The Deen Show – A Christian Preacher comes to our Mosque to call to Jesus – SEE what happens next
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You go online and you can check what's
the language you spoke Aramaic how did he
call on God is going to tell you
Allah Ha there is no way That are
true and living God because that's what I
do I'm your pastor.
Hey, cuz listen God is real.
Yeah, and I know it personally I know
problem is that we don't a lot of
times we don't get together and fight the
real enemy We too busy trying to fight
each other and that was a very very
good question.
You know this verse, right?
Can we close in prayer?
I'll let you pray first.
Alhamdulillah As you can see we're here at
the Phoenix Center not quite yet open we're
still working we got work outside right now
because there's Christian neighbor who's outside and we'd
like to show him that Muslims love Jesus
and And God Almighty Allah sent them here.
He's right in front of the Dean Center.
Let's go Sisters, we've all had loved ones
that passed away a mother a father brother
sister a close family member but one of
the mercies of our Dean is that with
the right intention we can go ahead and
Continue to do good deeds on our loved
one's behalf and what greater of a continuous
good deeds Sadaqah jadia than investing on their
behalf in the Dean Center a masjid in
Megiddawa Center that will benefit generations to come
So click the link below donate right now
may God Almighty Allah reward all of you
and you have so much Hate out there
because you got 300 million Americans who know
little to nothing about Islam and the stuff
They do know is misinformation.
It's lies pushed by the hate industry.
You got this gentleman here He's here actually
sitting on our property at the Dean Center
and he's a Christian and he's calling people
to worship Jesus We're gonna talk with him
and call him to worship the God of
Jesus the God that Jesus worshipped How you
I'm doing good.
Did you know this Muslims love Jesus?
Did you know that?
Yeah, I see like opportunity here.
You're actually you're at our Facility exact seems
like God sent you we can have a
nice little conversation.
Do you know anything about Islam?
I I know a little about a little
So yeah, I do know that you guys
Pray to the same God even as Christians
do and Jehovah or who you call Allah,
you know the language that Jesus spoke, you
know, which way he was he spoke Aramaic.
Yeah in Aramaic.
Yeah, and That one word for God in
Aramaic is Allah In Hebrew Allah Elohim, but
in Aramaic you can look this up You
go online and you can check what's the
language you spoke Aramaic, how did he call
on God it's gonna tell you Allah ha
Arabic is the sister language to Aramaic Allah
Allah ha And did you know that Jews
and Christians who are Arabic speaking?
They also call on God by Allah You
know that now if you didn't know I
knew it.
Yeah, and did you know it's a it's
a article of faith There's six articles of
faith in Islam.
One is the pure absolute monotheism that God
is one and alone where the exact and
Second is the belief in them in the
angels believe in the books that were revealed
believe in the messengers and the belief in
met the messengers Believing that Moses was a
messenger Abraham was a messenger Jesus the Christ
Meaning the Messiah He was a messenger of
God The same way all the other messengers
who were sent in the prophets to call
humanity to worship one and only one God
And that's what Islam means if you look
at the Lord's Prayer or our Father who
art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy
kingdom come thy will be done.
Thy will is Islam This is what Islam
literally means to submit your will That's how
you get peace in life by submitting your
will to the will of the creator of
the heavens and earth.
That's Islam Yeah, we agree upon all of
that now what we do now.
Look there's an elephant in the room I
have a lot of Christian friends and okay
We say let's get the elephant out of
the room because there's so much we can
talk about look like the family values You
see the the the man now they want
to turn into a woman the woman into
a man Madness today, right?
Yeah, these moral values.
We have a lot that we the the
sexualization of the kids in the schools Obviously
Christians don't agree with that.
No, we're on the same page, right?
So a lot of these things abortion Same,
Yeah, what else you have some other things?
Oh, well the need to spread The message
of God.
Yes, and that's something that Muslims agree upon
Christians agree upon the fact that we say
that God is one God, right?
in that in that Understanding and and that's
something also that Christians believe in that we
should pray without ceasing And we pray to
God all of us agree on that.
