the crudeness and your behavior. That's the first and that's the definition so
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			So do we have this mindset like we have to now convert people that this is our duty that now we have
to make them see that Allah God Almighty is one worship Him alone Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
was a messenger like Jesus the last and final messenger? Is this like obligation and make their
hearts believe this like some other faiths do? Absolutely not your obligation is just to tell people
what the truth is just delivered a message and a large region would even say about his messenger
Salallahu Salam O Allah, Allah Rasool Allah, the only obligation upon the messenger is to convey the
message that's his job is not it's not anyone's job to go into someone's heart and change their
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			heart. Your job is to tell people what the truth is, right as clearly as possible and as nice away
as possible to make it as understandable as possible, then you can remind them again next week, a
month from now, it's not a problem. But the point is, the rest is up to Allah azza wa jal, if you
opened your heart to Islam or not, you did your job. That's it. And you can do your job again and
again and again with the same person. There's no limit to the number of times you can call someone
to a lot, but that's your job. She you know, the problem is it when people feel that their job is to
change people's hearts. Most likely you expect that there'll be unsuccessful in them. And when
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			they're unsuccessful in that they feel let me just give up with this dollar thing because I'm not
good at it. Yeah, that's because you put the wrong task in front of you. That's not your job. Just
tell them about us. Now you took my job is this as I said before, for someone who has more knowledge
someone who's a shake or a scholar or someone who's memorized now so you know what that that's
that's for the big dogs as they say that's for the people who went to Medina went as hard went to
this school Islamic Academy. Who is this job for? Unfortunately, that that is the thought that you
know, the people anyone with a beard over three inches they give Dawa just sitting watching. But the
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			truth is, there are levels of dough, right? There are different levels of Dawa and some levels. You
need to like first, for example, giving a fatwa, you know, that's not my job, and it's not your job,
the Mufti gives fatawa that's a very high level, right? Then there are certain things like you know,
teaching people in the massage, that would be like an Imam, or someone well versed enough to teach
and explain our creed or something like that, then there's a very basic level of Dawa, very basic
level of forbidden, forbidding anything that's evil and enjoying what's good. This basic level,
anyone can do it, that's basic, anyone can do it. So on the basic level, it's an obligation upon
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			every living Muslim, let's hold off and come back on that point, we write about
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			machines, I call you the dollar machine, you know what I mean? Because you know, what a machine
keeps going doesn't it doesn't stop keeps going and working. You know, we try to take a break here
and there. But the idea is, we're going to die. And Angel death is coming. And this is a beautiful
way to get closer to this way of life by constantly sharing it with others. And it's helping you
also to increase in your mind. And that's like that machine I'm talking about you just won't run in
any people park the car, the machine, and they don't turn it on at all. But you keep it going. Well,
for the benefit of the doubt. First of all, it's maybe not as you described it, but anyways.
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			So basically, we're saying that, because look, some people argue they say, Not everyone's obligated
to give down and they cite evidence from the Koran. Yeah, right, allows a decision maker onwards to
come in Come
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			in Allah let there arise out of you, a group of people calling to Allah. You see, yes, I clearly
says let a group of people called to Allah. So they say that we don't all have to give Dawa. You
know, if there's a group if there's an organization or in Chicago that gives Dawa, then that takes
the blame off of me. So, the scholars explained that a group here is talking about the specific
things like the high levels of power that only certain people could do, but then on low level,
anyone, anyone, I'll give you a simple example. Suppose there's a guy very uneducated, doesn't know
much about politics, history, Islam, anything. He just prays five times a day. And let's say he has
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			no skill besides making brooms one day he'll make brooms the next day he'll sell it in the market.
That's it. So no, no level of knowledge whatsoever. He makes brooms and he sells them the next day.
Now, you might ask me, okay, what kind of obligation? What kind of debt was obligatory upon this
guy? Yes, no knowledge. There is something you can always think of something he could do. He's
walking to the market. He's his two kids cursing each other up. Can he tell them you're that boy
Don't say that. Can you do that? He's definitely he can he tell his children don't lie. Yes. Can we
can he tell the person he's dealing with in the market that they know I don't lie or can you give
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			that word by saying things like you know, I'm gonna give you the honest price and in when I when I
deal with someone in business, I don't swear by Allah's name, but can he give that away like that?
