Tamara Gray – Ways to increase our love for our Beloved Prophet (s) during Rabi alAwwal

Tamara Gray
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses three ways to increase one's love for the Prophet, including reading about him, listening to his music, and starting small. They also mention a book called " surah Muhammad, the sword" that encourages individuals to practice and learn about the companions they love. The speaker encourages individuals to set a plan and finish small things in the upcoming months.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, so in this month, three ways, three ways, read his Sierra,

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or read his Sierra. Re read things about him, read poems about him,

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listen to songs about him, move your heart towards him. Number

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two, increase the Sunnah that you do.

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Increase the Sunnah that you do Okay. Number three, increase

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Salawat. Ali Allahu Sally was eating them. Hammond Sayyidina,

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whenever you know, how many are all? There all sorts of different

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ways of saying that. Another way is sit down and say to yourself,

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What gift might I want to give? Rasulullah Sallam in this month,

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maybe you want to leave aside a sin. Maybe you want to start

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wearing hijab. Maybe you want to give Sadaqah. Maybe you want to do

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something to help yourself follow closer in his foot, in his

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footsteps. Think about that as well. Maybe you want to start

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reading more Quran. Maybe you want to read surah Muhammad, the sword

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I called the Muhammad. Maybe you want to memorize it. Maybe you

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want to

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learn about his companions, learn about those who loved him the

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most. Think about what do you want to do to increase your love for

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the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa salam, and do it. Set a plan and

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do it you have this month and next. I mean, you have any time,

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but this is a beautiful month to get that started, being Owen, and

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it'll be a tiny these beautiful months of the year in our Islamic

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calendar, you.

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