We are we're praying to one God.
We agree to that portion Yes Here's the
elephant in the room or the parting of
the ways or the different and look this
is not something that should drive Christians and
Muslims for their part Not to work on
a common good on other things because being
you got people in the same house or
a Democrat Republican Different sides of the spectrum
on so many other things seeing though, but
their family.
We're a family in humanity I have the
same father Adam So now that's our lineage
and we can work together to make the
world a better place because Christians are not
going anywhere Muslims are not going anywhere.
All right, Jews are not going anywhere.
Look we're here to stay so we might
as well learn About each other and learn
to go ahead and agree to disagree on
some things but in a peaceful way I
think that's it to peacefully coexist and you
said you said something which I agree upon
which is Learning how to understand our differences
for one if we're warring with each other.
There's no way in the world We reflect
the one God It's no way in the
world if me and you are fighting and
at war and at odds with each other
There's no way for one.
We know that God is The word says
That's that's key.
So understanding that like you said, there's a
need for us Collectively to make a difference
in this world for all humanity and if
we don't start coming together To do that
Then come on.
That's that's another thing right there where you
have how many people out there who are
How many people do you have out there
who are on alcohol on drugs?
I mean People who are in the society
that need help, right?
So we can come together to help these
people right to eradicate many of the social
ills that are destroying society That's another that's
another point but understanding at the same time
that we don't have to come together And
sing kuba.
Yeah, right that we have there is there
is a major differences But at the same
time don't differences are not to the point
that should cause such a division because I
asked my Christian friends I never say do
you get offended when I say Jesus and
I say after his name peace be upon
Does that offend you?
So personally, no, it's not an offense I
don't think By and I understand that you're
not being offensive offensive anyway, I understand that
Muslims only see Jesus as a prophet similar
to Moses and all of that now we
agree on we would we agree on That
the Bible declares that he is it's in
the Bible bingo that he is Is is
a prophet but also the difference between Christians
is we believe him to be a king
and a priest And that's the only difference.
Okay, so Yeah, if we say, okay, he
was a king To rule over his people
and a priest as a leader a religious
figure, right?
Well, no as we believe as Christians.
He was indeed God and the same as
the three and trail that that would mean
so that's what we would say like unpackage
that What do you know like he was
part of a Trinity Explain that exactly.
So basically it's like this So Jesus was
in the beginning and this is what we
we as Christians believe We believe that Jesus
was in the beginning him God and the
Holy Spirit was all together as one He
said let us make man in our image
So we believe that right and as we
believe that we believe that Jesus Came and
died for the sins of all humanity and
this is the good part Which is the
good news to me.
Is that while we were yet?
non-believers when we were yet sinners and
Against God right when we had already made
our own demands and we weren't gonna Jesus
still Showed his love and the death for
Let me ask you this.
We were all taught certain things, right?
Yeah, we can be programmed a certain way
conditioned But not everything that we're programmed or
taught is always right, right because the US
Constitution at what at one point.
Mm-hmm It equated the African Americans black
people as what two-thirds of a white
You remember that?
Yeah, so people were conditions people were conditioned
to believe this.
Yeah, but now we come to know this
is false This is of the devil right
and there's a beautiful statement from the last
and final message sent to mankind problem Muhammad
who said there's no Difference between the white
and the black between the black the Arab
and the non-arab.
Mm-hmm We are all now descendants now
from Adam and now the and the Quran
talks about that Paraphrasing that the best among
you I made you into nations and tribes
that you know each other You don't hate
each other And the best among you are
those who have the best the most tough
one the ones who are the most God
conscious pious Morally upright.
Yeah, so this is what differentiates us not
the color of your skin my skin But
my point there was you see how certain
people were conditions a certain way is that
you had the Muslims who were?
30 to 40 percent from the Atlantic traits
slaves All right.
Yeah, you had certain people conditioned thinking they're
gonna go and civilize these people and the
black African Americans and then Torture them kidnap
them and then bring them over here.