Absolutely. So you cannot think of a scenario where anyone in the oma cannot
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			Do any kind of enjoining? What's good or forbidding what's called
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			a law?
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			Let me
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			say allies one. Yes. I mean, if you just know this even that you don't even have it memorized the
whole surah just called who Allah had say Allah is one. And so you're talking to people you're
delivering that your glory is one loaded. And the person who said convey about me even if it's just
one verse, so that said this, are we saying everyone's obligated to give Jim a hot tub and explain
books? No, yeah, but on a basic level, everyone's obligated to enjoy what's good and forbid what's
evil, which is thou Yeah, though, isn't just specific things. And I know a lot of people like to
make our you know, just walking in the street just handing out pamphlets. Yeah, no, no Jamal
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			hoppers, dour teaching analysis dog, you know, telling someone, don't do this, do that enjoining
good, forbidding you all that is dour. So anyone can do it. Now, what should the main theme of the
Dow be? What is the main thing that you're trying to get across? Not to the people? Will this dow at
this invitation, okay, now because like we're using Jin Tao as the general term? Yeah. The scholars
say that your goal is to make people more knowledgeable or better worshipers of Allah Subhan Yeah,
that's your goal, you know. So whatever it is, that will get people closer to Allah azza wa jal or
have more knowledge of Allah or more knowledge of the religion. Now, if you want to use Tao, and in
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			the sense of talking to non Muslims, or calling people to Islam, inviting people to Islam, then
here, obviously, you would, you want to keep a specific message and a clear message that comes
through when you talk. Because a lot of times when people give Dawa, in that case where they're
talking to someone trying to tell them about Islam, they just throw random bits of information at
the person hoping that something will stick and or something might strike the right chord, and then
they'll become Muslim. And that's actually not the right way to do it the right ways to have an
idea. You want to take them through a thought process and explain it clearly. But you also need to
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			find out, you know, what obstacles they have, what other belief system they belong to that because
that's your obstacle, you remove that you present them with the oneness of Allah azza wa jal, and
you move from there. So it's got to be systematic and organized a little bit, not just not scattered
all over the place. Absolutely not. So the main thing should be the would you say the oneness of a
law? Yeah, suppose I'm talking to a non Muslim, then I want to start First of all, I need to know
who they are. Yeah, right. If I tell you right now, Eddie, just outside the studio, there's someone
who's not a Muslim, go speak to him. You will cannot prepare your entire speech right here. Yeah.
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			Right. Because you might plan Okay, I'm going to go outside, I'm going to shake their hand and give
him a hug. Then you go outside, and it's a woman? Yeah, there it goes. Plan A. Right. So you plan it
based on the individual? So what if he's an atheist? You have the atheist speech ready for him?
Right? Maybe someone who believes in Trinity you have the Trinity speech ready? What if he's someone
who is a Hindu, you've got the Hindu speech ready? And what have you someone who just has no
religion and says, tell me about Islam, then you got the speech on Islam prepared. So that means you
prepare your talk based on the individual, you don't have a, you know, a prepared rehearse speech,
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			and you just give it to anyone you meet. Yeah. Right. And this is what people need to understand
that the dire because
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			there's so many variables, that diet has to be malleable, has to be flexible, you have to be able to
adjust and based on the situation. And there are many situations you run into, and you find you need
to adjust your talk, you keep adjusting to talk. And one time I was talking to a man, and he had his
child with him. He's a young boy, maybe eight, nine years old. But it was very important for this
father to show his Sunday is that he's a man. So every time I spoke to the Father, he kept telling
me you're talking to both of us, right? He wanted me to look at his son. So now I had to adjust my
whole speech, I had to keep looking at him and spending a lot of time looking at this kid, you know,
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			so it's not something that I would have been used to or, or put in mind before, but I had to now
adjust my speech to satisfy that. So basically have to be flexible, you have to be malleable. And
you have to go with whatever is the situation, the problem the person has, you know, some people
have different problems, this person will believe everything you say, but I don't like the issue of
divorce in Islam, or I will believe everything you say, but there is a specific obstacle that I
have, or I'm ready 100% but my mother is not ready for me to so then you have to come up with
