The Deen Show – BOAT FLIPS WITH PASSENGERS – CAUGHT A SNAKE – Ali Dawah Smile 2 Jannah & Subboor VISIT BOSNIA

The Deen Show
AI: Summary ©
The Bosnian Bosnian speaks about their long history of fighting and their upcoming visit to the Malek hotel resort in Bosnia. They also discuss the history of the Bosnian nationalist movement and their success in protecting against invasion. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a coffee and a coffee drink and touches on the struggles of the US military during the COVID-19 crisis and the use of handkerchiefs. The Bosnian nationalist movement also touches on the upcoming launch of a new app for holding messages of Islam and a social media campaign.
AI: Transcript ©
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Many of you might be wondering Hamzat Shemaev

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hasn't been fighting for a very long time.

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He's here with us on the mountains.

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That's that's why It's a place to visit

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Oh, they flipped, oh All

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right, we are here in the capital of

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Bosnia and we got the UK team here

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from UK We got the president of our

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era Sabor Ahmed, we got Ali Dawa.

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We got Ismail Degenez, Zeeshan, our brother is

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here We're gonna go and show them a

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little bit of Bosnia.

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We're in Ilija now heading over to the

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Malek hotel resort These are important things that

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we're discussing When it comes to sleep patterns,

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there's two things that your sleep needs REM

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sleep and deep sleep even some Celebrities, there's

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one footballer.

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He treats his sleep like an art and

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the deep sleep will help with the physical

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repair, REM will help with the emotional repair

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and the Adhkar will help with the spiritual

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repair Masjid made in Mount Enigma, we're now

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in Mount Enigma and it was built during

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the war because the war Fighting during war

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happened in this area.

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You can see warriors here He would be

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washing the dishes and making food for them.

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Washing the dishes in a really good way

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To pick up some of this Bosnian warrior

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spirit, yes Location itself is hidden because it

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was very heavy Yeah heavy war activity so

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it can be on some location that will

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be brought up and Easily visible And also

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it was used for all other purposes So

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it's really Close to what to how we

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imagine Masjid in Prophet's time It was like

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for studying learning for even wrestling and because

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brother Ahmed Sheikh Ahmed was telling us how

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the Masjid in the time of Sahaba or

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mostly Used for wrestling between prayers like every

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morning after Fajr they would wrestle So this

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Masjid they had surgeries.

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They had treatment like all kinds of treatments

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for wounded soldiers Part of it was hospital

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most of the war.

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Do you know what happens to the Masjids

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in Europe during Salah times?

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What happens to them?

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Close them Brother Mir Saad on the way

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he's giving us the history So when he

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told me that this is the first place

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with the Bosnians and the Serbs for each

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other and where the Bosnians defended against the

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incursions of the Serbs and all around us

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are Basically graves and where we don't know

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where they are because the people were buried

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there and then so there's people who died

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Defending Islam just in these mountains and then

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to come to the summit and seeing a

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mosque Which was initially a command-and-control

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center in the forest All of this shows

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that this isn't that far away what happened

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It's very very close and also shows that

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people died so that we say la ilaha

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illallah These are people who are under attack

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They were the ones who were being oppressed

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and they were trying to be wiped out

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Yeah, and just to add to this there's

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something that we should know about the history

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of the Bosnians I've been learning in the

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last couple of days from you brothers that

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The Bulgar mille right the Bulgar mills, they

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were in between Rome and Constantinople between the

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Orthodox and the Catholics they were hated by

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both they were seen as heretics by both

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and they fought both So the toughness of

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these people goes back generations It goes back

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even before Islam and then when they accepted

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Islam, it's like the Bosnians They took the

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strength that they had before and they gave

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that strength to Islam So for us They're

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a sign that you know When you have

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men when you have these mountain men when

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you have these people who have strong Iman

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They will have the smallest means they were

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using lampposts as as you know a weaponry

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basically They were making homemade weapons defending themselves

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against the Serbs and it was a huge

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Onslaught and they managed to survive and defend

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and they defended Sarajevo for four years I

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mean if you look at the the under

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-resourced that they how under-resourced they were

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but how over-resourced the Serbs were All

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that they had was Iman We got it.

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We got it now.

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We're taking it to the next level Where

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are we going today?

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WWUK WWU rafting If you're ready guys, let's

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go take the helmets and life jackets I'm

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not coming Ali Zeeshan, let's go.

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Let's go Getting in there bro, i'm getting

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in there The cold water challenge It's

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the coldest river Who's it in the world?

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It becomes the coldest now Hey don't spoil

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it Yeah,

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you need to jump Ali is a good

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example We lost a man here Emergency back

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up Man down, we got him back That's

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it, he's alive He discovered some new specimens

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I think He's actually so much playful when

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he does that Beautiful, huh?

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This is actually a dream scene It's a

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dream scene It's a dream scene Honestly Let's

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go Oh wow, that was a work of

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art Another one A

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place to

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visit Eddie Amazing

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Exhilarating I've had enough I want a second

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appearance After the vaccine No,

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no Biology class Wow So this is not

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non-poisonous So you see Look at that

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Crocodile hunter From UK Smell

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your arm How does it smell?

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Salty Like curry Whatever

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you're doing Stop the boats You pray inshallah

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Especially when in mother nature You see how

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great Allah SWT is And that he deserves

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worship And this will remind us That we

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worship Allah Not because of what he gives

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us The food, the blessings Our heart beating,

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our lungs breathing All these kind of stuff

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Rather we worship Allah because of who he

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is That's the reason We look at the

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nature around us And we see how great

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Allah is Imagine the entire universe We're a

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little speck, nothing Imagine this is the whole

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universe Imagine all of this We're probably smaller

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than this Our planet earth is like this

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And this is not even a comparison So

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Subhanallah whenever you come to Bronze Sisters Imagine

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the one who created the heavens and the

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earth And you don't have 5 minutes In

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your 24 hours to pray So Bronze Sisters,

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please inshallah Get involved You can order your

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guided prayer mat As you guys

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know we're heavily emphasizing on Reconnecting the world

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back to Allah through Salah Our guided mats,

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Alhamdulillah we had 6500 orders That's why we

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had to shut the orders It's for free,

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Alhamdulillah We're sending them out because we're overwhelmed

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Once that's done inshallah our new app is

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coming You can order Salah mats for free

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We're going through our first rapid Bismillah Allahu

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Akbar Sorry guys Strike

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Jump on his back Go go go Go

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for show Hands

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down Best holiday ever Don't mess around That's

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it We've

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done a beautiful day Of wild water rafting

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With one of us on the rock terrain

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All the brothers Have been experiencing This lovely

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atmosphere Beautiful weather Beautiful mountains We saw a

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snake Extraordinary Oh they

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flip Oh Where's the kid Where's

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the kid Flip first Motherfucker flip first I'm

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very good For

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taking everything To taking the Dawah effort To

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the next level Which is he is about

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To launch it in its fullness But it

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has already started In Florida And he needs

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your support This is an effort which began

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already Some months back And they need your

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support For spreading the message of Islam In

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the USA So my brothers and sisters Reach

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out to support him We need your support

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