You follow me and do the most evil
Yeah, you get it Yeah, this is something
despicable, but you that's the conditioning that's and
they were using the Bible Yeah, we're using
the Bible was supposed to be the Word
of God to justify that Yeah, you get
it kind of like any religion even in
if we pull out even in the Muslims
There are people that are in the Muslim
Yes, who take the Candy yes.
Yeah, they take it out of context and
then they Just even like the Jews there
are scribes what it calls crowds and Pharisees
Jesus said accept our righteousness exceed that of
the scribes and Pharisees We will not likewise
make it because because man has a condition
Yeah, which is and I'm gonna let you
talk brother, but man has a condition which
is a sin nature and without God Ruling
and abiding upon the throne room of our
We are all subject to fall and fail
Every single time like he said the slave
trade was simply about grief But even if
we go even further back and then I'm
gonna get off my Soapbox if we go
even further back These were conditions even in
the times of Jesus slavery You know all
type of situations in the Roman Empire Homosexuality
nothing new under the Sun.
We know this stuff It's just gotten rampant
up and it's getting worse and worse and
all the countries of the world one thing
we better realize is that God is Real
absolutely, yes and Going back to what I
would the point I wanted to make is
that we're conditioned We're programmed to believe certain
things, right?
But now our nature and the fitra what
we call it This is the innate nature
that if you were to leave a child
and he and he grew up and now
you were to explain to him the Attributes
of the all-loving the most kind one
God They would easily be able to understand
this right and that was the consistent message
from Adam the first man to Abraham and
then a no Moses and David and Ishmael
Isaac you can see this Continuous chain of
prophets and messenger God Almighty is sending to
call people to worship the Creator and not
the creation You will see this continuous in
chronological order not with different man-made religions
Not with one messenger saying worship me the
other one saying worship the Sun the other
one saying worship a stick a stone Anything
in Christian, but worship the one God that's
that that that pure absolute Monotheism now human
beings they go off they drift off and
they start to worship creation They start to
worship idols and icons saints and people in
the ground and all sorts of things And
this is now I understand this is no
way to offend you or any Christian But
we see the same thing happening here is
where now Jesus if you read the clear
Explicit verses in the Bible because we believe
and this is according to like Bible scholars
like Bruce Mesker you have others textual critics
who will tell us that we don't have
a copy of a copy of a copy
of any original Bible people Of course call
the gospel books Matthew Mark Luke and John
Well, they call the Matthew Mark Luke and
John because we don't know who wrote these
books and there's no point calling them Sam
Fred Jerry and Harry.
I mean they're they're written by people.
We don't know who they were written by
They are anonymous You might not think so
because they have the title the gospel according
to Matthew whoever put that title on it
was an editor Later the followers of Jesus
were Aramaic speaking peasants from Galilee lower class
men who were not Educated in fact Peter
and John in Acts chapter 4 verse 13
are literally said to be illiterate They couldn't
read and write.
Of course not.
They were fishermen.
They didn't go to school the vast majority
of people in the ancient world Never learned
to read let alone write and their native
language was Aramaic These books are written in
Greek by highly educated rhetorically trained Writers who
are skilled in Greek composition, but what we
do have of explicit verses we have Jesus
saying that Differentiating himself as being subservient to
God not part of God one with God
a Trinity So now if you talk to
a child and you try to explain Trinity
if you try to explain that God is
the father God is the son.
God is the Holy Ghost, but not three
but one now you lose the child As
Jesus grew up he learned more and more
about God Jesus is God.
How can you learn more and more about
Because Jesus is God It's a great question
Well because when Jesus came down to earth
He grew up as a regular human being
too So he would read the the Bible
You also and most people you lost in
the mental gymnastic maze and you cannot get
out but now God is saying look just
one Yeah, so what we go by is
again the New Testament with Jesus declared himself
He says when you've seen the son, you've
also seen the father Brought out.