solutions. So the intention has to be there that look, if we get to talk about baseball, football,
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			you talk about everything under the sun, but you're not talking about the purpose of life, why
you've been created, sharing that with the non Muslim colleagues or the people that you interact
with. That's the problem is it? It's a big problem. And how do you know those people aren't going to
come on the day of judgment and use you as an excuse, you know, for their misguidance or for their
co for they might come in and use you as an excuse. Well, I knew this man for 20 years. He never
spoke to me, but
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			Islam, he was my neighbor for 15 years not wants to invite me to snap, the everyone wants to excuse
on the Day of Judgment, how do you know they won't use you as an excuse? So that's why you got to go
out there and talk to people and don't just like it. You said, you talked about baseball for two
hours. Why not talk about the law once? And it's I mean, it's real simple. I mean, just when people
get down to the nitty gritty of life, and you just start to have people to think why they are here
in this life, why they've been created simple things like that, right? is this? I mean, tell us now
is this so why is this effect it's incumbent on every person who is a Muslim, to give the invitation
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			to this way of life? This is without a doubt, no shadow of a doubt that this is an obligation? Well,
there's some there's some scholars who say that since you chose to live in a land that's, that's
where the Muslims are minority, then one of your obligations is to tell people about Islam to have
you but a lot. Now, you might think that okay, well, someone might argue now, that not everyone is
able to do that. I mean, that takes you have to have your, you know, know your verses and be ready
and be eloquent and be brave enough to walk up to people. the mercy of Allah azza wa jal is that he
puts so many avenues through which you can do something. He didn't ask every single one of us to go
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			stand in the street corner and just call random strangers and just let them have it. No, you could
do it through the internet. You could do it through you know, articles, you could do it through
passing out material and not talking to anybody real simple. You can mail people material, mail it
to them. Yes. Give them an email, anything I mean, the pamphlet and get that message to anything,
give them CDs, whatever it is. Give them the deen show it there you go Volume One and two. Just not
from my bag, though. Yeah, we got the 10 minute Shahada. Okay, well, that's mostly for Muslims.
Right. Yeah. To learn the techniques. That's that's a great tool there also, and the guy who does it
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			very, very handsome martial law they can see right now on the screen is seeing the cover. Okay,
great. Great. So okay, so we know that this is something that's incumbent, it's something that
brings blessings in your life. Talk to us about the benefits, people want to know, what am I getting
when I do this? All right. First of all, look, suppose now I tell you look at it there is there's
this investment opportunity, right? But it's going to close in one hour. Look, whatever amount of
money you give me right now to invest in this. Whatever you put in, it's going to be multiplied by
seven, then it's going to be multiplied the seven, each one of them will be multiplied by 100. And
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			then the hundreds could just keep multiplying. Now, you will do everything to put as much money as
you can, before that out one hour window closes, right, you're gonna borrow, you're gonna put as
much money as you want. Say here, here's 10 bucks. But that multiplied by 70 to 70. Multiply by 100
each. That's fantastic. You can say, wait a minute, let me get all the money I can get. Hey, can I
borrow this from you? Hey, Dad, can I borrow 1000 Hey, can I book and you put as much money as you
can? Because the reward is so great. Yeah. You know, Allah subhanaw taala multiplies the reward for
the dad so much and and just the fact that you're giving Dawa. Allah gives is no Korean woman as no
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			colon. When men die and Allahu Akbar, in animals limit? Allah is asking, and it's a rhetorical
question. So he's really telling us, no speech is better than to do that, to call people to Allah.
And to do the word, no speech is better. No, nothing is better than that. Let's hold off on that. No
speeches better. And we'll be right back on the dean show.
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			Show, talking about that invitation, invitation to thiess. That invitation that gives you peace,
that invitation to worship, the one who created you serve Him alone without any associates.
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			That is Islam. Talk to us. Now, some of the benefits the wonderful benefits that a person gets from
giving the invitation to his brothers and humanity. Excellent. So last thing, we said that it's the
best speech that we can say that's better than this better than calling people to Allah. But
interestingly, two things, though, you called to Allah. It's not about you, not about your ego, not
about, you know, telling people to die or the Dow machine, or anything like that.
