Tariq Appleby – 10 Advices during this Pandemic

Tariq Appleby
AI: Summary © The chef gives advice on avoiding sharing misinformation and not criticizing government and leaders for their actions. They stress the need to leave medical fields to study and avoid damaging others. The chef also emphasizes the importance of educating people on their abilities and avoiding giving up. The importance of spread Hope and believe in their abilities is emphasized, as it is crucial to avoid damaging criticism and hold people accountable for their actions. The chef also stresses the need to avoid overwhelming the population with negative decisions and to help people instead of giving up.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was so happy he entered my mind.

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This is a translation of a clip that was done by a Moroccan scholar Sheikh Bashir is on al malarkey.

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And not going to translate everything that the chef mentioned in his clip, but I will mention those 10 points of advice that the chef did mention.

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The first the chef said that now is the time to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala, to make Toba to ask Allah subhana wa Taala for the forgiveness of our sins, to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala sincerely to abandon our sins, to ask Allah Subhana Allah, Allah to forgive us and have mercy on us. This is a time that we are being reminded we, if we're not going to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now then the question is, when will we do that? The second point of advice that the chef mentioned, was that now since many of us will be staying home, we will be having so much free time, now is the time for Dora, especially at those times when it's most likely to be accepted

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between the other end and the karma.

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Before this alarm, in this Jude, etc. and to increase our Vicar of Allah subhanho wa Taala, especially the recitation of the Quran, because that's the best form of record. Now is the time to memorize, to read, to revise, to do to dub bore and to really ponder and spend a lot of time thinking about what a loss of a head or tail is revealed and reestablishing our connection with the column of a lock.

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The third thing that he mentioned was that we need to re establish in our hearts, our belief in other than nothing in it, and nothing happens except by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then we have to be happy and satisfied with everything that are lost behind the home with eila has, has decreed.

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The fourth thing that the chef mentioned was that we have to avoid spreading misinformation, news that we haven't verified, we have to make sure that every single thing that we pass on to others is information that has been verified, it's true. It is backed up by evidence. And also, even if it is verified and true, we have to ask ourselves, whether that information is what are the pros and cons of posting that and sending it to the groups that we might be in social media accounts, etc. Because sometimes something might be true, but it's going to cause panic, and it's going to cause distress, you know, to others. So we have to think about that as well.

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And that's a general principle in the shadow

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regarding information that, you know, that needs to be verified and needs to be true. And so don't, you know, don't be someone that is going to shred something, and then later find out that it was actually harmful. Because it was untrue people acted upon that and it caused them harm. And especially with with this virus, it could cause people to not take you know, the the necessary precautions, and they might get sick and they could even die. And we could be responsible for that. So we have to be extra careful. Number five, the fifth point of advice that the chef mentioned, was that we have to leave the matters of fatawa to the scholars and the trilemma. Those, you know those

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people that have trained and dedicated their lives to firstly the study of the Sharia, and also those people that have the tools to extract the rulings from the Parana from the Sunnah and the fatawa of the Sahaba and the books of dilemma, so that they can apply it to our current situation. So you know fatawa councils and, you know, the Mufti etc, people that that are qualified, and that have the expertise and experience to really give us the, you know, the proper

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interpretation of, of the Sharia. The sixth thing that the chef mentioned, is related to number five, and that is that we have to leave the medical, the medical field to do the doctors in the same way that we left the fatawa to the trilemma because they are the experts. They are the people that have dedicated their lives to the study of medicine. So you know, we shouldn't be giving people advice unless

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advice that has been verified by medical professionals. Yes, we've seen in the last few weeks how, you know, doctors and pathologists, and immunologist and others, you know, there is a difference of opinion amongst them, and they don't seem to, you know, all be on the same page about everything, but they all things that they agree on, the things that they are advising, and you know, with one voice, so those are the things that we really need to be paying attention to. And if it's not our field, then, you know, we'll just stay in our lane. And we, you know, we will take the advice of those who are experts in the field. Number seven, is that we have to avoid,

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you know, the kind of destructive or,

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you know, we talk about constructive criticism,

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now is not the time for destructive criticism, where we look at our governments, we look at our lemma, we look at, you know, medical professionals, and we're making their lives difficult by criticizing them by questioning them by, you know, questioning their tactics and their strategies.