He said have I been this long with
you and you still not know then he
told Peter He says after Peter said, you
know, you are the son of the Living
God And he told him he says upon
this rock I shall build my church and
the gates of * shall not prevail against
it So there are several times throughout the
New Testament and in the life and teachings
of Jesus Christ where he declared himself as
a son of God and then even when
other people when he stood before the court
and they they said Who you say I
am and he told him he said yeah,
God says He I don't know you say
it correctly.
And so that's the difference in the belief
I'm gonna ask you a question and and
then you and I appreciate this dialogue, too
I definitely do brother.
I appreciate the dialogue because if we don't
talk and commune together Then we miss it
anyway now, I appreciate this dialogue.
This is the thing that I want to
want to want to point out, right?
If we first off right are walking Towards
God, right?
Then we have to trust him in this
part of the message if if I'm wrong,
If I'm wrong, and I'm earnestly seeking his
face There is no way That a true
and living God will continue to let me
be wrong And if you're wrong and you're
truly truly not again Not for like you
said not the brainwashing that's been thrown out
not the foolishness that's out here Not in
that stuff, but earnestly from your heart from
your heart place, right?
From your heart place because when Moses wrote
when roses wrote the scriptures right when he
wrote the scriptures out, right?
He wrote it after communing with God.
So if you're honestly communing with God There's
no way in the world.
He's gonna leave you in darkness.
There's no way in the world He's gonna
leave me in darkness if we're not and
this is what I'm gonna say, and then
I'm gonna let you go ahead But if
we're honestly With all we're we have if
we're earnestly seeking after him We know I
don't care if it's the Quran the Torah,
you know, I don't care if it's a
New Testament I don't care which one it
is one thing.
We know that in both of the Testaments
That it says we will find him now
the the key to that.
There's a statement authentic statement my problem He
said God is saying that this is the
imagine it's the crater who's speaking He says
all of my slaves because we're all slaves
of God.
Mm-hmm I'm misguided unless I mean the
creator guides them.
So ask me of my guidance Exactly what
you said if a human beings praise directly
not to Muhammad not to Moses not to
even not to Jesus Nobody else but the
creator of the heavens and earth alone, you
know in Matthew 26 39 when Jesus went
a little further It says and he fell
on his face and prayed to God the
Lord's prayer in there There's no mention of
praying to Jesus is praying to all our
father Rub up.
This is the Lord of the universe if
we pray directly to the one God that
Jesus prayed to The way when he fell
on his face the absolute monotheism not associating
any partners of God God Almighty the creator
Allah Ha Allah Elohim will the most loving
the most compassionate the most merciful the most
just those are his attributes and names Yeah,
he will God a human being he will
not leave you me in the dark But
if we do shirk shirk is where we
set up partners with God that now we
start to pray to saints idols icons messengers
the creation and we put intermediaries between us
and God like God Almighty is the one
that can give Forgive alone now.
He is the one that we need to
pray to alone Now now Jesus said all
power is given to me So the prophets
can go ahead and give you the formula
what you need to do and you'll be
forgiven for certain things but the key is
to ask God Almighty alone for guidance and
For repentance and that's how you get salvation
But that's the tricky thing now the dangerous
thing is when we set up rivals when
we set up equals to God Let me
ask you this question.
Look go ahead when Jesus peace be upon
him We love and revere if a Muslim
says any disrespectful thing about Jesus he or
she can end up in the hellfire I
don't know if you knew that I Didn't
know that.
Yeah, you end up in hellfire disrespecting Jesus
in any which way right denying him, right?
We believe he was the Messiah the Immaculate
Conception that he did miracles and wonders Miracle
of God, right and we believe that he
only called God people to worship one and
only one God For example in the Bible
hero Israel the Lord thy God is one
when one came to him said Oh good
master What good thing can I do that?
I may have eternal life.
So why are you calling me?
Look at that Look, I'm a martial artist,
Yeah, I got a fighter.
Someone comes in man.
You're such a tough guy Look, you submitted
all those guys in a row.
I said man.
I'm nothing man.
Don't worry.
You know what I mean?
I'm gonna keep it humble.