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			And then also, so you're calling it but then is why masala and you do the good deeds yourself. Yeah.
It's not like you call people you know, you show them the light and you practice what you preach.
Exactly. Yeah, you practice what you preach. So, like, you find other things like very interesting
how if you teach someone now how to pray, right? Every time you pray, you get your reward every time
they pray, because you taught them you get reward, then if he takes what you taught them, and he
teaches 10 other people, every time those 10 him and the 10 pray, you get 11 rewards for each time
they pray plus yours, then if the 10 go and teach their kids how to pray, it just keeps going on and
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			on and on. And it doesn't diminish anything from the other person at all. Now, if someone told you
there is a stock where your dollars multiply, like that people would sell their clothes to to invest
as much as they could into it. But then when Allah tells us this, and the President tells us this,
we're like, Oh, that's nice to know. That's great. That's great. Is it
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			Is there any wasted time if the person doesn't even, you know, he turns a blind eye to what you're
saying? Yeah, that's what people think they think that for you to get reward for that what people
need to convert know, if the act of you standing there giving Dawa, or sitting or whatever it is
giving you get reward for that. No highlights around the Prophet Noah, he gave down for over 950
years. He told me he's not and few people believed. He told me he doesn't get much reward for those
950 years. That's amazing. He gets through, show us how easy it is. Give us some stories, examples.
Okay, I'll give you one example. And this is something basically that I mean, just about all your
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			listeners, inshallah, probably more than 99.9% of them would qualify, you know, could do a higher
level than this man. This is a man paralyzed from the neck downwards. He can only speak and he sits
at the hospital all day and night. He just lives at the hospital. So he's paralyzed from the neck
downwards. You can only speak and he brought 100 people to Islam. Basically, when a non Muslim walks
by, he says, you see the bench bunch of Puppets on the floor there, sir. Excuse me. Could you please
take a look? He's paralyzed, he's paralyzed. He can only speak can even point like I was pointing
when I was saying take advantage He can't even do they can't do it. He just says, you see the pound
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			was on the floor there was they want to read it. This should be encouragement for us all. Look at
that. That's it. So there's no way that your your listeners are below that. I mean, they're able to
at least move and type send the email, do something. Yeah. But like I said, again, it's from the
mercy of Allah, He makes so many avenues through which you can do Dawa. Yeah. So if you if you feel
like, you know, speeches and going out and speaking and this night is not your field, find an
avenue, because there's so many go out and feed the poor. Dude, there's a million in one minute. And
then that is brought to you by Islam. Exactly. Yeah, you got it. You got to plug the sponsor.
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			Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Excellent. Tell us now we're almost out of time. And again, so much things. And
this is just to give people that motivation that they need to get out there and do what all the
messages of God did. But there's like some stigma people be like, you know, what, a lot of times
when you bring up religion because of some other faiths now, it's gotten a bad rap. But we know
Islam is logical, rational makes sense. And usually when people hear it, you know what, it just
stimulates something because it's not blind faith. How do we get past some of these stereotypes? So
this is something I'm sure you you, you've experienced yourself? Yes. To all the people who have
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			given down in America, you know, Canada, Australia, people try to think like, all religions are the
same now. But if you ask that, that is true. Most people think there's a stigma, there's an issue
and they might, you know, might meet some aggressive people and don't want to hear it from you. But
talk to the art all around the world. It's a great experience, you're out, you're talking to people,
you put your hands on their shoulders, you lie, you exchange phone numbers, you it's a it's not a
fight when we got to our university, wherever it's not a fight, it's a good day, do I love it, they
get a rush, and their demand increases. And it's a very nice, secure mine increases, right? So it's
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			helping you to develop us. It's like one day said, you know, if you're washing a garment with your
hand, at the end of the process, your hand is cleaned. Yeah, but you are trying to wash the garment.
