Tamara Gray – We must be brave, and part of that means we must stand our women

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The speaker believes that women should be strong and not just be ignoring women. They believe that listening to women is important and that there is a possibility of lying to them. The speaker believes that women should be listened to and not just ignored, and that they should take seriously listen to them.
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And really, we have to be brave. We have to be brave, and we have
to be strong, and we have to really, have to stand with our
women. I am I really believe we need to listen to women. And
unfortunately, even that has become controversial, this idea
that, Oh, wait, but they could be lying. Well, of course they could
be lying, and so could the man be lying? There's always the
possibility of every human being to lie. I mean, that's that's a
possibility, but that doesn't preclude the importance of me
doing discovery, of me saying I'm gonna take seriously and listen,
and I'm going to listen and listen on all sides, and maybe I'm not
even going to listen by myself, and I'm going to listen with some
more people and really take this seriously, because I think that
they're the second pain or the the abuse or the oppression. On top of
the abuse and oppression is the abuse and oppression of being
ignored, yeah, or not being believed and not being believed.