Yeah, I'd be arrogant, you know pointing to
myself You see the Muslim fighter usually pointing
up that means pointing to the one who
gave me the strength and the power intelligence
to get Things done, but now this is
This is a creator.
He should be now taking the credit.
He should be saying yes This is how
you worship me.
He's saying why you call me good.
There's only one good but God now here's
my question is Jesus all-knowing because if
Jesus is God he would have to know
everything like God knows everything.
So how did how would you?
Respond if I respond to that, I would
tell you Jesus Well, just like the other
I'm gonna be honest.
They got the word Directly but Jesus was
there so him and the father were one
So the other prophets the the Spirit of
God rested upon them right now is the
difference That rested upon David the Spirit of
God rested upon you know, and on and
on and on Ezekiel, you know all of
those things So when we talk about it
like that, we understand that the Spirit of
God Rested upon but now as the Christian
belief is that the Spirit of God dwells
He encompassed he was you get what I'm
This is even before His death and resurrection
make it easier like there's certain qualities that
we would agree the creator have I'll define
them that You agree.
He's one He's absolute he's eternal Okay, he
knows everything.
He's that he doesn't increase in knowledge because
he has all knowledge.
He's not ignorant of any anything, right?
Doesn't have a beginning or end doesn't die.
These are qualities you would say All right
Now let's apply that to you to me
we wouldn't fit that description obviously, let's let's
apply that to Abraham Right Prophet Muhammad peace
be upon him.
He also he couldn't be God.
He wasn't God Moses the Sun.
Yeah, the moon all limitless, right?
There was a beginning Jesus now.
Peace be upon him Did he have a
No, he had no beginning but did he
come out of the womb of a woman
he kept by way of God miraculous Conception
that you talked about earlier.
So you just said that you guys believe
in that part.
So in that part Yes, he came by
way of a woman through The miraculous conception
of the miracle of God did he die
he died died He rose again as he
had already proclaimed it He was so if
he died then now if you have three
gods for a moment, there's only two Because
he died now.
What do you have now?
You have the Holy Ghost according to what
he died on his flesh And then even
like this we're gonna we'll say this the
Muslims believe that there's a life after this
life Yes, so the Christian believe it's a
life after this life So if we die
in this flesh, we still live for eternity.
You tell my spit Yeah, so our spirit
our spirit never dies, right?
Our spirit doesn't die Fleshly man it dies.
So can you can you conceive that Jesus
100% right 100% Able to live
Excuse my phone To to live by the
power that he came in Now, I mean
we don't have to agree on that because
again what you just said, excuse me I
like I said, I'm not trying to monopolize
it We agree to this part that we
are disagreeing on something So what we'll point
out those things the disagreement like there's disagreement
here We'll move on because I would like
personally I would like to continue this dialogue
Yeah, you are like you said you have
Christian friends and everything and and and I
would like to continue this this dialogue as
we continue on To to get to know
each other better.
Yes, you know because Like you said for
some reason you believe this is a divine
purpose Guess what?
I believe it too.
I pulled up here didn't even know the
church was Well the old building you guys
call it a It's not called it must
you'd must you'd must you and then we
have an educational center.
Okay, we have an educational center I didn't
know it was a muster.
I walked up and saw one of the
brothers out there and I said, hey Is
this a church now?
He said no He explained to me that
it was Muslim and I said well The
only reason I asked because I was gonna
come out and just sit out put some
signs out Look, so let me get back
to this point So if God is all
-knowing and if Jesus is hundred percent God
does he know everything at all times at
all time?
So now that's the million-dollar question now
when he was asked was he at one
point obviously doesn't lie It's not gonna lie.
Okay, or he doesn't know Because being ignorant
of something it's not to be offensive just
you don't know Yeah, so he's not lying
if or is he ignorant of something?
Can he ever be put in that situation?
What do you mean like like now when
he says in his word where he tells
them that I'm waiting on the father to
tell me when I'm the return Here's an
example When he was asked of that day
and hour Meaning when is the day of
judgment when?
Now he's saying either now he's he's hiding
He's lying.
