The Deen Show – Dan Bilzerian EXPLODES on PBD wants to read the QURAN – Exposes Hollywood lies about MUSLIMS

The Deen Show
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the religious views of Muslims and their strong religion, as well as their desire to become a Muslim. They also talk about the importance of giving guidance and submitting one's will to God. The importance of Islam as a peace-going culture and giving people the opportunity to read and write the Quran is also emphasized. The segment ends with a donation for anyone to pray for their friend.
AI: Transcript ©
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I like the Muslims. I mean, I think they have a free piece of

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religion. They really bad rap in the media. But I'm a lot of

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Muslims, and they're, you know, pretty morally sound for the most

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part. So you consider being a Muslim. I don't know about the

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religion. I think I probably read the Quran Assalamu alaikum. I'm

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gonna go over this interview where Dan Brazilian just did a great job

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speaking the truth to Patrick ben David and his audience. Israel's

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committed, you know, so many terrorist attacks. They're

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stealing land right now, operating. Right now, operating

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apartheid. They're currently committing a genocide on

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Palestinians like Do you believe in the genocide they're

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committing? I think they're fighting for themselves and

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they're defending themselves. Do you think that's defense people

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died of which the DWELLER you've killed and admitted during your

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after the interview, he said, This interview is probably going to get

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me killed, but FM, because it's the truth in the interview, he

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went on to say, I like Muslims. They're peaceful, morally sound

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people. I like Muslims. I mean, I think that they have a pretty

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peaceful religion. They're really bad rap in the media. But I'm a

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lot of Muslims, and they're, you know, pretty morally sound for the

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most part. He also discussed, why are we having men in women's

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sports? Why are we having men in women's sports? Like some

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nonsense. Utter Dan spoke out against this crazy propaganda, the

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programming that all Muslims are terrorists, either all Muslims are

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terrorists, but that's what out there is. Like all every bad guy

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in these movies are always these terrorists. You know, they're

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always a guy. They're not they're blow like quarter love is Muslim?

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About guys and all terrorists, they're like, a pretty peaceful

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religion. Patrick, then David went on, *. Dan, so would you

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consider being a Muslim? So you would consider being Muslim? I

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don't know about the religion, his response. I don't know enough

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about the religion, but I think I'm gonna read the Quran. I think

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I probably read the Quran. Now, for those that don't know, Dan

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bazarian is an American businessman and social media

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influencer. It's kind of like the modern Hugh Hefner of our time.

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He's lived a life of hedonism, and from the Muslim that I know who's

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personally been talking with them. He said, what we already know,

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there's no fulfillment in chasing one's desires. It's a dark hole,

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and he wants to take a new direction in life. May God,

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Almighty Allah, guide him to the deen, to Islam. He was asked by

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Patrick, did Andrew Tate have any influence of you wanting to read

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the Quran, his response a little bit. Obviously, he went from he'll

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be in a Christian to be a Muslim. And I was pretty loud about it.

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Does he have any influence with you in the Quran or not really, a

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little bit. I mean, he's a smart guy. He's pretty smart well read

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guys. I don't think he would take that decision lightly. You can see

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influential people have influence over influential people. I also

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want to help give a quick answer to a couple of things that Dan

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mentioned, a misconception many people have about God needing us

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to worship him. Like if you were God, would you really need

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everybody to worship you all the time? Tell you how great you were?

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Did you know that if all of mankind came together to worship

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God or not worship God, it wouldn't increase him or decrease

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him in his greatness? In the very least, the worship is for us, it's

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a prescription for success. Worship in Islam is doing

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everything the creator wants us to do and staying away from

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everything that he commanded us to stay away from, doing our best in

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these things. And this is an act of worship. I want to touch upon

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this also, everyone knows what the right thing to do is. I feel like

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everybody knows the right thing is to do. Just do the right thing. I

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guess. Do my thing like, that's my religion. Unfortunately, we don't,

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if left to our own whims and desires, it's extremely

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subjective. Just look at the people who he was speaking the

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truth about, and what they're doing. They think they're morally

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right, then y'all lied to us about the master structure we followers.

