Tamara Gray – Spreading the life of the Prophet (s) and loving him all our heart

Tamara Gray
AI: Summary ©
The speaker encourages everyone to not give up and focus on their mission. They discuss the importance of accepting the differences of opinion and not fully embracing the "ball game" approach. They also talk about "ball game" and "ball game" as ways to represent the Prophet sallahu.
AI: Transcript ©
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I really want to encourage everybody here to not be afraid to

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love Rasulullah. I really, really want to push this. Let's just,

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let's just get away from the the fight about, why are we fighting

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about something so basic, so basic as as pushing aside the fear of

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loving rasulallah.

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Let's not fight about this. This is,

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this is something. There istila, there is a difference of opinion

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on so we accept the difference of opinion. We accept it. We accept

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those who don't want to celebrate. That's fine, and we also accept

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those who do. So let's stop throwing the word beta around, I

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beg you. It's just so exhausting, and it's just, I mean, let's,

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let's, there is so much to do. Let's go out there and talk to the

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people who really don't understand who he was, who say horrible

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things about him on Google, who say horrible things about him in

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this and that place. Let's instead of fighting one another and

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telling people who are celebrating him, Oh, don't do that, let's

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instead turn that energy into representing him beautifully to

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the world and and just breaking through all the ugliness that the

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enemies of Islam have built against the Prophet sallallahu,

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