What this is you say?
No, he cannot be lying This is disrespectful
to him.
He's not a god of liars, right?
So I never want to I watch my
words to every no and the other thing
is now that he's saying perfect opportunity to
go ahead and Give them the information instead
of holding back, but he didn't know he
said of that day and hour knows no
man Not a son nobody, right?
So that's the question there if he's God
shouldn't he know?
Well, this is now I want you to
know I got you and that was a
very very good question You know this verse
Yeah, that's what that's what I alluded to
when I was talking to you So that's
a very good question.
This is the thing that I want to
point out though Is it that he didn't
know or he just did not reveal it
Is that one of the things that he
just really didn't reveal now?
That's a good question and it's something that
I'm going to have to go back in
and research a little more But that'll be
something that me and you can talk about
the neck Here's what I is it too
hard to ask like we can never go
ahead and pray to Jesus or Muhammad anybody
Is it too much to ask to pray
to God Almighty alone to say look at
this man right here if he's on Two
things if you sent it for me Yeah,
if he's on the Christian it is too
much because they won't because prayer.
No, I got you Yes, it's get what
I'm saying.
I Could pray I could pray with you,
I'm gonna give you an example.
I could pray with you We pray right
No, no.
No, I'm saying when you go home.
No, no, I got you.
I got you Understand yeah, cuz that's what
I do.
I Are you a pastor?
No, no, I'm just a good brother man
out here trying to do you have your
own churches?
No No, I'm just out here trying to
like your your enthusiasm passion man.
Hey cuz listen God is real Yeah, and
I know it personally.
I know he's so what would besides look
how long have you when did you become
a practicing Christian, what are you Protestant Baptist
what well, I would be considered on the
nomination on the nominational.
How long how long ago did you come
to this realization?
Denominational I've been in that I wasn't I
wasn't reared up in and let's say in
traditional way I have my personal experience with
God here.
So when you when you hear me speak
I'm speaking out of a personal conviction with
God things that I've seen the evidence of
God Even even people in a cult.
Yeah, you know because you believe that the
devil is real and I believe it's another
That's a common belief The problem is that
we don't a lot of times we don't
get together and fight the real enemy We
too busy trying to fight each other not
me Yeah, you know because I already understand
that the battle is not with flesh and
blood I understand that and a lot of
people don't I'm looking forward to our next
I got I got your literature I'm gonna
sit down and I'm gonna read over this
and I would definitely and give me a
name again, brother Yes, Eddie, brother Eddie.
All right, brother.
Eddie Darren is there nice to meet you
nice meeting and I'm looking forward to our
Next conversation and these are conversations that need
to happen and for myself I don't really
like to get into heated debates or anything
I like to what I like to do
is because that's what a lot of times
happens and then one side is more about
the Ego kicks in yeah, and there's like
then the truth gets lost So I ask
people just really reflect upon it if there's
if there's truth coming from one side.
There's something well I'm gonna take it but
it's about who's the one that can guide
It's the one who created us So I
usually leave people with this Homer.
It's just so simple it's in the Lord's
Prayer my Christian friends and neighbors is to
like if there's any truth here because we
believe that like we were Saying God will
guide us to truth and our innate nature
recognizes the belief in the one and only
one God This is just very straightforward, it's
like one plus one is two very Self
-explanatory as part of part of what God
created us to recognize that truth a lot
of times, you know are invested interests and
our ego and and emotions We get we
get attached to something in his own, but
then this is the way God Comes and
sends the advice and reminds us the reminders
and now the person has to think Hold
on is there is this something guys talking
UFOs is this guy talking to me about
some strange, you know Like today like they're
trying to make the man at the moment
the man like that You're a wolf or
and I'm trying to convince you that you're
you know an animal or whatnot That's come
on I got time for that stuff But
this is simple Praying to God alone saying
God the one who Jesus prayed to guide
me if this is any truth here guide
me to it Yes, I don't think that's
unreasonable at all.
Well again, yeah, that's what we beg to
do but Listen, I'm brother Eddie.