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My friends are bad where they're like, you know, and I just look

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what they provided us with, and it's, it's not nothing. It's like

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a negative, you know, it's not even really just didn't do yet

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that would be, you know, bad, but they've actually done things to

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hurt us over and over again. So this whole thing of their our

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greatest allies, is complete. And, you know, we send them $100

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billion and they send $100 million and then they distribute our

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politicians and Republicans will backhand we walk around, tell them

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what we can say, how to vote. So we need the guidance, otherwise,

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we're fumbling in the dark, and that guidance comes from the

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Creator of the heavens and earth. Now I want to end where he said, I

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don't know enough about the religion. I don't know about the

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religion. I can probably read the Quran. Want to leave Dan with

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this. It's what makes Islam stand out from all the other man made

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religions. And Islam simply means peace acquired by submission to

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the will of God Almighty, the Creator Allah. And a Muslim is one

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who does that action of submitting his or her will to the Creator.

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And what makes Islam stand out from all the other man made

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religions, it's called to pure absolute monotheism, directing all

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your prayers and everything else to the One God, to the one

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creator. God, Almighty Allah, doesn't have partners like you do

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in business. He doesn't have family, son, daughters or

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children. Distress the severity in this matter. Allah is saying in

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the Quran, they say the most compassionate has offspring. You

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have certainly made an outrageous claim by which the heavens are

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about to burst asunder and the earth to split apart and the

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mountains to crumble into pieces, in protest of attributing a son, a

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daughter, children to the most compassionate. It does not befit

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the majesty of the Most Compassionate. It does not fit the

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most compassionate to have a son to have children. There are plenty

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more verses on this in the Quran. You'll find an overwhelming amount

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of evidence in.

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The Quran to prove that is indeed not man made, but reveal from the

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Creator of the heavens and earth, to give you example, the

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development of how we started in this life from the human embryos

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found in the Quran, as far as it is known from the history of

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embryology, but it was known about the staging and classification of

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human embryos until the 20th century. For this reason, the

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descriptions of the human embryo and the Quran cannot be based on

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scientific knowledge. In the Seventh, Seventh Century, the only

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reasonable conclusion is these descriptions were revealed to

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Mohammed from God. He could not have known such details, because

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he was not the Earth man, but absolutely, absolutely no

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scientific training. Mohammed could not have known these facts

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about human development in the seventh century, because most of

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them were not discovered until the 20th century. Muslims and others

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are justified, including but these facts can only have been revealed

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to Mohammed, but the one known, who knows all about us, not only

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about how we developed, but how we lived and functioned. Other facts,

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not fiction, mentioned in the Quran, that it would be

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impossible. This is what has blown people away. It'd be impossible

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for a man who couldn't read or write like Prophet Muhammad to

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have known these things. It's clearly impossible. Now we don't

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gamble, but I put my life on it. That's what blew me away that so

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many millions who have converted to Islam have seen the same thing.

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This is a living miracle, the Quran. It's your Creator speaking

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to you directly.

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Doing here on Vila. Mean, remember, it's going to take you

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to guidance. If a person is generally and sincerely seeking

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the truth, if he's a troll, he's playing games, it's going to take

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you in the opposite direction. So with that said, I want to give a

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gift to you, to Dan, or to anyone else who's out there who'd like to

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read the Quran, and we commend Dan's Dan bazarian for speaking

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the truth like, Do you believe the genocide they're coming, I think,

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and being courageous enough to go ahead and speak out, putting his

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life on the line. He was saying, let's pray for him, may God

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Almighty Allah, guide him to the deen, to Islam. And we'd love to

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give you also a gift, the Quran. Be brave enough, like Dan, who

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said he's going to read the Quran. He's going to see for himself once

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you see for yourself, I think I probably read the Quran the way

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this man, this courageous man, is about to do and go to the dean

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Show com. I'll get you a copy of the Quran for free, for free. Just

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go put information. We'll get it to you. And if you have any other

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questions, call us. 1-800-662-4752,

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go ahead and subscribe. Hit that notification bell so you don't

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miss videos like this one, we'll see you next time. Until then,

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Peace be with you. Assalamu. Alaikum.

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