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They are not infallible, they make mistakes, but it's going to be absolute chaos, if,

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if we are just going to question everything that they that they say, if we are going to disobey the directives, especially at this time, where there's so much confusion and uncertainty and fear, and, you know, and almost a

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sense of, you know, mass hysteria and panic. So, we have to avoid that destructive criticism, the time will come in short line, the future we, we can analyze, and we can talk about the mistakes that we've made, and we can criticize our governments and our leaders and we can, you know, hold them accountable for, for what they are for what we think they should have done. Now, I just want to add something which is shifted and mentioned, and that is that,

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in the case of these decisions, that governments around the world have made a law he cannot have been easy to shut down travel, and schools and universities and, and to ask people to stop, stop going to work, the effect on the economy, just as an example, it's not the most important thing. You know, it could be disastrous in its in some countries.

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So yes, people will, you know, will save people's lives and, and less people will get sick, and you know, less people die. But at the same time, when we know, when things do settle down,

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who knows, you know, where we would be, you know, financially and economically. So that's something that we need to take into consideration, too. I think that any I know, I always laugh at my students, when they say that,

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you know, if I was there, you know, I would make the right decisions. And I don't think so, because we don't have the knowledge, we don't have the expertise, we don't have the experience, if you've been in government for 30 years, if you've

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weathered storms was, you know, disasters before you have, you know, a certain level of expertise and experience that others just don't have. And also,

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we don't know, all the variables, we don't know, we don't have all the data, we don't have all the information. You know, we just we reading news reports, and we must be very busy on social media. So that's something to think about, as well. The next thing that the chef mentioned was that now is the time to spread hope and belief that you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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every bad situation that we've ever been in, you know, in our history, there's always been an end to it, we have experienced the plague before in the Muslim world.

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Whether it was in the time of the Sahaba, or when there was a few centuries later, during the black plague, the black plague affected North Africa to affected Egypt that affected many other places in the Muslim world. So, you know, we've been here before, but as we can now look back, you know, through hindsight, we can see that,

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you know, all of those or, you know, all of those situations, they came to an end. And we rebounded, and, you know, we got back to a level of prosperity and safety and security and contentment, and you know, all of those,

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all of those things. So that's something to think about. We need to be if there's, you know, like, the chef mentioned that in China, right now, they are seeing a decrease in the rate of infections and massive decrease in that. So with a so as we could, as we saw, you know, January and February, were really bad. But now in March, you know, things are starting to slow down. So, you know, those kinds of stories are uplifting, you know,

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stories about health care workers around the world, you know, sharing what they are doing, the amount of effort that they putting in the amount of work and

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the kind of sacrifices that they are making. So that's, you know, spreading, hoping so we don't live in this pessimistic and negative environment.

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It, this is not an easy situation. It's difficult, you know, for all of us in different ways. So, now's the time to spread hope. And then number nine, the chef mentioned that

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whatever decisions, you know, our governments have made, we need to follow the directives, we need to follow the regulations we, we need to do what is required, nothing more, nothing less. We don't have a, you know, an attitude of indifference. Nor do we have a, an attitude of exaggeration. So we do what's required, and we don't do more, and we will, you know, we don't do less, we also need to know and just as a side note, the chef mentioned here that we keep on saying that, you know, we South Africans, we Malaysians, you know, we Italians, whatever the nationality might be, we are strong and you know, we are resilient, etc, etc. And even though you know, that comes from a good

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place, and it's a good intention, but we also have to realize that the the situation, that particular statement or the way the situation in which we say that we sort of take away from something that's more important that we will only be able to overcome this virus and the situation that we find ourselves selves in by the will of a lawsuit behind our dialer. We will take every precaution will follow every rule. We will We'll work hard, we will make sacrifices we will do what's necessary, but ultimately, everything is in the hands of a loss of a high know what to add. So that connects nicely to what we mentioned in point number three. The last thing that the chef

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mentioned was that we know that there are so many people in need right now. They are the old that need you know, assistance. I watched a clip.

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This is something that I want to add, I saw a clip where this woman you know she's suffering from a degenerative disease in the UK and she has a carer that takes care of her for a few hours every day and this woman you know, struggles she can't speak. And the reality is that someone if her carer gets sick, there'll be no one to take care of. She did you know

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there was no mention of children or husband or or anyone else that could help her. So they are going to be lots of people like that in our communities around the world. And we need to make sure that you know we are assisting those people and we are going there to help them and you know,

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following the rules of course, but you know, getting them groceries and and so on and so forth. Then they are the you know the people that will be affected financially, people that will be on unpaid leave people that will possibly be you know, will be jobless because of the situation. So now's the time for sadhaka Now is the time for you know if it's paying out zaca making sure that it gets distributed to the people that needed most.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala reward the chef for these advices May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us each and every one of us the ability that will feel to to act upon these advices because

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it is a difficult time. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala for his help We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to grant refer to those who have been affected May Allah subhanho wa Taala protect those who are not infected May Allah subhanho wa Taala

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grant that

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we will we will be able to overcome this and that we will be better for it. Once it once it is over barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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