I'm not over here.
Just Talking.
Yeah, and I'm not over here.
Just saying anything.
I would like now I don't know how
often you have time, but I would like
for us to continue Sit down and just
kind of discuss some things.
Yeah, very interesting to know you like you
say you're a martial artist Interested in knowing
a little more about that you learn a
little more about me and we continue this
dialogue Because I had already told the brother
I was planning on coming to one of
the press sessions Yeah, and when I asked
him right off the bat.
Oh, yeah, I'm coming Yeah, once he told
me the times and everything I'm gonna be
there because he did he did he did
express that you guys don't Pray and aromatic
and you but you pray in English.
Yeah, you translate in Arabic But yeah, but
he so he told me that I said
well, you know That's good.
And I could you know Arabs only make
up a small percentage of the overall Muslim
community Let me just before we conclude This
is important.
Islam is an Arabic word Which means like
I said opened earlier to acquire peace by
submitting your will to the will of God
It's not a Muslim is one who does
the action of Islam a Muslim is a
submitter to God In the same way understanding
that is that's what the Christian does but
the only difference between the Understanding of that
is that the Christian understands that is through
the power of the Holy Spirit Which afforded
for us to do that and so by
the Holy Spirit We are comforted even David
wrote in his his His his writings even
about the Messiah so he even wrote so,
you know Who am I to one of
my two out of many who I really?
Admire so much and if you look at
the way they stood on certain ground and
principles you have Muhammad Ali Who's Malcolm and
Malcolm X?
So they also at one point in time
they went back to their roots and they
started to invest they came both from a
Christian Background and now they went to their
roots and they saw that there was roots
Connected them.
If you look at Quinta Kinte, right?
We watched the film.
He's saying Allah Allah, right?
Yeah, it's a lot of Muslims in Africa
But it's also I like to point out
because I know a little history on this
one There's also a lot of Christians in
a yes And it wasn't and I want
to point this out so that everybody can
understand and you can research this it wasn't
because Africans or those individuals because you know,
Muslims and all that everybody come By regions,
you know what I'm saying tribes, but it
wasn't that only The way that Africans met
God was through some missionary.
They already knew God like you said based
based on other some more poly Polytheistic and
monotheistic I'm gonna leave you something else to
think about before Jesus Who were the people
before him praying to you see this is
if you look at if you think about
that if you look just Right before Jesus
came they were praying to someone they're praying
to God.
That's been the same message, right?
They weren't praying to Jesus or anyone they
were praying to the creator of the heavens
and earth and who died for those people's
sins Right, they were upon repenting to God
Almighty alone.
That's the people the true believers.
We believe they were Muslim That's why we
say Jesus was a Muslim.
He submitted to the rule of God Moses
was a Muslim He submitted to the guy
and they did Islam that word wasn't there
But the concept was always their submission to
the will of God That that's where we
can make sense of all the religions that's
how you can make sense of everything because
now Christianity named after Christ Christos you cut
off the stoves you have Christ, right?
Judaism after the tribe of drug down Hinduism
a geographical location Islam is from the first
man Adam He was told submit your will
to the will of God.
He was a Muslim He was upon Islam
all the way through to the last and
final message from Muhammad peace and blessings be
upon So that's it.
We're talking about two sons, you know, and
so at the end of the day I
agree and then just one more thing disagree
And if you look at it because it's
based on the Quran tells us produce your
proof of your truthful Mm-hmm.
I would I would I would Really try
to have you, you know contemplate thinking just
open up and read the translations of Quran
Oh, yeah as a potential book from God.
Oh, yeah, we say this is the verbatim
words of God Almighty.
I have no problem Yeah studying and I
like you said I have no problem because
then I can relate to you.
There you go At the end of the
day, you'll be able to relate to me
when I come back And share some things
I've been a student of comparative religion right
through the Bible right through most of the
religious texts out there and what differentiated again
Islam from everything else was if authenticity of
the Quran as it was revealed We have
someone right here.
He's memorized the entire Quran.