But your hand became cleansed in the process. Same thing, you're calling people to allies, drawing
you closer to Allah. Is it true that if one person and Allah giving you the ability to guide someone
with a loss permission, the creator's permission that is better than everything in this world, but
in the whole world and everything that's in it, in another nation, it's better than the best of
wealth? But if we really felt that, Eddie, would we not be giving out giving Dawa? If we really felt
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			that we would never stop giving? Okay for our non Muslim guests, people that can tune in every week.
And we're encouraging them because they're our brothers in humanity. Let them be our brothers and
faith. What is this call? What is this dial, give him the down. The call is basically if you believe
in Allah, you believe in a creator, that he is the only one who has no partner, no children, no
relatives, anything like that, that he's one eternal and absolute. And that he sends all the
prophets to guide people to humanity, just like He sent Jesus and Abraham and Moses and all the
other prophets. He also sent the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in Arabia 1400 years ago, who
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			came with the same basic messages, all the prophets did not deviate from it. And if you believe that
he could have possibly sent the Prophet Mohammed as one of his prophets, then you already have the
ingredients with which to become a Muslim. Because to become Muslim, all you have to do is say
exactly just that with your tongue, that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah, and that
Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger. That's simple. That is and the reward is, the reward is
Elgin paradise paradise, because we're all going to die. That's a reality. Fantasy, that's something
that's a fact. Everyone's gonna die just real quick few seconds, okay, some tools that they can use.
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			For the Muslims you have. If people want some more things that they can get familiar with, you have
this 10 minute Shahada for the Muslims, yes, if they want to learn our techniques, there's a
workshop called How to give a Shahada in 10 minutes. You can find that on YouTube on many, many
other websites have it and they have different versions of it.
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			A lot of people have heard that and they brought someone and brought 100 and some of them brought 50
people to Islam just by listening to to that workshop, it teaches you that with techniques what to
say what not to say how to dress, all these things are mentioned in it and and inshallah very
beneficial. What pamphlets Do you like those things that, you know will address the common
misconceptions of Islam being associated with terrorism, which is something that Islam condemns. The
other false misconcept stereotypes that people have, you know, the concept of God, the what is
Islam? There's some beautiful pamphlets by what, who, who prints it, like why Islam or Yeah, they
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			have so many of them, and whoever has them, you know, is what are some of the pamphlets that you
recommend? What the we recommend is that you read each the best conflict is based on the individual
and the individual. Yeah, so get those there real nice and colorful. And I mean, not just because we
do the show, can I get one of those? One of your gifts, you'll get it back? Okay. You also I mean,
we've gotten the best out there. And a lot of people like yourself, we're going to have you in show
on volume three, I mean, you got the DVD for dollar. I mean, if someone has done the work, take if
it's the flyers, if it's someone else that you like you suggest this, whoever it is, if they put
00:26:12 --> 00:26:47
			something together use it. This is something that we thought we have some of the people's stories,
how they've come to Islam, some of the great duels, students and knowledge scholars. And this is
something that we encourage all the MSA, all the Tao organizations, the machines to get this, we
want to print more we give these to the non Muslims for free for free for free. We want our brothers
in humanity to become our brothers in faith. And at least even if they don't accept the message,
there's no coercion, coercion in religion, it's up to them their free choice, but at least they
understand us a little bit better now. So this is what we have. And with that said, thank you very
00:26:47 --> 00:27:07
			much allowed the accrued reward you for being with us. And that is it for this episode of the Dean's
show. Do that simple task that God Almighty has asked you to do be the best human being that you can
be you can't do that following your own desires. You have to do it by the game plan. The best game
plan is God's Game Plan A laws game plan and that is
00:27:09 --> 00:27:30
			to submit your will to his will Islam and that's how you gain peace. Is that simple. Is that easy?
And then share it share with your colleagues your neighbors everyone around you. And nothing less
than Paradise is the final reward. I hope you have gotten understand some of the beautiful things
that we have said we'll see you next time here on the deen show Salaam Alaikum. Peace be unto you.
00:27:32 --> 00:27:39
			eats comb eats lay everybody sleepy.
00:27:41 --> 00:28:01
			Arise and ask a lot of thinking me. Oh la You see, oh la you know all the sins I do. A turn to you
to begin cinza ma
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			runs away. Ola guy me
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