Mm-hmm the entire Quran We have millions
of people living today have memorized the entire
That's how it's been preserved Then you have
certain signs and miracles that there's no way
Man living in the desert could have done
these things and we and and and they're
they're not miracles that were just for that
time They were witnessed by people but the
living miracle we have is the Quran.
Yeah, and I guess another topic but to
go I got all the things it's historical
and even like even Roman Historians wrote about
Jesus and the effect of the Christian movement
in Rome and all that so yeah, we
know all of those things is this but
But I Listen I definitely and if you
don't mind, can we Close in prayer.
I'll let you pray first and then I'll
pray or I could pray first and you
pray And look at look at the opening
chapter of the Quran.
It says alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen Alameen
Al Rahman Al Raheem Alameen
Alameen Alameen Alameen Alameen Alameen Alameen Alameen
I'll translate.
This is how it's been preserved that we
have me as a European American we have
white black Asian.
Everyone is memorizing his books all praises to
Allah Lord of the Worlds the Most gracious,
the most merciful, owner of the day of
You alone we worship, you alone we seek
for help.
Guide us on the straight path, the path
of those who you have favored, not those
who have gone astray.
Now, if we're gonna pray, or if we
look at the Lord's prayer, if we're gonna
pray directly to God and say, God Almighty,
guide us, we're in need of your guidance,
praying to God Almighty, the same God of
Jesus, that's prayer.
But we can never pray in the name
of Muhammad, in the name of Jesus.
That's what's called shirk.
And we can end up, as Muslims, we
can end up, or anybody who does that
can end up in the hellfire.
That's the thing that we have to stay
away from.
I got you.
So I understand what you're saying.
And I'm not here to oppose my will
against yours.
And I appreciate, listen, I appreciate it dearly
that you explained it to me like that.
Like someone can, let me just one more
thing, sorry.
Like I respect a Christian tells me out
of his love that if you don't believe
Jesus is your Lord and Savior, you're gonna
go to hellfire.
Hey, that's your belief, okay.
But we believe at the same time, those
who deny Prophet Muhammad after they hear about
him and that they worship others besides God,
that if they worship Muhammad, if they worship
Moses, Jesus, or anybody, they can end up
in the hellfire.
So what I'm gonna ask for you to
do is when you pray to God to
pray, and we're gonna keep praying for clarity.
And when I pray to God- To
God, to the God of Jesus.
I'm gonna pray to the God in the
name of Jesus.
And I'm gonna pray for, listen, I'm gonna
pray for clarity.
See, we agree.
Can you just take a- Listen, listen
to what I'm saying.
I know you're a good fighter too.
I'm telling you, Eddie, I really enjoy this
We're not angry, we're not mad.
We know that there's a common- And
I'm coming from, just like I'm coming from
a place of care.
You really are.
I feel your care, and I feel your
care, and I pray that you feel mine.
I'm not coming from any other thing.
I'm not trying to boast myself.
I'm not trying to boast anything.
I'm out here just trying to encourage people
in a dying world, absent of, you get
what I'm saying, of the king.
And I just wanna make sure that everybody
knows that there's some hope, there's some peace
that you're not tapping into.
There's some love that is not being tapped
into or received just because you don't know.
But I, Eddie, I really do feel your
concern and care.
You didn't come in here trying to, you
know, we're not doing none of that, brother.
And I appreciate that.
And that's the reason why I wanna continue
this dialogue.
Let's do it, yes.
Most definitely.
God bless you, God bless you.
God bless you too, brother.
God bless you, Eddie.
God bless you, man.
I cannot leave without giving you a gift.
If you're not yet Muslim and you're tuning
in to see what these Muslims are talking
about and you'd like a free copy of
the Quran, go and visit
We'll take care of the posters and everything
and get it delivered to you.
And if you still have some questions about
Islam, call us at 1-800-662-4752.
We'll see you next time.
Until then, peace be with you.
As-salamu alaykum.
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Thank you for tuning in.
Peace be with you.
As-salamu alaykum.